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The Sheikh’s Royal Bride

Page 7

by Cara Albany

  "Why not?"

  She frowned. "You know what happened last night, in the garden."

  Ignoring what she'd said, he sighed and shook his head. "If you want me to explain, meet me upstairs after the presentation," he said sounding irritable.

  Lori looked disbelievingly at him. "You want me to meet you in my room?"

  He looked surprised that she would be shocked by such a suggestion. "Is that going to be a problem? It would be best if I explain without any of the guests overhearing."

  From outside on the terrace, Lori heard her name being called out by Alaya. It was time for the presentation. She knew she had to go, now. Zafar moved closer to her. She knew he wanted an answer.

  "Okay. I'll meet you. But only for a few minutes, okay?"

  Zafar nodded.

  And as she headed off to join Alaya, Lori wondered if she was losing her mind. She'd just agreed to meet the prince in her room. And there was no guarantee there wasn't going to be a repeat of last night's encounter in the garden.


  The presentation had finished and Lori was making her way back into the palace. She had left Alaya behind to answer some questions from a few of the guests.

  The presentation had been given in the Qazhar language. Lori had stood alongside Alaya, nodding sagely from time to time, not understanding very much. Alaya had told Lori earlier what she was going to say. She was going to explain everyone's contribution to the excavation, and make a special mention of what Lori had done.

  As she passed them, Lori got appreciative nods and smiles from some of the guests. It felt good to be part of something that had made such an impression.

  Lori felt nerves tighten in her middle. She hadn't seen Zafar for the last few minutes. Not since the end of the presentation. She'd last seen him standing beside his Aunt Leila at the front of the congregated guests.

  Leila had looked genuinely interested in what she had seen and the explanations from Alaya. There had certainly been more respect in Leila's demeanor than Lori had seen in Zafar the day before.

  From time to time, Zafar had caught Lori's eye as she'd stood next to Alaya. He had even smiled at her a few times. Had he realized how nervous she was standing in front of the great and the good of Qazhar society? And, by smiling at her like that, had he been trying to lighten the load a little for her?

  She wasn't exactly sure why he'd been doing that. All she knew was that it had felt good to have him looking at her. Watching her, again. She'd taken comfort from his understanding looks.

  On one occasion, Lori had seen Zafar's aunt glancing up at him. She was sure Leila had caught Zafar gazing straight at Lori, smiling at her. Leila's eyes had flashed with sudden surprise and, Lori thought, even a hint of disapproval.

  Had the aunt wondered if something was going on between her nephew and the American woman who looked so awkward standing beneath the bright lights? The foreigner who couldn't even speak the country's language.

  And what exactly was going on between Lori and Zafar? It was hard to say, really. Lori still hadn't figured it out. But she was beginning to have some strong suspicions that it would take something major to force Zafar to stop paying her the kind of attention he'd paid her last night at the fountain.

  As she made her way up the steps and onto the terrace, Lori saw Zafar's aunt standing amongst a group of guests. There was no sign of Zafar. He was obviously intent on keeping his side of the arrangement to meet Lori. He'd be waiting for her upstairs. The thought of him up there in her room, waiting for her, made her heart beat faster.

  Aunt Leila caught Lori's attention and smiled. Lori halted a moment. "Did you enjoy the presentation?" Lori asked.

  Leila smiled. "It was delightful, dear. Such a pity you're not fluent in the Qazhar tongue," she said acidly.

  Lori didn't know whether to be insulted by that comment. She forced herself to smile. "I know. Alaya's my boss. She really wanted to do all the explaining," Lori said. "It made sense."

  Leila didn't look convinced.

  Lori shrugged. "Seniority, I guess," she added. "Maybe I'll get a chance to learn Qazhar if I'm here a bit longer."

  Leila's brows lifted. "How long are you planning to stay?" Leila asked.

  "Depends. This excavation is nearly complete. Maybe a few weeks more, give or take."

