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The Crash Zone (The Zone Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Tarrah Anders

  “Not at all, I think what happened was someone bought the land, wanted to put a restaurant on the space, but then backed out. That’s how it got on my radar. My buddy from Eastwood Build mentioned the space and that they were going to pass on the bid due to a scheduling conflict.”

  “Whatever happened to the office building up in Orange County?”

  “We lost it. A local based company won that one, they gunned in with a eco-friendly bid that used all recycled materials with even additional consulting. Something maybe we should consider but overall, we lost to them price-wise. Also, probably because of the cost of travel and lodging, I think the bid went to someone more local.”

  “Bummer, oh well. That would have been cool, but it would have been a pain in the ass with traveling back and forth.”

  A chime came from my desk, it was my email. Without hesitation, I turned from Lukas and peered at my screen. I clicked open my email and read the email which came through.

  “Fuck yes!” I smile.

  “Yeah?” Lukas places his hands on his hips in front of my desk.

  “Yes!” I press the buzzer for Dane’s office.

  “Whats up?” He answers.

  “We need to call a meeting with our department heads for sometime within the next week. We’ve got the strip mall bid and this is one job we need to stay on deadline for.”

  “Shut up? We got it?” Dane walks into my office. I wasn’t aware that he disconnected.

  “Yeah, I was just telling Luk that there’s a strong possibility of them tacking on a few more, that’s why we need to make sure deadline for this is numero uno.”

  Dane walks around to my computer and sits himself in my chair. He pulls up the calendar on our server and immediately looks at this week’s schedule. He opens up a window and starts typing.

  “Tomorrow morning, breakfast meeting. I’ll call in one of the lead contractors that we worked with on the East Village project and see if he wants in.”

  And just like that, my week got even busier. While I would have previously wanted to celebrate with drinks, I stayed at work for the rest of the day and focused on my notes and working together a plan. I was back and forth between my office and Dane’s that I’m sure it would have counted as a work out.

  I’m at my desk with my feet up and I’m on my phone stalking Tatum on Facebook when texts comes through in rapid succession.

  Nikki: Hey buddy. Passed all my finals, its officially summer, hang soon?

  Nikki: As friends, duh.

  Nikki: Baby mama too.

  Nikki: Or you know, if she shares??

  I roll my eyes and try to think of a reply that doesn’t sound completely pussy whipped.

  Me: No sharing. Can’t hang tonight, work stuff.

  That should suffice, it’s legit.

  Nikki: Excuses Excuses. Now that you’ve got yourself a girl, you have no more time for the little people. 

  Me: Not at all. I haven’t left the confines of my office all day, nor my office chair.

  Nikki: I get it.

  Have I really blown off people since this whole thing with Tatum and I started?

  I press the buzzer. “In here!” I request.

  A moment later Dane comes into my office. “You realize you can come to my office too, asswipe!” He says plopping down on the chair in front of my desk.

  “Yeah. Hey, since Tatum, have I become inaccessible?” I question.

  “Nah, you’ve become more accessible.” He immediately says.

  “Elaborate?” I’m confused.

  “Okay, so for awhile there, you were a dick. No one wanted to be around you, or talk to you. Now, you seem to care. Now, you a personable again, almost… almost like before. Rehab helped, but Tatum is the main reason, I think.”

  “Did you grow a vagina?” I ask, that was a lot.

  “What brought this on?”

  “Nikki wants to hang, I’m not sure hanging with her, you know one on one is smart and she called me out on it sorta.”

  “Nikki, as in your old hook up Nikki, the college student?”

  I nod.

  “Does Tatum know about Nikki?”

  “She met her, Nikki was over one afternoon and Tatum came over. She doesn’t know about anything other than we’re friends. Because that’s what we are now. Nikki knows that.”

  “I know she was the only girl, aside from Tatum now that you would actually speak to outside of when you guys would do what you did, but could she be holding a candle for you?”

  “Um, what?”

