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Royally F*cked

Page 3

by Ivy Blake

  I continued to walk down the street and I noticed that The Canal was still open. It was another touristy type of place, less popular than Riverside. Hopefully I could go unnoticed while I had a drink.

  I went inside and casually walked up to the bar. I ordered a whiskey on the rocks and sat down on an empty stool. The place was pretty busy with a wide assortment of people all having fun, so far oblivious to the fact that their next possible king was in the room. Even the pretty bartender didn’t seem to notice me, but she was giving him the eye anyway. Then again, that was how she got tips.

  I began to sip my drink and glance around the room. My eyes traced over tourists and I smiled to myself. No one would recognize me here. I continued to glance around and that was when I noticed the pretty girl sitting beside me. How did I not see her before? She was about my age with an angelic face and a demeanor that emanated strength and self-confidence. Her smile was beautiful, and as she caught me looking at her, it widened considerably. She was the type of girl who seemed perfectly at ease by herself but was also very approachable and friendly.

  I smiled back at her and went back to my drink. The girl did the same thing. She had to be a tourist. Otherwise, she would have been all over me if she actually knew who I was. The way she was looking around as if there were things about the bar and the people that she did not understand, confirmed my suspicions. She definitely wasn’t from around her. She was beautiful.

  “Hi,” I said after a few moments. It felt awkward to be watching her without at least saying something.

  The girl’s eyes lit up as she glanced back at me. Wow, she had the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen. They were a bright blue that almost sparkled as she smiled.

  “Hi,” she said back.

  “How are you?” I followed up. I realized I was really out of practice with making small talk. When women routinely hit on me, I didn’t really have to say much to keep the conversation going. This was harder than I remembered.

  “I’m good,” she replied.

  She was American. I could tell by the accent. That was why she didn’t recognize me. A wave of relief washed over my body, and I found himself feeling far more relaxed. The pressure was gone; I could just enjoy her company and not worry about anything else. It had been a while since I had felt like this.

  “So, how are you enjoying your visit to our country?” I asked.

  The girl smiled, a bit embarrassed. “Wow, is it that obvious?”

  “Well, yeah,” I joked. “I’m Cort. What’s your name?”

  “Teagan,” she said. “It’s great to meet you, Cort. And yes, I am having a great time visiting.”

  “What brings you to our little corner of the world?”

  “I’m just traveling around. I heard it was beautiful here, so I stopped here for a bit.”

  I loved how vague she was being, but I was not sure if she was flirty or if she was just uncomfortable sharing much about herself with a total stranger.

  “So, what do you do?” I asked.

  “I teach yoga,” she replied. “Have you ever practiced?”

  I laughed. “No, I have to admit my exercise is mostly confined to jogging and weight lifting. I’m not sure I’m flexible enough to do that.”

  “You have to build it up. It’s harder than it looks, and a lot of people give up on it too soon. But I swear if you stick with it, it will change your life.”

  “I love your passion,” I said. “That’s the best thing in the world, isn’t it? To earn your living through your passion.”

  “Yes! It absolutely is. I couldn’t imagine ever going back to just a job again. What do you do?”

  I thought a moment. I was not about to tell her that he was the Prince of Ronovia.

  “I’m a musician, and I also mountain climbing,” I said. Both of these could have been true, except no one ever heard him playing music and mountain climbing was something I did alone or with his friends. I hardly had time to teach it to anyone. But I was deeply passionate about both. Somehow, this helped me feel less guilty about the lie.

  “That’s great!” Teagan replied. She seemed genuinely impressed. “I’ve always wanted to learn to climb.”

  “Oh, it is just life changing. There is nothing more exhilarating than scaling a mountain and just becoming one with nature, you know?”

  “I do. I feel like that when I’m in the zone doing yoga, as lame as that might sound.”

  “No, not at all,” I replied. “I couldn’t imagine you doing anything lame.”

  Teagan glanced down, then looked back up at him with a big smile.

  God, she was perfect.



  I couldn’t believe how amazing this guy was. There was something magnetic about him that kept drawing me to him. From the moment he walked into the bar, I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of him. I’d never felt such a strong connection with someone I’d just met before. He was tall, handsome, and beyond sexy, with the most perfect smile. He was probably dressed down more than most of the people in the bar, wearing a button down shirt with a pair of tight jeans that had a few rips, but it seemed to suit him. He gave off the impression of being a bit of a bad boy, but the way he spoke to her was almost poetic.

  We’d been chatting for an hour, and the conversation was flowing even easier than the drinks we were both enjoying. I was not typically a heavy drinker, but I was having so much fun that it was coming more naturally than usual. Plus, this guy seemed to be tolerating his liquor quite well. I sure as hell didn’t want to come off as a lightweight.

  I was also feeling something that I hadn’t felt in a long time; a connection to another person, a real and genuine attraction to a guy. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I knew deep down that how things ended with Theo had messed me up in some way. It was like I had a wall forced up around my heart, and I never wanted anyone to get close. But for some reason, with Cort, I was willing to let him peak slightly over the wall.