  "And then what happens?" Leila asked. "You go back to America?"

  Lori wondered why that would even be of any interest to Zafar's aunt. "I don't know. Something might come up that will keep me here," she said. "There have been some discussions, but nothing final, yet."

  Leila frowned briefly, but then quickly regained her composure. Leila stared blankly at Lori. Why would Leila be concerned that Lori might stay on in Qazhar? What business was it of this woman what Lori did with her professional life?

  Lori thought about mentioning what Zafar had talked about earlier. But, she recalled the way he'd suggested that they keep this whole thing to themselves, for the moment.

  Lori was about to move off when Leila placed a hand gently on her arm. Lori paused and narrowed her eyes. "Yes?"

  Leila lowered her voice and leaned closer. "I couldn't help noticing that you and my nephew already seem to know each other," she murmured.

  Lori frowned. "We've only met a couple of times, ma'am," she explained.

  Leila smiled patiently. "My nephew, being a prince, obviously enjoys the attention of many young women," she said.

  Lori felt a flash of indignation. "I'm sure he does," she said. "In fact, I've read about him."

  "You have?" Leila asked.

  Lori nodded. "He's pretty well known outside Qazhar. But I guess you know all about the royal lifestyle," Lori said.

  Leila nodded. "It's just that for Zafar, certain things have already been agreed. For his benefit, you understand," Leila said.

  Lori frowned. What was Leila hinting at?Was this some kind of subtle hint? Stay away from my nephew. You're not the right type. The thought of that made Lori feel even more indignant.

  "What are you suggesting?" Lori asked bluntly.

  Leila glanced around to see if what she was saying could be overheard. "Just that he's a prince, my dear. And there are many eligible Qazhar women. One of those women will probably be his bride. And very soon."

  "What!" Lori asked, realizing her voice had risen momentarily. She felt her face flush with heat. She glared at the woman. She'd been right. This woman was trying to discourage Lori from showing any kind of interest in her nephew.

  For a long moment, Lori was lost for words. She stood staring every at the elderly woman. Did she really believe that there was any chance that Lori and Zafar could have any kind of involvement?

  "I think, somehow, you've gotten the wrong idea," Lori said.

  Zafar's aunt shook her head slowly. "I don't think so. I know Zafar. I know him better than most people."

  Lori snorted and shook her head. "No. Really. You've got it all wrong."

  "I saw how he looked at you over there," Leila explained.

  "I was giving a presentation," Lori stated. "I was standing right in front of you both. He could hardly have ignored me."

  "Yes," Leila said sardonically, resting a hand on Lori's arm. "You were most definitely giving a presentation, weren't you. And it wasn't just for the benefit of all the guests, was it?"

  This time Lori really felt her face flush. She glared at Leila, who stared right back at her. Some curious glances from nearby guests told Lori that they were probably wondering why she and Leila were looking at each other like this.

  Lori looked down at Leila's hand and then back up into the woman's eyes. She held Leila's gaze a long moment and then felt the woman's hand slide from her arm.

  Lori held her gaze steady for a few moments. Then she spoke: "If you would excuse me, ma'am," she said. "I've arranged to speak in private with someone about a very pressing matter."

  "Who?" Leila asked sharply.

  Lori peered at Leila. "I'm afraid I can't say."

bsp; Lori saw the woman's eyes widen. She knew exactly who Lori was going to speak with. She was sure Leila would have questions later for Zafar. But, for now, Lori needed to get away from this very awkward conversation with her head held high.

  Leila's features softened into a polite and resigned acceptance. She lowered her head. "Don't let me keep you," she said.

  Lori walked off, feeling slightly shaken by the brazen way the woman had tried to intervene.

  Who did she think she was? And what had driven her to say such a thing to Lori of all people? Hadn't the woman realized that any look Zafar had pointed in Lori's direction had been just polite encouragement? It had been Zafar's way of giving Lori friendly support. That was all.

