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The Irresistible Connection: A Billionaire Bad Boy Second Chance Mystery Romance (The Billionaire League Series Book 1)

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by Alexa McLean

  “Please, I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Not another word.” I insisted.

  Once we reached the bathroom, I picked her up by the hips and placed her on the sink. I stood between her legs as I reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit.

  Her cheeks reddened. Aww, a blusher. I liked that. I liked that a lot. I chuckled to myself. She looked nervous – very nervous. She couldn’t even bear to look my way.

  I popped open the tin container and pulled out some disinfectant wipes. “Now, this is going to sting a little bit.”

  She flinched as I passed the wipes along her palms but she didn’t utter a word of protest.

  When it came to her knees, I got down on my own, hands on her thighs. Our eyes locked. And, for a moment, I imagined we were lovers and this was just a scene ready to unfold. I’d gently pull down her pants, revealing whatever sexy lingerie she had waiting for me. She’d spread her legs and I’d dive in between, devouring that sweet, sweet nectar of hers.

  “Um...” Her face had turned into a literal tomato. She shied away, trying to close her legs on me but I kept them apart. I couldn’t keep the naughty grin off my face.

  Carefully, I wiped away the dirt from her knees. Then, I proceeded to bandage her up, taking my time to make sure they were nice and tight.

  “There, that should do it.”

  “Thank you...” She whispered. She had such a lovely voice, soft and silky. I could only imagine what it would sound like screaming my name...

  Okay, maybe I’m getting a little carried away here but it’s been a while since I’ve been with someone. You can’t blame me for reacting this way when I’m standing between the legs of a beautiful woman.

  “I never got your name the last time we... met.”

  A look of shame washed over her face. “Look, I know an apology isn’t going to do much right now but I really am sorry about what I did.”

  I placed my hands on the sink and leaned forward. Our faces were just inches apart. I could feel the heat radiating from her burning cheeks.

  She gulped.

  “You really should have thought about that before you decided to stuff one of my necklaces down the front of your dress.” As I spoke, my eyes dropped to her cleavage. It was still just as stunning as I remembered it. Large. Perky. Perfect to play with...

  She straightened her posture and tried her best to ignore me. But I could tell that I was getting to her. It was written all over her face. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her. And maybe, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I mean, what was the worst that could have happened?

  At that point, I was thinking more with my junk than I was with my head. I wanted this woman and I always get what I want.

  “I was in a hard place. Thought college would be the best place for me but all it did was put me in debt. I was going to lose everything. I know there were other ways but with almost half a million hanging over my head – I got desperate.”

  “What did you go to school for?”

  “Creative writing...”

  I scoffed. “I see.”

  “Hey! It’s a legitimate career! I blog for a living.”

  I shook my head. “You know that’s never going to last, right?”

  “Well, I’m doing alright for myself.” She crossed her arms over her chest, clearly upset by my comment.

  I frowned. “Look, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. I guess I’m just a little jealous. Took a writing course during my time at art school –”

  “Wait, you went to art school?”

  “How do you think I became a jewelry designer?”

  “I don’t know, family business?”

  “You really know nothing about me, huh?”

  “It’s not like I’m stalking you.”

  “Oh, really?” I chuckled. “So that’s why we bumped into each other at the airport and then you just so happened to stumble onto my property.”

  “Purely coincidental, I swear.”

  “Sure, sure. If you say so.”

  “I mean it!” She exclaimed, leaning forward in her excitement. Doing so, our lips nearly collided. The tips of our noses brushed against one another. All time seemed to stop. I gazed into those beautiful green eyes and I swear, I could see the world. She was stunning, there was no doubt about it.

  Maybe I was making a mistake by asking her to leave.

  “Look, I should probably get going. But, do you mind if I just grab a glass of water?”

  “Water?” I asked as if I had never heard the word before. My mind was much too muddled with all the things I could do to this girl. Oh, she’d be screaming my name in no time. Mmm. How was I supposed to let her leave?

  “Yes. Is that okay? If not, I get it.”

  “No, no, you can have a glass of water. The kitchen is this way.” Gently, I helped her off the sink. But once she was on her feet, I didn’t let her go. My hands lingered on her hips. Our bodies gravitated together like a couple of magnets. I could feel my heart thumping louder and louder, threatening to deafen me with its sound.

  She parted her lips ever so slightly.

  They were so pink and inviting.

  I held her close.

  One little kiss wouldn’t hurt, would it?

  You’re making a huge mistake, that little voice in the back of my head chimed in. And, he was right. This woman would do nothing but destroy me.

  Already, she had me under some kind of trance. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. An ethereal tug from the heart – or more literally – from between my legs. I wanted her. And, knowing myself, I was probably going to have her – for better or for worse.

  It was only a matter of time before she became mine.

  Chapter 5 (Kylie)

  Okay, I might be crazy here but this guy is totally flirting with me. He’s definitely acting weird. Like, very weird.

  A couple of times, I thought he was going to kiss me. Not that I would have minded. He was pretty damn attractive.

