Book Read Free

FSF, January-February 2010

Page 19

by Spilogale Authors

  Girl: “Did you use a condom?”

  Boy: “Yes.”

  Girl: “Did you use it, please?”

  Boy: “I did use it.”

  Girl: “What kind did you use?”

  Boy: “I don't know.”

  Girl: “Was it the ribbed kind?”

  Boy: (inaudible)

  Girl: “Or with the receptacle?”

  Boy: “No.”

  Girl (anxiously): “Maybe with both? Ribbed and receptacle?”

  Boy: (inaudible)

  Girl: “No. I didn't feel it. Was it too small? Why are you smiling at me?”

  Girl (after a pause, and in a nervous sing-song): “Because I don't want to get pregnant.”

  Girl (after a pause): “I don't want to get up so early.”

  Girl (after a pause): “And not have sleep.”

  Girl (after a pause): “Because of the feeding in the middle of the night. What are you doing?”

  Boy (loudly and without inflection): “You slide it down like this. First this way and then this. Can you do that?”

  Girl (angrily): “Why do you ask me?”

  Boy: “For protection. This goes here. Yes, you see it. You point it like this, with both hands.”

  Girl: “I don't want to use it. Because too dangerous.”

  Boy: “For protection from any people. Because you are my girlfriend. Here's where you press the switch, and it comes out.”

  Girl: “I don't want to use it.”

  Girl (after a pause): “What will you shoot?”

  Girl (after a pause): “Will you shoot animals? Or a wall? Or maybe a target?”

  Boy: “Because you are my girlfriend. Look in the bag. Those are many condoms of all different kinds. Will you choose one?”

  Girl (after a pause): “Oh, I don't know which one to choose.”

  Girl (after a pause): “This one. Has it expired, please?”

  Boy: (inaudible)

  Girl: “Is it past the expiration date?"

  As I listened, I was thinking of the dead man on the floor. His body was blocking the end of the stacks, and I didn't want to step over him. But I also didn't want to interrupt the young lovers, homeless people somewhere on the spectrum, as I guessed, and armed. At the same time, I felt an irrational desire to replace in their proper spaces the books I held in my hands, because I didn't think, if I was unable now to take the time, that they would ever be reshelved.

  I couldn't bear to tumble them together, the Parks and the Claibornes, on some inappropriate shelf. And this was not just a matter of obsessiveness or vanity. Many of these people disliked each other, had imagined their work as indirect reproaches to some other member of the family. Even my parents, married sixty-five years. That was how “trajectories” functioned, as I imagined it: forcing the books together would create a kinetic field. Repulsed, the chunks of text would fly apart and make a pattern. Without even considering the dead man on the floor, the library was full of ghosts. At the same time, I had to get out of there.

  Of course it was also possible that the spectrum kids would end up burning the place down, and I was surprised that the girl, who seemed like a cautious sort, had not noticed the possibility. Light came from a small fire, laid (as I could occasionally see as I moved among the shelves, trusting my memory, feeling for the gaps I had left—in each case I had pulled out an adjoining book a few inches, as if preparing for this eventuality) in a concave metal pan, like an oversized hubcap. Evidently it had been stored under the square table in the reading area, though in the uncertain light I had not seen it there.

  I still had one book in my hand when I heard the girl say, “What is that noise?”

  I waited. “What is that noise?” she said again.

  Then I had to move. I burst from my hiding place, and she screamed. As I rounded the corner, heading toward the stairwell, I glanced her way, and was surprised to see (considering the precision of the way I had imagined her) that she was older and smaller and darker than I'd thought—a light-skinned black woman, perhaps. The man I scarcely dared glance at, because I imagined him pointing his gun; I turned my head and was gone, up the stairs and into the big atrium, which formerly had housed the reference library. Up the stairs to the main entrance, and I was conscious, as I hurried, that there were one or two others in that big dark space.

  Outside, in the parking lot, I found no cars at all.

