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White Lightning: Episode 2 (Rising Storm)

Page 4

by Lexi Blake

  He bit back a groan. “I’m actually quite busy this week.”

  “Make time, Sebastian. You didn’t show up at the reception today.”

  Because he didn’t want a run-in with his last mistress, who also happened to be his daughter’s roomie and who happened to be knocked up with a baby who might or might not be his. “I had some very important calls to make. Something came up at the last minute.”

  “I understand. I’m sure it was very important, dear. You have a big job with lots to do, but I want to make sure you remember your future. I know you can get so caught up in doing what’s right that you forget you’re important, too. You have to take these people seriously. This is a small town. They don’t understand how complex your job is. When you don’t show up, they believe you think you’re too good to pitch in. You have to make yourself available, especially this summer, or have you forgotten what happens in November?”

  Of course he hadn’t forgotten. He was up for reelection. He really didn’t see the problem. “At this point, my only opposition is a politically inexperienced grocer from a town so small you miss it if you blink, and with a budget smaller than Brittany's allowance when she was seven.”

  “I agree Mr. Dawson is nothing but window dressing at this point, but that can change in a heartbeat, Sebastian. All we need is one do-gooder who decides you’re not doing enough for this district. They back Dawson and suddenly you’re out of a job. I told you, dear. Just one more term in Austin and then we’ll look to bigger things. I’ve already planted the idea of a run for governor in the party chairman’s ear. When the current governor steps down, you’ll be in place for an easy run. Oh, your family is going to be the perfect first family of Texas. Won’t Payton make a lovely First Lady?”

  She would be impeccable and after a term in the governor’s mansion, it would be time for the White House. His mother did have a way of refocusing him. “She certainly will. Of course I’ll come to the committee meeting.”

  He raised his hand for another drink and the barkeep immediately poured it for him. He might need to buy a bottle. It would be wickedly perverse to put a mason jar of homemade hooch next to his thousand-dollar Scotch.

  “Excellent. I’ll make sure you have all the details. I need this Founders’ Day to go off without a hitch. We’re going to use it as a platform for you to gather more support for your bid for reelection and raise your profile with an eye to the future. I’m going to make sure there are plenty of reporters.”

  “Why would anyone but local papers want to cover our town festival?” It was a dreadfully dull affair, but a necessary one. He would spend the day glad-handing the locals and pretending he liked things like three-legged races. That wasn’t the sort of three-way he was into.

  “Besides the fact that you’re a very important person? They’ll cover it because they won’t just be covering a picnic. They’ll be covering a town triumphing over tragic loss. I’m already talking to some people at the Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman. I have a call in to a friend who works for the Chronicle in Houston. Imagine the human-interest story. Town loses favorite son and manages to rise from their grief to rally around their beloved senator. This could get you very good press.”

  And he could use it. His mother really was a political animal. “I’ll follow your lead as always.”

  He heard the door swing open and someone started talking. He covered his ear to hear his mother.

  “Get home soon. Do whatever it is you need to do. Scratch whatever itch you have and get home. I don’t want rumors being spread about you. Good night.” The line disconnected.

  He was quite good at keeping rumors from being spread. Hell, he’d managed to bone his daughter’s roommate without Brittany figuring it out. And he’d managed to dodge the bullet of Ginny’s womb. He was actually feeling a little lucky. A weaker man might take it all as a sign to slow down, but not Sebastian.

  And damn, but his itch suddenly needed scratching. Right across the bar from him a blonde in a short skirt and a tight blouse leaned over, saying something to the bartender. He could barely hear her.

  “…my dad? His name is Hector. I have a picture of him here.” She turned her phone toward the barkeep.

  He studied it for a moment and then slowly shook his head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I have seen Hector before. He’s in here a lot, but not in the last couple of days.”

  She sank back on her stilettos. Sebastian appreciated those toned legs of hers. They led right up to a nice and juicy ass. He could already feel those plump cheeks in his hands. Yes, she was exactly what he needed to take his mind off all the crap he had to deal with.

  She turned and he caught his breath.

  Dakota Alvarez. The one who got away. Well, the one who’d told him he was an old pervert, but he hadn’t taken that too poorly. At her age, anyone over twenty-three was ancient.

  He wondered if time had given her a new perspective.

  She frowned at the bartender and then seemed to sag. “All right then. Can I get a beer?”

  The bartender snorted. “If you can show some ID. You look a little young to me.”

  Her right hand fisted at her side and she started to turn.

  Sebastian fished a hundred out of his pocket. If the girl needed a drink, he intended to provide. “Does she look a little older now?”

  He passed the hundred over and sure enough, the bartender took it. “Why, yes. I think she definitely looks of age. Sorry. It’s hard to tell in this lighting. What can I get you, miss?”

  She glanced over at him and bit that full bottom lip of hers. He felt an immediate tightening in his groin. He waited for her to make her decision. She wasn’t a foolish girl. He imagined she knew what she was accepting when he offered to buy her a few very expensive drinks.

  She would be accepting a quick ride in the back of his Mercedes too.

  “I guess just a beer.”

