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Page 14

by Penelope Sky

  “You didn’t want to see me.”

  “It’s not that I didn’t want to,” he said quietly. “Just another rough night.”

  “So, you weren’t with someone?” I couldn’t hold back my question because the jealousy was slowly making me crack. I was such a calm and rational person, but I feared someone would take away this perfect man.

  “You mean another woman?”

  My fingers stilled against his abs. “Yes.”

  He stared at me for a long time as he considered the question, his thoughts a mystery because he could hide the darkest secrets inside that hard exterior. “Does that mean you don’t want me to?”

  He never answered the question, and that made my heart race in dread. Picturing him with someone else made me so sick I wanted to throw up the pizza I’d just eaten. It was nothing like Liam because this was casual, something I specifically asked for, but I couldn’t shake the overwhelming disappointment. Seeing Sofia’s name on the phone made me so jealous, I had no idea I was this possessive of a man I hardly knew. It wasn’t like me…at all. “I’m not looking for anything serious. I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m just—”

  “Annabella.” He silenced me with his tone. “Just answer the question.”

  I dropped my gaze.

  “And look at me as you give it.”

  My eyes flicked back to his, so embarrassed that I couldn’t feel more ashamed, so I may as well answer. “Yes.”

  He stared at me in silence, his piercing gaze giving nothing away. His jaw was tight as the answer soaked into his skin. It was unclear if he was annoyed or indifferent to my request. “That’s all you had to say.”

  I’d been holding my breath for a while, and I let it out as I responded. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I won’t see anyone else.” His hand rested against the side of my face, his fingers on my neck and cheek. “If that’s what you want.”

  “When I said I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I meant it. It’s so soon after my divorce. But I wasn’t expecting to meet someone like you. I don’t know what I want for the future, but I know it drives me crazy when I imagine you with someone else. I don’t want to share you as long as you’re in my bed and I’m in yours.”

  His eyes shifted back and forth as he looked into mine, taking in every word I said. “Alright.”

  That was it? It was that simple? “Could we stop using condoms, then?” I’d never used them while I was married, and I missed that. Damien felt good covered in latex, but he probably felt amazing when it was just him. “I’m on the pill.”

  “You want me to come inside you?”

  Just the thought turned me on. “Hell yeah.”

  His eyes darkened in intensity, like he imagined the sensation and it turned him on too. “I’ll get you my papers.”

  “Alright…I will too.” I was happy I got what I wanted without chasing him off, but I was disappointed that his feelings weren’t clear. Did he want the same thing? Or was he just doing it for me? And he never answered my question.

  He seemed to know what I was thinking. “I wasn’t with a woman last night. Just a very obnoxious man.”

  “Do you want this too?” It was still a casual relationship…just one with a few parameters. I wasn’t asking anything of substance. I wasn’t going back on what I’d said that first night on the sidewalk.

  “Do I want to come inside you?” he whispered, his voice deep. “Yes, Annabella. I want to come inside you every night until your pussy breaks.”

  I got to the restaurant first.

  I was an innately confident person, but I was nervous for this interview for several reasons.

  One, I actually wanted this job.

  And two, she was a friend of Damien’s, so I wanted to make a good impression. I cared more about that than actually getting the job.

  A pregnant woman walked inside, dark hair pulled over one shoulder, with diamond earrings in her lobes. She was in a tight black dress, which made her small stomach more noticeable.

  That couldn’t be her, so I looked out the window again, my thoughts returning to the handsome man who had commandeered my thoughts. I used to wonder what Liam was doing throughout the day, who was in his bed at night, but now I rarely thought about him. I hadn’t noticed until that moment.

  “Annabella?” The pregnant woman approached my table, giving me a genuine smile.

  This was the woman. “Yes.” I got to my feet and smoothed out my dress. “Such a pleasure to meet you.” I shook her hand. “I’ve always been an admirer of your hotel. I’ve never actually stayed there, but I’ve had lunch a few times, and those flowers in the lobby have always been special to me.”

  That seemed to have significance to her because her eyes softened at the compliment. “Thank you…that means a lot to me.” She released her hand and moved to the chair across from me. “I’m Sofia Lombardi, by the way.”

  Sofia? The same Sofia who was texting Damien that night? “Beautiful name…” Could she be the same person? Why would Damien stop talking to her and then she offer me a job? It couldn’t be.

  “As is yours. So, tell me about yourself.”

  “Well, I got divorced a couple months ago. I’m sure Damien mentioned that. It didn’t end well, and I had to start over. I got married very young, so I didn’t spend that time preparing for a career. I assumed I would be a stay-at-home mom…but that wasn’t meant to be. But I’m very bright, I learn quick, and I’m easy to get along with.”

  “I can tell by the way Damien speaks about you.”

  “Yeah?” I asked, wondering exactly what he’d said.

  “Yes. And Damien doesn’t say nice things about anybody.” She grinned. “He’s kind of a grouchy old man, you know?”

  I laughed because her assessment was right on the nose. “Very true. He can be moody.”

