Just Desserts

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Just Desserts Page 4

by Gail Koger

  Thor giggled. “You his mate.”

  “He thought so, but I didn’t want anything to do with him.”

  The always-curious Haki asked, “Why?”

  “He was an alien. I was afraid he wanted to eat me like the Tai-Kok and Rodan.”

  “Daddy no eat you.”

  “No, but your father needed my blood.”

  Haki struck again. “Why?”

  “The Rodan had starved Talree, and he was really close to becoming a feral.”

  “What feral?”

  How did Tae deal with all the questions? “A Coletti warrior needs his mental link to his clan. If you take that away, keep him chained up and starved, he will become a monster like the Tai-Kok.”

  “That mean.”

  “Yes, Haki, it was very mean.”

  “What Daddy do?”

  “You father was very sneaky, and he tricked the Rodan into bringing me to their ship.”

  “How, Momma?”

  “He sent a big, bad, ratlike Rodan bounty hunter to catch me.”

  Haki bounced on my head. “What monster say?”

  I couldn’t help myself. “‘Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Earth woman.’”

  Thor chortled. “Silly Momma. No beanstalk here.”

  “Liked that story, did ya?” I rubbed my tight stomach. It felt like it was going to pop.

  An overexcited Haki asked, “You go ship?”

  “I did.” My stomach roiled as memories of that day flooded my mind. The landing bay was crowded with people. Hundreds of people. Crying. Screaming. Begging not to die. The coppery smell of blood was overpowering. Gutted corpses hung from the ceiling. It was a slaughterhouse.

  “Daddy there?”

  Locking those terrible images away, I nodded. “Yes, he was, but the first time I saw your father, I thought he was a big, scary vampire.”

  Haki giggled. “He got fangs.”

  “And glowing red eyes. Talree wanted me for his mate. I said no. He said I was his princess, and he had waited a very long time for me.”

  “Daddy Prince Charming?”

  “Yes, he was. I accepted his claim because I wanted to make the Rodan pay for what they had done to my people.” And I thought I could ditch him later. Destiny, the fickle bitch, had laughed her ass off. I soon learned there was no escape or do over.

  Chapter Five

  Holy cow! Some evil gremlins had suddenly grabbed my abdomen and were squeezing with all their might. One quick look at the med scanner, and I knew I had entered the deepest circle of hell. Childbirth.

  Detja had given birth to Talree in the middle of a vicious battle with the Alliance, and so she had insisted I learn how to deliver Thor. Who knew history would repeat itself?

  I scooted down to the end of the air mattress and positioned myself over a shallow basin of eroded stone. My makeshift birthing bed. Color me happy.

  Water dripped on my head. I glanced up. Fuck. The cavern’s roof had sprung a leak. The Queen Bitch was so paying for this.

  “Too tight,” Thor complained.

  Tell me about it. Thor was pressing painfully on my nether regions in his urgent bid to be born. My hoo-ha was never going to be the same. The need to push became overwhelming. Wrapping my hands around my knees, I pushed. And pushed. And pushed.

  Twenty minutes of sweaty grunting, and finally I could see the top of Thor’s head on the med scanner view screen. About fucking time.

  Haki started up with the questions again, “What that?”

  “That’s Thor.”

  “Why his fur funny?”

  “’Cause he’s Coletti, not an eight-legged Tabor.”

  Thor literally popped out. Catching him, I tilted his head to side, letting the fluids drain out, and rubbed his back.

  My baby’s lusty cry was the most beautiful sound in the world.

  “Why he make that noise? He hurt?” Haki practically vibrated with worry.

  “No, he’s perfect.” Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I counted Thor’s little fingers and toes. Cradling my son, I sagged back against the air mattress, stunned at the emotions rolling over me. Euphoria, relief, and an intense love. I wished Mom and Dad could have been here. I wanted so much to see the smiles on my parents’ faces as they held Thor in their arms for the first time. God, I missed them.

  A metallic voice sounded from the med scanner. “Clamp the umbilical cord in two places and cut it.”

  Crap! Jerking upright, I rummaged through the kit until I found the clamps and surgical knife.

