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Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise)

Page 21

by S. L. Scott

  “You don’t. You’ve already decided,” he says as he parks the car. “C’mon, we wasted enough time this morning. I need to get my surf on.” We do our knuckle, fist, thumb rub handshake and spend the next three hours feeling at peace as we become one with the ocean.

  Chapter 25


  Time moves so slow when you’re anxious. Lying on my bed, I can feel myself getting more agitated with each slowly ticking minute. This is not just about want. It’s about need, as selfish as it may sound. Not only do I want to see Mallory, but I need to see her.

  Moving to the couch for a change of scenery is a momentary distraction, even if it is just fifteen feet from the bed. Propping my feet up on the arm, I toss a tennis ball into the air, wasting another hour before I decide I can’t wait any longer. I call Murphy and Zach to come get me and we head over to Big Kehones.

  Zach parks and we hop out. I rush ahead too excited for my own good, only to stop in my tracks in the doorway. Noah is sitting at the bar and laughing with Mallory. My heart clenches and anger takes over. I’m about to physically launch myself across the room when I see him lean forward and whisper something to her, but Murphy stops me. The commotion causes them to look over.

  As Mallory’s eyes meet mine, she tilts her head, silently questioning my expression of rage. I watch the corners of her mouth slide upwards into a reassuring smile and feel the tension starting to leave my adrenaline pumped muscles.

  Noah watches as she comes around the bar and greets me. “Hi, babe. It’s good to see you,” she says, wrapping her arms around me and bringing her lips to mine. We kiss and I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help but deepen it since Noah is watching.

  She stops, her lips almost against mine. “Stop. Don’t do that.”

  I’m so busted, but feign innocence anyway. “Do what?”

  “You know what you just did. Don’t use me like that, Evan.” Her arms are still around me, but I see the hurt in her eyes.

  I lean my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry. I just got jealous seeing him acting too friendly.”

  She calls over her shoulder, “Sunny, I’m taking five.” She pulls me out the back door and onto the beach. Once we’re a fair distance from anyone else, she says, “I’ve told you how I feel about you and more importantly, I feel like I’ve shown you what you mean to me. You have no reason to be jealous, especially not of Noah, so please don’t worry.” She holds both my hands between us, rubbing her thumbs over the prominent veins on top of them. “You have really great hands, strong hands.”

  I laugh, and the small tension that had built falls away. “Thanks.”

  Staring right into my eyes, she says, “I told Noah I would hang out with him in the next week or so. I’m not asking you, Evan. I’m not threatening you either—”

  My mind is already searching for an explanation of why she needs to see him at all, but it’s coming up empty for any reasonable excuse.

  “…I enjoy his company as a friend and I don’t think I should be caught in the middle of some ridiculous war you’ve got going with each other—”

  “Ridiculous? Is that what he told you?” I take my hands from hers and rake them through my hair before bringing one down to my side, clenched. I turn to face the ocean. “You know I trust you. It’s—”

  “I know, I know. It’s him you don’t trust.”


  “Well, that’s not a good enough reason for me not to trust him or to hang out with him. So, unless you’re willing to talk to me about what really happened between you two, I’m going to continue spending time with him.”

  I’m in utter disbelief, and suddenly my mind flashes forward. This is how Mallory is. This is how she will always be. She’s stubborn and frustrating and although it’s infuriating, I have to let her be who she is. I look at her defensive little body, arms crossed, fingers tapping, hips angled out. She’s perfect.

  “Did you hear me, Evan? I’m hanging out with him unless—”

  “Okay,” I whisper, taking hold of her wrists and carefully uncrossing her arms. I’m not ready to share the darkest part of my life, so I have to let her do this.


  “Okay, you can hang out with him. Obviously you’re allowed to be friends with whomever you choose. So if you want to waste your time with him then that’s your decision.”

  I wrap her arms around my waist and wrap mine around hers, bringing her closer.