  She got down to business and started talking about the responsibilities of the job, but I wasn’t nervous anymore. It seemed as if she’d liked me before she’d even seen my face, that whatever Damien had said about me was good enough for her.

  I wondered what he’d said…



  The receptionist handed me the envelope as my phone rang.

  “Thanks.” I opened the flap as I walked outside. My phone continued to vibrate in my pocket as I stepped onto the sidewalk. I fished it out and looked at the screen. It was Sofia, so I answered as I pulled the report from the envelope. “So, what did you think?” I stopped near my car and read the results.


  “She’s a very cute girl, Damien.”

  “Why do you think I’m fucking her?” I stuffed the paper back into the envelope and slipped it into my back pocket.

  “And she’s lovely.”

  “That isn’t really why I’m fucking her, but I’m glad you think so.”

  “Shut up, Damien,” she said with a laugh. “I liked her a lot. I’m going to offer her the job.”

  They’d met yesterday, and I hadn’t spoken to Annabella since. When I was at the office, I expected Hades to scream at me for getting chummy with his wife, but he chose to ignore me instead. Then I had to handle distribution to our biggest clients in Greece all night. “You don’t have to do that for me. You know that, right?”

  “I know. I really liked her.”

  I liked her a lot too…enough to keep my dick in my pants. “Thanks for doing that. I want her to have an easier life.”

  “I can tell she thinks the world of you.”

  “Yeah?” I leaned against my car and grinned. She was always eager for my dick and such an incredible lover that I figured that out on my own.

  “She actually thinks you’re a good person…which is a first.”

  I chuckled. “She doesn’t know me that well.”

  “It sounds like it does. She said you’ve been seeing each other for a while…”

  I recognized that tone. “It’s not serious, Sofia. I told you that.”

p; “But I know you don’t see the same woman more than a few times, right?”

  “Doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Sure about that?”

  Annabella asked for my fidelity, but she also made it clear it didn’t mean anything. She was still carrying baggage from her divorce, still navigating this new life of independence. I was just a rebound—a really good rebound. The monogamy was temporary, and it would allow us to have even better sex—which was good for me. “A hundred percent.”

  I’d just gotten out of the shower when Annabella texted me. Are you in the mood for pizza?

  I’m in the mood for you.

  If you order the Annabella special, you can get both.

  I faced the bathroom mirror with a towel around my waist, grinning as I stared down at the phone. That’s one hell of a deal.

  Does that mean I can come over?

  I can come get you.

  I just left the pizza place. I’ll grab a taxi.

  I didn’t like her getting around on her own because I knew what kind of monsters plagued these streets. To everyone else, it was just a beautiful city with stunning cathedrals and a rich culture. I was one of the few who knew the truth. But I knew Annabella wasn’t my problem, that she needed to have the independence to survive on her own because I wouldn’t be around forever.

  I pulled on my boxers and waited for her to walk inside. Didn’t see the point in getting dressed when all those clothes would end up on the floor anyway.

  Minutes later, she let herself inside with a pizza box under her arm.

  “I’m not gonna be sexy anymore if I keep eating pizza like this.”

  “I doubt it would make much of a difference.” She smiled as she walked up to me and kissed me.

  I kissed her back, my mind immediately wondering if she’d completed her tests. I pulled away then reached for the pizza.

  “Whoa…not so fast.” She kept it out of my reach. “You’re gonna have to work for it.”

  “Yeah? Getting you a job wasn’t enough?”

  “You said that was all her. And hold on, I got the job?”

  I grinned. “Congratulations.”

  “Yes!” She fist-pumped the air. “I’m throwing my apron in the dumpster when I get home.” She moved the box back to me. “In that case, we should celebrate. There’s no better trophy than cheese and crust.”

  “What about sex?” I opened the lid and took out a slice.

  “We’ll get to that.” She grabbed a piece and placed the corner in her mouth so she could take a small bite. “Pizza and sex…sounds like a really good book title.”

  “I’d read that.”

  We moved to the living room and sat together on the couch. Our relationship was physical and intimate, but when that wasn’t happening, it really felt like we were friends who actually liked each other. I’d been with women I could hardly tolerate when the sex was over. They were either rude or way too opinionated. But when my hormones were extinguished, Annabella was a good friend.

  “So…what did she say about me?” She leaned against the armrest on the opposite side of the couch, her knees pulled to her chest as she ate her slice. She was in little cutoff shorts and a pink t-shirt, refusing to let summer leave. Her long legs were tanned from the sunny season we’d just experienced, toned and kissable.

  “That’s confidential.”

  “Oh, come on.” She gave me a playful nudge with her foot.

  “She said you were cute.”

  She took a bite with her eyebrow raised. “I don’t think cuteness was a qualification she was looking for.”

  “Well, that’s what she said. What did you think about her?”

  “She was really nice…and very cute.”

  I grinned at her response. “Do I need to get you two alone in a room together?”

  She kicked me again, this time a little harder.

  I chuckled then finished my slice. Two pieces was my limit. Anything more than that would screw me over.

  She didn’t reach for another slice when she finished, and then she turned quiet, like something was on her mind.