  “Clamp the umbilical cord in two places and cut it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, give me a sec.” I did as instructed.

  The computerized med tech continued. “Run scanner over the infant.”

  Picking up the scanner, I moved it over Thor, watching the readout carefully.

  Thor gurgled adorably.

  “Infant is healthy. He will need blood in two hours.”

  “Okay.” I kissed Thor’s cheek. “I love you so much. Yes, I do.”

  The metallic voice advised, “You are slightly dehydrated. Please consume twenty ounces of fluid.”

  “Will do.”

  Grabbing the survival kit, I emptied it—a bunch of survival bars that tasted like poop, three bottles of water, another insulated blanket, an emergency com-link, and a flashlight. I unfastened the side pocket and found it contained the Colettis’ version of wet wipes. My Warlord was definitely a keeper.

  Tearing open the package, I took out a wipe and carefully cleaned the muck off my beautiful baby boy. He was the spitting image of his daddy. Thick black hair, golden eyes, and yeow!

  Baby fangs. Nursing was going to be a bitch. “You hungry already, sweetie?”

  “Get strong. Protect you.”

  Yup, he was definitely his father’s son. “Until you’re older, it’s my job to protect you.”

  “Me hungry too,” Haki whined.

  As if on cue, a critter with a zillion legs scurried up the wall.

  I pointed at it. “Can you eat that?”

  Haki scampered after it.

  “Guess that’s a yes.” Since my tunic was trashed, I needed something to wear. I unfastened the other side pocket on the survival kit and grinned. My wonderful Warlord had included a battle suit and diapers for Thor.

  I quickly put a diaper on Thor and changed into the battle suit. Ouch! Until my super healing kicked in, walking was going to be so much fun. My hoo-ha hadn’t hurt like this since Talree took my virginity.

  A snort broke from me when I remembered my first time. I was so pissed off at the big lug for refusing to return me to Earth. I had rescued his ungrateful ass. Okay, we sort of rescued each other, but that didn’t mean I was going to spread my legs for him. I wasn’t that kind of girl. I mean, c’mon, I had never been with a man before, and Talree was one step away from becoming a feral beast with really sharp teeth.

  I let the events of that day flow into my mind.

  There I was, stuck on an itty-bitty spaceship with no place to run and a huge alien intent on doing me. Not to mention the whole psychic-sex thing. Talk about a learning curve. What was the first thing Talree said? “Take off your clothes.”

  Yep, the soul of a romantic. I knew he was barely hanging on to his sanity, but I wanted to get to know him better before we did the nasty. I thought if I could get him to listen to reason, maybe he wouldn’t jump me.

  I took a deep breath and gave him my spiel. “Why pick me? There have to be hundreds of females on your worlds pleading for the chance to be your mate.”

  Something carnal flared to life in his amber gaze. “I desire only you.”

  Well, shit. “Here’s the thing. I don’t desire you. I know it’s a big disappointment, but you’ll get over it.” I jumped as invisible psychic fangs nipped my throat. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I will touch you when and where I wish.”

  “Like hell.” My body clenched as phantom hands shaped, kneaded, and claimed my breasts with a sensuou
s urgency.

  “Come to me,” Talree commanded in my head.

  I took an involuntary step forward as a surge of blistering need hit me. No! This had to be some kind of mental voodoo. There was no way I suddenly craved his touch. Talree had been in my head for weeks, and I had never wanted to lick him all over. Until now. Crap, it had to be the blood exchange he had forced on me when I was tossed into his cell on the Rodan ship. That was when the horrible truth hit me.

  If he took me, I would be his forever. “Listen, you’ve made a really big mistake. Being locked up for so long has messed with your head. You’re not my mate.”

  Talree’s tone was adamant. “I am your mate.”

  “Jeezus. Just because you believe it, doesn’t make it true.” I hissed as mental fingers slid down my stomach and glided between my legs. My pussy clenched as his fingers penetrated me. “Stop it! We’re not even the same species. Our parts won’t fit.”

  “They will fit.” He moved toward me, a predator stalking his prey. “Take off your clothes.”