  After kissing her on the forehead, I say, “Some things you’ve got to learn on your own.”

  She leans back and makes a funny face at me. Then she smiles, and says, “Thank you, baby.”

  “For what?”

  “For trusting me to make my own choices.”

  “And to live with the consequences?”

  “Blah, blah, blah… no consequences. You just remember that I lov—” She pauses though we both know what she was going to say. I wish she would again because I’m too scared to do it all on my own. “Well, you know who I’m coming home to.” I still freaking love that she calls me home.

  I kiss her on the tip of her nose. “Yeah, you just remember that when he’s flirting with you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I have to get back. Are you staying to eat?”

  “If the guys are.”

  She turns to walk inside and I smack her jeans clad ass—hard. She yelps from surprise and maybe a little pain, but I’ve noticed she kind of digs it when I do that too.

  “Revenge is sweet, Evan.”

  “Bring it on, baby.”

  “Hmmph!” She struts off, tossing her hair over her shoulder and trying to act like she’s mad. She isn’t, I can tell beneath the fake pout.

  I sit down with the guys and Kate joins us.

  “What’s the drama today, lil bro?” she asks, not holding back. She’s never afraid to hold back when it comes to me.

  I feel defensive, but try to keep that emotion in check when I speak. “Mallory’s going to hang out with Noah.”

  All three of them look at me in disbelief, probably because I’m not freaking out.

  “Ummm, and you’re okay with that?” Murphy asks, his mouth resuming the hanging open position.

  “Nope, but she’s going to have to learn the hard way.”

  “And what hard way would that be? When he has his hard member pressed against her? Is that the lesson you want her to learn?” Kate asks, looking between Murphy and me.

  I roll my eyes. “She’ll find out soon enough that he wants more than just friendship with her.”

  “Oh,” everyone says in unison. We all turn to look at the current topics of discussion at the bar.

  I slap my hands together, which startles them. “So, we eating or what?”

  Noah leaves while we’re chowing down on burgers and I can’t say I’m sad to see him go. He didn’t acknowledge my presence after the kiss I forced him to witness and ignored the group when Mallory returned from outside with me. I think he was more bothered than he let on, but that’s just my opinion and one I’ll try to keep to myself. Before we leave, I kiss her, not for show this time, but because I want to.

  Kate is staying behind with the girls for their shopping excursion to Honolulu, but walks Murphy to the car. After their sexual display of pure horniness, I ask, “Hey sis, can I talk to you before you take off?”

  She pulls herself away from Murphy like they’re chained together, each step a struggle for her. We take a small walk around to the side of the restaurant to talk in private. I shove my hands in my pockets nervous I might upset her, so I tread carefully. “So, um, I talked with mom this morning.”

  “How’d that go?” She asks, obviously surprised by the news.

  “Not as well as I would have hoped, but I’m not going to let them control me. I have a lot to think about concerning the future and I’m willing to do that now.”

  “That’s sounds good. What about New York?”

  “You knew?”

  “Dad told me before I f
lew out here that they would appreciate us being there, representing a solid family front for the company… and for them.”

  “I told her I’d be there for the board meeting and the party.” I look over my shoulder to make sure no one is eavesdropping. I lower my voice just in case. “Does Mom know about Murphy?”

  Kate’s eyes scan behind me. “She’s aware of him, but not to the extent of how I feel.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “I like him… a lot.” She lowers her eyes and a small smile appears as her cheeks pink. The act itself is new for my sister. That’s how I know she means what she says next. “I might be falling in love with him.”

  This new side of my sister makes me smile, but we only have a few minutes, so I continue with our conversation. “How did mom react to your relationship?”

  “She thinks it’s just a summer thing.”

  “That’s more credit than she gave Mallory.”

  “She needs to get to know her first and then she’ll see how great Mallory is.”

  When she looks at me, I say, “She’s not willing to accept Mallory as part of my life, Kate. She told me on my last visit that she wants me to stay in New York to date girls there. She made that more than clear again today.”

