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A Night to Forget

Page 11

by Jessica Wood

  We sat there in silence for what felt like a lifetime. “I would never forgive myself if I acted that way with you, if I allowed my desires to come before you,” he finally said.

  “But I want to be with you though,” I tried to reason.

  “Emma, please. You don’t know enough about me to make such a decision. Let’s just be friends for now and try to get to know one another,” he pled. “Besides, you’re an invaluable member of my team, and I can’t afford to lose you and hurt you at the same time if we jumped into this without thinking it through.”

  I knew that everything he said made sense, and I should be thankful that he was thinking about me, but I could not shake the feeling that there was something else he wasn’t telling me.

  “So,” he ventured, “can we focus on getting to know each other for now?” He gave me a dazzling smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “Okay,” I finally agreed. I was in a better position now than I thought I was last week, I reasoned with myself. At least now, I know he is really interested in me, and it seems like he wants to spend more time with me. That’s enough, that’s enough for now.

  He pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. I allowed myself to sink into his embrace and breathed in deeply his intoxicating smell—a mixture of his cologne and his natural scent.

  “Now, let’s give my fat pants a run for its money and pick out our next cupcake to try,” he said as he tried to lighten up the mood.

  He then turned to me, and in a serious tone, he said, “Now, no funny business from you—or your hands.” He glared at me before breaking into a smile. We laughed as we polished off the second round of cupcakes.

  And this time, there was no funny business.

  Chapter 13

  It was Sunday morning, and I was at the San Francisco International Airport, waiting for my flight. Several weeks passed since my dinner with Brandon and since then, most of the time we spent together involved work, which revolved around the Imperial Hotel Project. Brandon and I spent countless late nights at the office going over the research data, numbers, and statistics. Today, Brandon and I would be flying to D.C. to give our pitch to the hotel’s board of directors.

  Despite spending so much time together, Brandon hadn’t kissed me again since that night at his place. While part of me was disappointed that he hadn’t tried to make another move on me, I embraced the friendship and closeness we were building without additional complications. Hmm, I guess he was right. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the thought.

  “Hey Emma,” said a familiar voice from behind me.

  I jumped in my seat and turned around and said, “Hey Brandon.”

  “What were you shaking your head for?”

  “What?” I said, pretending to not understand him.

  “You were just—oh, never mind, it’s not important. Have you been waiting long?” he asked.

  “No, not really.”

  “Great. Sorry, I ran a bit late. Just got a few last minute phone calls I had to take care of.” He put his carry-on down and sat down next to me.

  “Toblerone?” he asked as he held out the opened yellow prism-shape chocolate bar towards me.

  “Sure,” I said.

  He broke off a piece for me. “I never buy these things normally, but for some reason, I always buy a bar of it when I’m at an airport.”

  I giggled. “I’ve actually never had one before, but this was really good.”

  “Oh? Now looks who’s educating the other one about food,” he teased.

  “Yeah, you learn something new every day,” I laughed.

  Just then, my phone, which sat on the armrest between us, started ringing. I looked down, and to my surprise, it was Mike.

  Mike? Why was he calling? I thought. The last time Mike and I spoke was the night we broke up before I left for Cancun over eight months ago.

  “Who’s Mike,” Brandon asked as he saw Mike’s name and photo pop up on my screen.

  I fumbled for the button to end the call and send it to voicemail. “Um, just someone I knew in college,” I said quickly.

  “Sounds like there’s more to that story,” Brandon said.

  I flushed. “He’s an ex-boyfriend,” I admitted.

  “Oh.” Brandon was silent for a moment. “Do you talk to him a lot still?” There was something strained in his voice that I couldn’t understand.

  “No, we haven’t spoken since we broke up.”

  “When was that?”

  “Right before I left for Cancun on spring break this past March,” I said as I looked over at him. His blank expression at my mention of Cancun was like a cold dagger to my heart. He really doesn’t remember.

  “Why do you think he’s calling?” he asked.

  “Um, I’m really not sure actually,” I began. “He does live in D.C. though.”

  “That seems like too much of a coincidence.” Brandon’s voice matched the look on his face—cold and troubled. “Are you going to call him back?”

  “I’m not sure,” I said, and I really wasn’t sure. I haven’t really thought too much about Mike since we broke up, and his unsolicited phone call did not conjure any of the old feelings I had for him.

  I was relieved when our flight began its boarding process and we were called to board. I was not ready to call Mike back at that moment, and definitely not in front of Brandon.


  By mid-day Monday, after receiving several text messages from Mike and another call, I finally succumbed and called him back.

  “Hey babe,” Mike’s familiar voice came from the other end after the first ring.

  “Hi, Mike. Sorry I didn’t respond until now. I’ve been just busy with work,” I said. I would think he knew that I was no longer interested, right?

  “No problem. I just saw on Facebook that you’re in D.C.? Are you still around?” he asked.

  Crap, I thought. I totally forgot that Sarah had posted on my wall a few days ago, wishing me good luck in D.C.

  “Yeah, I’m here for work,” I said. Please don’t ask me to see you, I begged him silently.

  “Well, I’d like to see you since you’re in my neck of the woods,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I remained silent.

