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Satisfying Her Needs 2: A Hotwife Revealed Story (Her Needs Series)

Page 11

by Blaise Quin


  “I wouldn’t have said that to you,” said Andie.

  She was tracing her finger on my stomach. Every so often the back of her hand would brush my soft cock, perhaps daring me to get it up again.

  “What would you have said to me?” I asked.

  “What would you have wanted me to say?”

  “I asked you first.”

  “Okay. I would have said, ‘Your turn.’”

  Her words triggered a shiver which ran right down through my dick. “In the back of Nathan Chase’s limo?”

  “Why not? We did it in his expensive hotel room.”

  I wondered if Chase knew about that. Or if he cared. “How about the driver? What if he was—the kind of man you were attracted to? What would you have said to him then?”

  Andie gave me one of those matter of fact smiles that still managed to hint at great allure. “Your turn,” she said.

  I groaned, my wife knowing exactly what to say to get me revved up. Especially since she just might have been telling the truth.

  Her fingers slid over my semi hard shaft. “Ready?”

  “I want to, I do, I’m not sure I have it in me.” My cock was raw from two days of practically non stop sex. With a little masturbation thrown in. Pretty soon I’d be literally shooting blanks. Was there a limit to how much sperm a man could generate?

  My phone rang. Normally I’d ignore it, but I was blowing off work, with the promise that I’d be available if needed. Andie slithered down the sheets and playfully took me in her mouth as I answered.


  “I saw your name on my caller ID when I was away. You looking to trade?”

  Andie looked up. Rodney, I mouthed. She was mouthing too, but not words. Her excited response hummed along my shaft.

  “You have something to trade?” I asked. I got a thrill having Andie suck on me as I talked to Rodney.

  “Maybe. I need to see the goods first.”

  “You know what she looks like.”

  “It’s been a while.”

  “It hasn’t been that long.”

  “The way your wife puts out, who knows how many guys she’s had since then?”

  I almost blurted out: Only one besides me. “There’s no video, is there?”

  “I’ll tell your wife when I see her.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was from Andie sucking on me or my envisioning Andie sucking on Rodney, but I was hard again. Andie let out a little moan, and I covered the phone. Then I thought, screw it, let Rodney hear it all. I bent over as I continued my conversation, holding the phone close to Andie’s face. Just like Nathan Chase had done. Maybe Rodney would figure out what was going on.

  “I’ll need some proof one way or another,” I said.

  “What, you want your lawyer buddy Rick to draw up a contract? An I promise I don’t have a video of your wife fucking me contract?” Rodney’s laugh was full of scorn.

  “I’ll think of something,” I gritted, partially from Rodney getting on my nerves, partially because of what Andie was doing to me.

  “You do that. I’m a busy man. Got women waiting in line. Let me see, I can squeeze her in—I mean squeeze in her—tomorrow night.”

  “Tomorrow? I’ll have to check with her schedule,” I said.

  “I bet if it’s your fucking wedding anniversary she’d still come.”

  I was trying to think of a way to put Rodney off. I wasn’t sure my cock could take any more, and I knew exactly how I’d be feeling while Andie was with Rodney, and after.

  But as soon as I had mentioned tomorrow, Andie groaned, her tongue fluttering over the head of my cock. She wanted tomorrow.

  So did my cock. I was really hard now, and though my shaft had lost some sensitivity, the idea of her with Rodney again was mentally driving me insane.

  “Where?” I asked.

  “How about your place? Want to see me fuck your wife in your bed?”

  I was still holding the phone near Andie, and she must have heard. Her breathless reaction was so loud I was sure Rodney could hear her. That is, if he could hear her over the sound of my own groan.

  Enticing as that idea was, I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. “Hotel,” I said, not sure if my voice held any conviction.

  “You thought about it,” challenged Rodney.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m sure she will. Make it a nice place, I don’t do dumps.” The line went dead.

  My cock was very much alive. Andie was rubbing herself with one hand as her other worked my shaft. She whimpered in excited frustration.