  Lori made her way through the guests. There was no sign of Zafar, so she was sure he was waiting for her upstairs.

  For a moment, she considered not going up there. But, after that encounter with his aunt, Lori felt indignant enough that if she didn't go to Zafar, it could well amount to some kind of victory for Leila.

  Lori wasn't going to let that happen. She wasn't going to be put off that easily.

  She strode through the crowd of guests and finally emerged into the hallway. She made her way upstairs. Walking along the corridor, she reached the door of her room.

  She'd almost expected to see Zafar waiting for her outside her room. But he wasn't there. She figured he must be inside. It seemed like Zafar felt right at home in Kadir's palace, free to wander wherever he liked.

  Or maybe it was just another example of how he just assumed that the world existed to serve him. Give him what he wanted.

  Lori pushed open the door and went inside. The room was softly lit by a couple of lamps set on tables in corners of the room.

  At first she didn't see him. The room felt empty. She started to wonder where he was, telling herself that perhaps he'd changed his mind.

  Then she looked out onto the terrace. She saw him standing there, his back to her. He was gazing out across the garden toward the distant desert. A full moon cast a silvery light across the landscape.

  Lori paused, just looking at him for a few moments. He'd discarded his jacket. She took in the sight of his broad shoulders, encased in his tight-fitting white shirt. The elegant cut of his suit pants revealed his deliciously taut rear. His dark, shoulder-length hair caught the moonlight, giving it a lustrous sheen.

  Even as she stood gazing at him, she could feel the remnants of the pleasure she'd experienced the night before. There was a nervous, tight knot in her belly. She held her breath for a few seconds, as if the mere sound of her breath would make him turn to look at her.

  She didn't want to ruin this moment. A moment of guilty pleasure.

  He looked incredibly powerful standing there like that, she told herself. So completely at home here in this world. A world in which, according to what she'd been told downstairs, she didn't belong.

  She was an outsider. Not welcome. She had no place by the side of the man she was looking at right now. Not even for a moment. Not even for a night.

  But, she already knew how Zafar felt about her. How much he was attracted to her. She'd seen it in his eyes.

  She'd already tasted his desire, his need. He wanted her. It was that simple. She'd spent much of the day reliving the pleasure his touch had given her.

  Was she going to deny herself? Or, even worse. Let someone else deny her what she wanted?

  She took a few steps, and her heels sounded on the marble floor.

  Instantly, Zafar whirled. His dark, hooded gaze fixed upon her and he smiled.

  Then he started to move.

  Walking toward her, his gaze was melting hot. He didn't shift his eyes from her. It was a hungry look.


  It was ravenous. His gaze burned into her soul.

  His body moved animal-like, and with an easy fluid motion. Smooth and purposeful.

  She felt her entire being come to life. Her heart was pounding relentlessly as she watched him stalk, panther-like toward her. Her breathing was suddenly short, and she realized she was rooted to the spot.

  The reason for meeting like this, suddenly vanished from her mind. All she could think of was how incredible he looked. Completely irresistible.

  Her throat had tightened. Now he was inches from her.

  He halted. So close. She could see his nostrils flare with primal need. She heard his breathing, sharp and loud in the confines of the room.

  It was clear he had no intention of saying anything to her. He knew the real reason why he had asked her to come to the room.

  And so did she. She'd known it all along. It had nothing to do with polite conversation. It was all about mutual need.

  And, by coming here, she had given him an important message. That she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He moved quickly and slid his arms around her waist, pulling her body hard against his. She felt the firmness of his desire, felt the tension in his body as she pressed against him.

  He breathed harshly and ran his ravenous gaze down the length of her neck, her breasts. Then he lifted his head and leaned in, drawing her even more firmly against him. He wouldn't be denied, and she wasn't even about to try.