  “Come on, Emma,” Mike pled, “We haven’t seen or spoken to one another for like five months.”

  It’s been over eight months, I thought. “Mike, I’m pretty busy with work,” I began.

  “Oh right. So what are you here for anyway?” he asked.

  “We’re giving a marketing pitch this afternoon to a five-star hotel management company about the branding possibilities for a new set of hotels they’re building,” I said. It was difficult to hide the excitement in my voice, even though I was talking to Mike.

  “Sounds interesting,” Mike said half-heartedly, “Why don’t you tell me all about it over dinner tonight?”

  “I’m not sure Mike,” I said hesitantly.

  “Well when are you leaving D.C.?” he asked.

  “Tomorrow morning,” I replied.

  “So soon? Then we have to hang out tonight.”

  “I’ll probably be pretty tired after the pitch today. I just spend the last four hours doing last minute preparations for the pitch with my boss, and this afternoon will be a stressful one,” I explained, hoping it was enough to get me out of this meeting.

  It was not.

  Mike sighed with frustration. “Damnit, Emma. Ugh. I’m really sorry for being a jerk to you that night,” he continued, “I was totally out of line, and I knew that. It’s not an excuse, but I was just under a lot of pressure from the guys. Plus, you know how much I love you and how badly I want you. Can you please let me make it up to you?”

  I remained silent but felt my resolve waver.

  “I—” I started.

  “If you’re not up for dinner, what about drinks?” he interrupted. “Emma, I want us to be at least friends. I don’t like how we left things.”

  I pause
d. He has been a good boyfriend up until that night. “Fine. Just drinks.”

  “Great,” Mike said excitedly. “I know a lot of great bars in D.C. and—”

  “Mike, I think I’ll be pretty tired after this pitch. Do you mind if we just grab a drink at the bar here at my hotel? I just don’t know if I’m up for going anywhere.”

  “Sure, that works too,” Mike said. “How about I swing by around 8 p.m.?”

  “Okay.” I gave Mike my hotel information before hanging up the phone. Before I had the chance to process everything that was said from the call, Brandon texted me: Hey, meet you out front in 5? We should head over for the pitch now.


  “You were amazing, Emma!” Brandon ran over and hugged me tightly, lifting me off the ground. We had just left Imperial Hotel’s offices where we had given our pitch. His embrace was strong and comforting—it felt like home and where I belonged. I inhaled deeply and his smell sent chills down my spine.

  “I could just kiss you! You really saved my ass in there,” he said with excitement.

  “I’m glad that I could help,” I said with laughter. And, I wouldn’t mind that kiss, I thought to myself.

  “We should go out to a nice dinner and celebrate,” Brandon said with unadulterated excitement shining through his eyes.

  I groaned, which immediately halted Brandon’s excitement.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I actually made plans tonight,” I said, feeling a tinge of guilt that I couldn’t place.

  Understanding seem to appear on his face. “With your ex?”

  “Yeah,” I said, looking away from him.

  There was a pause.

  “Are you still interested in him?”

  “No, it’s not like that. He just heard that I was in town and has been calling and texting ever since to try to meet up before I head back to SF,” I explained.

  “Oh. So what do you guys have planned? A nice dinner out?”

  “No, he’s meeting me downstairs in our hotel bar.”

  “I see.” We stood there in silent for a few seconds, the excitement and adrenaline from our successful pitch slowly leaving us. “Well, I hope you have fun then. If you need anything, I’m just across the hall. Otherwise, I’ll see you in the morning.” He leaned forward and gave me a hug—not just a quick half-hug, but a full firm embrace. I hugged him back, and we both inhaled deeply at the same time, causing my heart to flutter wildly inside my chest.

  “Really great job today, Emma,” Brandon said as he released me from his embrace.

  “Thanks. You were amazing as well.” I smiled at him before heading to my hotel room.


  Later that night, I met Mike downstairs at the hotel bar. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I had on a simple top and jeans. He looked the same as I last saw him, yet he seemed like a stranger to me. We hugged and found a quiet table at the far end of the bar.

  “Emma, you look amazing!” he exclaimed.

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  “So, how are you? How’s living in San Francisco?”

  “I’m really good, and SF has been a lot of fun.”

  “Yeah, I love that city. I was thinking of visiting next month for a long weekend. I’ve love to see you when I’m there,” he said as he gave me his most charming smile.

  I wasn’t sure how to respond. I’m not sure why, but I knew that I didn’t want Mike in my new life after college. Luckily, before I could respond, a waitress arrived at her table to take our drink orders.

  “So how’s D.C.?” I asked as the waitress left, diverting the conversation away from his potential visit.

  “It’s been pretty awesome. I’ve been working on several important bills that will be introduced to Congress in next couple of months, and have been meeting a lot of influential people every day.”

  For the next hour, Mike excitedly summed up everything that he’s been doing in D.C. and everyone he has met through his internship. I sat there quietly and nodded, grateful that I didn’t have to speak.

  Finally, after several drinks, Mike stopped his monolog and looked at me. “So are you dating anyone?”

