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The Irresistible Connection: A Billionaire Bad Boy Second Chance Mystery Romance (The Billionaire League Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Alexa McLean

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “What are you going to do, big guy? The police will be here to arrest you in a matter of minutes. And your team of goons, well, they won’t be much help to you now.” This time, when I snapped, my men emerged from the shadows, overtaking the threat.

  Larry’s eyes widened with surprise. He definitely didn’t think this through.

  “I’d say, if you leave now, you might still have a chance at getting away.”

  In a last-ditch effort, Larry grabbed Tina. “You’re coming with me and you’re going to pay for this.” He growled. “This is your fault.”

  “Don’t you dare.” I stepped forward, trying to get between them.

  “Ow!” He tightened his grip so hard that I swear, I heard a bone crack.

  As I advanced, his beady eyes darted all across the room. He was feeling trapped. There was no telling what he would do.

  “Don’t do anything stupid...” I warned, holding out my hand.

  Tina stumbled back, twisting her ankle on a hiking bag – the same bag I thought belonged to Kylie.

  She fell in a heap and stopped moving.

  But, unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to help her right now. My biggest concern was keeping Larry from hurting anyone else.

  Suddenly, he barreled toward the window and jumped right through it. He landed on the ground with a hard thud. Quickly, he broke into a sprint, darting for the tree line.

  “Don’t let him leave! I’m coming after him!” I yelled out before rushing out the door. I wasn’t about to recreate his suicide attempt even if it was only a second story window.

  Outside, I saw him disappear into the forest. His girth was dragging him down. He wasn’t going to run very far.

  “I’ll handle him!” I shouted at my guards. He had made things personal and I wasn’t going to rest until he got a piece of my mind.

  Oh, he was going to pay – and pay hard.

  Chapter 13 (Kylie)

  My head was swimming. What on Earth had just happened? One second, I was watching the sunset with Roy and the next the world goes up in flames.

  I blinked and Roy was gone, chasing some madman into the night.

  For a moment, I hesitated, wondering what I should do. Follow him or stay here?

  And then, I heard a groan of pain.

  Roy’s wife was on the bedroom floor, struggling to get to her feet. Since no one looked like they were going to help her, I stepped forward, offering my hand.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Don’t touch me!”

  I was taken aback by her tone. “Hey, I’m just trying to help. It looks like you’re hurt...”

  “Of course, I’m hurt, you idiot!”

  Jeez, this woman was a real piece of work. No wonder Roy had gotten a divorce. Still, there was no point treating hostility with hostility. Sometimes, it’s best to kill them with kindness.

  Gently, I helped her onto the bed. “Do you want me to get you some ice?”

  She didn’t answer me.

  So, I got up and headed for the kitchen. There were armed security guards all over the place. They tipped their heads in my direction as if they already knew who I was. “I’m sorry but where did you all come from?” I asked the guy stationed by the oven.

  He didn’t say a word. He just stood there, hands folded in front of him, looking like some kind of statue.

  “Okay...” Seeing that I would get no information out of these men, I simply grabbed a bag of frozen peas and returned upstairs.

  Roy’s wife had a disgruntled look on her face.

  “I’m Kylie, by the way,” I said as I gently pressed the peas against her swollen wrist.

  “I don’t need to know your name. It’s worse enough that you’re sleeping with my husband.”

  “Aren’t you two divorced?”

  “He hasn’t signed the papers.” She muttered. “Technically speaking, I’m his wife but he treats me worse than a bag of garbage. I haven’t seen him in over a year.”

  I furrowed my brows together. That didn’t sound right.

  “Oh, he didn’t tell you, did he?” She snickered. “He always complains that women are trying to steal his money but he’s the real monster. All he does is use women for his own benefit.” She paused and looked right into my eyes. “Let me guess, he already slept with you.”

  My mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry. This couldn’t be true, could it?

  I mean, I’ve had guys play this trick with me before. They seem like such a good guy at the start but then they’re looking for nothing more than a good time. But, I just couldn’t believe that Roy was one of those men. No. It couldn’t be. He wouldn’t do that to me. Would he?

  “Look, maybe you’re not going to believe me because, I get it, he’s incredible in the sack, but trust me...” He rested her hand on my arm. “You don’t want to get involved with someone like Roy. He’ll only hurt you in the end.”

  “Is that what he did to you?” I whispered.

  She sighed, blue eyes becoming watery with an onset of tears. “Yes...”

  “What happened?” I didn’t know whether or not to believe her just yet. She seemed like the kind of woman with a penchant for manipulation but, at the same time, that look in her eyes, it just seemed so genuine.

  “I thought we had a happy marriage. He was designing his jewelry and I had my own fur business. We were both making good money and sharing the assets. Then, one day, he just wanted to call the whole thing off.”

  “I see...” I studied her face, trying to find any sign that she was lying to me. “What was the name of your company?”

  She hiccupped.


  She was lying to me.

  I knew it.

