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Taming a Laird's Wild Lady: Taming the Heart Series

Page 7

by Tammy Andresen

  She was as wild and untamed as Fergal had claimed. It made his blood sing. He’d catch her, all right. Of that he was certain. What he’d do with her when he caught her….

  “Isabelle Maddox, get off of that horse this instant.” Her mother’s voice rang over the training yard.

  Gavin’s fists clenched at his sides. Her family was always there. He needed to get Isla alone and then… He stopped. What he wanted to do would mean marriage.

  Isla continued her loop around him and then stopped the horse, but Max pranced and Isla allowed it, using the bit to swing his head from side to side so that he didn’t move forward. Gavin looked at her face and mutiny was written on it. Stepping up to her, he grabbed at the reins. “Don’t get in trouble now. You want to be able to ride tonight,” he whispered.

  Isla took a deep breath and then gave a single nod. Swinging her leg over the horse, he was sure she could drop to the ground herself, but he took the opportunity to grab her by the waist anyway and help her to the ground. One more chance to touch her.

  Max blocked them and unable to stop himself, he planted his lips on her forehead. “You were magnificent.”

  The prettiest blush he’d ever seen stained her cheeks, her lips curving up in a smile. “Thank you for saying that. I don’t want to be another beautiful woman, a pretty piece on some man’s arm. And I don’t want a husband who wants me to be that either.” She stopped as her mother’s skirts came into view.

  “What am I going to do with you, young lady? Wild, that’s the only word for it. And not in pantaloons no less. When your father hears, you won’t just go without dinner, he’ll―”

  Gavin cut her off. He had to do something. Isla needed this ride tonight; he could sense it, and he was desperate to watch her ride, to go alongside her as they flew like the wind. “It’s my fault, Lady Maddox. I goaded her into it. Please don’t punish Isla, I mean Isabelle.” Gavin stepped around the horse.

  “Laird Campbell, with all due respect, this is not.”

  “I’ll take Isla’s punishment,” Gavin spoke quickly as he saw Tom, Fergal, and Will coming toward them. Hell’s Bells. It would be harder to keep this secret, the more people saw it.

  Fergal had a grin that split his face from ear to ear, and Gavin made a mental note to knock his brother squarely in that smile later. Will and Tom climbed under the fence, Will whispering to Tom as they did. Will would help Isla. Strange, watching Will, he didn’t appear burdened by his sister at all. Not that she didn’t cause Will trouble, but the experience seemed to bring joy rather than suffering. It was the same feeling he had. With Isla’s antics, his burden was lessoned, life made lighter and more fun.

  “Mother,” Will said her name softly. Tom grabbed the reins of the horse and motioned for Isla and Gavin to follow.

  Once in the barn, a groom materialized to begin caring for Max and Tom grabbed Isla’s petticoat and pantaloons. “Go into an empty stall and put these back on.”

  Isla made a face at him but then went in and did as she was bid. Once dressed, she returned and he watched with fascination as Tom shoved her back into her boots and then motioned to him. “Help me fix the pins in her hair. Mother will be far less mad when she can’t see the evidence.”

  Gavin stepped on Isla’s other side and she held still as the two men repinned her hair. The silky tresses slid though his fingers and he found himself wishing he could bury his face in them, feel them along the skin of his chest. Madness was gripping him.

  Tom finished his side and huffed. “After tonight, we are even.”

  “Even,” she agreed. Then she wrapped her arms around her brother. “Thanks, Tom.”

  “Don’t thank me.” He squeezed her back. “I’m so sorry I pulled you into the water. It was foolish and―” Gavin nodded his appreciation. Tom shouldn’t have let her take the fall for him, but he approved of his apology.

  “It doesn’t matter, Tom.” She chucked him on the chin.

  “Thanks again for keeping me out of trouble.”

  “That’s what family does.” She gave him another smile and Gavin’s heart gave a tug. The Maddox siblings helped each other, loved each other, looked out for one another.