  I gulp to fill the silence that exists between us. We’re both well aware of what’s expected for us to fulfill our legacy. Murphy and Mallory aren’t considered proper marriage material for either of us, which in turn means they won’t accept us even dating them in the long term.

  Kate’s face contorts from contemplation into sadness. She whispers, “Our family needs us, Evan. We’re the next generation, the only next generation. We don’t have cousins or anyone else. If we don’t run the business, it’s like we’re selling our legacy to the highest bidder.”

  “So you’re willing to give Murphy up to please our mother?”

  She exhales loudly through her nose which is very un-Kate like, and confesses, “I lied. There’s no might about it. I do love him. I’ve already fallen for him. I know I shouldn’t. He’s the opposite of everything I thought I ever wanted, but since we hooked up last spring break, I haven’t been able to get him off my mind—”

  “Wait,” I interrupt, narrowing my eyes at her, “back up. What do you mean you hooked up over spring break?”

  “Oh, don’t go all brotherly on me.” She raises her hands in the air and says, “I’ve slept with guys. I know that ruins the virginal image you had of me, but it’s kind of ridiculous that we can’t be friends and talk about this stuff.”

  “This is a conversation that I’d hoped I would never have, but since we’re here and having it, I’m just shocked that he didn’t spill. The boy can’t keep a secret to save his life.”

  “First off, ewwww on the sharing! Thank God, he didn’t spill. Secondly, apparently he can keep a secret, so that’s moot at this point. And thirdly, let’s get back on topic. Back in New York I was dating and all the guys were being compared to Murphy. Listen, I know sometimes he’s goofy, but he’s funny, and sweet, a romantic at heart, and he can hold his own in a game of Trivial Pursuit. But, most of all, he’s sincere.”

  I reach over and pull her into a hug. It’s always kind of felt like us against them. Things haven’t changed. “He’s a good guy. That’s why he’s one of my best friends.”

  She hugs me, and whispers, “I don’t want to lose him and I don’t think I can give him up.”

  My heart breaks for her knowing she’s in the same situation, fighting the same battle I am. “It’s going to work out, sis. I promise.”

  We walk around the corner to join the others, but I have a million thoughts clouding my vision. I struggle with believing my own words of reassurance to Kate just a moment earlier. But when I think of Mallory, my heart knows it’s a battle I must wage. If this was a month ago and Zach was in this situation, I’d laugh at him. But a lot can change in a month and has. I never saw her coming, underestimated her and then got in over my head, all the while loving every minute I’m lucky enough to spend with her.

  I see Kate wipe her eyes, pretending that our talk didn’t affect her the way it did, but I feel the same and it’s hard to hide a true emotion.

  Smiling, Kate shoves me hard, and says, “Go! Have a fun boys’ night. I’ve got a date with your girlfriend.” I know she’s just embarrassed that she was caught getting sentimental.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.” I walk back towards the guys, but stop, turn around, and say, “Love you, big sis.”

  She nods and smiles. “Love you back, little brother.”

  “Can you two stop with the mushy crap for the day? My heart fucking hurts over this angsty shit!” Zach shouts as I climb into the back seat.

  “No more today, I promise.”

  “Good. Let’s go get fucked up now,” Murphy shouts loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear.

  Zach and I both roll our eyes, and I laugh thinking that one day this punk just might be my brother-in-law. Once again, proving how much can change in such a short period of time.

  * * *

  Three hours later, we’re lounging at Zach and Murphy’s house playing quarters and eating pizza. Mallory called me two hours ago to tell us the girls were off work and heading into Honolulu. Then Sunny called Zach an hour ago and told him not to expect them until later tonight. The thought of Mallory being away that long bothered my insides. I already missed her and it was messing with my quarter bouncing skills which really sucked because I was down fifty bucks.