  But, at the same time, I felt dirty. Roy obviously had a history with women and I didn’t know what that history entailed. I mean, we had unprotected sex. Had I just exposed myself to STDs? I didn’t know and that worried me.

  I took a deep breath trying to sort through the emotions I felt. I needed answers but right now didn’t seem like the right time to ask for them.

  “What are you doing?” Tina asked as I rose to my feet.

  “I need some air.”

  But, before I could take another step, two guards entered the room. They looked like a couple of Larry’s men but their faces were painted with a sinister hue.

  I retreated until I was pressed against the wall. My heart thumped so hard I thought it would explode. “What are you doing?” I demanded.

  They continued forward.

  I grabbed the nearest object. An old corded telephone. I tried to throw it with all my might but it just recoiled and smashed against the nightstand.

  They grabbed me and then Tina. I tried to put up a fight but it was useless. There was nothing I could do against a couple of muscular men, especially when they were equipped with guns.

  Why do I always get mixed up in stuff like this? I could have enjoyed a nice, peaceful hike through the Jade Trails but instead, I grabbed the wrong hiking bag, ended up at a billionaire’s door front, and now I was involved in his drama.

  This was definitely beyond my pay grade but if I made it out of here alive, at least I have one heck of a story to tell.

  I’m sorry, I’m just trying to stay optimist here.

  “You’re hurting me!” I cried out when they manhandled me. They didn’t care. One way or another, I was going to be dragged out of that room.

  I gulped. What was going to happen to me?

  And where was Roy?

  Was he safe?

  Chapter 14 (Roy)

  The forest was dark – very dark. I could barely see five feet in front of me. The moon provided little to no lighting as I stumbled through the trees in pursuit of Larry.

  Thud. Thud. Thud.

  It was easy to follow him as his feet thundered against the ground. Twigs snapped underfoot and gravel crunched against his heel.

  “There’s no point running, Larry!” I called out. �
��The cops are going to be here any minute.”

  In the distance, I could already hear their sirens. They were closing in but if I waited, it would give him the perfect opportunity to escape and I just wasn’t going to let that happen.

  Suddenly, he stopped. It was so abrupt that I practically collided into him. I skidded to a halt, slipping on the blanket of leaves underfoot.

  He chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” I growled.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  I turned on the flashlight on my phone to see him standing there, face dripping with sweat. It looked like he was going to pass out from exhaustion any minute now. I stood my ground, cautious.

  “You’re chasing me through the woods as if you could stop me but you neglected one important thing.”

  “And, what’s that?” I asked. Subtly, I reached down and grabbed a tree branch, holding it tightly in my hand, prepared to use it in my defense.

  “Your ladies.”

  My blood ran cold.

  “That’s right. As we speak, my men have them in custody. I’d reckon they’ll be one hell of a bargaining chip.”

  I tightened my grip on the tree branch, hoisting it above my shoulder, ready to swing it as hard as possible. “What have you done to them?”

  The sirens were getting louder.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t you dare lie to me.” My blood went from cold to boiling in a matter of seconds. “Because, I swear to god, if you did anything to either one of those girls, I’m going to make you pay for it.

  Suddenly, he charged. It took me by such surprise that I wasn’t able to get out of the way. He rammed into me, throwing me onto the ground.

  The air was knocked right out of my chest. I gasped, feeling like I had just been hit by a freight train.

  His hands wrapped around my neck, squeezing hard.

  I raised my knee and landed a hit between his legs.

  He groaned and rolled right off me.

  I managed to get on my feet, struggling to catch my breath. I stumbled back, leaning against a tree trunk.

  The sound of heavy footsteps. A dog barking, the sound echoing through the forest.

  “Over here!” I called.

  “Not so fast!” Larry grabbed me by the ankle and yanked me onto the ground. I landed with a heavy thud. His fist came flying in my direction but I rolled out of the way at the last possible second.

  I rammed my elbow into his side, winding him. With the brute stunned, I took a swing at him, letting my fist collide with his jawline.


  “Stop right there! Hands in the air! Nobody move!” The police had us surrounded. There were at least five guns pointed in my direction. Should I do something stupid, it would be game over.

  Police dogs growled at the end of their leashes.

  “Get up and keep your hands where I can see them!” The leader shouted as he took a step forward.

  “I don’t want any trouble but please, he’s done something to my ex-wife and...” I struggled to find a label for Kylie. She wasn’t my girlfriend. I also wasn’t going to describe her as my one-night stand. Besides, she meant much more to me than that. We hadn’t spent very much time together but nonetheless, I felt a tug in my heart as I feared for her safety.

  “We are looking into the situation.” The leader stated. “That is not your concern.” He advanced. “Now, both of you, turn around.”

  I did as I was told. After all, it’s always better to cooperate with the authorities because if you don’t, it always comes back to bite you.

  A pair of cold huffs circled around my wrists.

  But, before they could do the same to Larry, he ran off. “Stop or we will shoot!” The dogs were released. They sprinted through the trees, catching up to the goon in zero seconds flat. He screamed in pain.

  I cringed.

  How stupid can you get?