  Gavin glanced over at Fergal. In many ways, his brother was a stranger to him. With Fergal being ten years younger, and Gavin gone to London for most of that, they didn’t share a bond like this. He suddenly wished he had spent more time with Fergal and that they had a bond the way the Maddox family did.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Isla huffed. “I may as well know my fate for riding a few laps around the training ring.”

  “Alone with a suitor, while missing some―” Tom started.

  “What did you say?” Isla, who had been hugging her brother a moment before, now gave him a look of complete animosity.

  “Nothing. You look presentable. Let’s go.” Tom turned toward the entrance of the barn and then back to his sister. “And, Isla, try to manage your temper.”



  Isla let out another breath. Little brothers didn’t give advice, but she marched behind him out into the training yard.

  Gavin followed her, while she didn’t turn her head to look back at him, she was keenly aware of his every move. Fergal must have trailed behind Gavin, his chuckling echoed in the barn. Hermes snorted a few more times, clearly still annoyed at being left in his stall.

  As her eyes adjusted to the bright sun after the shadowy light of the barn, she could see Will whispering furiously to her mother. The eldest female Maddox looked back and forth from Gavin to Isla, her gaze appraising them both.

  Isla approached, her mother clasped her hands together. “I’ll not tell your father, but you need behave, young lady. No more antics.”

  Isla gave a nod, guilt washing over her as she thought of the plans for that evening. She glanced quickly back at Gavin, who frowned slightly. Despite her unconventional habits, Isla was not usually willfully disobedient. “Yes, Mama.”

  Her mother stepped up to her and whispered in her ear, “You only have this opportunity once. Make the most of it, but be careful.”

  Tears welled in her eyes at her mother’s words and the trust they implied. “Thank you,” she softly responded. Her mother’s marriage had been arranged, but her parents had found great happiness together. While Isla didn’t always agree with her, she knew her mother wanted what was in Isla’s best interest.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now don’t be late for dinner and have your hair redone. It looks atrocious.” She smiled at Isla as she began the trek back to toward the house.

  Sighing, Isla turned back to the men who had just helped her. She was lucky to have them all in her life. “Thanks, to all of you. I don’t know what I’ll do when I marry and I don’t see you―”

  Fergal gave her a wink. “If you’re father makes you marry Angus, Gavin and I will hail our ancestors to conduct a Scottish raiding party.”

  A giggle burst from her lips. “Fergal Campbell, you’re a pip.”

  “If father tries to force a match with Angus, I’ll help them.” Will growled. “That man needs to be―”

  “Married to someone else.” Isla finished, feeling even more grateful for them. “I had better go get ready for dinner.”

  “Isla, wait. Tom will be outside your room at eleven. The rest of us will meet here fifteen minutes after the hour.” Will saluted her as though she were an officer in the army.

  Isla grinned, her trepidation gone. It would be a wild ride.

  * * *

  DINNER CREPT by and Isla practically raced to her room. As her maid pulled the pins from her hair, Isla could barely sit still.

  Finally, she was able to climb in bed and when Elizabeth closed the door, she practically jumped back up. Racing behind the changing screen, she tossed off her nightgown and put on a simple dress. Not even bothering to tie her hair back―it would fall out anyway―she dashed over to the door, training her ears for any noise.

sp; “Isla,” Tom whispered from the other side.

  In response, Isla twisted the knob as slowly as possible and then opened the door an inch at a time. Any noise might alert other family members what she was doing. Tom’s face appeared in the opening.

  “Let’s go,” he hissed.

  “They’re not leaving without us,” she grumped back, pursing her lips. There was no need for him to be so short. Then she stepped out into the hall and softly closed her door.

  “I’ll be glad when this is over,” Tom grumbled.

  “Shush,” she waved her hand at him and swiftly moved down the hall.

  Will, Fergal and Gavin were waiting for them in the training yard. Isla caught her breath at the sight of Gavin, his broad shoulders were highlighted by the moonlight behind him.

  Gavin chuckled at the sight of her. “Are you going to ride Max again?”

  Hermes was snorting in his stall as he bumped the walls around him; Isla would recognize the sound of him anywhere. She quirked an eyebrow. “What would you ride? You couldn’t tame Hermes.”

