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Satisfying Her Needs 2: A Hotwife Revealed Story (Her Needs Series)

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by Blaise Quin

  Published by YRBS

  Copyright © 2017 by Blaise Quin and C. C. Morian

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the authors, except in the case of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews. Thank you for supporting the rights of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, is entirely coincidental.

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  Author’s Note

  Satisfying Her Needs 2

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  About the authors

  Books by C. C. Morian

  Books by C. C. Morian and Blaise Quin

  Books by Blaise Quin


  Author’s Note

  One of the most challenging—and potentially eye opening—questions couples must deal with is how much to share about their histories. Should they pretend they never happened, as if the person in their life now was a blank slate (at least in certain areas) before the relationship? Or matter of factly discuss past boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses?

  Those are the two extremes of the range of possibilities, but of course the devil, as they say, is in the details. Especially when it comes to experiences, desires, pleasures.

  Certainly a question that must cross many minds is: Is this the way she (or he) did it before? What else did she like that we haven’t done? And especially: Will she do more with me than she did before, because we are married, or less, because she’s going to be with me for the rest of her life?

  Like the crazy parties of youth, not to be repeated. Not having to face that person in the morning. Perhaps the same applies in the bedroom.

  Consider Peter and Andie. Peter is overjoyed when he learns that the hottest woman he’s ever dated wants to marry him. Their physical relationship is not quite what he hopes for in terms of frequency or intensity, but he figures that will come later. Besides, Peter has enough ardor for both of them. He doesn’t know much of Andie’s past, but for that matter, she doesn’t know much about his.

  Over time, and prompted by outside forces, Peter begins to learn more about Andie’s past experiences and what she craves. It explains a lot of why they haven’t been exactly simpatico in the bedroom, but leaves him facing a very difficult challenge. Andie too, has choices to make. Does she turn away from a past that was good in some respects but not consistent with her picture of a marriage, or try to recreate the best of what she had before?

  Our goal as storytellers is to explore such conflicting preferences—and in some cases, needs. To create scenarios which show how couples learn about each other’s desires, and then follow them down the path of what might happen. Each couple is unique, in our stories and in real life. Yet the challenges and the underlying wish to please a partner is common across all healthy relationships. The new experiences uncover and hone latent personality traits, and perhaps even birth new ones. With the learning often comes a change in roles: who is taking the lead, who is following, who is watching, who is participating.

  Join us on our journey as we see how it plays out for Peter and Andie. The path they take may surprise you as much as it does them.

  As in all our series books, we try to write the story so that you can read them standalone, although you will certainly have a better chance of understanding the underlying reasons for what the characters do if you read the series in order.

  Because we’ve heard from so many of you who read these stories aloud to your husband, to your wife, to your lover, this story is written from both Andie’s and Peter’s points of view. Happy reading!

  Satisfying Her Needs 2


  I walked out of my lawyer’s office, but instead of turning left toward the elevators, went right instead. Even the hallways were plush. But I wasn’t dwelling on how much my law firm must be overcharging me to afford such upscale furnishings. Instead, my mind was on only one thing: finding the guy Rick who had tricked my wife Andie into having sex with him.

  The fact that she had thought the tryst was planned by me was immaterial. Rick had taken advantage of her. Rick and his friend Rodney.

  The fact that Andie had enjoyed it immensely was material, but another issue.

  The fact that I had experienced my own immense enjoyment from watching a video of my wife being taken by Rick—after Rodney had finished with her—was a reaction I was still coming to grips with.

  Right now, I needed that video back.

  When I’d last been here, Rick had not been in his office. This time I would wait all day until he returned if I had to.

  I turned the corner, head down, moving fast, intent. And ran smack into a huge guy. It was like hitting a wall; I literally bounced off him. When my eyes cleared from the jarring collision the guy was looking at me funny. Smirking, actually.

  “Sorry,” he said, not sounding at all like he meant it.

  My foggy mind kept me from identifying him right away. That and the fact that he was even bigger in person than he had seemed on the video. Rick.

  The guy who had screwed my wife.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” I said, my voice harsh.

  “Looks like you found me.” Rick didn’t sound at all perturbed.

  “I want that video.”

  “You mean the video of your wife on her knees sucking on my—”

  “Shh!” I interrupted. Down the hall, a woman turned to look at us, curious at my outburst.

  “Did that part bother you?” asked Rick. “Or maybe the part where she begged me to come in her?”

  I grabbed Rick by the arm and tried to pull him into a conference room. He didn’t budge.

  “Come on, man,” I hissed. “Let’s talk about this in private.”

