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The First Paladin (The New Earth Chronicles Book 1)

Page 32

by J. J. Thompson

  She was just beginning to yawn, but then she noticed her surroundings and closed her mouth with a snap.

  She wasn't lying on a mattress. Instead she had been sleeping on a bed of wildflowers as a gentle breeze blew over her body.

  “What on Earth?” she muttered as she looked around.

  Liliana was sitting on the crest of a low hill, beneath a blue sky filled will fluffy white clouds. The air was sweet with the scent of the flowers and, even though she had been lying on the ground, she felt warm and comfortable.

  She pushed herself to her feet and realized that her armor and sword were missing. Instead, she was wearing a long tunic that fell to her knees. The tunic was made out of grass that was turning brown with age and Liliana stared down at it in wonder.

  “Where am I? What has happened?” she wondered aloud.

  “You are exactly where you need to be, child,” someone answered from behind her.

  She spun around and gaped at the speaker.


  The silver dragon stood there watching her affectionately. In her human form, she was even more beautiful than Liliana remembered. She was wearing the long, flowing silvery gown that the paladin had first seen her in so many years before. It shimmered in the sunlight and reflected in Esmiralla's icy blue eyes.

  “You're here,” Liliana continued numbly. “But, how is this possible? You...”

  She caught herself before she said something foolish and the silver dragon smiled gently.

  “Died? No, young one, I did not. But that is a tale for another day. Today is all about you, and you are very, very late.”

  The paladin shook her head in confusion.

  “I'm late? I don't understand. The last thing I remember was attacking the primal red dragon. Valiant, Grom and I charged at him and then...”

  She frowned again as she reached for a memory that wasn't there.

  “I can't remember. What happened? Where am I?”

  “All of your questions will be answered, child, but not just yet. Come now.”

  Esmiralla stepped closer to Liliana and gently turned her around. She pointed down the hill and the paladin looked in that direction.

  “They are waiting for you.”

  At the bottom of the slope, no more than a mile away, stood a tower. Tall and square, the weathered gray building proudly rose out of a field of tall grass to stand alone in the sunshine. At the base of the tower stood several figures and Liliana squinted, trying to make them out.

  Two small forms, barely visible from the hilltop, stood next to a tall man wearing blue robes. One of the tiny figures was dark and seemed to be carved out of stone. The other was shimmering and translucent, bobbing up and down in the wind.

  The man was leaning on a staff and his shoulder-length hair, more silver than brown, fluttered around his face as he looked up the hill straight at her.

  “Simon?” Liliana whispered. “Can it be...Simon?”

  Esmiralla smiled at the paladin and nodded.

  “It is, yes. And you and he have much to do, young one. Your adventure is just beginning.”

  Liliana felt a rush of elation as she stared down at her old friend. And her happiness bubbled up into laughter as two more figures came into view, walking around a corner of the tower.

  A great red horse and a large black wolf joined Simon and his elemental friends. All of them watched Liliana and she knew that they were waiting for her.

  “Go, child, go,” Esmiralla urged. “You must hurry. Time is short.”

  “I...lady, is this your doing?” Liliana asked the silver dragon breathlessly.

  The beautiful woman shrugged.

  “I may have played a small role in your deliverance, but the one to whom you owe the most gratitude is the goddess you serve. She has great plans for you, young one. Great plans. Now go. I cannot linger here. Forces are moving and we must be ready to counter them.”

  Esmiralla gently patted the paladin's cheek and then she was gone, as if she had only been a dream.

  Maybe she was, Liliana said to herself.

  She looked down at the distant group and laughed again.

  But they aren't. Oh, my friends. I do not deserve this grace. But if it means that I can still serve, that I can still defend the weak and care for the helpless, then I will do my best, I swear it.

  She started walking down the hill, grass swirling around her ankles. Simon raised his hand and waved and Liliana felt a rush of exultation. She began to run.

  Oh gods, how can I contain such joy?

  Grom threw back his head and howled and Valiant reared up and trumpeted as they welcomed her home.

  The End


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