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redeeming cupid 01 - struck by eros

Page 18

by Jenn Windrow

  He disappeared and the elevator doors closed, leaving me feeling like the world’s largest piece of shit.

  The urge to slink back to my car, drive home, and pretend I never left my cozy, little place sounded like the best plan, but running away from the scene I had just caused wasn’t the mature thing to do.

  Time to face my demons, both past and present, and slay those fuckers.

  I walked into Grayson’s condo and my breath caught. The decorations were simple and understated, nothing like I expected. Instead of bordello flash or gigolo masculinity, I stood in a living room decorated in creams and beiges, an ebony, baby grand piano, and an expanse of windows that looked out at the inky Pacific. I wandered to the baby grand and picked up the sheet music from the stand.

  The door opened and closed, but I didn’t rush to put away the sheet in my hand. Instead I used it as a security blanket and a reason to speak. “Do you play?” I asked when Grayson entered the room.

  “Since I was six.” He words were clipped.

  There were so many things I didn’t know about Grayson, so many things I never bothered to ask. Like did he have a sister? That question would have saved me from smelling like a large bottle of eau d’ shit.

  “I’m sorry.” I placed the sheet music back on the top of the piano, but didn’t leave my spot at the bench.

  He huffed as if he didn’t believe my sincerity. “You’re always sorry. It’s like you’re the star of your own sitcom most days. Bumbling through life, making mistakes, assumptions.” Grayson sat on the cream-colored sofa with a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. “What do you want from me, Noel?”

  I picked at the edge of my shirt, pulling at a loose thread. “I don’t know what I want. You? Us? Love?”

  He let out a short, forced laugh. “You are the most complicated and confusing female I have ever met.”

  I stood before I started to plead insanity. “When I saw you with Gia, with your sister, I just assumed you were on a date. You’ve been with her twice before. At the coffee shop and the college. It seemed like a natural conclusion.”

  Grayson shot up from the couch and walked closer, I hoped he would wrap his arms around me, but instead he took a seat next to me on the piano bench. His fingers brushed the top of the keys, and then he began to play. The song was tortured, angry, and his fingers pounded out the notes, played each one to perfection. I moved to the couch and sat down, wanting to listen, to get lost in the melody, and pretend that tonight had gone as I imagined it would. I let Grayson finish playing.

  When the final note faded, he turned and looked at me. His eyes were raw, filled with pain. “I have not slept with another woman since the night you entered my life.”

  His words made an ass out-of-u-and-me. “You don’t have to explain.”

  “Yes. I. Do.” He slammed the cover to the keys down and the piano groaned. “I knew the moment I saw you I never wanted anyone else. You were everything I dreamed of. My idea of perfection. But every single day you have judged me because of the actions of another man. A man who is nothing like me.”

  “All I could see were the similarities.” I lowered my eyes. “I had to protect myself.”

  “And right now I have to do the same.” I looked up, not liking the darkness in his eyes that warned me bad things were about to come. “For the past month I watched you chase Len, do everything you could to get him to be yours.” He stood up and paced. “You fought for him, and every time you did, you shoved a blade into my heart. I won’t get hurt by you again.”

  I wanted to promise him I wouldn’t hurt him again, but actions, time, distance, and determination would prove my point more than words. I loved Grayson, but a last-minute confession to repair what I ruined wouldn’t convince him. Not when the wounds I had inflicted were still open and oozing.

  “Will you still help me connect Len and Lauren?” My hands fidgeted with the drawstring on my sweats.

  He stopped pacing, his back to me as he looked out the window. “I don’t think Cupid will stop until we do. I’ll be there tomorrow when I need to be, and I will help you finish what we started, but after that? Well, I can’t say what will happen.”

  “Cupid won’t let us walk away from one another. We’re still soul mates. We still work together.”

  He looked at me over his shoulder. “Maybe Daphne and Apollo really weren’t meant for each other in the end. Maybe Cupid had it right all along.” The frown that turned down his lips stabbed at my heart.

