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The Impossible Engineers (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 2)

Page 10

by MJ Fletcher

  “What? How?”

  “Lauren. She kept a journal.”

  “She did?” Henna gulped, her eyes darting around the room as if trying to assimilate what she heard.

  “She did,” I confirmed. ”She wrote about what you’d found and how scared you both got when they tried to take it.”

  Henna lowered her head. “Oh God.”

  I decided to cut through the crap and be blunt. “She wrote how you hid the Chronicle page.” Her whole body shuddered at the mention of the Chronicle, then her shoulders slumped and she looked up at me with sad weariness.

  “We had been working on that find for months and then suddenly the authorities were coming to confiscate it. Lauren was the one to point out that something was terribly wrong. We didn’t have much time. We needed to make a choice and make it fast. Did we let the Council take the most important find in generations and hide it away, or possibly worse, or did we take part of it, so the Council couldn’t use it?

  “Robert was our team leader and worked directly for the Council. He told us that we had no choice; we had to hand it over to them. The rest of us were in an uproar, Dillon and Charles both screamed at Robert and Lauren pulled me aside to talk with me.

  “Lauren told me that she had already broken protocol and called Nightshade and he was coming to get her. We decided that it was wrong of the Council to confiscate it and so we took a page from the Chronicle. We feared that if they had the complete Chronicle that they would use it to hunt down the Artifacts. No one should have that kind of power. It’s why they were hidden in the first place.

  “We took the portion of the Chronicle that explained how to use and find the Artifacts. We decided we would spirit it away and make sure no one could find it. Lauren tried to convince me to run with her and Nightshade, insisting that we could protect each other. Nightshade arrived and they went to get her gear and I to gather my things. I put the Chronicle page with my bags and as I was about to portal out the authorities attacked.

  “I was caught off guard and lost my star, my only weapon. I scrambled to get to it but the guy was on me before I could reach it. He had soulless eyes and I thought for sure that I was going to die. But suddenly he was attacked from behind and there was Lauren fighting to save me. She could have stayed with Nightshade and escaped but she came back and helped me just like she said she would. She was like that, always looking out for everyone.

  “She helped me up and told me to protect the Chronicle page. I got to my star and he attacked again. She pushed me away and fought him. I was hurt and I grabbed my bags and ran.” She shook her head.” I’m not proud of that. I told myself I was protecting the page but in the end I think I was a coward. I didn’t make it far. I passed out from the pain. I found out afterwards that Lauren had been killed and all because of me.” Tears rolled down her face as she finished.

  I found myself wishing I had brought Nightshade along. Maybe if he had gotten to hear that he wouldn’t blame himself for Lauren’s death.

  “You did what anyone would have done. It wasn’t your fault.” This was yet another person the First Kind had a hand in hurting. The list was growing very long and I was getting very angry. Something inside me told me that when I came face to face with my mother it wasn’t going to be a very happy reunion.

  “Maybe, but she stayed when I ran. It cost her her life and Nightshade nearly died in the process. I could barely face him at the funeral.”

  “What about the rest of the team?”

  “Dillon was killed as well. They never found Charles’s body and Robert went back to work for the Council but I heard it didn’t last very long.” She looked out the window at the lights that dotted across Rome. She sighed deeply and I could see the same sadness in her that lived inside Nightshade.

  “The Chronicle page?”

  She looked at me, her eyes were wary and burdened by not only what had happened to her but having to protect the Chronicle page as well.

  “The Council shouldn’t have it,” she said

  “Good thing I don’t work for the Council then.”

  “Why should I tell you where it is?”

  “Because I will never let the First Kind or the Council get their hands on it. You said you heard about me and what happened at the Infinity Library. Do you think I would ever let that happen?”

  “Before I tell you anything, I want to talk with Nightshade.”

  I hadn’t expected that but it wasn’t an impossible request either. “I can call him.”

  “No, in person I need to see him face to face.”

  “Fine by me.” I pulled my phone out and typed out a quick text to Nightshade and hit send.

  “So you two are a couple?” Henna asked nodding to Slade and me, then taking a sip of her coffee.

  “Yup,” Slade offered with a smile and I grinned a bit. I saw her look my way for a moment and the edges of her mouth crept up but then it was as if she turned the smile off and looked away.

  “How long have you been together?” she asked.

  “Two months.” Slade leaned back on the couch smiling.

  “Very nice and this is your first trip to Rome. How very romantic.” She smiled at me over her cup.

  “I hadn’t thought about that. After this maybe we should do something.” Slade turned to me, his eyes full of hope that I’d agree.

  “I’ve been to Rome before.” His shoulders slumped but it didn’t completely deflate him and I could see the proverbial wheels turning, thinking he’d somehow change my mind.

  My phone buzzed with a text and I hit the screen bringing it up. The message was from Nightshade and I read it over quickly.

  “Well?” Henna leaned forward curious.

  “No problem, we can meet him at his place.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I want him to come here.”

  “Um, okay let me see if that’s all right with him.” I tapped another fast message and sent it off to Nightshade. Henna leaned back in her seat and looked out over Rome once again. Something about her demeanor was putting me on edge. I wasn’t sure what it was but I didn’t like it.

