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The Impossible Engineers (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 2)

Page 21

by MJ Fletcher

  “That worked well.” She smiled.

  “Stop them!” The guard with the broken nose was yelling at Slade and pointing at me. Slade looked from the guard to me and took a deep breath. He swung his fist in a roundhouse and clocked the man knocking him out cold with one shot.

  “I guess I made my choice.” He smiled and I nodded and turned to the window and opened it.

  The energy signature was weak but I could still feel it fighting to come through. I peered out into the rushing wind and saw a small glowing light hovering where I had opened the portal to talk with Edgar.

  A line of green energy shot up from the spot and a doorway appeared hovering in the middle of the sky. I stared at it in astonishment, even I was shocked to see it just hanging there in the middle of nothing.

  “How the hell did you do that?” Slade asked astonished.

  “I didn’t.” The door swung open and standing in front of us was a tall man with long blonde hair and a five o’clock shadow on his deeply tanned face. I may have never met him but the twitch in my stomach told me that I already knew him.

  “I hear you guys need some help.”

  “Perfect timing, Gavin.” Nightshade stepped past me and onto the ledge of the window. He jumped across the short distance into the doorway and waved for the rest of us to follow him.

  I grabbed Jess by the arm and pulled her close enough so that only she could hear me. “That’s Gavin Brimstone?” She nodded and smiled at me. No wonder my cousin liked him, the man was gorgeous.

  Jess and Faith both hopped across the precipice to the waiting portal, leaving Slade and I to join them. He stood beside me as I climbed onto the window sill.

  “If I go it could mean the end of the Engineers for me.”

  “It’s up to you, Slade. Don’t do this only for me. If you can’t come fine just give us enough time to get away.” I was serious. I knew what the Impossible Engineers meant to him and even though I was furious that he went behind my back to his dad, I didn’t want him to ruin his life over me.

  “They really threatened Val?”


  “Then let’s go get her.” He hopped up next to me on the windowsill and we both dove across to the portal together.

  Chapter 22

  Status: On the run and angry.

  “It took me long enough but I finally broke the last encryption.” Gavin’s voice was like warm honey soothing and tasty all at the same time. I could see why Jess was interested in him. He was smart, had swagger and an edge that my cousin seemed to adore. He reminded me of Nightshade without the wall of anger around him.

  “You got the page?” Nightshade asked.

  We were walking through an industrial complex where Gavin had opened the portal. Nightshade and he were walking side by side with the rest of us bringing up the rear.

  “Yeah, a little over an hour ago and then Edgar showed up, he was frantic. I didn’t even get to finish reading it.” Gavin laughed. “Damn, but that kid was insistent.”

  “Oh thank God he got you out!” Edgar ran down a set of metal steps straight for us and threw his arms around me and Jess hugging us. I hugged him back and was surprised to see Jess smiling and doing the same. “I was worried the Engineers had caught Gavin too.”

  “I’m insulted, Edgar, you think I’d get caught that easily. It was a simple extraction.” Gavin slid his portal generator into his pocket and I noticed it was a small doorknob with a skeleton Key hole in it.

  “I know, Gavin, I was just so nervous.”

  “No worries, kid, your friends are fine.” He ruffled Edgar’s already messy hair before he walked up the metal stairs and disappeared around a corner.

  “Thanks, Gavin!” Edgar called after him and then turned back to us. “Told you I would get you out of there.” He smiled proud of himself. I was proud of him too and hugged him again.

  “Let’s check out this page.” Nightshade ran up the stairs following after Brimstone and the rest of us followed quickly behind.

  I turned the corner and found myself facing a large loft with massive ceilings and windows. A black, baby grand piano sat off in one corner and a large wooden work table sat in the middle of the room. It was covered with books and papers as well as what looked like some Impossible Engineering devices. Gavin was sitting at a stool at the table studying an old piece of paper. The energy dripping from the page ran through me and I shuddered. I kept my distance from it wanting to see what Brimstone had to say first.

  Everyone crowded around the table while I kept to the far end. He did indeed have Engineer devices as well as skeleton keys, doorknobs and maps laying all over it. Slade reached out picking up a small orb that was cut with a series of intricate lines on its surface.

  “How did you get this? Only Impossible Engineers can use this.” Slade stared at Brimstone with narrowed eyes waiting for an answer.

  Brimstone didn’t even acknowledge him; instead he kept reading the page. Finally, he turned the page over and laid it down on the work bench. He looked around at each of us, stopping at Slade. “I got that by making it myself, now please put it down.”

  “Only Engineers can make these, you had to take it from one.”

  “Did I now, then check the signature, all Engineers sign their work, correct?” Gavin crossed his arms and waited.

  They popped back open and he dropped the orb back on the table.

  “That settles it then, you acknowledge that the orb is mine?” Gavin continued smiling.

  “How?” Slade asked staring at the orb in disbelief.

  “I’m a polymorph, boy, I know some people don’t believe we exist but I’m proof positive that we do, now onto more important matters.” Gavin turned his attention to us and tapped the Chronicle page with his finger.