  “You know, like no one can compare to you, she holds a torch for you, she likes you likes you… that sort of thing.” Dane replies.

  “Put your vagina back in your pants, you’re getting my chair wet. No, it’s not like that.” I defend myself, or Nikki or Tatum, I defend whoever.

  “So then how is it? You’re not still hooking up with Nikki, are you?”

  “No, not since I found out about the baby. She came over one day and she needed a little reliever or something and we started making out a bit, but I couldn’t go past that. Like my body said ‘no’ and then shortly after that is when Tatum came over and told me she was moving in.” I rub the back of my neck.

  “Wait, you were making out and then you stopped it?” Dane asks.

  “Well yeah, let’s just say Little Max didn’t announce that he was ready to play.”

  “Max…” Dane starts with a smile.


  “Put away your vagina!”

  Chapter 31 – Tatum

  Whoever said pregnancy was a wonderful experience was an idiot. My stomach is itching like crazy and my hips are in some serious hurt. I sat on the couch, eating straight out of the ice cream carton, with the television off and my feet up on the couch. I dumped a can of pineapple chunks into the ice cream and kept having visions of my stomach growing but the skin was getting stretchy and the skin was separating. This didn’t stop me from eating more ice cream, but it sure did stop me from further itching my sides.

  Max had texted after leaving work that he was going to go to a meeting before coming home and that he would bring dinner with him. Max has been steadily going to two meetings a week, he’s been running almost every morning and he’s been the doting boyfriend whenever he is home. Davis even told me this afternoon that Max has requested a daily check up from him on me, which could seem creepy, but it’s sweet as well.

  Max and I have an unconventional relationship. We didn’t start out like other couples do, we hooked up and got pregnant first, then moved in together and now are in the beginning stages of dating. So far, it’s been going great. We’ve abided by all the rules that we set out and the sex is phenomenal. Granted, my hormones are working overdrive, I still think that if I wasn’t pregnant that I would still want sex all the time with him.

  My phone lights up and I see a text has come through.

  Davis: Hey, tomorrow night. Do you and Max wanna go bowling?

  Me: Do you and your brother even talk anymore? Why do you always ask me?

  Davis: I know how relationships go. The woman knows the couples schedules better than the man. It’s a little known fact that I’ve come to accept.

  Me: I’ll let you know tomorrow. Max has worked a few late nights.

  Sammie: Is Davis asking you about bowling? Tell him you will come, I miss hanging with you

  Me to Sammie: You see me every day you crazy woman!

  Me to Davis: Great, Sammie is texting too thanks to you, way to make me feel like I never see my friends.

  Davis: We see you every day at work!

  Me to David: THAT’S WHAT I SAID!

  Sammie: That doesn’t count, that falls under the lines of ‘only work friends’, only work friends don’t count when I’ve seen you topless.

  Me to Sammie: That was once and it was spring break!

  Sammie: Semantics.

  I snort as the front door closes and I hear Max’s footsteps.

  “Are you snorting? While eati
ng ice cream? What the heck is happening here?” He asks fighting a smile.

  “Your brother and Sammie are ganging up on me.” I snort again.

  “And that causes snorting?” He puts his satchel down and comes to sit beside me. He kisses me gently and stands to remove his jacket.

  “Well, it went from bowling, which by the way I hope you can come with us, and then it went to Sammie and Davis ganging up on me to Sammie mentioning seeing my boobs making us more than work friends.” I’m sure as much as it may not sound silly to him, it is hysterical to me.

  “More than work friends eh? Wait, no one else at work has seen your... boobs, have they? Making them more than work friends too?” He asks, a little jealousy peeking through his normally chill demeanor.

  “Only Sammie.” I clarify with a smile.

  “So bowling?” He changes subjects.

  “Davis was asking if we can join them tomorrow night.”

  “Smart man, asking the woman. Sure babe, I can be home by 5.”

  I smile and pick my phone back up to send a group text to both Davis and Sammie.

