Just Desserts

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Just Desserts Page 5

by Gail Koger

  At the last instant, I managed to grab an exposed root and stop my slide to certain death. My horrified gaze followed the laser rifle as it rolled over the edge and fell into the swirling black water below. Crap. I so needed my powers back.

  Haki announced abruptly, “Momma says Talree knows about Tai-Kok.”

  “That’s it? Did she say when they were coming for us?”


  “Wonderful. No ‘How’s the baby? Are you all right?’”

  “Me no tell Momma Thor hatched.”

  “Could ya?”

  “’Kay.” Haki broke our mental link.

  Easing my body around a large boulder, I let out a relieved breath. “Yippee-ki-yay. We made it.”

  Thor giggled in my head. “You funny.”

  I took a step and grimaced at the pain in my crotch. I felt like a bowlegged cowboy who had ridden one too many bulls.

  A high-pitched, bloodcurdling cry jerked my head up.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic!” A friggin’ purple gargoyle with a twenty-five foot wingspan swooped toward us.

  “Birdie hungry,” Thor warned.

  Pride swelled within me. My baby could sense it. “Watch what I do.” I reached out and seized the gargoyle’s mind. “No eat!” I put the image of the Tai-Kok in its head. “Eat that.”

  The gargoyle shrieked, shook its head, circled around, and came at us again.

  Dang. My critter control was definitely on the fritz. I drew my laser pistol and watched as the gargoyle got closer and closer.

  Thor queried anxiously, “Momma shoot now?”

  “Not yet. It’s still out of range. C’mon, you ugly-ass buzzard. Come and get us.”

  The gargoyle’s huge wings flared out, and its talons stretched toward me.

  I fired.

  A sizzling red bolt sliced through the creature’s chest. It tumbled backward, hit the edge of the cliff, and plummeted down, down, down.

  A satisfied smile curved my mouth when its huge body slammed into the ocean with a loud splat. I holstered my gun. “Critter control comes in real handy when it works, Thor. Dogs, cats, snakes, bugs—you name it, I can call them, wind them up, and sic them on the enemy.”

  Thor asked, “When me do?”

  “In a couple of years.”

  “Want do now.”

  “It take lots of practice, and you’re not strong enough yet to manipulate other beings’ minds.”

  “Get stronger.”

  “Yes, you will. Just like your daddy.”

  The wind suddenly died down.

  Unease trickled down my spine. We were being hunted, but by what? The Tai-Kok or something else?

  I stopped and carefully surveyed the area. Silver grass rippled in the breeze like a shimmering cloth of silk. At the edge of the plateau, shattered pillars of stone covered the mangled remains of the Tai-Kok’s black, bullet-shaped marauder. Damn, getting that to fly again would require a miracle.

  But where were the monsters? Under my breath, I called, “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  Thor tugged on my mind. “Monster dead, Momma.”

  I turned.

  The bloody carcass of a Tai-Kok was draped over a small boulder. Its heart had been ripped out.

  What had killed it? The gargoyle or something else?

  A large shadow passed over me.

  I looked up, and the breath froze in my lungs.

  The granddaddy of all gargoyles circled overhead. Its chilling cry seemed to go on forever.

  I darted under an overhang of rock.

  “He mad.”

  “He certainly is.”

  Haki burst excitedly into my mind. “Help comes.”

  “About time.” The ground shook beneath my feet. Fuck. Grandpa Gargoyle had landed.

  The gargoyle threw his head back and let out an ear-shattering screech.

  Just my luck. I had killed his mate.

  Thor wiggled in his carrier and projected a mental picture of a Tai-Kok climbing up the ledge behind us. “Tai-Kok, Momma.”

  “Yep.” And the sneaky bastard was about to save our asses. I picked up a rock and hurled it.

  Smack! It hit the Tai-Kok dead center in the forehead as he climbed onto the plateau. He squawked angrily.

  Grandpa’s head swiveled around.

  A horrified honk broke from the Tai-Kok as the gargoyle pounced.

  Chomp! Grandpa ate him whole.

  Whoa! For such a big critter, the gargoyle moved incredibly fast. I’d never be able to outrun him. Summoning every ounce of energy I had, I tried to teleport. Nothing happened. I tried again. Zip. Nada.

