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An Exceptional Twist

Page 34

by Kimi Flores

  He felt Leah coming before he even saw her.

  Plastering herself against his body, Leah wrapped one arm lovingly around his neck and placed her other delicate hand on his face. With the sweetest look on her face, she kissed his eye, her tone carrying a very clear message. “I love his scars.”

  Stefen closed his eyes and breathed Leah in when she began to run her hand along the side of his head. This was proof that only she could make him feel this way—cherished, loved, and whole.

  Lisa didn’t care about him. She and his mom were only concerned about what a powerful couple they would be if they ever married.

  He momentarily forgot that they weren’t alone, until Lisa screeched, “I'm his girlfriend! Who the hell are you?”

  Popping her hip out, Leah waved her index finger in the air. “Oh, I don't think so, hon. I'm his fiancé.”

  When he opened his eyes, Leah gave him the sexiest grin he’d ever seen.

  Damn, he loved this woman.

  “What!” Lisa clenched her hands, about to fist fight someone. “Stefen isn't getting married. He’s not the type. You must be mistaken.” Her face was livid.

  Enjoying this way more than he should, he followed Leah’s lead. “She's right.” He brushed Leah’s hair off her shoulder, staring adoringly into her eyes. “We’re getting married. I finally found the one. My perfect girl.”

  Taking full advantage, he leaned in and greedily kissed her on the mouth. He missed the feel of her lips on his and didn’t have time to second guess this kiss as she countered with her own ravenous reply.

  Lisa’s whiny voice broke their concentration as she stomped her foot. “Your mom didn't say anything about that. She called me and said I should come. That you needed me. She wouldn't have done that if she knew. Which means that you haven't told her that you’re marrying your maid. You must be embarrassed of her. How sad.” She smirked arrogantly.

  Stefen felt Leah stiffen, so he pulled her even closer, rubbing her back. His fingers grazed over the skin on her lower back, and he nearly lost his words.

  Grinning, he told Lisa, “I just proposed after my parents left. We haven't even had time to get a ring yet, let alone tell anyone. Leah is everything I would ever want or need in a wife.” He pressed his forehead to hers. He could see Leah’s pulse quickening, but she played along.

  This may have been for show, but every word he said was true. Leah had to know it, feel it.

  He turned back to Lisa. “Now please take your rotten pompous ass out of our home and don't come back.” As much as he hated to do it, he left Leah's side and lightly held Lisa's elbow to guide her out the front door.

  Spinning out of his grasp, Lisa spat her bitter words toward Leah. “He won't be faithful to you. He doesn't know how. He'll come crawling back to me. Just wait, you'll see. He doesn't even like flat-chested woman. He likes these.” She wiggled her humongous porn star boobs in Leah's direction. “He even paid for them.”

  Shit! Why did she have to say that? He froze, about to lose it. He’d never hit a woman before, but he just might now.

  It was true, he did pay for those monstrosities, but that wasn’t something he was proud of.

  In true Leah fashion, he watched his ‘fiancé’ slide her palms down the sides of her beautiful hips and behind as she offered her rebuttal. “Actually, he loves my natural curves that I didn’t have to rely on a man to pay for. Goodbye, Lisa.” Wiggling her fingers in a farewell gesture, Leah walked away, muttering under her breath, “Pendeja.”

  Leah was dead on. He did prefer her flawless contours over the one’s he’d purchased for Lisa.

  Stefen slammed the door shut as soon as Lisa's thousand dollar heels hit the front porch. He’d bought those for her as well.

  Leah paced back and forth as she fumed, then stopped and pointed to the door. “How many of those bitches am I going to have to save you from, Stefen?” She shook her head. “You really do know how to pick them, don't you?”

  Ashamed, he looked down at his feet, his insecurities resurfacing. Maybe he should rethink dragging Leah into all the drama in his life. There were bound to be other skeletons in his closet, popping up without warning.

  His voice was soft and unsure. “I’m sorry about that. I broke it off with her, but she won't go away. We grew up together and dated on and off, but we’ve been over for a while.”

