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An Exceptional Twist

Page 31

by Kimi Flores

  They had already been on the road for several minutes before Stefen broke the silence. “Everything set for tomorrow?” Curious about this switch in plans, he waited for her to answer.

  He was surprised by the scowl on Leah's face. “Yes,” was all she said before turning to look out the window again.

  Frustrated by the tension, Stefen ran his hand down the steering wheel, then through his thick black hair. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She didn't tear her eyes away from the scenery as they passed.

  “Something is obviously up, Leah. Talk to me.”

  “I said I'm fine,” she growled.

  Wow, he'd never heard her growl before. If it weren’t for the fact that she was fuming, it would be kind of sexy.

  He cleared his throat. “If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but don't try to act like everything is peachy.” Reaching over, he took his eyes off the road for a moment, pulling at her chin so she would look at him. “I know you better than that.”

  She yanked her face away. “Don't put your hands on me after you touched that tramp.”

  “What are you talking about?” He flinched, wondering what she was referring to. He hadn’t touched anyone.

  “Don't ever lay a finger on me after fondling one of your whores again.” She lifted her open hands in front of her. “I feel sick just thinking about where that woman has been.”

  It hit him. Raising his hand, he smacked the steering wheel. “I gave a girl my number. What's the big deal, and why do you care? I never gave you any shit about being with Ben, even though he was an asshole.” That was a low blow, and he knew it, but what the hell?

  Leah’s face dropped, and Stefen instantly felt like a piece of shit.

  “Because I care about you,” she said, her voice thick. “She isn't good enough for you.” Leah turned to glare out of the window once more.

  “Yeah, well back at you.” Now he was pissed. She'd dated that jackass for months and had the nerve to get all bent out of shape over a girl he’d just met. “How do you think I felt, knowing you were with Ben, doing God only knows what?” He shook his head. I don’t even want to know.

  Her voice was quiet and small. “I didn’t do anything with him. Not that it’s any of your business.” Looking down at her folded hands, she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, “Are you going to sleep with her?”

  He growled under his breath. “So, it's not my business as your friend to know what you did with him, but you want to know if I'm planning on screwing a girl I barely met?” He sneered, and the words came out before he could stop them. “Yeah sure, why the fuck not? If she’s willing, I’ll go to bed with her. Is that what you want to hear, Leah? What an asshole I still am?” His chest was heaving.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Leah begin to shake. Looking over, he saw the tears streaming down her eyes.

  Dammit. Pulling off the road, Stefen got out and yanked opened her door. He leaned in, leaving her nowhere to escape. “What’s really going on?” He lifted her chin with his fingertips, hoping she didn't pull away this time.

  Her lip trembled as she spoke. “What is it about girls like that? Is it because they put out without any effort?” She stared at him through her thick black mascara tears. “Why do you like girls like that?”

  This was a loaded question. Pausing a minute, he inhaled a deep breath without removing his eyes from hers. He wanted her to really hear what he had to say. “I can’t speak for all guys, but right now, I need a distraction. I want someone who doesn’t want me, and I’m losing my fucking mind every damn day. I have to do something.”

  Leah’s eyes were wide as she stood, forcing him to back up a little. “You love someone? Does she know?”

  Looking down at the gravel under his feet, he admitted solemnly, “No, and I'm not telling her, either.” He laced his fingers with hers, bringing their joined hands up to his chest. His blood pumped vigorously under her touch.

  She squeezed tight, moving in closer. The hope in her eyes was evident. “Why can’t you tell her? Maybe she loves you, too.” She held her breath.

  Only if it’s you. That was just wishful thinking.

  Before he did something he’d regret, he pulled away. “Leah, I dug my hole a long time ago. I’m not getting out anytime soon.” Looking deep into her waiting eyes, he felt his heart constrict. Again, his mouth moved quicker than his brain. “I’m not the guy for her. We could pretend for a while, but ultimately, I don't have what it takes to be her perfect guy.” He used the phrase she had when they’d first met, and he wondered if she’d notice.

  She didn’t.

  “Who is she?” Leah asked, the hurt clear on her face. “Anyone I know?”

  He kicked a rock at his feet. “Doesn't matter. I won’t let it go anywhere. For now, I just need a diversion to get my mind off of her.” The pain in his chest was overwhelming. He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. If only this could work, but he wasn’t going to be that selfish jerk when it came to her. “Let's get back on the road. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  They drove to Santa Barbara and arrived at the flower shop in record time. Leah turned and placed her hand on Stefen's forearm. “I think you should tell her. Any girl would be lucky to have you. And she should be able to make that decision herself. Don’t do anything you’ll regret later, Stefen.” She swallowed hard, then slightly parted her lips, waiting for his response.

  “There’s so much I regret, what’s one more thing?” He offered her a half-hearted smile. “But I'll think about it. Now get going.” He gave her a playful shove. “You told me not to let you waste any time, and you won’t let me help.”

  Seemingly uncertain what to say next, Leah bit her lip before leaning in to kiss his cheek.

  He wished it had been his mouth instead, but no matter what she said, he wasn’t going to tell her.