  The gargoyle shrieked and dug at a leg bone jammed between his front teeth.

  Aw. The poor thing couldn’t close his mouth.

  Haki gave a yelp as Zarek’s terrifying power cascaded through him and crashed into my mind.

  The world spun dizzily for a moment. Shit! Shit! Shit! I hated having the big scary in my head.

  “Daughter, you continue to amaze me at the trouble you get yourself into,” the Overlord stated grimly as he made himself at home in my brain.

  “It wasn’t my fault.” God, what was I, twelve?

  “It never is.”

  Thor cried in delight, “Papa come to take us home?”

  Papa? How did he know that was the name I used to call my grandfather? I had never told Thor about him.

  “Soon.” Zarek examined every inch of my son. “Thor is the mirror image of his father at this age.”

  His obvious pride and joy in his grandson was expected, but the bastard was already plotting Thor’s training. Come hell or high water, my kid was going to have a normal childhood. “Thor’s not going into warrior training until he’s six.”

  The Overlord had the gall to laugh. “The choice is not yours to make.”

  “I’m his mother,” I growled.

  Zarek pointed out coldly, “He is Talree’s heir and one day will become Overlord. Many will want him dead. Do you wish Thor to be unprepared?”

  “No, sir, but he’s just a baby.”

  “A very powerful baby who must learn to control his abilities.”

  “Me want learn,” Thor exclaimed.

  Of course he did. Time to change the subject. “Are Hank and Soulet safe?”

  “They will join you shortly,” Zarek answered.


  My Siren Spidey sense shouted a warning.

  The gargoyle loped toward us.

  Shit! Grandpa had dislodged the leg bone.

  “You’ve angered the Demic.”

  I rolled my eyes. Duh. “Ya think?”

  A sharp pain zapped me in the butt, and Zarek growled, “Lose the attitude.”

  “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. It’s been a tough day.” Which was about to get a whole lot worse. Grandpa Gargoyle’s glowing green eyes were locked on me. “Could you please teleport us back to the cavern? I’m pretty sure me and the kid are on the gargoyle’s dinner menu.”

  Zarek deadpanned, “Ya think?”

  The gargoyle’s gigantic mouth opened, displaying rows of needle-sharp teeth.

  I aimed my laser pistol at Grandpa Gargoyle. “Save my son, dammit.”

  Projecting an aura of sheer menace, Zarek queried, “Are you telling me what to do?”

  “Yes,” I shot back testily.

  Poof. We were standing in the cave. I heaved a sigh of relief. My knees threatening to buckle, I wobbled over to the rocky platform and muttered, “Sadistic prick.”

  The Overlord inquired pleasantly, “What did you call me, daughter?”

  Fuck. “I called you a sadistic prick, sir.” I squeezed my eyes shut and waited to die.

  “An apt description,” Zarek said mildly.

  Huh? I opened my eyes. Why wasn’t I dead?

  “I’ve become quite fond of you,” Zarek answered.

  Fond? I could live with that. “I, uh, care for you too.”

  Zarek laughed uproariously.

  Aw, c’mon. My big fat lie wa
sn’t that funny. I tried again. “You have my utmost respect. Sir.”

  My father-in-law chuckled. “At last, the truth.”

  Whatever. I removed the backpack and pulled Thor out. “You okay, little guy?”

  “Fun. Do again?”

  “Maybe later.” Gathering my courage, I asked Zarek politely, “Any chance you can cleanse the Drakash from me? I hate being helpless.”

  “You have never been helpless.”

  Was that a compliment? Who knew? I shivered at the fluttering sensations in my head. Zarek was working his magic.

  “You are once again a threat to the galaxy.”

  Hank and Soulet suddenly fell into the cavern and hit the ground with a loud thud. Arms and legs entangled, they lay there for a long moment, breathing hard.

  I eyed the blood and shredded bits of flesh covering them. They looked like refugees from one of those slasher movies. Soulet must have done her Tasmanian Devil routine. “You guys okay?”

  “Do I look okay? I’m stuck with this lunatic who doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose,” Hank snapped and shoved Soulet off him.