  “What does it say?” I asked.

  “It details how the Artifacts were broken up and hidden. It also contains some clues in regards to where the Impossible Engineer device is hidden. If the First Kind gets their hands on this page there is no doubt that they will find the Artifact.”

  “Where is it?”

  “You think you can find the artifact first and then hand them the page and get your friend back?” Gavin didn’t even bother looking at anyone but me.

  “Why not? It worked last time.”

  “Don’t you think that they’re well aware of that and counting on you to do it again? Once you leave here, they’re going to track your energy signature. If they catch your scent you’re finished.” He leaned back crossing his arms and scratching the scruff on his chin.

  “I won’t let them hurt my friend or get the Artifact.”

  “That’s a tall order. What if you had to choose? Would it be your friend or the Artifact?”

  What? Was I suddenly in school being tested? It didn’t mattered the correct answer was simple. “My friend.”

  “Noble, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.” Gavin’s eyes bored into me and I couldn’t move. It was as if his eyes held me locked and compelled me to consider my answer. But worse it seemed as if he was drilling deeper, searching into my very soul.

  I fought to spit out my words. “I won’t sacrifice my friend.”

  Gavin nodded as if he finally understood and leaned forward placing his elbows on his workbench. The spell was broken and I could concentrate again, though it left me wondering what he had done to me.

  “Give me some time to go over the clues and I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

  “Thank you.” I turned and walked away taking a deep breath and feeling as if I had just undergone an intense interrogation.

  “Are you okay?” Slade walked up beside me as I ran my hands through my hair and tried to regain my composure.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  “You looked like you were in a trance.” He glanced over at Gavin who along with Nightshade and Edgar were studying the page.

  “It felt like I was in one. I don’t know what the hell happened.”

  “I don’t trust this Brimstone guy.” Slade glared at the orb on the table.

  “What was that about anyway?” I gestured to the device.

  “That’s an Impossible Engineer device that only Engineers are supposed to possess. It’s called a Forget-Me-Not and we use them on ordinary people who learn too much about the Old Kind. It erases their memories of certain events. But they are highly guarded because they can be misused and we almost never let someone outside the Engineers have access to one.”

  “But he’s a polymorph, which means he possesses the abilities to use most any device.” I didn’t see what the big deal was.

  “Most polymorphs have limited ability to use another group’s technology, like a Guilder who can access a doorknob. But Brimstone actually built that orb, Chloe, his signature is on it. He has the full capabilities of an Impossible Engineer. I’ve never heard of a Polymorph who can do that.”

  “Well right now he’s helping us; we’ll have to worry about that another time.” I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I had a feeling I’d find out sooner or later. At the moment my concern was for Val.

  “Chloe, Edgar brought us a change of clothes,” Jess yelled from across the loft, holding up a bag. I smiled and waved, ready to hug Edgar to death for having thought of it. I was sick of being in this dress. It wasn’t me and I wanted me back.

  “You look beautiful you know,” Slade said quietly. “Not sure if I ever got to tell you that.”

  “Thank you.” I was still angry with Slade, though his puppy-dog eyed expression helped soften it some.

  “Chloe, I know what I did hurt you, but I thought I was doing the right thing. I don’t want it to destroy our relationship; I care about you so much.”

  “I know, Slade, we’ll talk about it once all of this is over, okay?” I placed my hand on his chest and he pressed his hand over it. He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine. His faint kiss teased and I couldn’t help but return the kiss, then I stepped back, pulling my hand away and stared at him for a moment my finger playing along my lips, the kiss still lingering there.

  He smiled as if all was right with the world and I wondered what would become of us.

  I turned quickly needing some distance from him and walked away eagerly heading for Jess and Faith and a change of clothes. I couldn’t help but glance Nightshade’s way and his look almost stopped me cold. Annoyed. Frustrated. Angry. Take your pick or perhaps it was all of them rolled into one, but he was far from happy that was for sure. Did it have something to do with the Chronicles or had...

  No, it couldn’t be because Slade had kissed me. Why would he care? It was simply feed for his snide remarks, which I was surprised he hadn’t made by now.

  “I take it you guys are working things out,” Jess said so loudly that I wanted to hit her. Instead I shoved her into the backroom where we could have some privacy to change and talk. Faith followed in behind us.

  “Shut up, it’s not like that,” I said hurrying to shut the door.

  “I don’t know, Cuz, it looked pretty clear to me,” Jess said with a laugh.

  “I think you and Slade make a great couple,” Faith chimed in as she dug through the bag looking for something to switch into. “I know you’re mad at him but you guys are so cute together.”

  I was tired of hearing what a cute couple Slade and I made, so I rudely ignored Faith’s remark and scavenged through the bag eager to find a change of clothes. I wanted to hug Edgar again when I found some of my own clothes there. I quickly shed the dress that had been driving me nuts all night. When I found my own boots I wanted to rain kisses all over Edgar’s face. He was the best. I slid them on gleefully.

  Once Faith finished dressing she hurried out of the room, leaving Jess and I alone to finish up.