  Sadness blanketed her face as she pulled away. She opened the door and lingered for a moment. “Thanks for putting up with me and my girly emotions, but don’t do it. There are healthier distractions.” She closed the door, and he watched her walk away, shoulders slumped as she tread up the stairs to her loft.

  He growled out, “What the fuck is wrong with me?” Then he slammed his hand down on the steering wheel several times before remembering that she was still outside.

  Peeking up, he saw her reach the top stair, turn to wave, then disappear into her apartment.

  Dammit, is she crying again?

  What was I thinking? I’m not ready to move on.

  Leah always enjoyed preparing for weddings, but this one was different. If he didn’t take her advice, Stefen would be at the beach wedding with a date. And she and Stefen had never discussed her switching venues.

  Melissa wasn’t overly excited about the last minute change. Nonetheless, she was on her way to the vineyard with the rented refrigerated van, along with one of her friends that was getting paid for the day. Leah loaded up her own van with all the flowers she'd arranged last night for Kendra’s wedding.

  The last thing she wanted to do was see Stefen with that raunchy bitch today. She’d undoubtedly be draped all over him.

  No matter how painful it was going to be, there was no way she could stay away from this wedding. If he showed up, Stefen would be making the wrong decision, and she needed to be there to keep an eye on him.

  When Stefen admitted to being in love with someone, she was sure he was talking about her. Their attraction was palpable. But after reading his closed-off body language, she realized there was a possibility that it wasn’t her.

  Their conversation at the French restaurant continued to play over and over in her head. He’d talked about being open to marriage. Could he have already been in love at that time, and she was too blind it?

  Her heart still screamed that he was the one. If that was true, she didn’t know what she’d do. Without a doubt, Leah would love to be the one to keep his mind off of anyone else for the rest of their

  Suddenly, all of her what ifs took the center stage of her thoughts.

  What if we got together, and it didn’t work out? Could I survive another heartbreak? Could I jeopardize losing him forever?

  Stop it, Leah. She shook herself out of it. She was making herself crazy over something that wasn’t even a sure thing. He had the opportunity to say that it was her and didn’t. He’d said he’d changed, but after yesterday, she wasn’t so sure.

  Why did I let her talk me into this?

  Stefen sat at the reception table with the brash, obnoxious woman he’d met the yesterday. She had a vulgar mouth, and her loud cackling was a complete turn off. He also wished that Leah would leave because she was keeping his mind elsewhere, causing him to feel even more sick about being here.

  When he’d walked into the beach house where the wedding was being held, he wasn’t surprised to still see her there. She gave some lame-ass story about wanting to let Melissa and Zachary have more time together, but he knew better. Zachary had already told him of Melissa’s advances and that he wasn’t interested. Then Ginny had to come up and plant her big lipstick-covered mouth on his, right in front of Leah. He pushed her off of him, but not before Leah darted away.

  “There are bedrooms upstairs, if you’re ready for me,” Ginny slurred, pushing her red hair over her shoulder. The smell of alcohol on her breath was strong as she ran her hand up his thigh.

  Before she could reach her goal, he jumped out of his chair. “I need to hit the restroom.”

  “Want me to come?” She fluttered her long fake eyelashes at him.

  Sneering, he said, “No, I think I can handle it myself.”

  The tableful of guests watched as she attempted to grab his crotch. “Are you sure you don’t want me to handle it for you?”

  He winced, yanking away from her. What was he thinking yesterday? He couldn’t go through with this, especially with her. How had he ever enjoyed this before? Now he just wanted to get the hell out.

  Excusing himself from the table, he left the back deck where the reception was being held and stepped into the beach club house.

  “Having fun?” Leah was fiddling with some of the flowers. She never stayed this late into a reception.

  Shaking his head, he admitted, “Not really. I’m heading out now.” He shoved his hands into his pockets.

  Still messing with the flowers, she raised her eyebrow. “Alone?”

  He looked down at the arrangement she was so interested in. “Yeah, you’re right. This isn’t for me anymore.”

  Leah stood up, grinning like a kid on Christmas. “I’m just about ready to leave myself. Want to watch a movie at home tonight?”

  Although he still hadn’t been successful in talking her into moving in with him, he loved when she referred to his place as ‘home’.

  Unable to hide his relief, he flashed her a full smile. “That sounds like the best offer I’ve had all night. Let me go to the bathroom, and we’ll leave.”

  After using the facilities and washing his hands, Stefen stepped out of the restroom to find Ginny leaning against the wall, waiting for him. “You weren’t about to leave without me, were you?”

  “Why would you ask that?” He tried to feign innocence.

  Pouting her lips, she pressed her body into him. “I saw you with that florist and thought maybe she offered you something.” She made a sound in the back of her throat as if she was disgusted. “She looks at you like a fucking puppy.”

  Glaring at her, he scoffed, “I’m calling it a night, so yeah, I’m leaving without you.”

  Completely invading his personal space, Ginny became flush with his body. “Oh, please don’t go. I had such amazing plans for us tonight.”

  He raised his hands, stepping back. “I shouldn’t have come. I’m not into this. Could you please move?”