  It was a chilly autumn night, with a three-quarter moon. I stood with my leather satchel over my shoulder, looking down toward St. Charles Avenue. The Homewood campus sits on a hill overlooking my old neighborhood, which was mostly dark. But some fires were burning somewhere, it looked like.

  I had my mother's book in my hand. Because of it, and because a few hours before I had been looking at “The House on Abell Avenue,” I wondered if my friend still lived in that house, and if I could take refuge there. Her name was Bonni Goldberg, and she had taught creative writing at the School for Continuing Studies long ago. What with one thing and another, we had fallen out of touch.

  All these northeastern cities had lost population over the years since the pandemics. Baltimore had been particularly hard hit. North of me, in gated areas like Roland Park, there was still electricity. East, near where I was going, the shops and fast-food restaurants were open along Greenmount Avenue. I could see the blue glow from the carbide lanterns. But Charles Village was mostly dark as I set off down the hill and along 33rd Street, and took the right onto Abell Avenue.

  Jessy had painted the house from photographs, long before. According to her habit she had drawn a precise sketch, every broken shingle and cracked slate in place—a two-story arts & crafts with an open wraparound porch and deep, protruding eaves. A cardinal was at the bird feeder, a bouquet of white mums at the kitchen window. Striped socks were on the clothesline—I remembered them. In actuality they had been red and brown, but in the painting the socks were the pastels that Jessy favored. It was the same with the house itself, dark green with a gray roof. But in the painting each shingle and slate was a different shade of lavender, pink, light green, light blue, etc. The photograph had been taken during the day, and in the painting the house shone with reflected light. But above it the sky was black, except for the precisely rendered winter constellations—Orion, Taurus, the Pleiades. And then the anomaly: a silver funnel cloud, an Alpine lighting effect known as a Brocken Spectre, and over to the side, the golden lines from one of Jessy's migraine headaches.

  I was hoping Bonni still lived there, but the house was burned. The roof had collapsed from the south end. I stood in the garden next to the magnolia tree. In Jessy's painting, it had been in flower. I stood there trying to remember some of the cocktail parties, dinner parties, or luncheons I'd attended in that house. Bonni had put her house portrait up over the fireplace, and I remembered admiring it there. She'd joked about the funnel cloud, which suggested to her the arrival of some kind of flying saucer, and she'd hinted that an interest in such things must run in families.

  Remembering this, I found myself wondering if the painting, or some remnant of it, was still hanging inside the wreckage of the house. Simultaneously, and this was also a shadow trajectory, I was already thinking it was a stupid mistake to have come here, even though I'd seen very few people on my walk from the campus, and Abell Avenue was deserted. But I was only a block or so from Greenmount, which I imagined still formed a sort of a frontier. And so inevitably I was accosted, robbed, pushed to the ground, none of which I'll describe. If it's happened to you recently, it was like that. They didn't hit me hard.

  I listened to them argue over my laptop and my velvet purse, and it took me a while to figure out they were talking in a foreign language—Cambodian, perhaps. They unbuttoned the purse, and I could hear their expressions of disappointment and disgust, though I couldn't guess what they were actually touching as they thrust their fingers inside. Embarrassed, humiliated, I lay on my back on the torn-up earth—it is natural in these situations to blame yourself. A cold but r
eliable comfort—if not victims, whom else does it make sense to blame? You have to start somewhere. Besides, these people in an instant had done something I had never dared.

  It won't amaze you to hear that as I lay there, a dazed old man on the cold ground, I was conscious of a certain stiffness in my joints, especially in my shoulders and the bones of my neck. As my attackers moved off across a vacant lot, I raised myself onto my elbows. I was in considerable pain, and I didn't know what I was supposed to do without money or credit cards. I thought I should try to find a policeman or a community health clinic.

  How was it possible that what happened next took my by surprise? It is, once again, because how you tell a story, or how you hear it, is different from how you experience it, different in every way. Cold hands grabbed hold of me and raised me to my feet. Cold voices whispered words of comfort—"Here, here.”