  His lips crashed down with desperate desire upon her mouth. His tongue probed her mouth, sending waves of sharp pleasure coursing through her body. She felt her breasts pressing against his hard chest. Through her dress, her nipples pebbled in response to the firmness of his body. She sensed the hardness of his torso against her.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her even harder, with a passion that bordered on the maniacal. She felt as if a dam had been burst open, letting loose a ferocious need in him. Her body reacted, blood coursing through veins, heart racing frantically, breathing becoming harsh and uncontrollable.

  Lori felt as if she'd been swept up in some primitive storm. His need was a force of nature. She'd never felt like this with anyone.

  She let herself submit to the whole experience, giving herself over to the sheer pleasure.

  One of his hands slid around to her front and then he cupped one of her breasts. Through the thin fabric of her dress, his thumb traced circles around her raised nipple.

  Ecstasy flared in her. It was such a simple touch, almost nothing, but the effect was enormous. Nerves quivered and she gasped. The sound of that single gasp seemed to drive him on even more.

  His lips consumed her, his tongue exploring her with feverish need. Lori felt her core become warm. For a moment, she wondered if she could take what was obviously about to happen. Whether she really wanted this.

  The answer came from her body. It came with every quiver of delight that swept through her.

  Suddenly she staggered, pleasure making her legs unsteady. Their lips parted and they faced each other for a long moment. His gaze was still burning hot. Her mind was a delicious blank as she took in the sight of his astonishing male need.

  He reached around, cupping her rear in his hands, and lifted her up. She squealed and her legs curled instinctively around his waist, her arms curling around his shoulders. She held on tight.

  He moved quickly and, before she knew what had happened, her back was pressing up against the wall near the door.

  She gasped as she felt the hardness of the wall at her back. She parted her legs and she felt his hand slide up the length of her thigh, pushing her dress to one side. She knew exactly what he wanted. And it was what she wanted, too.

  Zafar lifted his hand to the back of her head, cupping it gently, as if to protect it from the hard wall. She felt his fingers snake through her loose blonde hair.

  His fingers moved up her inner thigh very slowly. Her heart started hammering in anticipation of what was to come.

  The skin of his fingers was deliciously rough against the softer skin of her thighs. Then she felt him move her panties gently aside. Her breathing almost stopped in her throat. She held onto him, feeling the tension in his body, feeling the moist need at her core.
br />   Then his thumb caressed her most sensitive spot and she groaned, pleasure vibrating throughout her entire body. For a moment, it was almost too much to bear. He seemed to sense her hesitation, because he slowed his movement, easing off the pressure slightly. It was clear he wanted her pleasure to last.

  He kissed her with even more passion, and this time it was her turn to probe his mouth with her tongue. His need tightened noticeably, his breathing harsh.

  Then his thumb resumed its gentle circling and once again her entire body was overtaken by pleasure.

  The movement of his fingers was expert and gentle. Pleasure swept through her every time he circled his thumb. She felt his fingers ease her folds apart. Her moistness was obvious now. The effect of him on her body was impossible to disguise. He had awakened something primal in her. Something she had never felt before.

  Then she felt his finger slide inside her, and her pleasure soared even higher. She felt herself tighten around him. He continued his attention on her mound, making her feel an ecstasy she'd never known possible.

  For a long time he drove her higher and higher with his delicate movements, until at least she felt her body tighten. So much tension had built up inside her that she felt as if she was going to tumble, lost forever, over a precipice.

  He seemed to sense her need. His movements became more determined, more purposeful. The touch of his fingers was ecstasy and indescribable pleasure.

  Then, suddenly, she felt a wave sweep over her. She cried out, holding onto him, feeling every nerve in her body quiver with absolute ecstasy. Every part of her body seemed to melt beneath his touch.

  She let him hold her, his arms enclosing her while she came down from her peak. She was still gasping, totally breathless. She felt a delicious sensation in her nerves as the effect of his attention began to soften. She'd never felt such peace before.

  Finally her breathing slowed and she looked up into his eyes. He was gazing at her, the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. His gaze was still intense, though. Her need had been satisfied, but his satisfaction was still to come.


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