  “You don’t believe that.”

  He faced the window once again, arms crossed, shoulders tight. “It shouldn’t be this hard to be with the one meant for you.”

  Grayson couldn’t lose his faith in Cupid, in our destiny. I needed him to believe in us a bit longer, just long enough to correct all my mistakes, make up for the mountain of shit I had created. I needed Grayson to be there until the end, because when Len and Lauren were finally connected, I intended on making up for a month’s worth of nastiness with a lifetime of love.

  “Help me get Len and Lauren connected. After that we can worry about us.” I rose from the couch, walked closer to Grayson, took his hand in mine, and gave it a soft kiss. A promise. Then I walked to the door and closed it behind me.

  Grayson hadn’t tried to stop me, he hadn’t walked me out, and he didn’t offer any reassurances that he would be there when I needed him. But when I got to Doris, I spared one last glance at his window, and he stood there with the drapes pulled back watching me.

  Things were a complicated tangle of knots, and it looked like I might have destroyed my chance at ending up with my perfect match, but those were things I would worry about after Len’s soul was safe. Because even though I wanted my happily ever after, I was in control of Len’s happiness, and at this moment, he was still more important than Grayson.

  But only for one more day.


  Damn It, Jim, I’m Cupid’s Minion, Not a Doctor

  I spent the night alone. Well, in the physical sense. I still had my thoughts to keep me company, or to beat me down, if I was being accurate. Today would hopefully be the last day of my crazy time with Len. He’d be free. So would I. Free to be who I wanted, free to convince Grayson my heart was his.

  My phone rang Stupid Cupid. But today I was prepared. Anticipating. Because by the end of the day Len would be connected with Lauren, or I would let Cupid have his way with me.

  I flipped over my phone and read the time and place.

  UC San Diego – ASAP. Now. Red Arrow—Q

  My phone rang again. Grayson. I pushed talk, relieved he wasn’t the one waiting for me in the hospital.

  “I’m leaving now,” he said, and then quickly hung up.

  Since I had been waiting for Cupid’s text, I had already showered and ate. I grabbed my purse off the counter, trying to prevent Grayson’s hurried words from wiggling into my heart and bringing me down.

  I put the top down on Doris, hopped in, and headed to the hospital. Worry forced my foot to the floor. Who would be waiting for us in that hospital bed? Len or Lauren? And what kind of shape would they be in?

  The parking lot was crowded. I searched for the farthest spot to park Doris, noticing Grayson’s car was nearby. He leaned against the hood, playing with his phone, until I parked and stepped out. He stuffed the phone in his pocket and walked over.

  I steadied my nerves before opening the door. “You never park this far back.” There. Safe, neutral, conversation starter.

  “I wanted to wait for you. And you never park in the front.” His smile was absent. I missed his smile.

  We navigated through the parking lot, side by side. “Any idea what we’re walking into?” I rushed the words past my lips before the silence kicked in again.

  He shrugged. “Figured we’d find out together.”

  At least he was talking to me. That was better than a few clipped words and a head nod. As much as I wanted to rush into a bunch of heartfelt apologizes, I didn’t want to ruin
the simple banter.

  “Ready?” Grayson asked.

  I shook my head, and he took a step forward. I held out my hand and placed it on his arm. “Wait.” I let my hand fall away and searched his eyes. “I don’t care what we have to do today, but we have to get them connected. I don’t think I can handle any more of this.”

  He nodded. “Then let’s see who’s in the hospital and why.”

  We walked through the double doors and into the art deco styled lobby. Several portraits lined the dove-grey walls, and people sat on uncomfortable looking chairs.

  “Do we walk up to the front desk and ask if Len or Lauren has been admitted?” I asked.

  “How about you ask if Len is here. If he isn’t, we know it’s Lauren, and then I’ll go get the information.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I turned and walked to the information desk. A receptionist with blonde hair in dire need of a good dye job smacked her gum and talked on the phone. When I walked up, she looked me up and down.

