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The Harvester

Page 9

by Sean A. Murtaugh

  As I stood and watched Blackbeard’s ship, Queen Anne’s Revenge, gaining on us, I began to feel a surge of energy for the clash. However, I realized two of my crew appeared nervous. I sternly looked at them. “You two, listen. Stay focused and alert and remember what we are here to do and we must not fail.”

  They nodded to assure me that they are on the same page, but I was not assured in the least. They’re fresh out of the Academy and only have two Hunts under their belts.

  Queen Anne’s Revenge was so close now we could hear the shouts, screams, and threats from the pirates. This is a typical tactic of a pirate in order to scare their opponents. It’s quite effective and usually works to the point of them not even putting up a fight. And sometimes, they’re not even killed. But not with the sadistic Blackbeard. He’ll slice your neck open for simply looking at him wrong.

  Blackbeard himself couldn’t be seen and this worried me.

  Is this some sort of a ruse? That would be disappointing. I could hear their warship’s black flag flapping in the rising wind. It’s time for battle! My fellow Harvesters and I can smell it in the air. Adventure on the High Sea? No doubt.

  “Prepare to be boarded!” one of the pirates yelled at us in a grainy, hoarse tone. “If you don’t put up a fight, ye lives might be saved.”

  Our plan was to wait for them to be in the middle of offloading the goods, then attack. Queen Anne’s Revenge, very impressive, pulled up abreast of the Spaniards’. The pirates easily leapt from their ship onto ours. They had their swords and daggers in hand and guns draped to their sides. They bullied us and forced us to our knees. They searched us for weapons but don’t find any because we thought ahead of time and knew that they would search us. We hid our swords nearby.

  We could smell the rum-soaked, partially drunk pirates as they coral everyone to the stern. But still no Blackbeard. This wasn’t like him. He always made his presence known. They bound us with rope. This was expected.

  But with our abnormal strength, this won’t be a problem.

  The pirates started to unload all the rum bottle crates, bags of tobacco, various sorts of food, and they even took down our sails for themselves. The cabin’s door opened up, and I was incredibly shocked to see Blackbeard standing in the doorway. How did nobody know he was in there? The Spanish crew showed their fear and intimidation. He’s such an imposing, intimidating figure. The only explanation for him to be in the captain’s cabin was that he made a deal with Blackbeard, so he could make some money and be guaranteed to not be killed. Now for his crew, well, they might not be so lucky. This type of deal has happened many times in the past.

  From his long, bushy black beard were little sticks which were lit and smoke emanated from them and surrounds his face. An intimidating factor, no doubt. He said nothing as he stared everyone down, and that’s enough. The mark had made himself present, and I was excited about the Harvest.

  His crew was one thing, but the overall goal was Blackbeard.

  And now that I finally saw him in person, I thought he would’ve been taller. All these stories and tales of him being taller than all men everywhere. But he made up for that with his wickedness and unquenchable, sanguinary mentality. Also, I noticed his beard was more brown than black. But I suppose that’s how terrifying myths and tales were started. Black is scarier than brown, right? Anyway, I was the leader of this Harvester crew, so it’s my responsibility to pick the right time to attack, and it must be 100 percent perfect timing or we’re dead. I haven’t lost a Harvester under my leadership in over fifty years.

  Several pirates searched the whole vessel. This was when I begin to worry because they could find our swords. Waves lapped against both ships harder, and it made everyone rock back and forth. Seagulls now flew overhead, and I’ve always considered this to be an omen, a premonition of sorts, that blood is going to be spilt soon.

  “Look what I found,” a pirate hollered.

  He leaned over and grabbed a rope and pulled up a large net filled with our swords. I was worried then. Blackbeard took one look and the expression on his face told me that he knew.

  “Harvesters! These are Harvester swords,” the pirate said.

  “What’s a Harvester?” a Spaniard asked.

  Blackbeard rifled him a glare. “Throw him overboard!”

  Three pirates snatched him and hurled him off the ship. Then, Blackbeard immediately looked upon all of us. He honed in on me and sniffed. “You. I know you’re a Harvester. I can smell it on you. What’s your name?”

