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The Sheikh’s Royal Bride

Page 13

by Cara Albany

Catch the prince.

  Immediately he discarded that thought. Lori was nothing like that. His instincts told him that she hardly had a selfish bone in her body. She wasn't like the others.

  He felt himself snap again and drew in a harsh, deep breath.

  But, what she was doing to him, right now, was nothing less than Wasn't it?

  To them both.

  She was denying the truth, wasn't she? Had she already forgotten what had happened last night? Had it meant so little to her?

  She was putting him through nothing more or less than an exquisite and terrible torture. It was that simple.

  Zafar went to the balustrade and curled his fingers around the cold marble. He gripped the stone so hard he felt his fingers ache. He sighed and gritted his teeth.

  Then a thought came to him. The call he'd just taken might serve a useful purpose, after all.

  Maybe it wasn't too late to respond to Lori's defiant attitude. To push back.

  Zafar left the terrace and made his way upstairs. He knew where Lori's room was. He'd chosen the most luxurious suite in the palace. One reserved for only very special guests. And she was most certainly that, he told himself.

  He came to her door and knocked softly. There was no answer. He called out her name.

  He waited.

  Zafar knocked again.

  But, still there was no answer.

  He wondered if she had left the room. And then, from within the room, he heard a sound which made his heart pound quicker. Made the breath halt in his chest. Caused his mind to fill instantly with tempting and dangerous thoughts.

  Zafar dipped his head and leaned closer to the door. He'd been right.

  He could hear the distant sound of the running water of a shower.


  The water was glorious, Lori told herself as she stood in the shower, letting the sharp needles of hot water pound her skin, bringing her back to life.

  Cleansing her mind. Taking away all the tension. All the frustration.

  She felt all the dust of the day washing away off her body. The heat of the water softened every muscle in her body.

  The white-tiled shower stall was large, but even so, the whole space around her was completely steamed up. Lori felt as if she had been enveloped in a cloud of vapor. She could hardly see past the glass screen.

  She soaped her naked body, cleaning away every remnant of the day. As she did so, she thought about Zafar. What he would say to her once she went downstairs for dinner.

  She was already beginning to think what she would say to him. How she could tell him how she felt about him. Lori was sure she'd done plenty today to push him away. He must have felt as if she was some kind of tease, determined to play games with him. Maybe he thought she was just like all the rest.

  But, even as she played with that thought, she knew that it wasn't the truth. He'd made it clear to her that she was special to him. She felt it in her bones.

  Here, beneath the water, it wasn't only the dust on her body which had been washed away. Some of her doubts about Zafar had been swept away, as well. Having time to think, time away from him, had given her the space to consider what she'd done by keeping him at bay.


  Trying to keep Zafar at bay.

  Because, she'd realized that any attempt at taming this particular prince was probably doomed to failure.

  Lori leaned her head back and let the water pound the skin on her face. She felt the warmth of the rivulets as they ran down the entire length of her body.

  Then, suddenly, she became aware that she wasn't alone. She felt a presence behind her, heard a small noise, and turned quickly. Even as she did so, she knew it could only be one person.

  Zafar had already stepped into the shower stall.

  He was complete naked.

  "Zafar!" she exclaimed. Her voice contrasted sharply with the steady hiss of the tumbling water.

  Instinct made her cover herself and take a step backward. She felt her back press against the hard shower wall. Her bare heel touched the edge of the shower base.

  Zafar was only inches away from her. His gaze was steady, dark and dangerous. Hungry and appreciative.

  He moved closer, and the shower water tumbled down his incredible body. Within seconds, he was soaked, his skin coated in an incredible sheen, highlighting every one of his powerful muscles. The dark hair on his chest was instantly matted with water.

  Lori watched, almost hypnotized, as rivulets of water ran down the length of his torso, across his abdomen and down across his firmness.

  He was already aroused. And huge.

  She felt her chest tighten, sensed the breath catching in her throat for a moment. He laid one hand on his waist, as if readying himself.

  He looked so powerful standing there, enveloped in a cloud of hot steam. It was as if he was emerging from some kind of vision, a dream-like presence.

  But she knew he was real. Very real.

  She already knew what it would feel like when he took her in his arms. Because that was what he was about to do, and she had a choice to make.

  Even as she weighed up that choice, she knew it was no choice at all. There was only one thing she wanted.

  Then he came to her, wrapping his bare, tightly muscled arms around her. He crushed her against his naked body. She felt his soaking wet skin against hers. Felt the hardness of him pressing against her belly. The heat of his skin was almost as hot as the water from the shower.

  Her entire body flamed into glorious life. Again, like last night, he ignited a burning fire inside her. Just with a touch.

  Then his lips crashed down upon her mouth, claiming her again. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding onto him.

  Tension seized her and she curled her nails into his bare flesh. He reacted by claiming her with even more ferocity. His tongue probed her, searching for pleasure. She felt a shock of sensation course through her body and she staggered back against the hard wall.