  He told her all about his music and how he played mostly small shows in clubs and bars in Ronovia, and a few in France as well. At one point, he told her about taking off with nothing more than his guitar and a backpack, just bouncing from city to city, playing his music. He didn’t have any gigs set up or anything beforehand. He was really just flying by the seat of his pants.

  I found that sort of courage amazing. It was something I related to quite well with deciding to give up physical therapy and start teaching yoga instead.

  “Of course, everyone told me I was crazy and that I could never support myself with music, but I told them to go take a flying leap, for lack of a better term,” Cort said.

  “That’s awesome. And you are proving them wrong,” I added.

  “Yeah, I guess. I mean, it is not much of a living, but I do get by. And I get by doing what I love, so that means more to me than a lot of money.”

  “I totally agree,” I said.

  “What about your yoga practice? How did you get started with that? It sounds like starting up any business like that takes lots of work. My business doesn’t require a shop or anything. I just get work from referrals and lots of word of mouth, you know?”

  “I built mine up in a similar way. I started to offer lessons to friends and people they knew. Eventually, I had enough people for some regular classes, but I didn’t really have a place to put them. Luckily the weather in San Diego is beautiful all year, and I had some sessions on the beach until I got enough money together to start renting from a local dance studio. Things have been growing from there. One day, I hope to have my own studio.”

  He was leaning in, hanging on my every word. It was nice having someone take such an interest in my passion, in what I actually did. Theo had never even really cared about it that much. I always got the impression he thought it was some sort of a glorified hobby and that I was just wasting my education.

  “I would love to see you do yoga for me some time,” Cort said with a smirk on his face.

��I’d love to teach you,” I replied. “But I’m not going to be in town very long, I’m afraid.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to learn, necessarily,” Cort replied with a grin. “I’d just like to see you doing it.”

  I felt the blood rush to my face, but the alcohol had given her some more confidence.

  “Oh, I might find the time to show you a few things,” I laughed. “I’m trying to think of what outfit might be best for that.”

  “I don’t think the clothes matter that much,” Cort replied. “You might not be wearing them for very long.”

  I could not believe he’d just said that to me. I supposed I could have been offended at the shift in conversation, but the alcohol was making me feel brave. Plus, I was in a foreign country, I was on an adventure, and I decided that while I was on her vacation, even if it was for work, I would not allow my timid nature to limit my experiences.

  “Well, someone is thinking they might get lucky tonight, aren’t they,” I said coyly.

  “I think I’m already lucky to have met you,” Cort replied. “It’s been a long time since I met someone like you. I’m not sure I ever have.”

  “I find that hard to believe. A guy as hot as you are. You must have women eating out of your hand.”

  I was proud of how forward I was being. Ellie would have been so proud of me. It was amazing how brave someone could be when they were a stranger in a new a country.

  “So, how long are you going to be in town?” Cort asked.

  “Probably just for the night,” I replied. “Why do you ask?” I flirted.

  Cort flashed that devilish smile at me. “Well, then I guess we have to make our time together count.”

  “That we do.”

  Cort lifted his drink up to mine and we clinked out glasses together.

  “So, what is your ten-year plan?” Cort asked.

  I laughed. “Wow, that was random.”

  “Nah, I’m curious. Isn’t that a thing people ask in The States? Or am I watching the wrong American shows?”

  I giggled. “I think you might be watching the wrong things. I don’t know, really. Right now, I’m just living moment to moment and enjoying that. I mean hopefully, I’ll be married with some kids and my yoga practice will be thriving. Or maybe I’ll be into something else then. I think ten years down the road is too long to plan. The thing is, when people make plans like that, they always feel like some sort of failure if they end up getting off the train at another stop along the way, you know?”

  Cort was leaning in, smiling. He really seemed to enjoy listening to me ramble. The more he leaned in though, the more I wanted to reach out and just kiss those luscious lips. He was so damn handsome. It was ridiculous. Never in a million years would I ever think a guy like him would be interested in me.

  “That sounds great,” Cort replied. “I totally agree with what you are saying. My friends and family are always ragging on me for being a bit more of a free spirit, but I’ve always tried to go with the flow.”

  “It just makes life easier,” I said with a laugh.

  Suddenly, Cort leaned over and kissed me. I was not expecting it. His warm, soft mouth was on min, caressing my lips with his own. He was so sweet, so intense. This powerful rush of excitement combined with the liquor racing through my system created an effect that felt like the room was spinning around me. I was sure that I was going to fall to the floor, but somehow, I knew that if that happened, this wonderful man would catch me in his powerful arms.

  “Wow,” I said as he pulled back from the kiss and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face. I wanted him. Badly. I needed him deep inside of me.

  I was slightly shocked by this thought, because that just wasn’t normally me. I’ve never had a one night stand before. I just never met a man that I wanted to hop into bed with right away. But something about Cort was different.

  Come with me”, I said as I slowly stood up from the bar.

  He growled under his breath, only making him sexier.

  “That’s what I was hoping for”.

  I lead him away from the bar down into a darkened hallway. As I strutted toward the bathroom I could feel his strong presence behind me. A languid heat moved down my body to my core in anticipation.

