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Taming a Laird's Wild Lady: Taming the Heart Series

Page 11

by Tammy Andresen

  “Isla, you are remarkable.” He swooped down and gave her a peck on the forehead.

  He heard Isla swallow. “I’ll just go make a bed in the loft.”

  “A bed?” His voice dropped low.

  She backed away then disappeared. For his part, he attempted to take a calming breath. Hermes skittered, clearly picking up on his energy as well. Isla was so damned capable it set him on fire.

  Putting the horses in a couple of the stalls, he scraped some hay together. It wasn’t fresh, but it would have to do. Latches secured, he climbed up to the loft to find Isla. Rain poured into a few holes in the roof, making everything damp, but he found her tucked into a dry corner, snuggled under blankets.

  “There you are…” Her voice had a seductive hint to it.

  Though he had released just a few hours before, his body was taut, ready for her. “Here I am.” Dropping to his knees, he lay down next to her, finding her lips with his in the darkness. He brought his hand to her cheek but then quickly tangled it in her mass of hair as his other grasped her neck.

  Skin, soft and smooth, met his touch, and he slid his fingers along her collarbone, finding it bare. Dipping lower, he traced a path on her skin until he finally reached the soft swell of her breast. Quickly, Gavin raked his hand lower, she was naked. Deliciously so. Reaching up, he peeled the blanket back and lifted his head. Dreams of these breasts had haunted him, and though he and Isla had been intimate, he’d yet to see her. The low light was a curse, but first he traced their outline with his hands and then his lips attempting to memorize every detail ’til he was sure he could sketch them from touch. Her body began to writhe under his as she pulled at his hair.

  “Take off your clothes,” she pleaded breathlessly.

  “Isla, are you sure? This night has been―”

  “I want to be yours.” She sat up on her elbows, her breath fanning across his face, their mouths close enough to touch. “Please, Gavin.”

  Without a second thought, he lifted up and yanked off his shirt then kicked off his boots. Lying on top of her, he kissed her fiercely, their unclothed chests coming together. The heat of her filled him and he lifted back up pull off his kilt.

  In seconds, he was under the blankets, on top of her body. Sliding his hands between them, he gently probed at her womanly juncture and found her slick with readiness. Isla moaned at the contact and he could not wait another second. He rubbed the tip of his manhood against her folds and then slowly parted her channel.

  She shuddered underneath him and he stopped, worried that he’d hurt her. But then she grabbed his buttocks, pushing him into her until he filled her completely.

  Gritting his teeth, he held still, using every ounce of his control to keep from hurting her further. Placing his forehead to hers, he whispered, “I’ll stay like this until you are ready.”

  In response, she wiggled underneath him, the friction delicious. “I’m ready. I want… more.”

  He was sure his eyes rolled back into his head. “Yes.” He moaned. “You are mine, Isla.”

  “Yes,” she replied. “And you mine.”

  The rhythm of their lovemaking beat faster and faster as their bodies intertwined. The pleasure was so intense Gavin could barely stand it, couldn’t stop even if someone held a knife to his throat.

  Finally, they climaxed together, their moans and sighs mingling ’til one voice couldn’t be distinguished from another.

  Gavin kissed her again and again. “I love you, Isla.”

  “I love you, too.” He slid to the side, pulling her body against his. She was soft, warm and already drifting off to sleep. There would be no rest for him. He would keep watch, listen for intruders, but that didn’t’ mean Isla shouldn’t sleep.

  He held her for a long time, brushing her hair away from her face.

  In the morning, he’d return her to her father. They’d be married. After what they had done, she would need the protection of his name. Then, he’d find Angus and make him pay for what he had done.

  It was rather miraculous how strongly the need to protect Isla was. After Emily, he had sworn he would never marry again, never commit himself to the care of another person. But here he was, holding Isla close Not just preparing for marriage but anxiously anticipating it. Only Isla could have changed him so.

  The night progressed in a silent vigil and the first rays of the sun began to light the sky, the storm having passed. He should wake Isla, but she was so beautiful he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  A ray of sun danced through one of the holes in the ceiling and she opened her eyes. “How long have you been awake?” she gave him a glowing smile.

  “A bit.” He returned her gaze.

  She sat up, stretching, and Gavin skimmed his hand down the stunning curve of her back, tracing its pattern. It was even more splendid then he had imagined. Glancing over her shoulder, a sleepy smile graced her lips. “What shall we do?”

  Propping himself up on his elbow, he began to kiss the trail down the skin his hand had just graced. “We have to leave, Isla. I need to get you home.”

  She turned toward him then, her breasts finally his to behold. He sucked in his breath, everything in him responding to the sight.

  “Why can’t we stay a little longer?” Isla pouted as her face turned up to his.

  Her scent filled his nostrils and temptation pulled at his limbs. Capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, he pulled away. “Because you have a wedding to prepare for.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “We’ve only been promised a day.” She lay back down, flinging her arm over her head.

  He was up on his elbow and his gaze drank in the vision before him. He lifted one of his hands to her collarbone, a finger tracing along its ridge ’til it met her neck and then he dipped it lower.