  His chuckle turned into a full laugh. “You don’t think so?”

  “I know so. If you want to try, you’re welcome to. But this will be a short night if we have to fetch the doctor.” She sailed past him.

  Grabbing a bit, she reached over the door of Hermes stall to place it in his mouth. The men began saddling their horses but Isla would go without. More than anything, she relished riding bareback and this might be one of the last times she had the chance. The unknown of the future loomed before her, but tonight she’d forget about that and just enjoy.

  She opened Hermes’ door and used one of the cross pieces on the wall as a foot hold to climb up on his back. Grasping the reins, she nudged the prancing beast out into the training yard.

  He was desperate to run, and she was eager to join him. His prancing, dancing step skittered around the ring, eager for more speed.

  Gavin walked Max out and stopped, his eyes, focused on her. She had her boots on this time, but nothing under her dress other than short pantaloons she had fashioned for this purpose, so most of her legs were bare. Even in the dark, his intense gaze travelled up and down her as she rode, and he quickly mounted Max.

  Riding next to her, he leaned down. “Lead the way.” His voice gravelly and full of fire.

  “Should we wait for them?” Isla’s breath caught.

  “They’ll catch up.” The pitch of his voice dropped even lower.

  She started riding for the gate. “They won’t,” she threw the words over her shoulder, nerves dancing as anticipation filled her. “But do try to keep up.”

  Leaning down from Hermes back, she flipped the lock on the gate. She’d barely pushed it open when Hermes shot through the opening, picking up speed as he headed toward the ocean.

  * * *


  * * *

  GAVIN GRINNED. Kicking Max into motion, he rode at a break-neck pace, barely keeping Isla and Hermes in his sight. Wild didn’t begin to describe the feeling of riding at this speed by the moonlight, watching Isla’s supple backside as she moved as one with her horse. Every care fell away as he tried his damnedest to catch up with her.

  Slowing as she reached the ocean’s edge, Gavin was amazed at how quickly they had made it here. Hermes disappeared down a path to the ocean’s edge, and Gavin used the slower canter to gain some ground on them. His horse naturally slowed as well, and it took all his self-control not to kick his horse, a deep longing to catch her filling him.

  As he broke through the path and hit the sand of the beach, Isla sat on Hermes, her eyes dancing as she looked at Gavin. He kicked Max and his horse pulled next to Hermes. Isla watched the dark water as the sound of waves crashed on the shore. He was certain the view was spectacular but he couldn’t peel his gaze from her.

  “I won.” She gave him a cheeky grin, turning her face to his.

  “You started first.” He reached his hand out to graze his knuckles along her cheek.

  “That is a poor excuse,” she replied as she danced Hermes so she was out of his reach.

  “I’ve never seen a better rider. You’re one with the horse.” Grabbing Hermes’ reins, he pulled her closer. He needed to be near her, touch her.

  “I feel the most at home, the most alive, when I am on horseback, or running through the trees. Do you think I’ll ever adjust to being in London?” Her voice caught on the last word.

  He wanted to tell her that she would never have to, but the words failed him. So instead, he reached for her, lifting her off her horse and onto Max. Sideways across his lap, Gavin snuggled her backside between his thighs. He had been longing to kiss her, and as she looked up at him in surprise, he brought his lips down on hers.

  Soft and warm, her lips met his, hesitantly at first, but then with an increasing pressure that had him pulling her closer.

  Isla’s hands snaked up in his hair, holding his mouth close to hers. Unable to resist the sweet taste of her, he slanted open her lips and plunged his tongue into its sweet depths. Letting out a groan, she met the thrusts of his tongue with her own until the kiss began a feverish pitch Gavin couldn’t escape from, not that he wanted too. All reason had left him. He ought to be concerned about being caught, but he just couldn’t. All he wanted was her, nothing else mattered.

  Breaking his mouth away for a second, he locked his arms around Isla’s waist and lifted her off the horse. Pressing her body close to his, his hands were all over her back, in her hair, down her legs, as their hungry lips met again and again.