  I knew what she wanted before she asked. I stretched over to the night stand drawer and pulled out her very large, very black, dildo.

  She grabbed it from my hand, rolled over, and thrust it in her pussy. “Watch me!” she urged.

  I did more than that. I let her have both her hands back, letting her have the entire bed, just as she would if she was with Rodney, and jerked off as she fucked herself, blowing my rather insubstantial load on her curled feet even before she came.


  The ride up to the hotel room was very different this time. Better. Not because I favored Rodney over Nathan Chase—they both had their own appeal—but because Peter was in the elevator with me.

  My husband was going to watch me with another man.

  I couldn’t believe it was happening. My life—our lives—had changed so much in such a short time. We’d gone from being rather incompatible sexually to discovering a mutual infatuation. It had brought us closer together than ever before.

  I had come to realize, of all the things I enjoyed doing with my husband, this was by far the best.

  It had happened fast, but maybe because all the elements were already in place. The ingredients for a perfect meal, all prepared, ready to go, just waiting to be put in the pan.

  I glanced over at Peter, just as he looked at me. We both smiled.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “I’d prove it to you, but someone might get on the elevator.” Five floors to go. “How about you?” I made it clear from my tone that I was still giving him a chance to back out—to back both of us out.

  He held up the bag he was carrying. “I brought extra batteries.”

  I laughed in spite of my nervousness, arousal, and anticipation. I was learning a lot about my husband through this journey we had taken. I was sure I would learn even more. That in itself was an incredible, promising thought.

  Not many other women, I guessed, would be doing what I was doing, going to meet another man. Fewer would want their husbands to come along.

  Far fewer had a husband as selfless as Peter, who, I firmly felt, would have let me do this even if it hadn’t turned him on as well. No, that wasn’t it—I had a husband who was turned on by this because I was. Because it’s what I wanted.

  Too bad for all those women.

  They didn’t know what they were missing.

  The elevator stopped.

  Outside the door of our room, Peter set down his shoulder bag. “Once we get inside, I’m not your husband.”

  “You’ll always be my husband.”

  “Well, what I mean is, you should do whatever you would do if I wasn’t there.”

  Just the through sent a shiver up my spine. “Okay.”

  We kissed, warm, passionate, loving. At its end Peter gave my ass a little squeeze. “Go get him.”

  I laughed, inwardly thinking it would likely be more like Rodney getting me.

  Inside, the room was dim. Peter turned on a few lights. “I came to see,” he said.

  I felt oddly nervous. It was surreal, being in a hotel room with my husband, which I’d done many times, yet preparing to be with another man. Even though I’d already been with this particular other man, even though my husband knew I’d been with this other man, having Peter here changed everything. I realized I might not be able to do what Peter had asked, act as if he wasn’t there.

  “Sit on the bed,” said P

  I did, crossing my legs. I was wearing a comfortable short skirt, medium heels, a loose blouse. I didn’t think Rodney would be thinking much about how I dressed, another way he was different from Nathan Chase.

  I hadn’t bothered with underwear or stockings.

  Peter stepped back. “Beautiful,” he said. “Hold still.” He pulled a camera out of his bag and took some photos. “Like those before photos you see in the ads.”

  “But the before pictures always look terrible!” I complained, yet still happy at his desire to do this.

  “It’s the difference you notice, between the before and after. You are going to be beautiful and sexy before, and more beautiful and sexier after.”

  “You’re just saying that because you’re my husband.”

  He took a few more shots, then some video. “I have a little surprise.”

  I gestured around the room. “More than this?”

  From the bag Peter took out a long black cloth. “I thought you might be hesitant to really let go with me here,” he explained, holding up the fabric. “So—.” He wrapped the cloth around my head, forming a blindfold. The material was silk, instantly sending a thrill through me.

  I’d never had a bad blindfold experience.

  “I’m not sure Rodney will want me to keep this on,” I said.