  She was undeterred, running both of her hands up and down his thighs. “Oh, please. I’ll do anything you want. No restrictions.”

  “Pendeja, he said he wasn’t interested.” Leah appeared from around the corner, and approached with a hell-bent fire in her eyes. “Now get your fucking hands off of him so we can leave.”

  He squeezed his eyes tight, the moment he heard Leah speak. I wonder how much she heard.

  Spinning around, Ginny nearly lost her balance. “Just who the hell do you think you are?” she barked. “You were hired to do the flowers, not to be my date’s bodyguard.”

  Leah folded her arms over her chest. “You’re embarrassing yourself. You should go. I’m sure some other guy would be happy to take you up on your offer.”

  Ginny’s bloodshot eyes went wide as she struggled for a response. “Why are you even watching us? That’s perverted.”

  “Enough.” Stefen stepped toward Leah, his eyes on Ginny. “You need to step away and shut the hell up. We’re leaving.” He grabbed Leah by the hand, pulling her away. He’d never seen her get so riled up before, and he wasn’t about to have her lose it—or future business—over his shitty choices.

  “Wait, I need to finalize things with the bride.” Leah tried to stop and pull away.

  Stefen wasn’t stopping. “If it’s a matter of settling a bill, I’ll pay the damn thing. Let’s go.”

  “Stefen, you can’t pay…”

  He snapped his head at her. “Not now, Leah. We have to get out of here before this escalates, and your business is dragged through the mud.”

  Her free hand flew up to her mouth. “I didn’t think about that.”

  Stefen nodded once. Subject closed. “Do you have your stuff?”


  “Give me your keys.”

  She handed them over, and he opened her door but didn’t let her go inside just yet. Running his thumb across her cheek, he said, “Thank you for saving me. I’m sorry I put you in that position.”

  She looked into his eyes and pleaded, “Please don’t do that again, Stefen. I can’t stomach it. You’re better than that.” Her eyes darted between his.

  “I don’t plan on it,” he muttered, smiling now that he realized where they were headed. “Still up for a fun-filled night on the couch?” If only, he thought. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “I mean…watching movies.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She grinned. “I’ll follow you.”

  He shut her door, and she started up the van as he made his way to his own car.

  After he pulled onto the road, he went over everything that’d happened. He never wanted to do that to Leah again, but watching her about to fight another girl for him got his blood pumping.

  So fucking hot.

  Thanksgiving was around the corner. Although this year’s get together was going to be at Caleb's house, Stefen offered his own home, as well. Abby, being the amazing host that she was, insisted it be at their place.

  With his feet on the coffee table, he looked up from his laptop to find Leah chewing on her lip, scanning through spreadsheets on her own computer. They were spending a quiet afternoon at his house.

  “Did you finally make Thanksgiving plans?” he asked, hoping she was going to be with him.

  Moving her new reading glasses down to the bridge of her nose, she peeked up. “I thought about going home, but now that everyone else is meeting at Caleb and Abby's, I’m going to see if my family would mind driving up here.” She poked her chin with her index finger. “Abby already asked me to make the turkey.”

  He threw his head back, showing his relief. “Thank god! I was afraid we were going to get stuck with that tofu turkey.” They both chuckled.

  She pursed her lips. “I’d love to go to Evanwood’s together the next day, since we all refuse to shop on Black Friday.”

  Nodding, he was thankful that she was spending her holiday with him. “Sounds good to me. Do you want me to call Zachary?”

  “Sure.” She looked past him almost in a daze.

  “Shockingly, both of my parents are planning on coming. They’ll be staying at a hotel, though, I�
�m sure.” This didn't surprise him in the least. They didn’t want anyone to see them in separate rooms. “It’ll definitely be an interesting holiday.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Bri coming?”

  Looking back and forth between her and his computer screen, he confessed, “Yeah. She and my mom don’t have the best relationship, though. So as much of a jerk as it makes me, I’m not telling her my mom is coming. Otherwise, I won’t get to see my sister.”

  She rested her chin on the palm of her hands, mulling something over. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything.” He moved his computer onto the coffee table, pulling both of her feet onto his lap. This was something he did often when they sat next to each other in the living room.

  She also put her laptop and glasses to the side. “You don’t talk much about your parents,” she said pointedly. “When you do, it’s not normally something positive. What’s the story?”

  He cherished these moments. If anyone else had asked that question, he could imagine closing himself off. With Leah, it was different. He wanted her to know everything, and he loved when she shared things about herself.

  Running his hand from the top of her foot to just below the hem of her mid-shin length yoga pants, he shared what he knew about his parent’s lives. “It’s a long story, but basically, from what I’ve learned from other family members, my mom had a rough childhood. I wish I knew all the details, but we never met any of her relatives.” He shrugged. “I guess she finally found hope when she started college, but—and here’s the scandalous part my grandmother shared—she actually fell in love with my uncle first.”

  Leah jerked her head back, surprised. “Seriously?”

  “Yep.” He nodded. “Somehow my dad ended up with her after my aunt got pregnant with Caleb. Mom’s been on a destructive path for as long as I can remember.”

  He was used to this story, but apparently it shocked Leah.


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