  Max changes his clothes and suddenly the doorbell rings.

  “Pizza’s here!” He says walking to the front door.

  We settled in with our pizza and after I ate a little more ice cream and pineapple chunks, Max turns to me.

  “Are we in a bubble?” He looks hesitant.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we don’t hang out with people other than each other, we work and then we’re here. Should we adventure out?”

  “Well, we’re going bowling tomorrow. And not to mention, we’ve had people over a few times. But we’re busy, both of us. You have craziness at work, I’m busy with school and then you’ve got your meetings. I don’t think we’re any different than any new couple. Except for the fact, I’m growing your spawn.” I smile, rubbing his arm.

  He immediately relaxes. “My friend Nikki, you met her a few months ago. She called me out on not wanting to hang out. I guess maybe that got into my head.”

  “Did you and Nikki…?” I just left the end of that question hang, I wanted to know, but I don’t at the same time. Then again, I’m coming out of left field with this question, when he didn’t even imply anything other than they were friends, what the hell is wrong with me?

  He doesn’t seem startled by the random question, when he looks me dead in the eye and nods. I nod as well, I’m unsure why.

  “She is a friend now, only a friend. And she knows that. You met her, she’s well aware of you.” He pleads as he notices how my posture has stiffened.

  “That day that I came over?” I didn’t want to know the answer to this question either, it’s almost like my brain and my mouth are not working together. Ugh, Verbal vomit!

  Max hasn’t broken eye contact with me, which I should definitely commend him for. Other guys would look away or get nervous and fidget. Max is still and staring directly in my eyes, it’s almost making me uncomfortable.

  “Nothing happened. Well, not what you’re thinking.” He says.

  “That doesn’t make sense.” I’m on the verge of crying. Damn Hormones, damn feelings!

  “She came over, wanting something to happen. We kissed, but that’s as far as it went. That’s as far as I could take it and that’s as far as I allowed, even subconsciously, I was thinking about you and the baby, and I just couldn’t.” He looks like I just kicked his puppy.

  “You were thinking of me and the baby as you made out with someone else?” The tears have now broken the surface and are streaming down my cheeks. We weren’t together then, and I know that I’m being ridiculous, but he knew about becoming a father. Did he continue to mess around with chicks until I moved in, until we became a thing?

  “In a way, yes. But I stopped it, I stopped everything and then I told her we couldn’t continue that way.” He explains.

  “Then I came over, did I… did I interrupt?” I don’t want to know this answer. Damnit, I can’t control my mouth. I need to become a monk and not talk!

  “Not at all. I stopped it before you showed up. I had told her about you and the baby, and told her we can only be friends. We were friends, we are just friends. Nothing more, she is more than clear on that and I wouldn’t let anything happen, ever.

  They both were fully dressed, and they didn’t have the just fucked look to them, but Max did look nervous that day.

  “I think I need some time to myself.” I say quietly looking down at my hands in my lap.

  Two fingers reach under my chin and lift them to look Max in the eye. I know the determination look in his eyes, I know that he’s being truthful, but I just need to regulate my own feelings right now.

  “I’m not that kind of person. When I care about someone, they get me, all of me. From the start, you’ve had me. You have me completely.”

  I don’t say anything as he wipes a tear from my eye. He leans in and kisses me and then again, his determined eyes are looking into mine.

  “I’ll give you your space, I don’t want to – but I will.” He stands and leaves the living room. A moment later, he’s come out of the bedroom wearing more relaxed clothes.

  “I’m going to take the bike and head to a meeting.” He says putting on a hoodie. He comes and stands next to me, and kneels down. He wipes another tear from my face.

  “If you want, I will stay home. I don’t honestly know what to do here.”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s okay. I’m sorry, I just want to be alone.” I sniff.

  “I understand.” He starts to stand, but stops and kisses the top of my head.

  He shuts the door silently and more tears fall.