  “You can take it off later if you want. Just start out wearing it, okay?”

  I shivered, wondering what Rodney’s reaction would be. “Yes.”

  The door rattled with three hard knocks. I felt Peter against me, kissing the top of my head. “I’m right here if you need me,” he said. “Or if you don’t.”

  Pitch black, yet I sensed the moment Rodney was in the room, the sheer magnitude of the inflow of testosterone in the small space. My head lifted up in expectation, my stomach twisting in anticipation, my pussy clenching in desire.


  I hesitated before opening the door. It had been one thing to discover a video of Andie having sex with the man on the other side of that door. That had been a shock, but the series of events and decisions that had led to that event had not been a conscious plan on anyone’s part to achieve that end result. And though Andie’s hook ups with Nathan Chase had been planned—with my help—I was still always one step removed from the actual action.

  Once I opened this door, that would all change.

  I now, finally, fully accepted that I got a strange thrill from my wife hooking up with other men. Imagining it, then hearing about it from her.

  Would Andie be able to enjoy this tryst? Or would my presence change the entire mood, keep her from really letting go?

  That was the reason for the blindfold.

  I looked at her, sitting on the edge of the bed, her stunning legs still crossed. The side of her shirt had slid up, revealing a toned thigh that just invited a hand to run along it to grab her ass. She was leaning forward. Perhaps expectant, perhaps impatient.

  The blindfold was still in place, yet she looked anything but vulnerable.

  Even with her eyes covered, even with no words, her body was screaming a very clear message.

  She wanted this.

  Would I get the same thrill from actually seeing her do it?

  There was only one way to find out. I opened the door.

  I got two huge shocks.

  The first was Rodney. As big as he had looked on the video, he was even more so in person. He filled the doorway, big shoulders, a powerful neck, huge thighs. His head was shaven, a diamond in one ear. He wore a form fitting silk shirt and black pants with a massive gold buckled belt. The kind of look only a big confident man can pull off.

  The second shock was that he wasn’t alone.

  Another man was there, just as black, just as imposing. He had short dreadlocks, his face full where Rodney’s was angular, a short beard in place of Rodney’s slick skin.

  I froze, my mind reeling at their size, the reality of it finally hitting me.

  My first reaction was to close the door. The deal was for Rodney. I didn’t think he had brought the other man along to just watch.

  Not like me.

  Video or no video, my wife was no slut. She wasn’t going to put out for just any stranger who showed up at the door.

  All these thoughts ran through my mind in a second. I was just starting to close the door when I heard Andie behind me. Not words, but an unmistakable sound, a sound which needed no translation.

  A whimper of need.

  The same sound she’d made when she’d watched the video of herself with Rodney. The same cry she’d made as she’d heard me setting up her meetings with Nathan Chase and then Rodney.

  I couldn’t deny that plea. I couldn’t deny what it meant, and I couldn’t deny her desire.

  I opened the door all the way.

  I’d learned a long time ago when you got lemons, you made lemonade. You did the best with what was given you, and often things worked out great when you at first thought you faced a disaster.

  Before either man could speak, I pointed to the dreadlocked guy and put a finger to my lips, jerking my head in Andie’s direction. As they entered the room, I whispered, “As far as she knows, it’s just Rodney. If you keep it that way she’ll make it worth your while.”

  It felt funny, making promises for Andie, sounding like her pimp. Yet I had a really good feeling that she’d get off on what I was contemplating.

  Rodney gave me a doubtful look, and I thought he was going to argue for the sake of arguing. But perhaps he like the idea as well. He offered me a curt nod and pushed past.

  He stood an arm’s length away from Andie and asked, “You been touching yourself thinking about me?” Actually, it didn’t sound like a question at all.

  I couldn’t see Andie’s face, because Rodney was in the way, but her leg twitched.

  The other guy, his voice low, said, “Jamal.”