  She gave his hair another good yank and his blood sang in response, passion raging inside him. Lifting her up, he gasped as her legs locked around his waist, their most intimate areas grinding together. Her grip around his waist was so strong, he momentarily worried he couldn’t breathe, but decided, he didn’t care. Sliding his hand up her leg, he groaned to discover only the thinnest fabric separated him from her heat.

  Pushing the fabric to the side, he was met by a slick wetness. She pressed closer to him, gripping tighter.

  “Gavin,” she moaned as she ground against his hand. His fingers fluttered along her edges and then dove in, causing her to buck wildly against him.

  Keeping the pressure on her heat, his other hand undid the laces of his breeches. She was so tightly locked around him, he needn’t hold her up. He began to loosen the ties. “Isla, I have to know this is all right. If I do this―” his voice was hoarse and ragged, even to his own ears, and her lips met his again cutting off the rest of what he meant to say in another searing kiss.

  Gavin was lost, as was any intention he had had of putting a stop to the fire burning between them. It was an inferno and they were both about to go be lost in the blaze. He kept the rhythm of his finger going as the ties finally unknotted.

  “Isla,” a male voice boomed over the sound of the surf.

  The horses hid what they were doing from view but the men would find them soon enough. A groan of frustration ripped from his throat. “Isla,” he panted out.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I have to. Your family…” Capturing her mouth for one final kiss, she clung to his for a moment, but then broke free.

  Pulling her head back, she kept her legs locked around him, kept his fingers inside her and the palm of his hand on her sensitive nub. “You shouldn’t have started it if you don’t intend to finish it,” she gasped out.

  “I lose myself when I am with you. Forget what―” He stopped speaking because her body shuddered, her insides clenching around him.

  She cried out and Gavin clamped his mouth over hers. Spasm after spasm gripped her.

  “Isla,” the voice boomed again, louder, closer.

  “Unlock your legs, my love.” Gavin managed to speak through ragged breaths. She went limp against him, but her arms and legs refused to let go as though he were a ship in a storm. His own body raged for release, but there wasn’t time.

�What have you done to me?” she whimpered.

  Gavin stood, panic suddenly gripped him. “Did I hurt you?” He kissed her again to sooth any pain.

  And then wild, wonderful Isla did something completely unexpected. She started to cry. “I didn’t know it was like that. And you, you don’t even want to… and I’ll…I’ll end up someone else’s wife. She finally went limp and slithered to the ground.

  He was worried for a moment and reached for her, but she smacked his hand away. “Never touch me again.”

  His insides clenched. “Isla, please, I didn’t mean for all of this to happen. You’re so beautiful and I―”

  She nearly spat the words, “I’m so beautiful, yet you don’t want to marry me.”

  It was as though she twisted a knife in his gut. “That isn’t it at all.” His body still ached with need. He wanted to pull her close, explore the passion that had clearly bloomed between them.

  “What I have to offer is for my husband, no other. You should leave.” Tears choked her voice.

  “Nay, he shouldna.” Another voice came from just behind them. Gavin twisted around and was met by the craggy face of Isla’s uncle, Haggis McCreary.



  Haggis made a slow perusal of the two of them. Disapproval lit his gaze. She could imagine how disheveled she must look. A brief glance down at herself confirmed that her skirt was twisted and her bodice was pulled to one side, though her breasts were covered. Her gaze swung to Gavin; it was worse. His breeches were loose, his hair was sticking out everywhere, thanks to her attentions, and his eyes were wild.

  Isla tugged her dress in place and stepped in front of him. She could be angry at Gavin, but honestly, she had been a more than willing participant, and Uncle Haggis wasn’t going to blame Gavin for what had happened.

  “Yer back from hunting.” Isla flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  “Don’t even start with me, young lady. Yer face is covered in tears, and ye were yellin’ at Campbell here like ye hated his guts.” Haggis crossed his arms over his broad chest, pulling on his horses reins as her did. The horse neighed as though it was agreeing with its master. Few dared disagree with her uncle.


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