  Rick looked up and down the hall. The woman at the other end was still there, and now another guy was talking to her. They glanced our way. “Looks pretty private to me. Besides, why should you care about talking about this here? After all, the video is out for everyone in the world to see.”

  “You asshole,” I muttered.

  Rick glared at me. “Be careful, buddy. I’ll throw you through the fucking wall.”

  Rick didn’t seem to give a shit about being overheard. Desperate, I said, “I don’t really care. I’m going to file divorce papers on Andie. The video only helps my case. In fact, I was just about to show it to Simms. I’m sure he’ll be interested in your starring role in the video.”

  Rick’s eyes narrowed. “You’re bullshitting me.”

  “What would you do if found your wife in a video like that?”

  “I’d crush the guy’s head in.”

  It was obvious to both of us that wasn’t going to happen here. “Then you’d divorce her,” I insisted.

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Come on, I have a proposition for you,” I said, pu
shing the door of the conference room open.

  I felt Rick follow me into the room. The wall was glass, but we’d have a little bit of privacy. I turned to him. “I’ll make a deal with you. You give me the original of the video, and I won’t show it to Simms.”

  “I thought you said you needed it for your divorce case?”

  “You’ve got another video, right? The one with Rodney.”


  “I’ll use that one.”

  “Rodney’s a friend of mine,” said Rick. “I won’t do that to him.”

  “He works here?”


  “Then he won’t get in trouble. Simms doesn’t even have to know who he is, just that there’s a video. You know Simms, he’s so old fashioned he won’t even want to watch the entire thing. Just knowing we have it will get us the settlement I want.”

  Rick grinned. “What’s in it for me?”

  “That’s a nice tie you have on, Hermes?”

  “What of it?”

  “You have expensive tastes. You want to keep your job?”

  “I can get a fucking job anywhere.”

  I bluffed. “The company I work for uses all the big firms. My boss owes me a favor—and he’s the president of the company. He puts the word out on the street, and you won’t be able to get a job fetching coffee for junior associates at any major law firm in the entire state.”

  I gripped the back of a chair to hide my shaking hands as I watched Rick think it over. Finally he said, “The video is already uploaded.”

  “You let me deal with that. Just give me the original.”

  “It’s on my phone.”

  “Then delete it, right now.”

  I really thought Rick was going to say no, but he took out his phone. Obviously his love of expensive clothing was more important to him than keeping the video.

  He made a dramatic display of pulling it up. “Let’s see if this is it.” He started the video, cranking up the volume. The unmistakable sound of grunting sex filled the room. And the especially unmistakable moans and voice of my wife.

  “Turn it down,” I gritted.

  “Just wanted to see if it’s the right video,” said Rick.

  I grabbed the phone out of his hand. Surprisingly, he let me. Maybe because he was laughing so hard at my predicament. I quickly deleted the video just as Rick’s voice demanded, Spread your legs.

  A demand Andie had complied with.

  “Where’s the other video?” I asked. My voice didn’t carry anywhere near the same authority as his had on the video.

  “Should be right there. Right next to all the other videos of me fucking married women.”

  “You have others?”

  “Tons. You think you have the only wife who wants a little on the side? Or whose husband isn’t doing it for her? Shit, man, I have to beat them off with sticks. You’re wife begged me for it. You must not be the kind of man she needs.”

  I squeezed the leather chair so hard my hands hurt. I couldn’t speak. Not because there was anything wrong with my voice, but because Rick’s accusation was pretty close to the truth.

  “Fuck you,” I said.

  “Not you, but your wife did, buddy. Always remember that.”

  I’d never wanted to punch someone as much as I did just then, and I sensed Rick was daring me to. I fought to regain control, my fists clenching. Finally I came to my senses.

  Punching Rick wouldn’t get me anywhere. Except maybe to a hospital.

  I changed tactics. “My wife had to go and get an STD test because of you.”

  “I’m surprised she doesn’t have the clinic on speed dial, with all the fucking around she must do.”

  “My wife does not fuck around.”

  Rick grinned nastily. “Yeah, right. As a matter of fact, I got a test done too. I’m usually more careful, but your wife was just so fucking hot I couldn’t resist leaving her something, you know what I mean?”

  I knew only too well. “Where’s the other video?” I demanded. “The one with Rodney?”

  Rick took the phone back from me and pulled it up. “Here. Want to watch it?”

  My stomach flipped. Rick had hit on the truth again. I did want to see it. But not here. Not in front of Rick.