  But when Kate called Murphy thirty minutes ago to tell him they were done shopping and now drinking their way through the bars, I was downright frustrated. I just want to spend all my free time with her and the image of my girl drinking with other guys vying for her attention sent me into a pissed off, jealous mind-fuck.

  The guys were now sensing a major distraction was needed and fast. So they concocted a plan that was stupid, irresponsible, and completely perfect. As Zach unloaded the BB guns from the shed, Murphy lined up the empty beer cans at the far end of the yard. I poured the whiskey shots.

  Not ten minutes later, we are cocking our guns and trying, to the best of our drunken abilities, to aim at our tiny targets. After ten rounds, we had yet to hit one. Yes, we got the tree near the house several times, the metal trash can against the fence three times, but the shed and fence took the brunt of our misses.

  When we ran out of BB’s we dragged ourselves into the house and plopped down in front of the couch. It was probably best for the neighbors that we were too wasted to continue our outside fun. Inside, I think ESPN was on, but I passed out, so I’m not positive.

  * * *

  “Baby, wake up. Wake up, sexy.” I hear a sweet angel calling me, a siren willing me to her. My gaze fixates on the light as my body is weighed down.

  I draw my eyes open one at a time and see my sweet angel sitting on my lap.

  “Hi.” Her voice is but a whisper on my skin. Her lips brush across my cheek and then she says, “I want you, baby. Do you want me?”

  My body responds to her presence, leaving my foggy brain to catch up.

  “I always want you. I think you know that,” I whisper in return. My eyes grow heavy again as she nips around my ear. But the discomfort of the room spinning does nothing to help me focus or to be able to satisfy my girlfriend.

  My hands grip her hips, stopping her. “Baby, wait.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  I look into her eyes which are looking pretty drunk themselves, and chuckle. “Yeah, a little.”

  “A little?” she asks incredulously. She takes a deep breath and then sighs in disappointment.

  I can’t take her sadness. “Where is everyone?”

  “They already went to bed.”


  “Good?” She perks up.

  “Very good.” I may be tired, but never too tired to please my girl. “Come here,” I say pulling her down next to me on the reclined chair. I run my hand up and down her smooth th
igh, inching under her short skirt. “I like this outfit.” I nuzzle her neck and kiss her, dragging my tongue up and behind her ear as my hand reaches her panties. When I move them aside, I hear a faint moan and she wiggles in anticipation.

  “I love when you touch me.”

  I press my lips against her ear, enjoying the feel of my girl getting hot and bothered. “I love touching you, baby.”

  Her body moves, seeking what she needs and when she finds it, she drops her head back, eyes closed, and mouth hanging open. This girl is going to do me in with that look alone. Her mind and body are already focused, so I need to give her what she craves. She feels fucking magnificent and I’m not even being touched. I move against her, putting more pressure and touching her heat until she lets herself go.

  I’m lost in the sound she creates and the feel of her pleasure as her ecstasy engulfs me whole, my body reacting and finding my own release. I grind into her hard as I force everything I’ve got out, finding relief.

  Minutes later, I hold her close. We’re panting and tired, satisfied and sleepy. Then reality sets into my slightly dazed and alcohol-filled brain. “Holy shit! I just came in my pants. I’ve never come in my pants before. Fuck, I’ve never come without someone else or at the very least me touching my dick.” I feel embarrassment take over, covering my cheeks.

  She cups my face, and says, “It’s because your mind was turned on.”

  I look down at my pants, which are sporting a wet spot that’s beginning to seep through the fabric. “I’m pretty sure more than my mind was turned on.” This girl, my girl, made me come like a thirteen year old seeing his first pair of tits. I’m in so fucking deep.

  Chapter 26


  My head hurts.

  My body hurts.

  What the fuck is stabbing me in the ribs?

  Although my head feels like it weighs a ton, I lift up and find the source of the stabbing pain—Evan’s elbow. I shift in the recliner, trying not to disturb him, but I do by accident. His eyes open, but they’re only slits as he squints to take in the scene.


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