  Soulet erupted to her feet. “You are a coward.”

  Hank got in her face. “And you’re fucking nuts.”

  “Ah, guys, we’re on the same side. Remember?”

  Waving an enormous claw in my face, Soulet spat, “This son of a Vera worm has no battle skills.”

  “My battle skills are the only reason you’re still breathing, kitten,” Hank snarled.


  “I did not need your help. I am Askole. We do not run from a fight.”

  Hank threw up his hands in disgust. “See? Not one lick of common sense. We were outnumbered fifty-to-one, and instead of retreating, she attacks.”

  “Askoles do have hyperspeed,” I pointed out.

  Soulet hissed at Hank. “The Tai-Kok are dead, are they not?”

  “Only because of my expert sniper skills.” Hank brushed a mangled Tai-Kok finger off his shoulder.

  “Hiding in the rocks and shooting the enemy is not the act of a warrior.”

  “It is where I come from, kitten,” Hank retorted.

  My gaze bounced from Hank to Soulet. Her tentacles were turning an odd red color. What was up with that?

  “Lust,” Zarek supplied.

  “Get out of here. There’s no way.”

  A touch of amusement in his voice, Zarek added, “It seems Soulet’s breeding cycle has started.”

  Holy moly. An Askole female lost in a mating frenzy could seriously damage her partner. “Should I stun her?”

  “No. She’s already marked him.” Zarek tugged on my mind. “You need to step back.”


  “In case she goes into hyperspeed.”

  “They can have sex while whirling around like an angry tornado?”

  “Yes, but in some cases, it doesn’t end well,” Zarek answered.

  Ugh. I could only imagine.

  Soulet’s tentacles abruptly wrapped around Hank’s skull.

  With a low moan, Hank thrust a hand between Soulet’s legs and fondled her through the battle suit.

  “Oh my God. He’s…he’s totally into it. Is it even possible?”

  Zarek answered, “Hank is now Coletti and a suitable partner.”

  “You sneaky bastard. You planned this.”

  “The Queen Mother’s actions created this situation, not mine, but the High Commander’s daughter would make a suitable addition to our family.”

  Hank’s penis snaked out of his unsealed battle suit.

  “Aw, shit. Hank, put it away. You don’t want to do this.”

  Haki and Thor queried in unison, “What they doing?”

  “They’re, uh, playing.”

  Haki squealed. “Want play too.”

  “Absolutely not! This play isn’t for babies, only adults.”

  “Momma plays with Daddy like that?”

  “Maybe. Sometimes. I’ll explain later.” Like when you’re twenty.

  Soulet peeled off her battle suit.

  Yikes. I turned my back. “Time for a nap, kids.”

  “Wanna watch,” Haki whined.

  “Children, you will sleep now,” Zarek commanded.

  And just like that, the kids were in slumberland. Neat trick.

  Soulet roared.

  I glanced over my shoulder.

  Gripping Soulet’s ass, Hank pounded into her and sucked greedily at her right breast. The Askole’s tentacles wildly caressed his face and neck.

  God, it was like watching a really hot porn movie. I wanted to turn away, but Zarek wouldn’t let me.

  A throaty mewl escaped from Soulet as her body shivered and shook. She spun violently. When the spinning stopped, Hank had his cock rammed up Soulet’s butt while he finger fucked her weeping pussy.

  Good God Almighty, I was getting turned on. “Aren’t we kinda violating their privacy, sir?”

  Zarek shot back, “Do you wish Hank to die?”


  “Then we watch,” the Overlord growled.

  Soulet went into hyperspeed again. I caught fleeting glimpses of Hank’s bare ass, his tentacles disappearing down Soulet’s throat, and his face buried in her crotch.

  “I’m surprised as hell he can still get it up.”

  “He is Coletti,” Zarek huffed.

  “Right. What was I thinking?”

  Soulet came to an abrupt stop on top of Hank, riding him as his hips pistoned madly, their bodies meeting in the sweaty slap of skin against skin.

  Suckers sprouted at the end of Soulet’s tentacles.

  My eyes widened. “What are those?”

  “They’re used to create a mate bond.” Was there a note of concern in Zarek’s voice?

  The suckers attached to Hank’s forehead.