  But, eventually, we emerged from the bathroom and I was glad for it. The tension in that room had become so thick I swear I was going to choke on it.

  Once in the kitchen, it was like a breath of fresh air. That is until I picked up the scent of leftover food. The counter was littered with box upon box of take-out food. “Um...”

  “Yes?” The billionaire designer looked over at me as he filled a glass from the tap.

  “I’d say you have a problem...”


  I pointed my thumb at the counter. “That’s a lot of take out. Did you want me to cook something? You’re probably in desperate need of a home-cooked meal.”

  He just kind of stood there like he didn’t quite know what to make of my offer.

  “Seriously. Do you have anything in the fridge?” I stepped towards it. “Do you mind?”

  “No, no, help yourself.”

  I opened it up. Empty. Well, there was a gallon of milk that looked expired. More boxes of take out. And a copious amount of ketchup bottles. “Um...”

  “I don’t go grocery shopping very often.”

  “I can see that. Is there anything in the freezer?” I asked while I tugged on the handle. “Hmm, frozen stakes. And some shoestring fries? I guess that could work.”

  “You really don’t have to cook anything.”

  “I know I don’t have to but this is pretty pathetic.”

  His lips pressed into a straight line but he didn’t say a word. So, I searched the kitchen until I came across a frying pan. Luckily, the oil was already on the counter, hiding behind a wall of rice containers. I splashed some onto the pan while I dethawed the steak in the sink.

  “So, I never got your name.” He said while leaning against the counter.


  “Kylie.” He repeated. “That’s a nice name.”

  “I’ve never liked it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Sounds too much like Kyle. Kids at school used to tea
se me about it all the time.”

  He moved behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Well, I don’t think you look like a Kyle at all.” He whispered right into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

  Oh, this guy was definitely trying to flirt with me. I could practically taste the lust rolling off his body. Plus, living out here by himself, it must get lonely. But, at the same time, he was a famous jewelry designer, surely, he had women lining up left and right trying to sleep with him. Why was he wasting his time on someone like me?

  “And, what’s your name?” I asked simply to get my mind off the attraction I felt. Seriously, having him stand this close was like standing next to a live wire. It felt dangerous and yet oddly exciting. My skin tingled. My heart pounded inside my chest. Under different circumstances, who knows? Maybe I would have made a move.

  Instead, I focused on making dinner.

  “Roy. Roy Butler.”

  “What’s up with the James Bond introduction?”

  “Works for him, maybe it’ll work for me.”

  “It’s not working.”

  “Darn.” He laughed. It was the first time I had heard him laugh. And, I liked it. The sound was rich and genuine. It brought a smile to my face. I wanted to hear it again.

  I passed my hand over the skillet but it wasn’t warm at all. I ducked down and saw that the stove wasn’t on.

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. It doesn’t work.”

  I sighed. “So, what, you just wanted to watch me struggle?”

  “I’ll admit that it’s quite amusing.”

  I turned around and placed my hands on his chest. “I’m not some little toy you can just play around with.”

  He raised his eyebrow, an amused look on his face. “Oh?”

  I blushed. He was definitely taking that the wrong way. There was no telling what was going through that head of his. Probably nothing but dirty thoughts. I wondered what he was doing to me up there. Hopefully something good.

  “Think I can make a fire in the back?”

  “Be my guest.” But, he didn’t move. He kept me pinned against the counter. In fact, he stepped even closer.

  I bit my bottom lip as his member brushed against my thigh. It wasn’t hard – yet – but it was definitely getting there. Even so, it felt massive. Even if I wanted to bang this guy, I didn’t know if that was physically possible. He would probably rip me in two or something.

  “Would you like some wine?”

  “Wine? With campfire food? What is this a date?”

  He grinned, grabbed a bottle from a nearby rack and tucked it underneath his arm. “Shall we?”

  I stood there a moment. This guy was strange. One minute he wants me off his property and the next he’s inviting me to drink a glass of wine. This was starting to feel a lot like the beginning of a horror movie. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to find myself strung up to a tree by morning. Probably best I stayed away from the wine.

  Then again, this is partly my fault. I’m the one who offered to make him dinner. Why did I do that?

  Because, how was I supposed to walk away from a man like that? Tall. Broad shoulders. Physically fit. A smile to die for. Rugged face. He was everything I ever wanted in a man – at least physically. Personality wise, I have no idea who this guy is. So far, he has an off-kilter kind of humor and I like that.

  Nothing worth having is risk-free, right?

  Worth a shot.

  Chapter 6 (Roy)

  If I was smart, I would have kicked this woman off my property. But I’ve allowed my lust get the better of me. I’m sorry but I just can’t help it. She has me in a trance and I can’t possibly see her go – not now – not when the night is still so young.

  Outside, she bent over, arranging a few rocks into a neat circle.