  His question caught me off guard. I didn’t expect him to stop talking about himself, and certainty didn’t expect him to ask me that question. “I—I—No, I’m not,” I finally stammered out.

  Then I saw a devious gleam in his eyes and he smiled at me. “So, you’re still a virgin then.” He said it as a statement and not a question.

  “Um,” I paused, unsure of what to say. I couldn’t very well say “yes,” but I also wasn’t prepared to tell him that I had slept with someone else a week after we broke me.

  Even through his intoxicated haze, Mike caught my hesitation. “You’re not a virgin?” Anger and outrage glinted in his eyes, and for a second I felt my body tense up in fear. Emma, calm down. You’ve known Mike for over a year. It makes sense that he’s upset, but there’s nothing to worry about. It’s Mike.

  I shook my head lightly to answer his question.

  “When? Who?” he asked.

  “It’s not important,” I said, trying avoid the question.

  “The hell it’s not,” he snapped. “We had been going out over a year and we only broke up six months ago?”

  “Eight,” I corrected him.

  “Whatever. My point is, you jumped into bed with another person in less time than I had waited patiently for you. And, shit, you’re single, so you’re not even with that lucky fucker.”

  I remained silent and looked at my drink.

  “How could you?” he asked and I heard the indignation in his voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I managed to say.

  There was a long period of silence.

  “Mike,” I began. “I’m sorry, but I’m getting tired. It’s been a really long day and I have an early flight to catch.” I got up to go, but Mike stopped me.

  “Emma, stop. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please sit my back down. I don’t know what came over me.”

  I slowly sat back down, wishing that I was anywhere but here.

  “I guess I’m just shocked. You can understand that right?”

  I said nothing.

  “I mean, we were together for so long and we were perfect together. And I respected your need to wait before having sex. So to hear that you slept with someone else that isn’t even your boyfriend—I’m sorry, I just flipped out a little. I’m sorry.” Mike grabbed my hands with his, “Please forgive me,” he plead.

  “Okay,” I said softly. “But I really should go to bed.”

  “Sure, let me close out our tab.”

  Chapter 14

  Mike walked me back to my room after our drinks. I could tell he had drank a little more than he should have because by the time we got to my room, he had his arms around me. I sighed in relief when we finally got to the door of my room and that I could call it a night.

  “And here’s my room,” I motioned as we stopped at my hotel room door. I fished out my keycard, slid it through the cardkey slot, and opened my door. I walked through my door before turning back to Mike.

  “Mike, I had a nice time catching up. Thanks for reaching out. Have a good—”

  “Babe, I’m not ready to say goodnight yet,” Mike slurred, interrupting me. He moved forward and turned the door latch over so that the door would not close against the frame completely. Instinctively, I felt my body stiffen and pinpricks of panic began to creep its way through my body.

  “I know, but I’m really tired, Mike,” I tried to reason.

  Mike leaned against the door frame and blocked me from closing the door on him. “I still want to hang out a little. I’m not sure when I’ll see you again.” Then Mike walked through the door, pushing me inside and allowing the door to swing shut behind him. Before I could protest, he grabbed me and began to kiss me violently.

  “Mike,” I cried, “Mike, please stop.”

  He didn’t stop. His lips and tongue moved against my lips with force and de
speration. He shuffled me down the hallway and onto my bed, pinning me down against the bed.

  I felt tears roll down my face as fear paralyzed me from fighting back. I felt his hands frantically rubbing against my blouse and down behind my thighs. I felt his fingers against my jeans, pushing up between my inner thighs. My body screamed against his touch.

  “Mike,” I choked out, “What—what are you doing? What are you doing?”

  “What do you think, baby,” Mike murmured against my ears. I could feel his hot breath against my cheeks and smell the strong stench of alcohol from his breath. “Now that you’re no longer a virgin, I’m going to show you a good time, and make you cry out my name and beg for more.”

  “Don’t do this, Mike. You’re just drunk! You don’t want to do this,” I begged. My mind was hysterically screaming at myself to fight back. Finally, I felt my body break out of the initial paralyzing shock and I tried to push Mike off me. “Stop Mike! Please stop! You don’t want to do this!,” I cried through my tears.

  “But I do want to do this, Emma. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the day I met you, and you know what they say, ‘good things come to those who wait,’ and we both know how very long I’ve waited for this moment.”

  Mike grabbed both of my hands and pinned them against my chest with one hand while his other hand ripped the blouse off me to reveal my bra. He then unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled them down to my ankles. I tried to kick him and wiggle my body away from him, but he was too strong. He successfully pinned me down with his hands as I felt his fingers move down my body—first circling my exposed breast and then down between my inner thighs. I felt his fingers run down between my inner thighs against my panties and I heard myself scream in agony. This couldn’t be happening. Please let me die before this happens, I begged silently. I closed my eyes, feeling myself giving up the fight.

  Then, I felt as if a weight was lifted off me, and for a second, I thought my prayers were answered and I did die. But then, I heard his voice through the thick fog that surrounded my thoughts. “Emma?” he said. “Emma? Can you hear me? Please open your eyes. I need you to be okay.” Was that him? Was it really possible that it was him?


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