  My phone buzzed once again and I checked the message. I looked up to Henna and nodded that Nightshade had agreed to come to us.

  “I just need directions to open a portal to his house,” Henna said.

  Little alarms went off in my head warning me about giving out information like that to anyone. “I’ll just have him meet us outside the Pantheon. You two can talk and Slade and I can go for a walk.” I smiled at her and it seemed as if she was unhappy with my decision but she didn’t object. She simply nodded in agreement.

  I sent Nightshade a text telling him where to meet us and to get a map from Edgar if he needed it. Henna went to her room, grabbed a coat and we exited through a portal to the Piazza Della Rotonda, the rectangular square that bordered the Pantheon.

  The Pantheon was illuminated and the Piazza was filled with people as I assumed it would be. If anyone made a move against us, we could escape within the crowd. I turned to see Slade staring at the Pantheon in awe.

  “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” His eyes didn’t leave the magnificent structure rising above the square, its ancient dome and portico dwarfing everything around it. Though I’ve seen larger buildings there was something about this one that always made me feel so small, so insignificant.

  “Yes it is.” I looped my arm through his and hugged it.

  “It’s amazing that this was built 1800 years ago and is still standing. And they didn’t even have the vast knowledge and equipment that we have today. Can you imagine that?”

  I smiled watching the look of pure joy that crossed his face. “It is pretty cool.”

  “Did Nightshade say when he would be here?” Henna’s eyes searched the plaza, trying to spot Nightshade who I had yet to see myself.

  “No, but it might take him a few to locate a proper map with directions. This city isn’t exactly easy to portal in and out of. With so many dimensions crossing over
here and all the portals, it’s like a maze.”

  “I know. It’s one of the reasons I chose to live here. I figured if someone came after me, I’d be a lot harder to find.”

  “Good plan.” I said admiring her cunning.

  “Not good enough, you found me.” She winked.

  “Well I’m amazing.” I laughed and she smiled as Slade kept staring at the Pantheon.

  “Hey, all.” Nightshade stepped out of the crowd and walked with his usual swagger toward us. He was dressed in beat up jeans and boots. His ever-present skeleton key belt buckle at his waist and instead of his leather jacket he wore his full length canvas coat that reminded me of the ones the gunslingers used to wear in the old west. I guess he had checked the weather before coming here because the temp seemed to be dropping the later it got, unless he came prepared for a showdown. The ridiculous thought made me shiver instead of laugh.

  “Nightshade.” Henna called out and hurried to his side. He wrapped her up in his arms and hugged her. She winced and I could see her fighting back tears.

  “You all right, Henna?” He stepped back looking her. Then reached up and wiped away a tear that cascaded down her cheek.

  “Yes, I just wanted to talk to you about all of this.” She gestured toward us and Nightshade cast an accusing look in our direction. Not to mention the smoldering anger in his eyes. Something was wrong and I was sure I knew what it was.

  “They shouldn’t have come here to see you without me. If I had known, I would have come with them.”

  “You weren’t around, Nightshade, and I wanted to move quickly,” I said defending my actions.

  “I wasn’t around? I saw you only a few hours ago and you didn’t even text me to let me know what you were up too.” He didn’t look at me as he spoke, but damn if I didn’t hear the anger in his voice.

  “Don’t start, Nightshade, we were following the lead,” Slade said his own voice thick with anger as he took a step toward Nightshade.

  “This lead was Lauren’s friend and the only reason you even know about her is because of me. So don’t god damn think you can tell me what to do, Slade.”

  I could see this turning bad quickly so I grabbed Slade’s arm and pulled him back beside me. “Why don’t you two talk while Slade and I take a stroll? Once everything is squared away we can all talk.” I didn’t wait for a response. Instead I started walking off, Slade’s hand in mine. He followed silently, even though I knew he had more he wanted to say to Nightshade.

  “That pompous jerk,” he spit out after we were a distance away.

  “Now’s not the time.”

  “No, but one of these day’s I am going to knock him on his ass.”

  “Slade, stop.”

  “I’m serious, Chloe, one of these days I’m not going to be able to stop myself and you won’t be there to protect him. Then he’ll finally get what he deserves.”

  “Let’s not talk about him right now,” I changed the subject. It wasn’t hard to do since we were walking through one of the most beautiful cities in the world. “I love this place.”

  “We could come here during summer break. It’d be fun.”

  “I like that idea.” We strolled down the cobblestone street past the café’s and crowds of strolling tourists. The air had a slight chill but it was still a beautiful night and I was enjoying this time, this place with Slade. Sooner or later all hell would break loose again and so while I could I intended to take advantage of this rare opportunity.

  We circled so that we would come back to where we left Nightshade and Henna. Slade had his arm draped over my shoulder just like many of the other couples out for the night. And it made me realize how much of a couple we really were.

  I caught sight of Nightshade and Henna still talking. She was very animated and Nightshade was listening with rapt attention. I couldn’t hear what they were discussing as we approached due to the endless chatter in the Piazza. I finally was able to make out what Henna was saying when we got only a few feet from them.