  I knew her well enough to pick up on her moods now. “What is it?”

  “What is what?” she asked quietly.

  “Your mood dropped.”

  “Me not talking means my mood dropped?”

  I gave her a cold look. “You can’t fool me. What is it?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and considered my question. “This isn’t gonna make me look very good, but it’s driving me crazy.”

  I had no idea where this was going. “Alright.”

  “A few weeks ago, you left your phone on the table and walked away. It lit up with a text message, and I automatically looked at it…and read it.”

  I stared at her blankly because I got lots of texts from lots of people. What did she see that was so disturbing?

  “It was a message from Sofia, and she said something like…talk to me.”

  I gave Annabella my full attention, trying to work out her point before she got there.

  “Was that the same Sofia I just met?”

  I answered immediately. “Yes.”

  “Did you…sleep with her? Because she’s married and pregnant…”

  I didn’t have much of a moral compass, but I had never been with someone who was married to someone else. And I certainly hadn’t bedded a pregnant woman either. “No.” It surprised me how jealous Annabella was, how much she cared about me seeing other women. She was the one who was solely interested in sex.


  I shook my head. “She’s just a friend.”

  “Oh…has she ever wanted you?”

  “Are you always this jealous?” I teased.

  “I…” Her voice drifted away as she considered it. “No, actually.” Her eyes looked elsewhere as she finished her sentence. Eventually, she turned back to me. “I’m not sure why I care so much. Maybe because Liam cheated on me… I really don’t know. I’m sorry. I know it’s none of my business.”

  She was right—none of her damn business. “She’s married to my business partner.”

  She looked up in surprise, as if she hadn’t expected that elaboration. “The man you’ve had a falling out with?”

  “Yeah. When I was really injured, she was the one who got me back on my feet. We’ve always gotten along, and instead of seeing her as my best friend’s wife or like a sister, I’ve always seen her as her own person…as the third friend in our group.”

  Softness entered her gaze.

  “She’s always fought for me with Hades…even though she was raped because of my stupidity. She’s never blamed me for what happened, and she still tries to change his mind about the whole thing. I was an idiot and screamed at her when she tried to reach out to me one day, but Hades had really pissed me off and I was in a bad mood. We didn’t talk for a while…and she kept trying to reach out to me. I finally came around and apologized.”

  “She seems like a good person.”

  “Yeah…the best.” She was even better than Hades. He didn’t deserve her. Not sure why the universe thought otherwise.

  “I feel stupid now…”

  Maybe I would have slept around if I had the time, but ever since I’d met Annabella, I’d been busy every hour of the day. There wasn’t time to meet someone else. When I was at the bar, I usually had business to take care of. And then Heath was showing up everywhere I went.

  Or maybe I hadn’t met someone because I wasn’t looking for someone.

  I liked that she was a bit jealous, that she wondered where I was when I wasn’t with her, that she assumed Sofia wanted me when I doubted she’d ever found me attractive. It was better than indifference.

  She stared down at her lap for a while, swallowing her humiliation. She’d put herself on a silver platter, her thoughts as clear as if they’d been written on a billboard. She didn’t hide anything, unlike when we first met.

  “It’s ironic.” My arm rested over the back of the
couch as I looked at her. “I showed up at your restaurant in the hope of a date, and I had to work my ass off to get anything from you. You shot me down so fast, completely uninterested.”

  She lifted her gaze to look at me.

  “When I finally talked you into it, you told me you would never want me for more than a night, that I would never mean anything to you. And now you’re jealous. Now you don’t want me to be with anyone else…now you assume every woman I know wants me, which is true most of the time, but not in this case.” When she’d sat in that chair across from my desk, she’d made her demands unapologetically. She knew what she wanted and got right down to business. Being the new thing she wanted was a bit exhilarating. “It’s funny how things change…”

  She watched me for a long time, her eyes shifting slightly as she processed her thoughts and turned them into words. “There was no way for me to anticipate what kind of man you would be…that you would make all the other men I’ve been with lately look like boys.” She averted her eyes whenever she was embarrassed, but right now, she was confident, holding my gaze like there was nothing to be embarrassed about. “If I’d known, I would have been the one chasing you down on the sidewalk.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when those sexy words landed on my ears. Lots of women wanted me, albeit for different reasons. Sometimes it was my money, my ride, or my expensive suit. Sometimes it was the drugs…because the danger was a turn-on. But Annabella wanted me for all the physical reasons, when I wasn’t wearing my flashy watch and tailored suit. She wanted me in my purest form…naked. My fingertips felt numb when I imagined touching her soft hair. My dick thickened in my boxers, and the bulge was probably noticeable even in her peripheral vision. I broke out in a slight sweat, thinking about the blood that was about to pump from fucking her.

  She slowly got to her feet and sauntered toward me, her fingertips loosening the button at the top of her jean shorts. Her painted nails pulled down the zipper, and the little denim bottoms slipped down her long legs.

  My arm lowered from the couch, and I felt all the muscles of my throat and chest tighten. Confidence was in her gaze, as if she understood how much she turned me on, and that was sexy to see.


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