  Walking from Homewood I'd seen almost no one, as I've said. St. Paul, North Calvert, Guilford—I'd passed blocks of empty houses and apartments. But now I could sense that doors were opening, people were gathering on the side streets. I could hear laughter and muted conversation. Two men turned the corner, arm in arm. Light came from their flashlight beams. In the meantime, the woman who had raised me up was dusting off my coat with her bare palms, and now she stooped to retrieve my own flashlight, which had rolled away among the crusts of mud. She pressed it into my hands, closed my fingers over it, and then looked up at me. In the moonlight I was startled to see a face I recognized, the black woman in the library whom I had overheard discussing prophylactics. She smiled at me, a shy, natural expression very rare inside the spectrum—her front teeth were chipped.

  Overhead, the moon moved quickly through the sky, because the clouds were moving. A bright wind rattled the leaves of the magnolia tree. People came to stand around us, and together we moved off toward Merrymans Lane, and the parking lot where there had been a farmers’ market in the old days. “Good to see you,” a man said. “It's General Claiborne's grandson,” murmured someone, as if explaining something to someone else. “He looks just like him.”

  The clouds raced over us, and the moon rode high. As we gathered in the parking lot, a weapon was passed along to me, a sharp stick about three feet long. There was a pile of weapons on the shattered asphalt: sticks and stones, dried cornstalks, old tomatoes, fallen fruit. My comrades chose among them. More of them arrived at every minute, including a contingent of black kids from farther south along Greenmount. There was some brittle high-fiving, and some nervous hilarity.

  “Here,” said the spectrum girl. She had some food for me, hot burritos in a greasy paper bag. “You need your strength.”


  Our commander was an old man like me, a gap-toothed old black man in an Argyle vest and charcoal suit, standing away from the others with a pair of binoculars. I walked over. Even though my neck was painfully stiff, I could turn from my waist and shoulders and look north and east. I could see how the land had changed. Instead of the middle of the city, I stood at its outer edge. North, the forest sloped away from me. East, past Loch Raven Boulevard, the land opened up around patches of scrub oak and ash, and the grass was knee-high as far as I could see. There was no sign of any structure or illumination in either direction, unless you count the lightning on the eastern horizon, down toward Dundalk and the river's mouth. The wind blew from over there, carrying the smell of ozone and the bay. Black birds hung above us. Thirty-third Street was a wide, rutted track, and as I watched I could see movement down its length, a deeper blackness there.

  The commander handed me the binoculars. “She's brought them up from the Eastern Shore on flatboats,” he said.

  I held the binoculars in my hand. I couldn't bear to look. For all I knew, among the pallid dead I would perceive people that I recognized—Shawn Rosenheim, perhaps, a bayonet in his big fist. And one young woman, of whose face I'd be less sure.

  “She'll try and take the citadel tonight,” murmured the commander by my side. Behind us, the road ran over a bridge before ending at the gates of Homewood. St. Charles Avenue was hidden at the bottom of a ravine. The campus rose above us, edged with cliffs, a black rampart from the art museum to the squash courts. And at the summit of the hill, light gleamed from between the columns of the citadel.

  I had to turn in a complete circle to see it all. But I was also imagining what lay behind the hill, the people those ramparts housed and protected, not just here but all over the world. Two hundred miles south, in Richmond, a boy and his mother crouched together in the scary dark.

  “I fought with your grandfather when I was just a boy,” said the commander. “That was on Katahdin Ridge in 1963. That was the first time I saw her.” He motioned back down the road toward Loch Raven. I put the binoculars to my eyes, and I could see the black flags.



  I knew whom he meant. “What took you so long, anyway?” he asked. I might have tried to answer, if there was time, because I didn't hear even the smallest kind of reproach in his voice, but just simple curiosity. I myself was curious. What had I been doing all these years, when there was work to be done? Others, evidently, started as children—there were kids among us now.