  A harsh breath escaped her, drawn out by his need and the soft collision with the wall. But she didn't care about that. Not right now. All that mattered was that he was with her. Again.

  He wrapped his arms around her with an even stronger sense of possession. She didn't want to move. Simply enjoy the pleasure of his body. The relief that she was back in his arms. That he wanted her.

  They were both submerged in the tumbling water, drenched. But their passion wouldn't be cooled. The heat of his skin was intense. She felt the sheer authority of the way he had taken hold of every part of her being.

  He moved this head to one side and traced a line down the side of her neck. He dipped his head and lifted her carefully, placing his mouth over one of her nipples. Galvanic pleasure shot through her and she gasped.

  He laved her nipples while she ran her hands through his soaking wet hair. She didn't want him to stop tasting her, suckling her.

  The pleasure was intense. It seemed to go on forever. It was as if he wanted to taste her, consume every part of her. His tongue traced pleasure with expert ease.

  Finally, he lifted his head and gazed at her. Rivulets of water streamed down his face. He looked like some kind of feral animal. There was dark desire in his gaze. Urgency.

  And then she felt him press against her. He wanted her now. And he wasn't willing to wait. Neither was she.

  She parted her legs and he lifted her up slightly. She was positioned between Zafar and the wall. There was no way she could fall. And she knew he wouldn't let her tumble.

  Before she knew what had happened, he had pressed his firmness into her. He thrust upwards with a need that was urgent and fierce.

  She gasped and felt herself tighten around him. She curled her legs around him. He held her carefully, positioning himself in just the perfect position for his pleasure. And for hers, she realized as he started thrusting into her.

  Each stroke drew a gasp of ecstasy from her. Pleasure pulsed throughout her body. Her core was filled by him. In
describable pleasure flowed through her with every one of his powerful thrusts.

  She curled her arms around his arms, holding onto his tight muscles.

  They were one again. She hadn't been honest with herself. She'd missed this more than she had been willing to admit. In fact, she'd been hiding from the truth since last night. She wanted him more than ever.

  He groaned with pleasure with each thrust. Pressing against her mound, he sent waves of pleasure sweeping through every nerve in her body. He knew exactly what he was doing. Knew exactly how to make her feel more alive than she'd ever felt before.

  It felt as if they'd been swept up inside a hot cloud of passion. She felt her entire being melt with the heat of his body, the power of his desire, the warmth of the water. Every one of her muscles softened with exquisite ecstasy as he thrust into her again and again. He was determined and gentle. Fiercely demanding and responsive to her needs.

  Zafar held firmly onto her. She felt as if she was floating in ecstasy. This was what it really felt like to be possessed, to be claimed in the most primitive way imaginable.

  On and on, he thrust into. And every time, she thought every bone in her body was about to melt. The ecstasy was almost too much to take.

  Then, she felt herself edge toward her climax. Zafar's body tightened, as if he'd sensed that in her.

  His thrusts became more urgent. He kissed her as he pushed into her. She felt his breath against her mouth, felt the raging heat of his soaking wet body, the hard strenth of his muscles.

  She didn't want him to stop, but she knew it would have to come to an end.

  Something primal shifted in her, and she felt a wave crash against her, felt herself tumble over the edge of a precipice.

  Ecstasy took hold of her. And of him.

  He gasped and then cried out. They climaxed together, just as they'd done before. But, somehow this felt so different. So much more intense. So much more real.

  And then she felt his passion flow inside her. She grasped onto him and felt him do the same. He enclosed her in his protective grasp, as if he never wanted to let her go.

  And, as she came down from that peak, as she let him hold her, she knew that the time for running away from him was well and truly over.


  After the passion in the shower, Zafar felt completely spent. He held Lori for a while after they'd both reached their peak. The feeling of her so close, her amazing body in his arms was exquisite. Eventually though, it was time to get out of the shower, for them both to get completely dried and make themselves more comfortable for a while.

  And that was what they did. As they emerged, both naked, from the shower room, Zafar thought the bed looked inviting.

  The minute they lay down together on the huge bed, Zafar couldn't resist the need to claim Lori again. This time, in contrast to the mutual, burning and completely undeniable need in the shower, he made love with Lori with as much tenderness as he could summon.

  It was almost as if, moments ago, they'd shown each other the strength of their passion for each other. And now it was time to slow down, take time to enjoy each other. To discover even more about each other.

  Soon after, Zafar lay in the bed with Lori's soft curves wrapped around him. It felt so good to have her in his arms.

  He felt tired, but it was the best kind of exhaustion. Lori fell asleep in his arms. Zafar drifted off, and when he awoke, the sun had already set. The room was almost dark and through the open curtains he could see the silvery light cast by the moon on the distant desert.

  He glanced down at Lori. She was still asleep. Her blonde hair was mussed up, her features were set in a calm, satisfied expression, and her lips were moist and tempting.

  She looked achingly beautiful. He leaned his head down and kissed her softly on the top of the head. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. Instantly she opened her eyes and gazed up at him.

  She smiled. "Hey there," she said, her voice still sleepy.

  "Hey," he replied.