  I knew not to tell him my real name because he’ll recognize it and definitely know then. “Jack,” I told him.

  “Highly unlikely. Ye a Harvester. But I don’t blame you for lying. I’d do the same thing being in your position. Ye think like a pirate, aye!”

  His crew laughed and made fun of me. This didn’t bother me in the least. I was focused on figuring out when’s the best time to make our move and more importantly how. Also what weighed on my mind was a way to prolong what I know Blackbeard did. He sliced your head off very slowly, so he could enjoy seeing you die a slow and painful death. I must think quickly.

  “I must admit. I’m a wanted man by the English. Hence, my reason for deception.” Blackbeard smirked and took a stance that let everyone know he’s the one in charge.

  “I’m Blackbeard. You being a fugitive wanted by from my own country doesn’t make me think less of you. In fact, it makes me like you a wee bit!”

  His crew laughed even harder than before. I knew they were very loyal to him, and this posed a problem for all of us Harvesters. All attention was on me, and this wasn’t the way to prepare an attack on the most heinous person in the world. I must regroup, rethink how we’re going to accomplish this harvest. I only had moments to do so.

  “All behold! All Harvesters are marked on the back of their necks. You see I’ve killed a few in me day, so I know,” he told his crew. “Check all of these scallywags’ necks.”

  That was unexpected that he knows that. Now we would be discovered, and our plight will be done. The pirates check everyone’s necks.

  “Here’s one, Captain,” a scraggily pirate yelled out.

  “Gots me one here too, Captain.”

  They eventually found all ten of us. Blackbeard scowled at me.

  “Now certainly, not all ten of you are wanted by the King. State your business, Jack,” he says with a sarcastic tone.

  I’ve never been at a loss for words or didn’t know what to do in my life until now. My silence prompted his next move.

  “There’s no sense in tossing ’em overboard since Harvesters don’t need to breathe. So”—he draws his sword—“off with their heads! I’ll keep ’em as trophies, mates.”

  His crew cheered and drew their swords.

  “Now!” I shout to my crew. We simultaneously sprung to our feet and ripped out of our rope constraints. Blackbeard got the jump on me and swung his sword for my throat. I ducked, snatched his dagger from his side sheathe, and stabbed him in the leg. I gathered my wits, scanned my crew’s situation, and I’m angered when I see three of their heads are already rolling across the deck.

  I was so filled with ire, I dashed over to the nearest pirate, snapped his neck with ease, and grabbed his sword from his hand before he drops to the deck dead. I moved on to the next pirate, battling one of my crew. I viciously swiped at his neck and lopped off his head. Before I knew it, through my rage-induced haze, I realized I’ve killed eleven pirates, and now, I and the remaining seven Harvesters stood abreast in front of Blackbeard and his thirteen remaining pirates. The Spaniards remained on their knees, watching us like it’s the latest epic action-packed Ridley Scott film.

  Blackbeard smirked at us. “Dead is easy. Living is hard, right. bloke?”

  I thought to myself that he had a point. “Well, we’re all Dead Ones. Your crew and my crew, Dead Ones. So let’s finish this,” I told him.

  Blackbeard maniacally laughed. “I understand now. You’re not fugitives wanted by
the King. You’re here for me and me fair crew! You purposely boarded this vessel, knowing that these are my waters, and eventually I’d capture her.”

  “You catch on quick, don’t ya’?” I said sarcastically on purpose to hopefully ruffle his feathers.

  Now he had an angry, upset expression on his face. Now that I’m reflecting, I wished we had cameras back then to snap a photo of his expression. It would end up on all the Agency’s Walls of Persecution. Even the slightest moves from anyone would trigger a full-out battle. They know we’re outnumbered, but they also know we are Harvesters and very well-trained. I didn’t truly know how this was going to pan out. One fact I did know, however, blood will continue to be spilt as the seagulls well know.