  I didn’t trust how I’d react to it. It was bad enough having to be here having this conversation with Rick. It would be totally humiliating if I got an erection watching the video.

  Instead I took his phone back, emailed the video to myself, and when I was sure I had it, deleted it from Rick’s phone.

  “Does Rodney have a copy?”

  Rick smirked. “Maybe.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, I mean it.”

  “He hasn’t seen it. Yet.”

  I took a shot. “So Rodney doesn’t know you put it on the internet?”

  Rick didn’t reply, giving me my answer. “I want his contact information.”


  “To make sure he doesn’t have a copy.”

  “You don’t trust me?”

  That was obviously a rhetorical question. “Just give it to me.”

  “Funny, that’s what your wife said.” Rick laughed at his own joke. “Here, I’ll text it to you. Can’t wait to find out from Rodney what you say to him.”

  I hadn’t figured that part out yet. “I don’t want to hear a word about this,” I said. “We’re done.”

  I pushed by Rick to leave.

  “Hey, got a question for you.”

  I turned, his voice was that commanding.


  “This favor your boss owes you? Maybe it’s payback for letting him fuck your slut wife?”

  I swallowed my pride and pushed out of the room, Rick’s laughter booming behind me.


  I looked over Peter’s shoulder as he typed, trying to keep my nervousness from passing through my hands into his body. My eyes were looking at the screen, but I couldn’t focus on the words, all I saw was my own reflection, staring back at me. A face of worry.

  “Looks okay,” said Peter.


  He pointed to the screen. “Their reply is pretty clear. They’ve taken down the video.”

  “Just like that?” I wasn’t sure what to believe.

  “It appears this is a pretty common thing, so they are used to getting requests to take down videos.”

  At one point I would have been incredulous that it was pretty common for women to be in videos on the internet having sex with men other than their husbands. That is, of course, until I’d been in one myself.

  And Peter had told me he’d seen hundreds of others. And those were just the ones shared on the internet. Who knew how many videos existed, kept privately by the men the women had sex with? Kept by the wives themselves?

  Even their husbands?

  Not cheating wives. No, wives who loved their husbands, who were loved by their husbands. Husbands who listened to their wives tell them in great detail about their trysts. Wives who brought home videos of themselves having sex with their lovers, to share with their husbands. Wives who let their husbands watch, not just on a video, but in the room. Husbands who wanted to watch. An indescribable kind of love, a love that a couple not experiencing it could ever understand. A love so deep and strong that it not only survived these experiences, but grew from them.

  It was mind boggling to consider. All that sex going on. An entire hidden world of sex. Of fantasies come to life.

  Of possibilities.

  I pushed that arousing thought aside. A fantasy was one thing, a reality could be a problem. “How do we know they won’t put it back up?”

  “We don’t, not for sure. I’ll keep checking.”

  I slapped him playfully on the side of the head. “You just want an excuse to look at porn.”

  “Well, only videos with you in it.”

  “So it’s not porn if I’m in it?”

  Peter turned to look at me. “That’s not how I thought of it.
As porn.”

  “What did you think of it?” I asked. I knew the answer, but I liked hearing it. Just like a women knows her husband loves her, but longs to hear him say it.

  “It was hot,” said Peter.

  I rubbed his shoulders. I’d been out at a popular rooftop bar with a few of my girlfriends, and had just come home. I was still in my going out clothes, a nice loose chic dress, strappy heeled sandals, my hair down and free.

  Over drinks, my girlfriends, unaware of my predicament, had talked about sex, good and bad. They’d ogled men at the bar, laughing at the bad pickup lines of the men who bought them—us—drinks. They’d whispered about the good looking ones, commenting on their bodies, speculating on their prowess. I’m sure they also became aroused, feeling their nipples harden, a clenching in their stomach and between their legs, perhaps even a flow of wetness.

  I’m sure of this because that’s how I had reacted as well.

  So help me, I tried not to. I had every reason to control myself, to not allow myself to be affected by sinful thoughts. Yet the harder I tried, the harder it was not to think of the possibilities.

  Especially since my night with Rick and Rodney. After years of being with one man, this man whose shoulders I now kneaded, a man I loved and I knew loved me. A man whose other qualities were so good, whose support was so incredible, I’d made the fully aware decision to give up my deepest sexual desires.

  I thought I had it under control. I thought I could manage that tradeoff.

  Until the night with Rick and Rodney, when it had all come rushing back, reminding me of what I had walked away from. The incredible rush from being taken, hard, over and over. Not by a man who asked me what I wanted, who wanted to please me, but by a man—men—who’d taken what they wanted. Strong. Unforgiving.


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