  “Hold on, Cindy.” She put the phone on the counter. “Can I help you?” She didn’t even try to hide her annoyance that I interrupted her conversation.

  “Yes, please.” I cleared my throat. “I was wondering if Len Holder has been admitted?”

  Long artificial nails pecked at her keyboard, she ran a finger down the monitor, and then shook her head. “Sorry, no one by that name has been admitted in the past twenty-four hours.”

  By the time the words “thank you” left my mouth she had already picked up the phone and reassumed her conversation.

  I shook my head at Grayson. He pushed away from the wall and went over to find out about Lauren. I sat in the nearest chair so I could overhear their conversation.

  The receptionist didn’t put her friend on hold when Grayson stopped at her desk. She quickly told her she would call her back and hung up. Yea, Grayson had that effect on most women.

  “Can I help you?” Her voice sweeter than French silk pie.

  “I hope so.” Grayson put his elbow on the counter and leaned in close. “I’m hoping you can tell me if a friend of mine has been admitted.”

  “I’d be happy to.” She gave him all her attention and then some.

  Grayson smiled and I swear I saw the heat rise through her body. “Thanks. Her name is Lauren Soloman.”

  He knew her last name? I swore under my breath. That’s what happens when you’re completely self-absorbed.

  She pecked at her keyboard again. “She was admitted last night. Room 317. Take the elevator to the third floor and take your first right.”

  “Thank you, Carol.” He said her name with a lover’s caress. She flushed. Grayson walked away from the desk and headed to the bank of elevators. I quickly followed and waited next to him for one of the doors to open.

  “Want to bet she calls her friend back and tells her all about the hot guy who stopped by her desk? I think you might have made her year.”

  “I live to serve.” The lighthearted remark made me happy.

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened. “After you.” Grayson stepped to the side and I walked on.

  When the doors closed the urge to grab Grayson and kiss him nearly knocked me out, but I fought against the insane impulse and leaned against the metal walls hoping they would help cool the heat that warmed the junction of my thighs.

  I decided to focus on work, hoping that would take care of my slutty urges. “What are we going to say when we find her?”

  “I think we’ll have to wing it, depending on how she reacts when she sees us.” The elevator dinged and stopped. “I’m pretty sure you’re not her favorite person.”

  The doors separated and Grayson and I stepped out into a brightly decorated lobby. We took our first right and followed the numbered signs to room 317. The door was closed, but there were voices coming from the other side. I felt like an intruder, barging into the room of a woman we barely knew, but she needed Len, and he needed her.

  The door opened and a young male doctor walked out followed by a nurse. They stopped when they saw Grayson and me standing outside.

  “Are you relatives of Ms. Soloman?” The doctor smiled politely.

  I started to speak up, but Grayson beat me to it. “Friends of the family. We heard she was in the hospital and wanted to visit and see how she was doing.”

  “I’m not sure she’s up for a visit at the moment, but you’re certainly welcome to stop in and see her.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” I asked.

  “We’re unsure at the moment. More tests have to be ordered to pinpoint the exact cause of her symptoms, but for now we are keeping her sedated to try to and take the pressure off her heart.”

  “She’s having problems with her heart?” My own heart hit pause.

  “I’m sorry, but unless you are family, I can’t discuss her condition with you.” He closed his clipboard. “Again, feel free to visit, perhaps a friendly voice will help calm her.” The doctor turned and walked down the hallway leaving Grayson and I standing at Lauren’s door.

  “I’m not sure our voices will calm her, but we have to go in and see how we can help.”

  Grayson pushed the door open. Lauren was hooked up to several machines, all beeping. She lay under a pale, mustard-colored blanket, eyes closed, hair smoothed behind her ears. Her face didn’t look peaceful, or rested. Her lips were pinched, her eyes shut tight. The red arrow over her head was so faded and full of holes it looked like it had been used as target practice.