  I stood a few feet back and enjoyed the few. A smirk spread across my face as my fantasies became dirtier and dirtier. There was nothing stopping me from taking her right here and now. Bend her over a fallen log and go to town. She’d be begging for more, I was sure of it. And when she started to scream, I’d pull her hair, making that back arch and her eyes roll with pleasure. Oh, she’d never want to leave after I was done with her.

  Her hips swayed from side to side almost like she was teasing me on purpose. The tight spandex of her leggings hugged her curves. Mmm, they looked delicious. If only I could take a bite – just one – I’d die a happy man.

  “Do you have any firewood?”

  “Oh, I have wood alright...” I mumbled under my breath.


  “Not on hand, no. But I can go get some if you want.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait here.”

  “Don’t go and steal anything.”

  She frowned, a pout painting her face. “I don’t do that anymore.”

  “Old habits die hard.”

  “I’m not going to steal anything.”

  “Okay, I believe you,” I said with a wink as I walked away. Once I was out of hearing range, I texted my security and ordered them to keep an eye on her. If she made a move to go back into the house, they were to stop her.

  While I would have loved to live all by myself in the middle of the woods, pragmatically, that wasn’t possible. Too many people sticking their noses where they didn’t belong. Too many people trying to steal what was rightfully mine. I always moved with armed men by my side even if they were nowhere to be seen.

  “Okay... firewood...” I said to myself. It had been quite a while since I had done anything outdoorsy. Sure, I loved nature. I loved looking at it. But I was hardly a hiker. And I probably couldn’t survive in the wilderness.

  Kylie on the other hand? She looked like the kind of girl who would be totally at peace sleeping under the stars. She had this earthy nature to her that was absolutely intoxicating. She felt wild.

  Eventually, I found my first piece of wood. It was on the bigger side and it was especially dry. Perfect. I picked it up and cradled it against the crook of my arm.

  I was on my way to pick up another when I heard something.

  I stopped.

  What was that?

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  Heavy footsteps.

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  And, they were pretty close too. I tightened my grip on the firewood, prepared to use it as a weapon, should it come down to that.

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  They stopped.


  I listened but all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing. Now, I’m not scared of much. But, people – they’re unpredictable. They’re the worst monsters the world has to offer and that’s a fact.

  Rough voices tore through the forest. It sounded like a couple men in the heat of an argument but I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying to one another.

  And then, amid all the arguing was a high-pitched voice that I recognized all too well.

  Unable to help myself, I crept forward, using the trees for cover.

  The arguing became coherent.

  “What do you mean we’re lost?”

  “We’re lost. That’s what I’m saying.”

  “I didn’t pay you two baboons to get lost! You told me you knew exactly where his house was. I was riding on that information. What are we supposed to do now?”

  Bingo. Just as I thought.

  It was my ex-wife.

  She was standing in the middle of the forest dressed in a skirt and designer heels. Did she really think that was a good idea? Then again, it wasn’t like she was the brightest light bulb.

  Sometimes I wonder why I even married her to begin with. I mean, I’ll admit, she was great in bed, but she wasn’t much more than that.

  “You idiots!” She cried, pouting like a five-year-old.

  I shook my head. Some things just never change. She was still as annoying as I remembered her.

  “We need to find his house.”

  I narrowed my eyes with suspicion. Now, what was she planning? After the divo
rce, she already took half of my assets. It wasn’t like she needed any more money from me. Then again, some people are just plain greedy.

  “I think it’s just up ahead.” One of the goons said as he scratched his head. “Or maybe it’s over there.”

  “We have to find his house,” Tina repeated. Tina. I even hated her name. It was just as annoying as her personality. “Or I’ll be the end of you two. Mark my words.”

  The quieter muscle head tightened his fists. They shook. Oh, she was pissing him off. If she didn’t learn to shut up, she was going to have a serious problem on her hands.

  I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted my head of security.

  “We’ve got a problem.” I texted.

  “Sir?” He responded.

  “Couple of goons on the west side. They’re snooping around. Get them off the property.”

  “If we find that jade mine we’re rich.” Tina insisted. “And I know he’s parked right on top of it. That’s the only reason why he’s out here.” She shook her head. “He’s always been a greedy prick of a man. That’s why I divorced him.”

  The two goons weren’t listening to her. They guided her in the opposite direction.

  She struggled to keep up, her legs wobbling on her heels. The way her ankles moved, she looked like a newborn giraffe. Ever heard of practical apparel, Tina? I thought. No, of course not.

  “It’s this way.” One of the goons insisted.

  I watched them walk away. Good. One less problem I need to deal with.

  “Sir, we’ve created a distraction.” Security texted back.

  “Good work.” I sent the message before slipping the phone back into my pocket.

  I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes. This was exactly what I needed – my ex-wife showing up when there’s a girl in my backyard that I’m interested in.

  Sure, she’ll probably be another headache but there was just something about Kylie that was so alluring. I wanted to be next to her just like a moth gravitates toward a flame. In the end, it’ll kill the month but for a few seconds, he enjoyed the flame’s beauty.


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