  “Abby already told me all about her when she came home from Chicago after meeting all of you guys. The way I heard it, Lisa was like a puppy just waiting for your next command. I have a feeling that you still throw her a bone every so often. That's why she keeps coming back, and oh my gosh, did you seriously buy her fake boobs?” She cupped her hands and held them out from her chest. “Those things are obscene. They didn’t even jiggle.” Leah mimicked Lisa’s shoulder shake, except he enjoyed watching Leah’s version much more.

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he looked at her face. “Yeah, well that was the old me. I'm not interested in that or her anymore.” He tried to avoid directly answering the boob job question.

  He leaned against the entryway console table, pulling her closer, resting his arms on her shoulders. “Thanks for the whole ‘fiancé’ thing. Hopefully that will keep her away for good.”

  Leah sighed heavily. “I don't know. She looked pretty competitive. She’s ready to fight for you.”

  “Nah.” He kissed the top of her head. “She was sent here because my mom saw you and me together. She’s been pushing me to marry Lisa for years, and now she’s pissed off that I’m not following her orders the way she expects me to.”

  “Well,” she said with sass, “now your mom is about to find out you’re marrying the help.”

  Gently grabbing ahold of her face, Stefen said, “Stop saying that. I'm sorry. Lisa’s a bitch. She doesn't know any better, but I don't care what my parents think. You’re my life now, and I don’t give a shit what my mother or anyone else thinks.”

  She blinked rapidly but stayed silent.

  This wasn’t how he’d planned this whole moment, but since it was already in motion, he was going to go for it.

  Cupping her face, he ran the pads of his thumbs over her cheeks. With a deep breath, he laid all of his cards on the table. “I really tried to give you the space you said you needed, but I can’t fight it anymore, Leah. I get that you’re afraid of losing what we now have, but I’m not.”

  Bringing her face toward his, he ran his nose and lips along her cheeks, jaw, and neck as he whispered, “I want your whole heart. I want to be the one that gives you butterflies whenever you see me. I want to make your heart race when you hear my voice. I want all of you, not just your friendship.”

  Taking in her own shallows breaths, she admitted, “Stefen, you already do all of those things to me. I want all of you, too.”

  He pulled away and looked deep into her eyes. “Je t'aime de tout mon cœur.”

  She searched his eyes, lips slightly parted. “Damn, that’s sexy. What does it mean anyway?”

  Without hesitation, he replied, “I love you with all my heart.”

  Sucking in a breath, Leah recalled, “But you said that to me months ago.”

  “I know.” He shrugged as he smiled.

  She cupped his face, “Stefen, te quiero con todo mi corazon, mi amor.”

  Hearing her repeat his profession of love in Spanish was one of the most sensual things he’d ever heard. “Now give me those beautiful lips of yours, so I can kiss the hell out of them.”

  When their lips met, his pulse picked up as adrenaline rushed through his overheated body, filling with anticipation. Roaming her body with his hands, he devoured her mouth with such fervor that he didn’t think he’d ever be able to let her go.

  He backed them up to the couch, laying her body underneath his as he captured everything she was giving him. Hearing her moans sparked an even deeper passion as he kissed every spot of her exposed skin.

  “Stefen,” she whimpered. “I want you, but I’m scared.”

  Snapping him out of his lustful actions, he knew exactly what she was talking about. She didn’t fear them being together. She was afraid of their physical intimacy. He’d wounded her so deeply in the past, and he was going to have to reel in his hunger for her.

  Without a doubt, he wanted to ravish her, but that wasn’t enough. He really did want her whole heart. Just knowing that she was his, Stefen could wait for this part.

  Moving back up to her face, he hovered over her body. “We’ll wait as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.” He gave her another quick kiss and switched subjects before his actions contradicted what he’d just promised her. “I’m starved. I can’t wait to eat the omelet you promised me.” He pulled her up, grinning.

  “Is that what you want me for? My cooking?” she teased.