  This guy had a one-track mind. “No.”

  An implacable resolve filled Talree’s eyes. “You accepted my claim. Does your word mean nothing?”

  He had a point but… “I would have said just about anything to keep you from eating me.”

  “I will bind you to me.”

  “You can try, fang boy.” Those damned ghostly fingers moved deeper inside me, inflaming every nerve ending until my body shook with raw want and all logic fled.

  A hot tongue licked my clit. I clenched my fists as lightning arced through me. Another lick, and my knees buckled. Helpless with desire, I hit the floor and rode out a crest of ecstasy so intense, I thought I would die. “God. I’m totally screwed.”

  “You will be.” Talree tilted my head up, and his lips covered mine with a passionate desperation. Whoa! Who knew kissing was universal?

  Talree’s tongue invaded, tasted, possessed. He began thrusting into my mouth, the rhythm matching the movement deep inside me. I was dimly aware of him unbuttoning my shirt. A part of me was screaming in protest. Another part of me welcomed his invasion, embraced it.

  My dead mother’s admonishing voice suddenly sounded in my head. Kaylee, a lady doesn’t allow a guy to fuck her on the first date. Shit! What was I doing? I fought off Talree’s sensual web and jabbed my thumb into the hollow in his neck.

  Talree gagged nicely, grabbed his throat, and struggled to breathe.

  Hot dang. It had worked. I scrambled to my feet and ran toward the weapons locker. Gun. I needed a really big gun.

  With a furious croak, Talree lunged after me and grabbed my left arm. I twisted, used his forward momentum against him, and hurled him over my shoulder.

  Bam! He slammed into a wall.

  Before I could do a happy dance, Talree was on his feet. A mocking laugh filled my mind. “Nice move, little one, but you cannot defeat me.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  He vanished.

  Oh crap! I dived for the weapons locker. A massive arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the floor. “That’s cheating. At least give me a fighting chance.”


  I fought like a crazy person as he shucked off my boots and pants. “Let go of me. Taking a woman against her will is called rape.”

  “I take what is mine.” Twisting me around, Talree’s nimble fingers made short work of my shirt and bra. His hands roved over me with a wild hunger.

  “Can’t we talk about this?” His sharp teeth scored my nipples, and I fought to squelch a whimper as he created an exquisite torment almost too much to bear.

  In a low, guttural voice, Talree said, “Talk later.”

  The fog of arousal intensified. Later? “But—”

  Talree dropped his shields, and I felt his beast. Its horrific rage beat at me. It was so hungry. Its need to kill was overwhelming. There would be no mercy. The beast would eat anything in its path. Including me.

  “You are my anchor. Deny me, and I become an unstoppable monster.”

  A cold fear lodged in my stomach. Talree was very close to breaking. The beast had to be defeated now, or it would travel back to Earth and do what the Tai-Kok hadn’t yet accomplished. Kill every living soul. I couldn’t let that happen. I was a Siren, and it was my job to protect Earth no matter what the cost. Talree was already embedded in my head, and I wasn’t sure I could live without him. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

  I took a deep breath and sealed my fate. “I accept your claim.”

  A triumphant roar echoed around the cabin. Talree pushed me to the floor and ravished my mouth with hot kisses.

  My brain turned to mush, and my body caught fire. I couldn’t get enough of the way he felt. His muscles rippled and bunched beneath my touch. The brush of his lips was dangerously erotic as he branded every inch of my skin.

  “I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me,” Talree rumbled in my head.

  Yikes. “Easy, big guy. I’m not going anywhere.” Hopefully, it was the beast talking. Time to get the show on the road before it broke loose. Since my only sexual experience was some heavy petting in the backseat of a car, I went with what I had read in romance novels.

  I trailed my fingers down his stomach and felt a slit in his abdomen. Well, that was kind of freaky. I twisted around for a better look, and my eyes bugged when I saw his man-part slide out. That gargantuan monster was never going to fit, and holy hell! “Ah, excuse me, but are those tentacles?”


  I won’t freak out. I won’t freak out. Running suddenly seemed like a really good idea, if I weren’t pinned down by three hundred pounds of pure muscle. “You, um, come equipped with your own sex toy?”