  And just like that she was caught in his net. “Oh, that won’t do. You look like an adventurous girl. Why not try something more exotic? How about a round of White Lightning for me and my friend? And we’ll take it in the booth in the back.”

  He hopped off his barstool and steering Dakota, headed that way.

  * * * *

  Dakota knew she was likely making a massive mistake, but she couldn’t force herself to get back in her car. She’d gone everywhere she could looking for her father. Everyone said the same thing. Hector, of course I know him. No. Haven’t seen him tonight. Sorry.

  It was like he’d dropped off the face of the earth.

  “I certainly didn’t expect to see you here,” Senator Rush said, sliding into the corner booth. The bench was round like the one at the Bluebonnet Cafe where she and her friends used to all squish in together and dip French fries in their shakes. Salty and sweet. She missed those times.

  Now it seemed she would miss her father, too.

  “I was looking for my father. He’s left town, it seems.” She hated the pathetic whine to her voice. She slid in opposite the senator.

  What was she doing here with this creep? He’d hit on her shortly after her eighteenth birthday and she’d turned him down flat. Now she was willingly drinking with him? Not that he was all that bad looking. He was kind of hot for an old dude. For a dude with money and power.

  “Hmm, I’m sure he’ll be back.” Sebastian stared at her over his drink. Actually, the guy was kind of sexy. No one had ever looked at her like that before, like he could eat her up. Like she was beautiful.

  “Maybe. I think something happened between him and my mom.”

  The bartender put a glass of something in front of her and then took another tip from the senator. Had that been a hundred dollar bill? Jeez. How much cash did the man carry? She picked up the drink and sniffed it. It smelled a little like rubbing alcohol. She wrinkled her nose. Maybe she should start with something fruity. “Do you think I could get a piña colada instead?”

  The senator chuckled. “Only if you want to
go to Murphy’s. This isn’t the type of bar that serves fruity concoctions. I would bet if I asked for a wine selection I would be told red or white. This is the house special. It’s called White Lightning. It’s grain alcohol. If the myth is true, it’s almost two hundred proof. It’s also illegal. It’s only for people with a taste for the wild side. I suppose I can get you a light beer.”

  At the very sound of the word “Murphy’s,” she frowned. She’d spent the entire afternoon there watching as everyone in town fawned all over Ginny Moreno. She’d been excellent at playing the frail flower. Ginny had stood in line with the Salts, shaking hands as though she was one of the family.

  That should have been her place. Hers. But no, she’d been relegated to walking the line and shaking hands and murmuring how sorry she was and then she’d been utterly ignored. She’d watched as the other young people banded together. Her sister had immediately defected for a group that included Luis Moreno and Jeffry Rush. Once Lacey Salt had gotten away from the receiving line, she’d joined them.

  All her friends had left. They were in Dallas or Houston or Austin. They were gone, finding their own lives. And she was stuck here alone.

  She took a quick swallow of the drink and came up choking. It tasted horrible. “Why would anyone drink that?”

  “Give it a minute,” the senator said with a chuckle.

  He was suddenly closer than he’d been before. She hadn’t seen him move, but now he was on her side of the booth. He patted her back as she coughed.

  That was the single worst thing she’d ever put in her mouth and she’d dated high school football players. They didn’t always shower. Ick.

  Then a warmth hit her belly. It was like when she was a kid and her mom would pull towels out of the dryer and Dakota and Marcus and Mallory would all wrap themselves up. That warmth had a softness to it.

  “Oh, that’s nice.” She lifted the glass again.

  The senator’s hand came down, covering hers and keeping her from raising the glass. “Not too fast. You’re not used to drinking and this is serious stuff. Give it a couple of minutes and you can have another sip.”

  “You’re drinking it fast.”

  He winked and took another drink. “I’m well acquainted with liquor, honey. I come here for a couple of reasons, the ambience not being one of them. This is some of the finest moonshine in the world. I tend to prefer more elegant establishments. If I go to a restaurant, I would prefer one with a Michelin star or two. But the gentleman who makes this fine liquor will only sell to this bar. I believe the gentleman goes by the name of Cooder. Cooder has a more blue-collar attitude about the world, so I’m forced to come here when I want this particular indulgence. A man has to follow his bliss, you know.”

  She didn’t really get half of what he was saying, but she liked how he said it. His voice had taken on a soothing but elegant tone. He was closer again. Now he was close enough that their thighs touched. Her skirt was so short she could feel the fabric of his pants against her skin. It had been a shitty day, but now she was feeling warm and a fancy man was talking about restaurants. “What’s the nicest place you’ve been to?”

  He leaned over and she could smell his aftershave. He smelled clean and fresh, so unlike the sweaty boys who used to grope her under the bleachers. “I’ve been all over the world, honey.”

  “I’ve never really been out of Storm. At least I’ve never been farther than Galveston.”

  Her dad had taken them for a beach vacation. They’d rented a condo. Her mom had ruined everything by tripping and falling down the stairs when she was trying to bring the laundry up.

  Where was her dad now?

  “A pretty girl like you should see the world. You would love New York and London. I’m sure you’d do well in Paris. Where are you going to college?” He took his hand off the glass and nodded. “Just a sip.”