  “You caught me.” He smirked, then cleared his throat. “Now let’s get off of this couch before I show you one of the other many reasons why I want you.”

  Her answering pants were music to his ears.

  Leah had already pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming as she loaded the dishwasher after breakfast. Stefen loved her. Apparently, for months. Why had she waited so long to tell him how she felt? They could have been together this entire time.

  It actually worked out for the best, though. They needed to learn how to be with each other first, without it just being about sex.

  It took everything she had to stop him on the couch. She wanted him to keep going, but she was thankful he’d respected her feelings. If they were going to make it in the long run, they would need to build on a strong foundation that had nothing to do with physical intimacy.

  The phone rang as she started the dishwasher. Stefen had stepped into the bathroom, so she comfortably answered like she’d done many times before.

  The incensed female voice on the other end bellowed, “Oh, so now that you are engaged, you think you have the right to answer his phone?”

  Clicking her tongue, Leah asked, “I'm sorry, who is this?” She knew who this cow was but wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

  “You know damn well that this is Stefen's mother.”

  Playing it off, Leah said in her sweetest voice, “Actually, I didn't know it was you, Mrs. Hunter. Stefen can't come to the phone right now, but I can have him call you back.”

  The tone in his mom’s voice was tight. “If you think you’re going to use my son to get yourself out of the ghetto, then you’re mistaken.” This woman hurled insults quicker than a monkey flung its shit at innocent bystanders.

  “Excuse me?” And just like that, Leah's bitch switch was flipped to the ‘on’ position.

  “You heard me. Do not be mistaken. There is no way some girl from the hood is going to taint our family blood and freeload off our fortune,” she huffed, clearly irritated. “I will make you an offer, though. How much will it take for you to stay away from my son?” Leah could hear the clicking of a pen, as though she was literally sitting there with her checkbook.

  Leah squeezed the phone so hard, she was surprise it didn’t snap in half. “How dare you speak to me like that. There isn't enough money in the world to keep me from marrying Stefen, so you had better just get used to the idea, Mom! And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that family fortune, your husband’s inheritance?” Take that, you stuffy-assed bitch.

  Stefen’s mom gasped audibly. “How dare you…”

  Leah was shaking by the time she hung the phone up, then turned to see Stefen standing behind her with his mouth nearly touching the floor.

  Slapping her hand over her mouth, she murmured between her fingers, “I am so sorry. Your mom pissed me off. I wasn't thinking.”

  As expected, his cell started to ring.

  He cupped her face, darting his eyes back and forth between hers, then pecked Leah on the lips. “I love you.” Then he walked toward his blaring mobile phone sitting on the dining room table. He chuckled and shook his head. “I guess it's my turn now.”

  Stefen answered the call right before it went to his voice mail. “Hello, Mother.”

  His mother screamed into the phone, “What the hell, Stefen? When I specifically asked you if you were dating her, you said you were not. Now I hear from Lisa that you proposed and didn’t even consult me? You cannot marry her. Have your fun with her, but do not bring her into our family.” She muttered, “What will people think?”

  Speaking through gritted teeth, he squeezed the phone, similar to how he’d seen Leah do. “Mom, you have no say so in who I marry. I'm a grown-ass man and can make my own fucking decisions. And by the way, do not give anyone else my address. If I want someone to know where I live, I'll give it to them myself.” He wanted Leah to know that he intended to stand up for her, so he purposely joined her in the kitchen during the call. Pulling her toward him, he ran a reassuring hand up and down her back.

  “Stefen, do I need to remind you of what happened to William Hanson? Everyone turned their back on him and his family when he married that stripper. You can't do that to us. My son will not marry an immigrant,” she barked out in fury.

  Outraged, he did something that he would normally think was too disrespectful. He yelled back at his mother, “Mother, I'm done with this conversation! You can either accept that I love Leah and am going to marry her, or plan on not seeing me anymore. She isn't going anywhere. She's in my life for good.” He added, slightly softer, “I'm the one that isn't good enough for her.”