  “PLEASE, CAN YOU JUST tell me if they found them yet?” I asked from the back of a police cruiser. I was being taken to the station for assault. My lawyer would handle the charge with ease. My biggest concern, however, was with the girls. Were they okay? What had happened to them? Why had I left them alone? If anything bad happened, I was to blame.

  “We haven’t gotten any information yet.” The driver said.

  “You have to find them.”

  “We are doing the best we can.”

  “You can use my team of security as manpower. They are highly trained.”

  “Thank you but the police force has it under control.”

  For some reason, I didn’t believe that. Still, there was no point in arguing with the man. It wouldn’t get me anywhere. All I could do was pray they were okay.

  I looked out the window of the cruiser and watched the city come into view. Skyscrapers hovered overhead. Yellow cabs zipped through the streets.

  Eventually, we arrived at the station. I was roughly pulled out of the car. They didn’t care that I was a billionaire. Here, I was just another man who had committed a crime – or so they thought. I mean, I did punch Larry and dislocate his jaw but frankly, he had it coming to him. My lawyer would play it off as self-defense. Pay some court fines and that’ll be that.

  But, right now, that didn’t matter.

  Right now, I was standing behind bars.

  Chapter 15 (Kylie)

  I woke up with a strange heaviness behind my eyelids. I wanted to keep them open but it was like they were made from lead. I rubbed them, trying to make the feeling go away.


  So, I slowly rolled into a sitting position only to find solid Earth underneath my body. My fingers dug into a patch of dirt. It got underneath my fingernails.

  “You’re awake!” A shrill voice called out. Suddenly, a pair of thin arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders, hugging me so tight that it was difficult to breathe.

  This time, my eyes cooperated and I was able to see Roy’s ex-wife burying her face into my chest.

  Was she... crying?

  “What’s going on?” I asked with a broken voice. It was then that I realized how dry my mouth was. My tongue felt like it was a five-year-old sponge that hadn’t seen a drop of water in all that time.

  “They took us.”

  “They? Who’s they?”

  “Roy’s men.”

  I furrowed my brows trying to put two and two together. “I’m not following.”

  “They took us and threw us in here.”


  “I don’t know.” She wailed. “It’s dark but luckily I had my phone with me.”

  “And, have you tried calling for help...?”

  She looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language.


  I shook my head, snatched the phone, and attempted to dial Billy’s number. It was the only number I knew by heart. But, the signal was dead.

  Tina looked at me expectantly.


  “What are we going to do?” She whimpered, bottom lip quivering. “We can’t just wait here. There’s no telling what they’ll do to us!”

  “And, are you sure these are Roy’s men that took us? That wouldn’t make any sense.”

  “I swear!”

  “I think you’re lying.”

  She stammered.


  “They’re your men, aren’t they? This is some sort of ploy. God, this is worse than some sort of bad action movie.” Leaving her behind, I walked through the mine shaft, heading toward what I thought was the entrance.

  Suddenly, I tripped over something and went crashing into the ground.

  “Ooo!” Tina chimed from behind me. Instead of offering to help me, she picked up the giant piece of jade and admired it with money-hunger eyes.

  “Is that all you think about?”


  “I don’t even know you and I can tell you’re obsessed with wealth.”

  “Who doesn’t want to be rich?” She asked like i
t was the most obvious thing in the world.

  “Me. It gives you nothing but trouble. All I want is a nice, loving family, and a comfortable lifestyle. I don’t want anything extravagant.”

  She cocked her head. “What?”

  “You wouldn’t get it.” I continued forward. As I kept thinking about what I had just said, Roy popped into my head. It was crazy given that we had only spent a night together but somehow, I could imagine us starting a life together. One where we’d live in peace and no one would bother us.

  Finally, I reached the mouth of the cave. To my surprise, no one was there. Strange.

  This felt awfully suspicious so I proceeded with caution.

  Tina had stopped following me to collect pieces of jade. Well, she was on her own because I wasn’t going to babysit her. If she wanted to get herself lost in there, well, that was her problem.

  As I made my way through the forest, my phone died, plunging me into utter darkness.

  “Great... just great...” I mumbled. With no other choice, I stumbled forward, feeling my way from tree trunk to tree trunk. Occasionally, there’d be an opening in the canopy and a dull silver light would shine through but it wasn’t very helpful.

  I had no idea where I was and without a phone, I couldn’t call for help.

  Bark! Bark!

  I froze in place as I heard a couple of dogs barking in the distance. They sounded big – ferocious.

  “I got something!” Someone called out.

  They sounded close – too close.

  I didn’t know if it was a good guy or a bad guy so I held my breath and prayed for the best.

  “This is the California police! Come out with your hands in the air.”

  And that’s exactly what I did.

  The officer flashed a light in my face. I squinted against the brightness, heart beating fast. I honestly had no idea what was going to happen.

  “Are you okay, miss?” He asked.

  “Yes, I think so. What happened.”

  “There was a break-in at the Butler Property. You were kidnapped by an enemy of his.”


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