  I wanted Blackbeard for myself, and I knew he really wanted to kill me. I was rather sure I was the only person who has stood up against him in such a way, and I knew this had him angered. I nodded to one of my crew to grab the net with our swords and he did so. We wielded our swords and now felt like we’re in our comfort zone.

  I pointed my sword at Blackbeard. “I call you out. Or we can have a full-out battle. I hope you can be man enough to challenge me alone.”

  Now, I did this not because of ego, but rather because I’ve already loss three Harvesters and I refuse to lose any more. Also, I knew a pirate of his stature would not allow anyone to dishonor him. He couldn’t refuse a one-on-one battle now. The look on Blackbeard’s face, through his long, bushy beard and sun-dried, wrinkly skin, told me he wanted to prove to his crew that the stories of him were true. He was the most dangerous person in the world, and he can kill anyone at any given moment.

  “I accept your challenge. But thy be warned. After I kill you, the rest of your crew will perish as well.”

  I nodded. “The warning goes back on you, pirate,” I informed him.

  His crew and mine backed up to give us plenty of space to duel. The Spaniards tightly huddled up at the stern to avoid it all. I have dueled skilled people from all over the world but never someone with such a reputation as Blackbeard. I mean, even his crew, his crew were able to kill three of my Harvesters. I can only imagine what he can do one-on-one.

  The sun set when Blackbeard jostled toward me with a clumsy move. I instantly thought he did that on purpose to lure me into a fatal trap, so I simply dodged the maneuver and stepped away from him. He grinned at me, and now, I knew I was right.

  “You can do better than that, Blackbeard.” I let him know I’m onto his trick.

  “And better I shall, Harvester.”

  He quickly drew a pistol and fired at me. I tried to dodge it, but I was hit in the knee, a very painful and demobilizing place to be shot. It dropped me to one knee. But I knew he knew a simple bullet won’t kill a Dead One, but he also knew a bullet to the knee will definitely slow me down. His crew cheered and egged him on to finish me off. He sprinted toward me with his sword pointed straight at me. He thrust his sword down at me. I roll out of the way and quickly retaliate with a sword slice across his back, which ripped through his sloppy, loose clothing, and into his pale flesh. Black blood spilled onto the deck and joined my blood from my knee, making a pool of Dead Ones’ blood. My crew at any moment could’ve collectively attacked Blackbeard as he tries to regroup from his wound. But that’s not how we work when we have accepted a challenge. I called Blackbeard out to a one-on-one challenge, and that’s that. I used my sword to help me stand. I limped toward Blackbeard who still grimaced in pain and clutched his wound. I got within a foot of him, and he spun around with pistol in hand again.

  I was quick to slice my sword through his wrist, and his hand and gun dropped to the deck. The pistol fired and shot one of his pirates through his eye. He fell backward and stumbled overboard.

  “Good shooting,” I say with obvious sarcasm.

  “He’s expendable,” he retorted. “Nobody’s been able to lay a blade on thee, Harvester. You’re better than I thought.”

  We squared off again, and I took my typical combative stance. “And I thought you were better. I guess all the stories and tales were just that. It’ll be an extreme pleasure to hold your severed head in my hand.”

  Blackbeard charged me with anger. I stood my ground. He got within inches of me. I instantly turned to my side, and his sword went pass me. I grabbed his sword by the hilt with one hand and held Blackbeard in a reverse chokehold with the other. He tried to break my death grip. But I’ve been dead a lot longer than him, and he had no chance now.

  He was right where I wanted him. His crew motioned to give aid, but my crew held ’em off.

  “You have two choices, Blackbeard. You come with me peacefully to stand trial or I slice your head off right here, right now.”

  Blackbeard laughed. “A pirate, a true pirate, desires two things: the booty and to know his name will be forever remembered in sea shanties and stories and tales. I’ll take choice two, Harvester.” He looked at his crew. “I bid all of you adieu, boys, and I’ll see you in Hell.”

  I slice through his neck like the Academy trained us to do, with power and precision. His head fell onto the deck, and I kicked it into the ocean. His smoke no longer burned around his face, and his crew appeared concerned and hopeless. They also appeared lost. Something I truly feel they have never felt since being under his command. We focused on Blackbeard’s crew. I stepped forward.