  I gasped. “She’s claiming him?”

  “It would seem so.”

  “Will her Askole DNA override the Coletti?”

  Every inch the Overlord of the Coletti clans, Zarek stated, “That I will not allow.”

  “He is newly made,” I countered.

  “Hank is blood of my blood. I have the ability to influence or correct any change to his DNA.”

  “Will the High Commander be okay with them mating?”

  “No, he has promised Soulet to Kall.”

  A memory of an elderly Askole with dozens of medals adorning his uniform flashed across my mind. “He’s a diplomat, right?”

  “A very good one. He settled the dispute between Sariel and myself.”

  “Isn’t he kind of old for Soulet?”

  “Yes, but he’s wanted her since she was a child.”

  Creepy old pervert. “Soulet actually agreed to mate with him?”

  “She had no choice. A mating agreement was signed.”

  Hank groaned, a deep, shattered sound, and shuddered in release.

  Soulet threw her head back and howled. “Mine.”

  “That agreement isn’t worth the paper it’s written on now.”

  “A valid point,” Zarek drawled grimly.

  “Mine!” Soulet cried again and collapsed on Hank.

  Thank God they were finally done. “How upset will Kall be?”

  “He will demand Soulet’s death.”

  Outrage shot through me. “He can do that?”

  “It’s within his rights, but she’s mine now. I will not allow Kall to harm her,” Zarek responded.

  “You know, sometimes I really like you.”

  “I’m speechless at the honor,” Zarek said drily.

  Hank rudely dumped Soulet on the ground. “What the hell just happened?”

  “We are mated,” Soulet exclaimed in obvious satisfaction.

  “The hell we are.”

  I handed Hank his battle suit. “I’m afraid it’s true.”

  Hank squawked, “What? I didn’t agree to it.”

  “Welcome to my world,” I said sarcastically.

  Baring her teeth in a snarl, Sou
let growled, “Being my mate is a great honor.”

  “One I didn’t want or ask for,” Hank retorted.

  Zarek interrupted, his voice soft and menacing, “Enough! Have you forgotten your mission? Keeping Kaylee and her son safe?”

  Hank paled and dropped to one knee. “My apologies, my lord.”

  Soulet flinched and scrambled into her battle suit.

  “Kaylee gave birth alone and unguarded,” Zarek said, his tone lethal.

  “But, the Tai-Kok attacked us,” Soulet protested.

  “A fight you could have simply avoided by teleporting away,” Zarek answered coldly.

  Hank shot Soulet an “I told you so” look.

  “Everything turned out okay, sir,” I inserted quickly.

  With a steely authority, the Overlord snapped, “Did I ask for your input?”

  “No, sir.” I gulped.

  Zarek turned his attention back to my bodyguards. “I’m needed back at the battle zone. If you let anything happen to Kaylee or my grandson, you will not like the consequences. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, my lord,” Soulet and Hank said in unison.


  I let out a breath of relief when Zarek vanished from my mind. “He’s gone. You’re safe.”

  Hank snorted. “Safe? Hardly.” He grabbed his laser rifle. “I’m going on patrol.”

  Soulet scowled crossly. “We need to talk.”

  “No. We don’t.” Buck naked, he started for the entrance.

  I held up his battle suit. “Uh, Hank, you might need this.”

  He turned, sighed, and marched back to me. “Thanks.”

  Flashing him a mental picture of Grandpa Gargoyle, I added, “Be careful. He’s very fast and a tad bit pissed off.”

  “Good. I need something to kill.” He vanished.

  Soulet calmed herself with a visible effort and blurted out, “Are all Coletti penises like his?”

  “Say what?”

  “Are all Coletti penises like his?”

  Oh my God, she did want to discuss Hank’s man-parts. “Pretty much.”

  “They are small but surprisingly effective.”

  Huh? I guess since her brother, Tihar, was hung like a bull elephant, that was what she was used to seeing. “Whatever you do, never ever tell Hank he’s too small.”

  Soulet’s shoulders sagged. “Hank is very angry with me.”

  “You did spring the whole ‘you’re my mate’ thing on him. Coletti warriors don’t like surprises.”

  “He will adjust to being Askole.”


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