  I’m just being hormonal. Everything is okay with us.

  Chapter 32 – Max

  I wouldn’t say that Tatum and I are fighting, I would just say that… hell I have no idea. The thought of giving her space bothered me, because we needed to work together and not apart. When she asked about Nikki and mine’s past there was no chance in hell that I would lie to her, especially when rule number 3 was to be honest. And if I wanted to be honest right now, I don’t want to be away from her and give her this space. I was told though, to not fuck with a pregnant woman though when it came to certain things and I’m thinking right now, I don’t want to rock the boat.

  I’m riding my Harley down a residential street when I realize I’m in front of Leo’s house. I push the kickstand down and I jog up their driveway. Leo is generally tinkering in the garage at night, so I tap lightly on the door. I hear his footsteps inside and he opens the door, illuminating the walkway.

  “Hey man, everything cool?” He asks.

  “Yeah, Tatum needed some space, can I hang out here for an hour? I don’t want to invade you or anything, just rather not drive aimlessly.”

  “No need to ask, mi casa es su casa. How about we go into the main house, Judy made cookies.”

  Cookies have my ears perked up. I follow Leo into the house and the kitchen counters are full of Tupperware’s full of cookies.

  “Hey Max, how are ya?” She smiles as we enter.

  “I’m in heaven now.” I say spreading my arms at the spectacle before me.

  “Oh, work stuff, we’re having a company picnic this weekend, so I’m making… cookies as you can see.” She wipes her hands on her apron. “What brings you here? Tatum with you?”

  “No, errr… she wanted some space.” I say looking down, feeling ashamed and like I’m 17 again.

  Leo is rummaging in the fridge and within a minute I have a glass of milk shoved in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other.

  “Oh Max. Have a seat. What happened?” Judy asks.

  She’s the same age as I am, and she’s extremely motherly. She looks like she would belong in a 1950’s family sitcom. Her clothing is very mod and her shoulder length blonde hair is always curled and pinned perfectly. Leo, is the opposite, if we were thinking television, he would be the greaser. He works on cars, owns his own mechanics s
hop, so he’s always got his hands dirty. The two of them work well though, and even though we’re all similar in age, they feel older and wiser to me for some odd reason.

  “Nothing bad. Tate just needed some alone time. She asked about a friend of mine who at one time was more than a friend, but not a girlfriend.” I make sure to clarify the no-relationship part of that. “And I didn’t lie to her. I wouldn’t lie to her.”

  “Has she met this friend of yours?” Judy asks.

  “Yeah, once.”

  “And before tonight, did you mention who your friend was prior?”

  “No, it’s never come up. We don’t really talk about that too much. She knows of my past, I’ve been candid in all areas.”

  “Does she know all about Betsy?” Leo chimes in.

  “Yes, that was something I made sure to tell her. I didn’t want her to freak out, if I was to have a freak out. This thing right now, stemmed from me practically asking her if we’ve dropped our friends to become a couple.”

  “Have you?” Leo asks.

  “Not really. But Nikki said something that irked me.”

  “Could Nikki want more than friendship?” Judy asks.

  “No, she knows about Tatum and the baby.”

  “That’s not what I asked. Has Nikki implied that you guys could be more than friends, since you and her became strictly friends, or have you hung out with Nikki as friends since?”

  I think about it.

  “She did make a weird comment about sharing or something. So maybe. But since I told her about Tatum and the baby, then when they met – she knew that we couldn’t continue to hook up. Did I fuck up somewhere that I’m not seeing?”

  “I think Nikki is testing the waters, testing you. I don’t know.” Leo states.

  “Let me get this straight, is Nikki someone from your drinking days?” Judy asks.

  “Yeah, she was a regular hook up. I had confided in her one night as to why she could never be anything more. So we hooked up, but also were friends, sorta.”

  “Sorta. I honestly think buddy that even though she said she was cool with just being friends, she’s used to your whatever relationship being a certain way.”


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