  “So you and Slade?” Jess asked as she pulled her hair tightly back into a ponytail.

  “So you and Gavin?” I grinned widely.

  “Okay, yes, we kissed, but that’s it. I mean he’s a bit older than me and I think I kind of surprised him when I kissed him.” Jess shrugged.

  “What did you do, attack him?” I laughed.

  “Not exactly, though I might have jumped him a bit.”

  “Damn, Jess, I know the man is hot but did he have any warning?”

  “No, and now I’m worried I scared him off.”

  “You think?”

  “Thanks for the support, Cuz.” She punched me in the shoulder.

  “I’m not the one who attacked him. Not to mention you’ve been mooning over Nightshade for how long and now what, poof its over?” I laced up my boots quickly and slid my hoodie on.

  “Nightshade and I were never going to happen. I don’t think he’s ever gotten over Lauren.” She sighed, folded our dresses and put them in the bag along with her heels.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it’ll be fine. I don’t think he’s broken up about it and I can’t say that I am either. So it’s not like it’ll break up our little group. Unless of course he hooks up with Miss Perfect Faith, not sure I could handle her all the time.”

  I had been thinking about that myself. At first I figured it was just Faith trying to make her move on Nightshade. Lately, though I was beginning to grow concerned about how much she knew about what we were doing.

  “I don’t want her knowing about the Reliquary. We don’t have a choice about the Chronicle page, most everyone at the dance knows about that now anyway. But we don’t tell her everything, okay?”

  Jess nodded. “I’m right there with you, Cuz. She reminds me of one of those little fruit flies that you don’t know where it came from and you can’t get rid of.”

  Jess had a point. She did sort of show up out of nowhere and stuck around. Something else about her nagged at me, though I couldn’t put my finger on it and with our track record of near blunders, I figured we were better off being safe than sorry. It was hard enough dealing with my mother’s betrayal; I don’t think I could handle another one.

  We left the room and joined the others. I didn’t see Nightshade anywhere but Slade and Edgar were standing off to one side talking while Jess had walked to the kitchen section where Faith was getting some food together.

  Gavin was still sitting at the workbench and with curiosity itching at me, I walked up behind him and glanced at the page over his shoulder.

  “Strange that something so simple is causing so many problems isn’t it?” Gavin said not taking his eyes off the page.

  “I don’t find anything strange anymore.” I stepped closer and peered down at the page with its handwritten calligraphy.

  “Your powers came to you later than most.” It was a statement of fact not a question, though I nodded clarifying it. “Some of the greatest Old Kind had their powers come to them later in life.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not worried about being great, I’m worried about my friend.” I was doing my best not to think about what Val was going through, though recalling how she went at my mom, and how annoying she can be at times, maybe she was giving Jasper more grief than he had counted on. I sure hope so, but still I was anxious to find her and put an end to her ordeal. She was in this predicament because of me.

  “I understand, though I think you and I should have a talk.” He laid the page down and shuffled the papers around on the workbench looking for something.

  I didn’t know what he was getting at but I was curious. “Okay.”

  He let out a short ‘aha’ as he grabbed a small cylinder with a button on one end of it. He turned to me smiling and clicked the button.

  A wave of energy erupted from the cylinder and washed across the room. I stumbled grabbing the edge of the workbench to steady myself. When I looked around everyone was fine except for the fact that they weren’t moving, they had been completely frozen in place. I stepped back from Gavin my hand going for my doorknob.

  “What the hell did you do?”

  “Relax.” He dropped the cylinder on the table and swung around on the stool to face m
e. He tilted his head side to side, looking me up and down, not as if he was checking me out but as if he was measuring me up. “Your friends are fine. I used a Time Stamper to create a bubble of time around us. It lasts about five minutes. We move inside the bubble and your friends aren’t frozen they’re moving incredibly slow because we’ve stepped out of time. I wanted some privacy so that we could talk.”

  “About what?” My first thought was that he wanted something from me. It seemed as though everyone wanted something from me lately.

  “I’ve been paying attention to you, Chloe Masters. You came into your powers late and are already incredibly proficient in your abilities. You’re able to perform feats even some of the most experienced members of the Society can’t manage.”

  “I’m a fast learner.” My fingers rested against my doorknob ready for anything.

  “A little too fast. Haven’t you wondered why you’re able to do things others can’t?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Bursts of power that shocks not only you but those around you, feeling whenever anyone activates a device, you do realize most people can’t do that, don’t you? Only someone from that specific Society can usually feel that specific energy.”

  My mind spun recalling all the times I felt the energy flowing from people or portal generators. I thought it was natural that everyone experienced it. But if it wasn’t then...

  “How would you know how I felt?”

  He smiled. “Simple, we can always sense our own kind.”

  “Our own kind?”

  “When you first saw me don’t tell me you didn’t feel it?”

  I recalled the twitch in my stomach and the sense that I already knew him. “I did get a sense that I knew you.”

  “All of us can do that, not sure why, it’s just the way it is.”


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