  “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her a doctor or any kind of drugs will be able to heal. I think this is what happens when soul mates are kept apart. Her heart is literally breaking.” I walked closer to the woman in the bed and placed my hand on her arm. “And it’s all my fault.”

  Grayson moved closer, but didn’t put a much-needed comforting arm around me. “You don’t know that. Maybe there really is something wrong with her heart, something that has nothing to do with Len or Cupid or us.”

  I faced Grayson and filled my voice with determination. “We need to call Len. He needs to be here, see her. Really see her. He’s the only one who can help her.”

  Grayson reached into his pant pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “He won’t answer if he sees it’s you, but he won’t recognize my number.” He handed me his phone. “I hope you’re right, Noel.”

  So did I. I dialed Len’s number from memory, knowing he had class, but hoping he would be on a break. He answered on the third ring, but I didn’t wait for him to say hello. Didn’t give him a chance to hang up on me either, which he most certainly would have done.

  “Len, it’s Noel. I’m in the hospital, and I need you to come right away. It’s bad, and I need to see you. Room 317, please come.” I hung up just as fast as I called.

  Now I just had to wait and see if Len took the bait, or if he hated me so much he would ignore my panicked call from the hospital.

  I hope Len still held an ounce of compassion for my well-being.


  Obsess Much?

  It took twenty minutes for Len to arrive. Twenty minutes of staring at Lauren’s sleeping form, answering various questions from hospital personnel as to why Grayson and I were sitting in her room, and doubting Len would even bother to show up.

  When he pushed open the door, his eyes were wide with panic. He looked to the bed for a brief second, then his gaze settled on me. I stood and he rushed across the room, wrapping his arms around me. His arrow as deteriorated as his soul mate’s.

  “Noel, my God, I was so worried when you called.” He pushed me back and looked me up and down. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  From the corner came the sound of Grayson clearing his throat. “She’s fine.” He stepped farther into the room, his hands stuffed into his pocket, his eyes on me.

  Len’s hands dropped, balled into fists. “What’s he doing here?” His voice took on a hard edge.

  “Don’t worry about Grayson. I need you to do somethi
ng for me.”

  “Not with him around. Why would you call me when he’s here? Why are you doing this to me?” Len’s face turned red, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. In a few seconds Grayson would be meeting Len’s fist for the third time. “Make him leave Noel or I will.”

  I turned to tell Grayson to go into the hall, but he shook his head no, stepped forward, and punched Len in the jaw. Len took the hit, faltered on his feet, and wobbled into my arms. I caught him before he hit the floor, but he weighed too much and soon he hit the ground like an anvil. Grayson came to the rescue and wrangled Len in the empty chair next to the bed.

  “What did you hit him for?” My voice close to hysterics.

  “First, because he can’t leave, and I am not leaving. We have to see this through together. Second, because he’s punched me two times and deserved it. Third, because you told me to do whatever was necessary to make sure they got together today. That was necessary.”

  I watched the red spot on Len’s chin grow. “Now what?”

  Grayson nudged me out of the way and I watched as he took Len’s hand and wrapped it around Lauren’s. “We sit and wait. When he comes to, you need to convince him to focus on Lauren. Not on you, but on the woman in that bed.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Block his only chance of escape and anybody else’s chance of getting in.”

  Grayson and I watched and waited for Len to wake up, or Lauren to show any sign of coming too, but nothing happened. No spark. No movement. No sign that either of them felt the others presence.

  After fifteen minutes’ things looked hopeless. Then Len opened his eyes. He first looked at his hand wrapped around Lauren’s, then searched for me, and finally settled on Grayson standing sentry at the door. He stood, his fingers falling away from his soul mate’s.

  “How dare you hit me.” His anger rose along with his fists.

  “Noel, put his hand back on hers,” Grayson demanded from the door.

  I rushed forward, grabbed Len’s hand and pulled him back. Then I placed his hand on top of Lauren’s. The moment his skin touched hers, her eyes flittered, not fully open, but enough to show that his touch was what she needed. Len didn’t notice.


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