  I was distracted from my excuses by the sight of them building up a bonfire of old two-by-fours and plywood shards, while the rest of us stood around warming our hands. I heard laughter and conversation. People passed around bottles of liquor. They smoked cigarettes or joints. A woman uncovered a basket of corn muffins. A man had a bag of oranges, which he passed around. I could detect no sense of urgency, even though the eastern wind made the fire roar, while lightning licked the edges of the plain. The crack of thunder was like distant guns.

  “Here they come,” said the commander.

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  * * *


  by Steven Popkes

  The Emperor's New Clothes

  Now for something completely different, here's the skinny on five classics of fairytaledom. When anyone asks you where you got the inside dope on ‘em, be sure to tell them you heard it here first.

  Emperor Thomas had heard about Po and Ho long before he met them. Not that he begrudged two scam artists a living. He liked the Salt Dodge and the False Gumdrop as much as anyone and had a good laugh on how they had modified the Glam and took everything the Widow Stein owned, right down to her porcelain teeth. But all good things come to an end and their end was in sight when the local magistrate hauled them up in front of the Emperor.

  When Ho and Po suggested they had something in mind that the good Emperor might be interested in, Thomas was intrigued and kept a close eye on his wallet. The thought of the two of them as master tailors amused him and he let them go ahead for a month—expecting he must bid them a sad but final farewell at the month's end.

  The nonexistent clothes exceeded his expectations. An early summer heat wave made the ruffles and brocade hot as hell. A little naked parading was just the right prescription. Everyone saw through it instantly (heh) of course but who was going to say anything?

  As the naked emperor wandered in the yard outside, feeling the gentle wind tickle him in places unexposed for decades, Thomas thought: I could get used to this.

  A young boy on the wall called out: “He's naked!”

  The Emperor didn't even have to raise an eyebrow. His Minister of Personal Security had the boy silenced before his next breath. The boy was immediately and publically dismembered as philosophical instruction to the populace and, more importantly, to members of the court. The Emperor was clearly the final arbiter of fashion.

  As Thomas retired back inside—it did look like rain—he considered the possibilities. There were a number of Ladies and daughters of Ladies who could benefit from the gift of Imperial clothing. At least, it would benefit Thomas. And by declaring this gift Imperial, Thomas could insure the quality of the court landscape since no one would be wear
ing the ephemeral clothing but by his Imperial decree.

  The more he thought about it, the less necessary Ho and Po appeared. But by the time Thomas sent his Minister of Personal Security to pay a visit to the two tailors, they were already gone.

  * * * *

  Snow White

  The kingdoms of Althamea and Gerk were side by side on the coast, far enough from the seat of Thomas's empire not to worry overmuch but close enough to smell it if things got too close.

  Gerk had enjoyed a regular involuntary infusion of Viking DNA resulting in a population that was big, blue-eyed and blond, heavily muscled and ready for action. Althamea's people, denied these advantages, were short, thin, splay-footed, pigeon-chested, buck-toothed, and myopic. Every few years, the Gerks would convince themselves to attack. The Kings of Althamea would sigh and reluctantly annex another hectare or two. It was a shame, really. The poor sods just didn't seem to learn.

  It was no surprise, therefore, when King Richard of Gerk had a handsome son, Charles. The beauty of King Alfred of Althamea's daughter, Snow White, was a shock.

  Snow White's name had a double meaning. On the one hand, it signified an innocent lack of guile and a symbol of purity. On the other, like a flat, featureless snowfall, no one could tell what was underneath. She was as smart as they come.

  Her stepmother, Queen Rose, had been her father's mistress for four years before she bore him a sickly son. At that point, King Alfred had Snow White's mother killed and married Rose. Snow White was fifteen.

  It didn't surprise her at all when Ho, Rose's huntsman, took her out into the forest. But Snow White's mother had been one example of how to manage a man and Queen Rose had been another. The huntsman, having been instructed to kill Snow White and bring her wet beating heart back to the castle, was reluctant to fulfill his instructions after a couple of hours’ romp with her. It's just tough to slaughter a beautiful naked woman.


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