  “Could it really have been him?”

  “We’ll figure it out, you just have to trust me,” Nightshade replied and turned to us as we stopped next to them.

  “Everything good?” I looked at him wondering what they had been discussing.

  “Yeah, it’s all good. I explained that you guys were with me.”

  “What about the Chronicle page?” I asked.

  “It’s someplace safe,” Henna said. “It will take me a few days to get it. But I should be able to have it to you soon.” She looked at Nightshade and he nodded.

  “Okay, good, do you need our help getting it?” I asked.

  “Nightshade can help me,” she said.

  I didn’t like the sound of that and gave him a glare that didn’t help much since he wasn’t looking in my direction.

  “I’m going to stay with Henna and secure the Chronicle page, you two can head home,” Nightshade said as if dismissing us.

  I didn’t like the idea of them going after the page on their own. I had the feeling that a whole lot more was going on than I was being told and I didn’t like being left in the dark one bit. “I’ll go with you two.”

  “We’ll be fine,” Nightshade said still not looking at me when he spoke.

  “Let them get the page, Chloe.” Slade chimed in and made me want to punch him in the shoulder, though I restrained myself.

  “I’ll be back in a few days,” Nightshade said as he turned to walk away.

  I reached out, grabbed his arm and yanked it. He spun around and we came face to face. He looked down at me his different colored eyes warning me.

  “Go home Masters, I’ll take it from here.”

  “What are you planning?” I whispered so that only he could hear me. He smiled his lopsided grin and I knew I was on the money... there was more to it than he was telling me.

  “Nothing, see you around.” Nightshade yanked his arm away and walked off, Henna following after him.

  “What’s going on?” Slade asked standing next to me as we watched Nightshade and Henna disappear into the crowded Piazza.

  “I don’t know but I don’t think it’s good.”

  Chapter 10

  Status: I’m no good at making a first impression.

  “You must be Chloe.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Come in, dear,” Mrs. Slade said with a generous smile and stepped to the side to wave me through the open door and into the house.

  She wore a flowery bib apron and her dark hair was pulled back and fashioned in some type of fancy knot at the back of her head. I could see where Slade got his good looks from; his mom was one attractive woman. Banging noises emanated from somewhere in the house and I unzipped my hoodie and slid it onto the empty coat hanger in the foyer coat closet that she pointed out to me. I felt naked without it but I also felt weird leaving it on.

  “Slade should be down in a minute. As for his brothers, I’m sure the deafening noises they’re making means they’re up to no good as usual. But then boys will be boys.”

  “Is Mr. Slade home?” I followed her through the archway into the kitchen where she returned to preparing dinner.

  “He’s attending an Engineer meeting, but he’ll be here soon.” Mrs. Slade took a handful of carrots and began rinsing them off.

  “Can I help?”

  “Do you know how to slice?” she asked placing the carrots in front of me. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then by all means, do help.” She handed me a knife and I went to work chopping up the carrots for dinner.

  “You’re here.” Slade came in and wisely hugged me from behind so as not to interrupt my knife wielding skills. “I see Mom has already put you to work.”

  “She offered, Slade,” his mother said with a soft laugh as she checked what was in the oven.

  “It’s no big deal,” I said.

  “This is great,” Slade whispered in my ear and gave me a peck on the cheek.

  I knew me being here, being p
art of his family routine made him happy, but the perfect family thing was so foreign to me that I felt a bit uncomfortable. I may have a big family but we don’t often see one another and when we do it’s usually loud and boisterous with a lot of needling one another.

  Slade’s two younger brothers crashed into the room in a fit of arms and legs, falling to the floor wrestling, in what looked like an attempt to strangle each other. That I at least understood.

  “Boys! We’ve got company,” Mrs. Slade reprimanded.

  “Sorry, Mom,” they said in unison and separating, though not before giving each other a parting shot. Finally getting a look at them I had to smile. It was as if someone had made younger copies of Slade and cloned him.

  “These two incorrigible young boys are my sons Sammy and Aiden,” Mrs. Slade said introducing them.

  “So you’re Mikey’s girlfriend?” Sammy asked me while Aiden pulled gears from his pocket and began building some type of contraption.

  “Yes,” I said, though it still felt odd to admit to.

  “Why? He’s a doofus.”

  Before I could respond Slade had scooped him up and was shaking him.

  “Why do I put up with you, Sammy?”

  “Because you’re a doofus,” he yelled and laughed loudly. Slade dropped him to the ground and he scrambled off and I couldn’t help but grin at their brotherly antics.

  “I’m home.” A booming voice came from down the hall and it seemed like Slade stood up even straighter than normal.

  Mr. Slade walked into the kitchen, and I was shaken by how much he resembled an older version of Slade. Maybe the Impossible Engineers had really learned how to clone people after all.

  “Finally, I get to meet the elusive Chloe Masters.” He smiled at me and held out his hand. I took it and shook it firmly like my dad had taught me to do.

  “Hello, sir.”

  “I was beginning to think my son was imagining you. I’m glad to see you’re the real thing.” Slade shifted uncomfortably at the comment and I just smiled.

  “One hundred percent real,” I confirmed.


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