  Isla’s wet her lips as he explored the softer flesh of her upper breast. Temptation was winning as he allowed his fingers to climb the tender mound, moving toward its peak.

  With the definitive sound of a horse in the distance, Gavin’s head to snapped up. “Get dressed,” he hissed as he rose from the make-shift bed, still naked.

  Isla’s gaze danced over his body, resting between his legs. The blood pounded through his veins, making him dizzy with wanting. But she rose and began putting on her clothes.

  He tossed his on easily, his gaze never leaving her as she wriggled into her clothing. When she put on her dress, he buttoned it quickly. It was a shame to put so much clothing on that stunning body, but there would be time to finish what they had begun later.

  “Get in the stall with Hermes. If you have to, make a break for it,” he whispered. Hermes would keep her from being captured. Hard as it was, he had to leave her there with her horse to keep her safe.

  Gavin grabbed several potential weapons from the barn walls and hid next to the barn door. Soft voices began to trickle into the barn, but he couldn’t make out the words.

  Isla’s popped her head over the stall wall. “It’s my family,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She nodded. “It’s them.”

  Opening the door a crack, Gavin caught sight of Will creeping up to the entrance. “Will,” he called loud enough for the other man to hear but quiet enough no one else could.

  Will’s body relaxed as he slipped into the barn. “Isla?” he asked, his voice choked with fear.

  Before he could answer, Isla peaked out of the door. “Will?”

  Will looked at Gavin, but he gestured toward Isla. She should tell her brother what happened. Giving him the quick version of the story, Will went back outside to retrieve the rest of the family.

  * * *


  * * *

  THE RIDE back to the manor was tense and her father said little. By the time they arrived, even Hermes was twitching from the tension. For Isla’s part, she was irritated by what she perceived as her father’s disapproval. If not for Gavin, Angus would already have her over the Scottish border.

they began to dismount, her father’s gaze sliced into hers. “To your room. I do not want to―”

  “I willna!” she all but shouted.

  “You’ll obey me or―”

  “Nay,” she took a breath. “Hermes needs the care I will give him. The grooms are all afraid to do it. Then Gavin and I―”

  It was her father’s turn to interrupt. “Laird Campbell.”

  “Gavin and I have a wedding to discuss.” She crossed her arms.

  “There will not be a wedding if you continue to disobey me. I’ll not have it.” He stepped up to her.

  “You should be thanking Gavin. He saved my life… twice. It was dark, about to rain, men were everywhere looking for us. Would you really have wanted us to risk returning? Why are you so angry?”

  Her father’s face seemed to fall before her. He cleared his throat, rubbed his eyes and then cleared his throat again. “I should never have put you in this situation. It has been a disaster from the first.”

  Isla’s entire body softened. “I’ve found Gavin. It worked out exactly as you hoped it would. And while no one yet knows, we were alone last night.”

  Gavin stepped forward. “We should be married as quickly as possible and then I’ll lay chase.”

  Will waved his hand, “Let’s go now. The longer we wait, the farther he gets.”

  Gavin gave his head a shake. “If anyone were to hear that I was alone with Isla, she would surely be ruined. And if something were to happen to me… no, we marry first. It is safest for Isla.”

  Isla’s inside melted like warm butter on pastries.

  Her father gave a terse nod of agreement and then took a breath. “Thank you, Campbell, for everything.”

  “Thank you, Lord Maddox, for allowing me to marry your daughter. It means more than I could say.” Gavin’s hand came to her back, sending warm shivers down her spine.

  “Isla is special. I always knew there was a man out there who would see it,” her father murmured.

  Isla suddenly didn’t mind them talking as though she wasn’t there. Her cheeks bloomed with color as she glanced at her future husband.

  “I will take care of the license. Isla and her mother will begin the preparations, Gavin and Will need to plan a strategy for dealing with Angus Dougal.”

  * * *

  FOUR HOURS LATER, Isla looked at her reflection in the mirror. Wearing a pale blue silk gown that brought out the color of her eyes, she twisted this way and that to see its effect. Her dark hair had been loosely pinned back to allow a few pieces to fall around her face. She had never felt more beautiful.

  Eyes shimmering with tears, her mother stood behind her. “Oh, Isla! It’s simply perfect.”

  “Thank you, mama.” She turned to give her mother a hug. “I can’t believe this is all happening.”

  “When you’re sure of something, it all falls into place. I knew the second I met your father, and I’ve never regretted it since.” She paused sighing softly then she brushed Isla’s cheek. “Although, he drives me to distraction at times. It was meant to be, my dear.”

  They descended the stairs, where the house was busy preparing the luncheon just after the ceremony. Isla was swept into a carriage with a dappled gray, a sign of good luck for the bride.

  There was a small church on the property, and somehow, her father had been able to obtain a special license to see them wed. When Isla climbed from the carriage, her mother smoothed out her dress for her. “You’ve never looked lovelier.”

  Isla beamed at her mother, and the smile stayed on her face as she entered the church.

  At the front, Gavin stood, his brother Fergal next to him and little John beside his uncle. Her brothers sat in the front row along with Collin. On her side, her sister-in-law sat waiting with the children, along with a few of her friends from the village. It was intimate and absolutely perfect.