  I nodded at him, glad he was playing along. “I’m Peter.” I glanced at Rodney, who was towering over Andie. Her top leg was bouncing, a nervous excitement I recognized.

  I turned back to Jamal, keeping my voice down. “Want to fuck my wife?”

  Jamal probably had his own expectations, he likely had been promised all sorts of things by Rodney. But I think hearing it from me, so brazenly, was a new experience for him. His eyes glittered.

  “I’ll start with that,” he said.

  I didn’t have a chance to determine what he meant exactly, because at that moment Rodney said, “I bet you can find it with the blindfold on.”

  I moved to the side of the room and fumbled in the bag for my video camera. Fumbled, because I wasn’t looking; my eyes were on Andie and Rodney. She held her arms out in front of her, the way you’d walk in the dark, expecting to run into a wall.

  Rodney would have been just out of her reach, except the front of his pants were now pushed out like he had a thick pipe in his crotch. The erection was so big it was the first thing Andie’s fingers met.

  “Told you,” said Rodney.

  Andie ran her hand over his crotch, her mouth opening, her tongue flittering across her lips. She cupped her palm and ran it under his shaft, urging him toward her.

  But Rodney didn’t budge.

  No verbal foreplay for either of them, getting right to it. I turned on the camera and started filming.

  “What’s that for?” asked Rodney.

  “In case you don’t have a video.”

  “For you or her?”

  I didn’t dignify him with a response, but I sensed he knew.

  His laugh confirmed it.

  “Smile, woman, you’re on camera.”

  Andie wasn’t smiling, but she certainly wasn’t sad. She was intent. I zoomed in on her face, now wishing she wasn’t wearing the blindfold, I wanted to see her eyes.

  Now both her hands were fondling Rodney’s cock through his pants.

  She tried to pull him forward, but Rodney backed up a step. Andie moaned and slid to the floor, holding on to
Rodney’s shaft like a life preserver.

  Rodney laughed again and said, “Work for it.”

  And she did. Dragging her knees across the harsh carpet, she followed Rodney’s back stepping.

  I think any other guy, being in the same room with a beautiful woman who so obviously wanted sex, wouldn’t have had the self control to wait. I know if it had been me, years before I was married, I’d already be naked, rushing to get to the good stuff.

  Rodney, on the other hand, appeared to be enjoying himself. Perhaps it was because he got all the women he wanted, it wasn’t like he hadn’t been laid in months. That had to take the edge off. Or perhaps he knew what would make Andie even more appealing, make her hotter in his mind. He was the kind of guy who implicitly knew what turned women on. In Andie’s case, what got her cranked up was being told what to do, being made to beg for it, being taken roughly.

  Rodney and Andie both knew what the other wanted, yet neither was play acting. This was as real as it got.

  I glanced at Jamal. I wondered what he wanted, whether he was like Rodney. He hadn’t said a word about me being there. Rodney probably had warned him, but Jamal likely just didn’t care if I was there or not.

  Rodney stopped, and Andie was so intent on following him her face slammed into his crotch.

  “Watch where you’re going,” said Rodney with a smirk. “Oh, right, you can’t see. Well, use your hands.”

  Andie’s head turned from side to side, as if she were trying to figure out where I was. Maybe looking for my approval. Or for an indication I’d stop her.

  I kept my mouth shut and the camera rolling.

  Slowly Andie raised her hands over her head and felt for Rodney’s belt buckle. After the slightest of hesitations, she released it.

  Thought I’d seen my wife on a video with other men, though I’d heard about what she’d done with Nathan Chase, there was something unbelievably erotic about the scene unfolding in front of me. I don’t know why this was more arousing than anything she’d already done, but I almost fell on my face in my delirious state. Seeing Andie on her knees, making the first move, beginning to undress a man. For some reason it was one of the hottest images I’d ever had, more of a turn on than any porn video, as much of a turn on as having sex. A beautiful woman, who was my wife, on her knees, taking the first step. Well, not exactly. Being told what to do, and then doing it. All while I watched.


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