  “You know what your fate is.”

  And it was.

  But for Naes and I we still have to deal with the four Section 520 Scorpions quickly advancing on us. We’re trapped with nowhere to run. The half Dead Ones, half scorpions are big, strong, powerful, and very deadly. I look across at Naes, and I can see fear and intimidation in his eyes, and this concerns me. If he’s taken hostage, Vega will most definitely extract vital information from his mind, which could cause the downfall of all six Agencies across the world. The thought of actually killing him has crossed my mind. But I’d kill for the Agency, not for me, is how I always thought. All Harvesters think this way. I draw my gun and aim it at him. I know it won’t kill him, but it will slow him down enough for me to take his head. At this point, my mind runs wild.

  What’s Vega’s overall goal? It’s not hard to come up with an answer. He wants to topple all six Agencies and be the ruler of the world. Being a Dead One, he could be in control for several millennia. He could do it too. He has a Master Hole that can travel to all three realms, he has a complete list on all Harvesters and their families, he has an Army larger than ours, and he has the power to achieve things that we can’t any longer, like regenerating lost body parts and time-shifting. Well, it’s very possible for him to do so, but if I’m still around, I’ll do what I must to stop him. But I must admit, it also boils down to me aching to conquer Vega. It may sound selfish, even egotistical, but with our long history, I must be the one who takes him out for good damn it!

  I look back at Naes, and he nods at me with acceptance.

  He obviously thinks the way I do. I’m still torn though, and I only have a matter of seconds to decide an absolute mind boggling decision. One of the Section 520 creatures leaps onto the vehicle I’m taking cover behind and now my decision has been made for me. I instinctively raise my gun and repeatedly fire at it.

  Out of nowhere, a Blackhawk war helicopter swoops down into the fray. Its big guns spray the area with high caliber bullets. The Underworlder on the vehicle’s roof is ripped to pieces. The pilot focuses it massive firepower on two more and gets the same results—they’re ripped to shreds. I spring to my feet and look to the spot I last saw Naes, but he’s gone. Only his sword lies on the concrete.

  This is a bad sign. Harvesters never leave their sword behind anywhere. I scan the area for him and finally spot him. This isn’t good. The surviving Section 520 Scorpion scales the side of a skyscraper with Naes in one of its claws. I flag down the Blackhawk pilot, and he lands in the middle of the street. Trash and debris fly all over. People who were brave enough, or just plain insane, stare at us and film everythin
g with their phones. I run over and snatch Naes’s sword and bolt to the helicopter. I open the passenger hatch door and hop in, and I’m pleasantly surprised to see that the pilot is Dorian, the World War II hero I mentioned.

  “Dorian? I thought you retired? They transferred you to my branch?” I inquire.

  “Couldn’t stay away from the Harvest. I got the bug,” he replies.

  “Thanks for the backup. Now let’s get my partner back.”

  “Let’s rock and roll!”

  Dorian elevates the helicopter directly upward and heads for the Underworlder about to reach the top of the skyscraper.

  “Just curious, but how did you know where to find us?”

  “Your battle against the 520s went viral in ten seconds, and we found it on the Internet.”

  “That makes sense. Mr. Herald isn’t going to be happy about that.”

  We make it to the top of the skyscraper as the Section 520 Scorpion does, and it smashes through a neon sign, making sparks ignite and shoot into the air. Now a news helicopter flies by and films everything.

  “This isn’t good,” I tell Dorian who shakes his head in annoyance.

  The Agency frowns upon any type of footage of us during work, especially when a terrifying creature is at the center of the action. Try to explain that one to the president. Dorian ascends over the skyscraper’s roof, but Naes is gone. How can a creature of that size while on the roof to a skyscraper vanish that quickly? It’s not like it could fit through a standard door. I look all around the neighboring rooftops as Dorian continues with a helicopter holding pattern and nothing. Dorian now soars around the whole rooftop and still nothing.


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