  Gavin extended his hand and she nearly skipped down the aisle to take it. Holding her hand in his, they turned toward the priest she had known her entire life. “In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, amen.” The service began.

  Gavin’s gaze never left hers as he repeated his vows of love and honor. Happiness radiated from Isla as she promised to love and cherish him for the rest of her days.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” the priest proclaimed.

  Gavin’s lips descended upon hers, filling her with a bubbling joy to think she would spend the rest of her life with this man. As they walked back outside, Gavin kissed her again. “You look so beautiful, Isla.”

  “As do you,” she laughed, meaning every word. His kilt was perfectly pressed, as was his shirt, jacket and waistcoat, all of which accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow hips. Visions of the night before began to dance in her mind and her breath caught to think they would be together again soon.

  Gavin helped her into the carriage, following close behind. As they both sat, he pulled her body close, peppering her face with kisses. “We have a little time, my love, and then I have to go after Angus.”

  “Why? We’re married now. What can he do to us?” Now that she was safely at home and in her husband’s arms, she wanted to forget all about Angus Dougal. He had attempted to ruin her life, why should he also get to tarnish her wedding? Her lip pouted as he placed a light kiss on them.

  “We can’t allow him to get away with it. A man like Angus will take that as a victory and use it against us in the future. He thrives on dominating others.”

  Isla frowned. Gavin’s words made complete sense, but she hated to see him put himself in danger. Angus was big and mean, and while Gavin could most certainly defeat him, he risked being hurt. Besides, Angus had reinforcements now and that made him all the more dangerous. “I worry for you.”

  “I can’t run from danger. Especially now that I have you to protect. But promise me that while I am gone you will keep John safe.” His gaze held hers.

  “Of course I will.” Isla was his mother now, she would guard him with her life. Understanding dawned as she realized, Gavin was as committed to her safety as she was to Johns. He had to do everything he could to keep them safe, even if he risked himself.

  “Thank you,” he murmured, kissing her fiercely. The carriage stopped, having completed the short drive from the church to the house and Gavin climbed out to help her down.

  * * *

  WHILE A DELICIOUS SPREAD of pheasant and lamb had been set out for luncheon, Isla barely ate. Excitement filled her as she considered the night ahead. Gavin told her they would go in search of Angus in the morning, which meant they had tonight to be together.

  Her father approached them, clearing his throat. “I’ve had a suite prepared for you both in the east wing, away from the family. Food has been brought up and any other comforts you might need.” Isla beamed at her father. He leaned down to Gavin. “We leave at first light.”

  Gavin gave a terse nod and then stood, taking her hand to help her out of her seat. Butterflies flitted in her stomach. Partially over her excitement to be alone with Gavin again, but more because of what was beyond that time. Gavin and her father and brothers would leave to confront Angus. Would Angus resort to violence?

  Without meaning to, she trembled. Gavin wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Cold?”

  Shaking her head, she tried to give him a smile as they kissed Johnny and the other children and said their goodbyes. “Be careful tomorrow.”

  He led her up the stairs, his hand rested on her hip. The subtle pressure made her suck in her breath and anticipation coursed through her. “Let’s worry about tomorrow, later. After all, we have tonight.”

  His heat-filled gaze seared into hers as he squeezed the flesh of her hip, her own desire rising. As energy bubbled inside her body, the desire to be wild and free swelled within her. Hiking up her skirts she began to walk more swiftly and Gavin chuckled, quickening his own pace.

  Kicking off her slippers in the hall, she broke into a light run when Gavin bent down to retr
ieve them. He looked and their gazes met before she turned a corner. “Don’t get lost,” she called as she picked up speed.

  His bark of laughter followed her down the hall as she moved faster. Taking another corner, she could see the open door of their rooms in the east wing. If she could make it before he turned the corner, he wouldn’t know what room she was in.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be with him. She wanted him more than anything, but the game somehow made it more fun. It was a challenge that would bear great reward.

  She flew into the room just as she heard his steps behind her. It was too late to close the door and keep him out, but she could evade him a little longer. Sprinting across the room, he hooked her arm in his hand and spun her around. As their bodies collided, they fell into a heap on the bed, their lips making contact as Isla wound her arms around neck.

  “You are a little minx.” His accused between kisses, his voice husky with desire.

  “You love it,” she whispered back.

  “Oh, I do.” His fingers were already working the buttons of her gown.

  It was still afternoon, and sunlight poured into the windows. She should be embarrassed, but she wasn’t. She wanted to see every inch of him. Standing, she allowed her gown to pool at her feet. He stood as well and began to undo the ties of her corset. “You too,” she breathed out as another piece of her clothing hit the floor.

  Grinning, he stepped back and tossed his jacket, then his cravat, aside. His shirt came over his head and Isla sucked in her breath. His broad muscular chest tapered down to narrow waist with a sprinkling of hair that seemed to point in the direction she wanted to travel.

  “You’re next, wife.” His penetrating gaze devoured her.

  “Very well, husband.” Her petticoats dropped to the floor, followed by her pantaloons.


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