  She glanced across at the view out the windows. "What time is it?"

  "Time for us to eat," he replied.

  She lay back. The cover fell away from her, revealing her curves. He felt need flare, sensed himself become instantly firm. Didn't she realize how gorgeous she looked? Did she know how just looking at her affected him? How quickly she could trigger desire in him?

  She touched her bare belly. "Now that you mention it, I am a bit hungry."

  He twisted and leaned on an elbow, grinning at her. "Must have been all that exertion," he joked, leaning down and kissing her shoulder.

  She squinted at him. "You don't look tired," she observed.

  He shook his head. "You almost wore me out."

  She smiled. "That's good, then," she replied. "At least I can do that."

  He laughed and then kissed her. The sensation of her moist lips was tempting. He wanted to linger. For the rest of the night. But he knew they both needed to renew their strength.

  He leaned away from her and saw a flash of disappointment on her features. Was she ready for him again? And so soon?

  He slid off the bed and called down to the kitchen, giving instructions that dinner should be prepared and served within the hour.

  While they waited, they enjoyed each other yet again. He was amazed that she was so ready for him. That there were depths to her need that he hadn't fathomed before.

  Then it was time to go downstairs and enjoy the meal together. He dressed in his shirt and pants. Lori put her jeans and shirt back on. She refused his offer to find her a traditional style gown to wear. In response he told her he would arrange for her clothes to be cleaned and pressed overnight.

  His reminder that she was to stay the night in his palace drew a smile from Lori. Was she already getting used to the idea of staying with him? He hoped so.

  Tonight would be their first dinner alone. Previously, Zafar had been forced to share her company with others. But, now he had her all to himself.

  They made their way downstairs. He led her to the dining room and was pleased to find that the table had already been laid out for them. The terrace doors were opened. She followed him out onto the terrace, where they enjoyed drinks before the meal.

  They chatted for a while. By the way she gazed out across the gardens, to the distant desert darkness, he could tell that this place was beginning to find a way into her mind. Into her soul. Just like it had done to him growing up in Qazhar. This palace was a part of his being. He couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

  And now that she was here, things could hardly have been any better than they were. It felt good to have a woman like Lori by his side. Of course, he'd had female companions who had stayed at the palace. That had been part of who he had been. But, somehow, everything with Lori felt different. New. So much had changed.

  As he stood alongside her on the terrace, Zafar realized he'd never felt more alive. This woman had brought something unique into his life. Not just sex, although that was as important to him as it so clearly was to her.

  There was more to her than that. She made everything feel more urgent, more exciting. In recent years, life had become predictable for him. And that wasn't anything he could say whenever he was around Lori. Every day brought surprises. And fresh delights.

  For the first time in a long while, Zafar was looking forward to the future in a way he'd never done before.

  The food was brought. They sat across from each other, and they continued to talk while they ate. She told him all about her childhood. How she had had to fight for everything she got. How she had worked hard at school, winning a highly valued scholarship to a prestigious East coast college.

  Doors had opened up for her then. But she'd also experienced many dark moments, usually at the hands of people who believed that Lori didn't belong in their circle.

  So that explained the feisty and determined part of her nature, he told himself. He could quite easily imagine her facing down judgmental bullies and figh
ting hard to realize her full potential.

  Once she had shared her past with Zafar, she asked him questions about what it had been like growing up as a prince, as a part of a royal household. He told her as much as he could tell her without going into too many details of his family. He thought he might keep some of that for later conversations.

  Even as he tried to make his childhood sound like a tale of loneliness and hardship, of duty and obligation, he saw her smile incredulously across the table at him. She refused to believe that he had ever experience true hardship. In many ways, he knew she was absolutely right. In comparison to what she'd gone through, his had been a life of ease and privilege.

  Lori teased him every time he tried to make it sound like his life had had even the slightest difficulty. Eventually, he gave in and admitted that he had probably been just about the luckiest man in the kingdom.

  Dinner completed, they made their way out to the garden. The evening was still warm. They walked a while, talking even more. She slid her arm into his, and walked close to him. The feeling of closeness was so powerful that it almost took Zafar's breath away.

  They paused to kiss a few times throughout the walk. The moonlight cast a beautiful light across the garden, making it look enchanting. He saw the pleasure on Lori's face as they made their way from one part of the garden to the other. The talking continued for a long time, until he realized he felt tired again.

  Lori agreed with his suggestion that they go back upstairs. He saw the anticipation on her face as he made the suggestion. The truth was that, after the wonderful meal, the fascinating talk and gentle stroll in the garden, he just wanted to be with her, close to her.

  Inside her.

  It had been a perfect day.

  And it promised to be a perfect night.


  The two more days and two more nights after her first visit to Zafar's palace passed in a blissful, exciting haze. Lori could hardly believe what had happened. How close she and Zafar had become.

  And how fascinating it was to recover what was behind the wall at Leila's palace. It was an intoxicating mixture of satisfying her professional curiosity during the days and enjoying every moment of private pleasure with Zafar during the nights.


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