  Leah whipped her head up.

  Stefen gave her a reassuring wink.

  Shocking the hell out of him, his mom spat out, “She's pregnant, isn't she? How can you do this to us?” She was desperate at this point and was beginning to whine like Lisa had earlier. “Wait, we can fix this. Go get a DNA test. You know how easy those gold diggers are. It's probably not even your child. She’s just after your money. You do see this, don't you?”

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered under his breath.

  If this conversation had to happen in front of Leah, his mother needed to know that Leah was his priority. He would go to the ends of the earth to protect her and her honor. “Mom! She’s not pregnant and don't ever say anything about her again. I love her. End of story!” Staring into Leah’s eyes, he added, “Trust me, though, when she is pregnant, I’ll be the happiest man alive.” He ended the call just like that, tossing the phone on the counter.

  They weren’t actually engaged, but Stefen’s blood boiled. His mother had always acted superior, and he was done with it. What was worse was that he’d learned how to be that way from her.

  Never again would he travel down that road. As an outsider looking in, he was disgusted. This was exactly what Caleb had been talking about for so many years.

  My cousin was trying to save me from myself. I have some restitutions to make.

  Stefen caged Leah between his arms, placing his hands on the counter behind her. “I’m sorry about that. She’s embarrassing. I’d like to say it’s the last time we’ll hear that kind of shit from her, but you and I both know it’s not.”

  Rubbing her palm on his chest, Leah said, “Stefen, I'm not mad at you. You don’t control her. Just like I don’t control Elena. Wait until you get a load of her.” A wicked smile crept up Leah’s beautiful lips.

  His own devious smile broke free. “If you keep smiling like that, you’re going to find yourself back on that couch with me.”

  Her eyes widened, and he chuckled. It looked like she was actually entertaining the idea, but he knew better. They were going to have to watch themselves until she was ready.

  Smacking her on the ass, he said, “Okay, I need to get out of here before the phone rings again, like I’m sure it will when the news of our ‘engagement’ breaks out. What do you say to a walk on the beach? I'll even leave my cell here.”

  Once she recovered from the shock of the ass smack, her face softened. “Wait, why didn’t you tell your mom the truth?”

  Pulling her face toward his, he kissed her lips, dow
n her jaw, making his way to her neck. “Leah, I did tell her the truth. The only detail that wasn’t true was that we aren’t engaged… yet.” He pulled away and wiggled his eyebrows.

  She breathed out heavily, “Yet?”

  Smirking, he told her, “Everything in its own time, mi amor.” Stefen liked the sound of his new favorite pet name for her. Whether it was spoken in English, French, or Spanish—she was his love.

  Stefen’s knuckles skimmed the silky skin of Leah’s inner arm as he tenderly kissed her shoulders. Standing beside her bed, he pulled her closer until her back touched his bare torso, his fingertips brushing the hypersensitive skin on her stomach. Her head moved to the side, giving his lips the access they needed to consume the length of her neck. With his hands on her waist, he gently directed her to turn around and face him. The intense hunger in his beautiful eyes was tantalizing, and she couldn’t wait to satisfy his appetite.

  They hadn’t talked about it yet, but at this moment, she couldn’t care less about the consequences. Leah loved Stefen with everything she had, and he’d promised that he felt the same way about her. The one thing she couldn’t understand right now was why she wasn’t nervous.

  Stefen slowly ran his soothing fingertips down her exposed back as she inhaled deeply and held that breath, savoring his masculine aroma. He grunted his approval when his hand landed on her barely-there, panty-covered round bottom.

  A shiver made its way down her spine as his breath teased the side of her neck, and he whispered in her ear, “I can't wait to take you as mine and only mine. No other man will ever have you like this again.”

  “I’m already yours, Stefen,” she panted erratically.

  Slowly laying her down, on top of the velvety-covered bedspread, he pulled their bodies closer to the headboard, placing feather-light kisses on her neck, shoulders, and chest.


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