  Talree released my nipple with a wet pop. “Toy?”

  Oh, hell. I had forgotten the cardinal rule my brothers had drilled into my head. Never, ever make fun of a guy’s penis. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed at the size of your…um, equipment and surprised at the…ah, differences between a human male’s penis and yours.”

  The tentacles waved merrily at me.

  I politely waved back.

  Talree tilted my head up, and his dangerously predatory eyes locked on mine. “Why were you looking at another male’s penis?”

  “What? A girl can’t be curious?”

  “Your brothers allowed this?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “The males in your life have not properly trained you,” Talree grumbled.

  “Trained? I’m not a fucking dog. I make my own decisions.” I poked him in the chest with my finger. “Got it?”

  “You will obey me in all things.” Talree tightened his grip on my chin. “Got it?”

  One look at his glowing red eyes, and I knew the beast was gaining control. I petted his chest. “Okay, sure, not a problem. We good now?”

  An evil smile touched Talree’s mouth. “My sex toy is eager to taste you.”

  “It wants to eat me?” I squeaked when the inch-long, copper-colored tentacles undulated against my clit. Each sinuous flick created a firestorm of pleasure. “Wowzers.”

  “Like how that feels?”

  My body quivered as they slid against my sex. “Yep. Yep. Right there. Oh my God! Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  Talree pushed my knees apart. “The bond we forge is unbreakable.”

  “You mean…till death do us part kinda thing?”

  “Yes.” He thrust inside me.

  My breath caught at the alien invasion. Okay, that hurt. A lot.

  Talree’s mind ruthlessly seized control of me, branding me, claiming me body and soul. The pain was replaced by the exquisite pleasure of his touch. His hard, muscled frame felt like home. His body had been made for mine. We belonged together. Forever.

  I squirmed as the tentacles flexed, electrifying my womb. My eyes rolled back in my head. God, that felt so good. Was it possible to die from sex? I think I wanted to find out.

  Talree’s incredibly long dick move
d aggressively inside me, filling me, stretching me. His mouth was hot and dominant as he drove me mad with pleasure. The world shattered and spun away.

  A scant second later, Talree came deep inside me with a shout of pure triumph. “My mate!”

  Spasm after spasm shook me as I fought to get my breath back and my swirling senses under control. “Please tell me the beast has been defeated.”

  He nibbled on my neck. “I have it under control.”

  A thunderous explosion shook the cavern, shocking me back to the present. I curled protectively around Thor as bits of rocks rained down on us. Shit! Had the Tai-Kok had found us?

  Haki scurried up my leg. “Big boom.”

  “It’s okay. I won’t let the monsters hurt you.” I slid my laser pistol into its holster. Sending up a silent prayer, I opened my Siren senses. I still couldn’t link with Talree, but to my utter relief, I could sense the Tai-Kok. Two of them. I gingerly probed their minds. They had crash-landed and were working on repairing their ship. Nice of them to provide us a way off the island.

  Thor, my budding predator, asked, “We kill?”

  “I kill.”

  Thor’s face grew red, and he waved his fists. “Me protect Momma.”

  Detja had warned me this would happen. Protecting their womenfolk was hardwired into a Warlord’s DNA. “I have a very important job for you. You need to watch my back and make sure none of those nasty Tai-Kok sneak up on me. Okay?”


  I quickly turned the survival kit into a makeshift baby carrier, tucked Thor inside, and strapped it on. “Haki, I need you to contact your mom and have her tell Talree the Tai-Kok crashed on our island.”

  “Me tell.”

  Chapter Six

  Wild winds whipped around me as I climbed up the narrow ledge, cursing silently at the rocks cutting into my bare feet. If the Tai-Kok got their ship repaired before I made it to the top of the island, I was going to be pissed.

  I slipped on a loose stone. “Whoa!” Arms spinning wildly, I desperately tried to regain my balance and began skidding dangerously close to edge of the eight-hundred-foot drop-off.

  “Momma! No fall!” Thor yelled, tugging on my braid.


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