  I reached my hand for the bathroom door handle and stopped short in front of him. He pressed his body against mine, making me aware of his rock hard cock. Well apparently it’s not just his chest muscles that are big, I thought wickedly. I nudged my ass into his groin, causing him to suck in a jagged breath. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “You sure you want to do this?”

  “More than ever,” I purred, and quickly shoved open the bathroom door, pulling us both inside. The heat between my thighs began to scorch. I never have wanted someone as much as I wanted Cort.

  He slammed the door shut and locked it behind him.

  Cort pulled my body toward his and crushed his lips to mine, his dark stubble scratching against my cheek. My body instantly reacted to his touch, causing the heat in between my legs to turn into an inferno. I glided my hands up his thick arms to his broad shoulders, and then ran them down his chest and I started to unbutton it. When I reached the last button, I tugged at the bottom of his shirt and he lifted his arms to help me take it off, revealing his strong six-pack.

  My head tilted back as his lips moved against the skin of my neck, the stubble from his shadow of a beard burning the sensitive skin so I knew I’d be thinking of him for days to come. His strong hands slid down my back and cupped my ass before he quickly picked me up and set me on the ledge near the sink. I wrapped my long legs around his waist and started to grind my body against hips. He met me motion for motion as we fell into a perfect rhythm. A quiet growl escaped his lips. His fingers trailed from my ass to the edge of my skirt.

  “I am so fucking glad you’re wearing a skirt,” he smirked. I nodded in agreement and tightened my legs on his waist in response.

  His cock strained against his jeans and he thrust into me so I could feel how hard he was. He smashed his lips to mine, forceful and hot. I let him take control wanting to feel the hot slick feel of his tongue against mine. He brushed my long hair to the side and kissed my neck and collar bone. His strong hands roamed my back and when his fingers found the hem of my tank top he pulled it revealing my tanned skin.

  He yanked me closer to his erection and reached behind my back to unclasp my black lace bra. Thank God I wore this tonight instead of what I wore on the plane.

  He trailed a burning path of hot kisses down my collar bone to my exposed breasts. My head fell back in pleasure as I moaned in pleasure at the feel of his hot mouth over my aching tits.

  He was good.

  Too good.

  He rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger before capturing the tight pink peak with his mouth. He sucked and nibbled, causing a wave of pleasure to crash into me.

  His tongue lapped at the taut bud as his right hand left my breast and moved to the bottom of my skirt. My legs trembled as his hand slowly traced my skin, leaving goose bumps in its place. His hand slid in between my thighs as his mouth moving to my other breast, lapping and sucking in a delicious assault.

  Cort slowly rubbed my clit through my panties and the heat in my core intensified.

  Holy fuck I wasn’t going to last long.

  I pushed my hips up to his touch and threw my head further back as he lightly bit my nipple causing a painful pleasure to shudder through my body.

  He flicked my nipple with his tongue as he pulled my black lace thong to the side. My hips jerked in response to his touch and a guttural moan escaped his throat as he felt my drenched pussy.

  He pressed his thumb on my clit as two of his middle fingers slowly found their way inside me, stretching me. A wave of pleasure coursed throughout my body as his fingers began to move, bringing my higher and higher. I lifted my head and begged, “I want your cock inside me.”

e chuckled while moving his tongue in a slow circle around my nipple. “You’re so fucking tight. God you’re gonna feel so good.”

  My eyes rolled back as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of my, curling them at the end and twisting slightly so they hit my g-spot.

  “Then what are you waiting for? I want you. Now.”

  “Not until I am good and ready sweetheart.” He pushed his fingers deeper inside me, eliciting shivers through my body. .

  He trailed his lips down my chest to my belly, stopping at the top of my skirt while never stopping the assault with hand inside me. He pumped faster as I clenched around him, knowing I was close.

  My climax began to build and I threw my head back again letting out another moan. With his left hand, he pushed my skirt around my waist and ripped my thong out of the way, letting the scrap of lace fall to the counter. Fuck it, I didn’t care if he ripped ever pair of panties I owned as long as he never stopped the delicious torture his hand was giving my pussy right now. He kissed the skin just below my belly button, trailing kisses lower and lower. I ground my hips in response.

  His mouth moved in a slow torturous pace until it finally reached my throbbing core. I couldn’t contain the jolt that ran through my body at the first lick of his tongue. I leaned further back and spread my legs further, placing my feet on his shoulders to give him ample room to work.

  “That’s it baby,” he urged, spreading my legs as hunger raged in his eyes. He took a long swipe with his tongue. “So fucking sweet.”

  “Oh my God that feels so good,” I moaned, “I’m not going to last much longer if you keep that up.”

  He lifted his mouth from my core his gorgeous intense eyes locking with mine. “You aren’t allowed to come until I say you can.”

  Ugh, he was going to kill me. I was sure of it.

  He returned his mouth to my pussy and began to lick as he curled his fingers slowly inside me. My heart raced and I slammed my eyes shut, hoping to contain my orgasm. It was as if he could tell how close I was to the edge, and he just wanted to tease me to my breaking point.


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