  It was actually kind of nice that he was looking out for her. No one ever did that. Most boys would be encouraging her to drink as much as she could. She took another sip, managing not to choke this time. After a second the warmth settled in again. She was glad she’d come in here.

  “I would love to see all those places. But I’m not in college.” She’d scored well on her SATs, but not well enough to get a scholarship. “I have a job. I’m working at your savings and loan.”

  “Ah.” His arm slid around the back of the booth, just brushing her shoulders. “And do you like this job? Or are you looking for something else? Something more challenging?”

  She found herself cuddled up against him. He was actually pretty muscular. And he had a handsome face. Yes, he was a little older, but maybe that was a good thing. She thought briefly about the fact that this man had a wife, but let it go. If Sebastian was out instead of at home with his wife, it was likely her fault. She probably didn’t keep the man interested. “Definitely something more challenging. It’s just there aren’t a lot of jobs in Storm.”

  “No, you’re certainly right about that.” His words were whispered against her ear, and she could feel the warmth of his lips there. “You should think about going to Austin. A smart girl would make friends who can get her places.”

  Her heart rate skittered. His hand found her thigh and her mind was whirling. She was allowed another sip, a heartier one this time. She might not be used to the powerful liquor, but she thought she could learn pretty fast.

  A smart girl knew how to work the system. Senator Sebastian Rush was the most powerful man in Storm. Could he get her out of this town? Could he find her a job with prospects?

  She didn’t protest when he brushed his lips against her ear. She sighed because between the liquor and the little spark of hope she’d found in his words, she was feeling nice and warm.

  “You are a beautiful young lady,” he whispered as his hand crept up her thigh. “You’re certainly the most beautiful thing in Storm.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned back and looked up at him. Why had she thought he was old? He was mature, but still hot, still sexy. What did she want with a boy anyway? “Are you going to be staying here in town for a while?”

  She wasn’t going to be some cheap one-night stand. If he was headed back to Austin in the morning, then she would have to rethink her position.

  His lips curled up in a decadent smile. “I’m here all summer, baby girl. How would you like to spend some time with me?”

  “Maybe that could be arranged.” It wasn’t like she had anything else to do.

  “Hey, maybe when the summer is over, I can find you a job that’s more worthy of you.” One finger teased between her thighs. He was being aggressive, but somehow she found it sexy. “I’ll just have to study you and find out what your strengths and weakness are.”

  She giggled and covered her mouth because she hadn’t meant to do that. The liquor was really going to her head.

  He chuckled. “First though, we’ll get you some food. I don’t want you sick in the morning. I’ll go see if they have any kind of a kitchen. If not, maybe we can find a place that’s still open somewhere around here.”


  “What do you mean?”

  “Why would you care if I get sick tomorrow?”

  He ran a single finger along her jaw and then brushed his thumb over her lips. He was staring at her like she was truly beautiful. “Because I like to collect the stunning things of this world. I’m a man of taste, Dakota. You’re simply the finest thing in this town. Someone should take care of you.”

  She let her head fall back against his arm and then he was kissing her. He didn’t overwhelm her the way the other boys she’d dated had. He didn’t jump in and immediately stick his tongue down her throat. No, he caressed her lips with his, a soft brush that left her off kilter and wanting more.

  She felt something skim across her breast and when she looked down, Sebastian’s hand was covering her.

  He immediately pulled away. “Sorry. You’re so sexy I’m afraid my hand had a mind of its own. I’ll go get that foo

  She reached down and grabbed his hand, bringing it back to her chest. She didn’t want to let go of how he made her feel. It was there in the back of her head that this was wrong, but she didn’t care. She just wanted another couple of moments where she felt good about herself.

  He was smiling as his lips descended on hers again and he took her mouth. His hand moved over her, her nipples sparking to life under the material of her blouse. His tongue traced the edge of her lips and when she opened for him, he delved inside. She gave over to him, tasting the liquor on his tongue. That liquor and this man had washed away some of the humiliation of the day.

  After a long moment, he lifted his head and stared down at her. “We could have fun this summer, you and I.”

  She nodded.

  He winked down at her. “All right then. Let’s get you some food and then we can find a place to be alone for a while.”

  He moved out of the bench with the elegance of a predator.

  He was going to want sex. She wasn’t foolish enough to think he wanted to be alone to talk. He would want to take her to a motel and have his way.

  She took another shaky drink, longer this time because he wasn’t around to slow her down.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  She looked up in abject horror. Sheriff Dillon Murphy was standing over her, his eyes staring down at her like she was a murder suspect or something. What was he doing here? She was underage. She could get arrested and Daddy wasn’t around to fix things. Her mother would likely let her rot.

  And the alcohol was really making things fuzzy. Sebastian was right. She needed some food.

  “Dakota, I’m talking to you. What are you doing here? Tell me that isn’t what I think it is.” The sheriff reached out and grabbed her glass before she could pull it away.

  “I’m having a drink, that’s all.”

  “Of moonshine?”

  “Go away. You’re not my father.”

  He seemed to pale at her words and he softened a little. God, there was the pity again. “I know. I know why you’re doing this. That’s why I’m taking you home. Now.”


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