—origin of name 674, 706–7, 867–8, 870
‘The Nameless Isle’ (poem by JRRT) 266, 419, 675, 701; see also ‘The Song of Ælfwine’.
Nargothrond (elven kingdom) 325, 403, 408–9, 412, 417, 426–7, 432–4, 499, 529–30, 566, 597, 709
—origin of name 417, 566
The Narrator 43, 45, 55–58, 63–64, 119, 135–6, 166–7, 174, 186, 318, 325, 355, 359, 394–5, 454, 480, 522, [558], 780–1, 807, 811, 836
Naugladur (dwarvenking, lord of Nogrod) 78–9
—origin of name 79
Nauglafring (dwarven necklace) 37, 54–55, 63, 79, 411–13, 598, 601, 604, 608, 615–16
‘The Nauglafring: The Necklace of the Dwarves’ (BLT II) xxxiii, 76–9, 85, 125, 169, 325, 412, 414, 433, 596–8, 603, 609, 613, 615, 653
—summarized 63, 412
Nauglath (the dwarves of Nogrod) 77–9, 85–6, 431, 598
Nazgûl (Ringwraiths) 82–3, 175, 225, 271, 332, 530, 558, 711, 746, 853; Nazg (‘ring’) 787
Neave, Jane (aunt of JRRT) xxi, 45, 151, 152, 463, 881, 885–6
—owner of original ‘Bag-End’ 45
The Necromancer 20, 73, 81–4, 105, 139, 175, 218–19, 244, 253, 269, 274, 287, 294, 300, 326, 338–9, 346, 420, 529–31, 614, 688, 695, 696, 709, 710, 719, 733, 741, 747, 780, 806. Also known as Thû the Necromancer and Sauron.
—cast down by Beren & Lúthien 20, 73, 83, 123
—the Dungeons of the Necromancer 20, 73, 83, 105, 338, 346, 475, 780
—in ‘The Lay of Leithian’ 20, 82–3, 139, 175, 218, 253, 529, 710–11, 716–17
—‘the Master who ruled’ the Rings of Power 733, 741, 747
—Master of Wolves 82, 139, 218–19
—the Necromancer’s Tower 20, 73, 83, 219, 244, 253, 269, 274, 288–9, 420, 529, 716, 719
—see also: Tû the Fay, Túvo the Wizard, Thû the Necromancer, Sauron the Great.
Nesbit, E. (author) 526, 707
‘The New Hobbit’: see The Lord of the Rings.
Nibelungs (legendary Germanic tribe) 76–7, 175, 192, 503, 531, 596
The Nibelungenlied (medieval German romance) 77, 192, 500
Niggle: see ‘Leaf by Niggle’.
Njal’s Saga 59, 256, 281, 463
Noad, Charles xxxvi, 636
Nodens (lost British god) 427, 461, 564, 854; known in Irish as Nuada (of the Silver Hand) 427, 854. See also ‘The Name “Nodens”’ (philological essay by JRRT) 194, 278, 427, 564, 708.
Nogrod (dwarven city, home to the Nauglath) 77–81, 86, 412, 431–3
Noldor (second of the Three Kindreds of the Elves) 12, 25, 26, 561–2, 564, 566–7, 576, 597, 604–5, 721–2; originally known as Gnomes. See also Deep Elves.
—also known as Noldoli 25, 221, 324, 340, 406, 409, 604
Noldorin (language): earlier form of Sindarin 12, 15, 26–27, 52, 136–7, 275, 277, 289, 417, 424, 561, 564, 566–7, 610, 675, 710.
—relation to Gnomish and Sindarin 15, 26–27, 424, 562, 675
*Nori (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company)
—fights Dori 91, 99, 100
—guards outpost on Ravenhill 626
—largely silent 23, 809; speaks 33, 90, 213, 235
—origin of name 867, 869
—plays flute 36
Norse Mythology (Norse Myth, Icelandic Legend, Northern Myth, Norse Lore) 24, 26, 42, 76, 79, 86, 110, 150, 173, 188, 192, 281, 283, 424, 448, 464, 500, 503, 531–2, 538, 559, 596, 605, 615, 652, 706–7, 712, 715, 721, 722, 759–60, 866–71
Norse, Old: see Old Norse.
Northmoor Road (Oxford) xiv–xvi, xxii–xxiii, 746, 858
North Polar Bear xviii, xxxviii, 142, 168, 254–6, 280, 554, 630
The Notion Club Papers (HME IX) 65, 147–8, 214–15, 276, 531, 536, 660, 686, 740
Nuada, Nuada of the Silver Hand: see Nodens.
Númenor and Númenoreans 59, 83, 122, 139, 147, 177, 266, 274, 275–6, 288, 340, 410, 447–8, 530–1, 558, 576, 597, 783, 864–5, 877
Nursery Rhymes 61, 169–70, 188–91, 284, 864–5
Nymph (Goldberry) 59, 267; see also 723, 842, 844.
The Observer (English newspaper) xx–xxi, xxiv, 24, 86, 110, 140, 168, 245, 464, 636, 855–8, 859–60, 863
Odysseus (mythological hero) 151, 152, 520–1
OED (The Oxford English Dictionary) xxxiv, 47–8, 55, 56, 108, 164, 171, 246, 253, 321, 368, 394, 431, 481, 519, 783, 841, 849, 860–1, 865–6
OFS: see ‘On Fairy-Stories’.
Oi 11, 13: see Ori.
*Oin (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company)
—brother of Gloin 674
—fights with Gloin 99, 100, 796
—finds burglar-mark on Bilbo’s door 9, 40, 51
—group’s chief fire-maker (with Gloin) 98, 100, 129, 210, 568, 579, 586, 795–6
—helps acquire the boat 348
—largely silent 23, 807; speaks 33
—no instrument specified 36
—origin of name (Ai vs. Oin) 868, 870–1
Old English (language & literature) xxxvi, xl, 17, 50, 64, 143, 168, 170, 171, 188, 191, 193, 217, 261, 262, 275, 276–7, 282, 284–5, 291, 299, 321–2, 336, 428, 459, 528, 531–3, 535–6, 538, 544, 553, 554, 592, 605, 610, 623, 630, 651–2, 694, 699–700, 715, 719, 805, 852, 863, 875. See also Beowulf.
Old English (Tolkien’s works written in) 57, 65, 170, 188, 190–1, 604–5. See also ‘Éadig Béo Þu’, ‘For W. H. A.’, ‘Ides Ælfscýne’, ‘Annals of Beleriand’ (Earliest).
Old English runes: see The Futhark.
Middle English (language) 17, 77, 151, 189, 193, 263, 321, 336, 423, 425, 454, 516, 524, 554, 738, 848
Middle English (literature): see Chaucer, Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, Sir Orfeo, &c.
Old Icelandic: see Old Norse.
Old Norse (language) 12, 15, 64, 79, 170, 217, 261, 277, 284, 285, 289, 336, 449, 465, 605–6, 615, 623, 673, 675, 710, 712, 757, 759–60, 784, 863, 866–71. Also known as Old Icelandic.
Old Norse (literature & mythology): see Norse Mythology.
Old Took: see Took, The Old.
Olórin (Gandalf the Wizard’s name in Valinor) 49, 785
‘On Fairy-Stories’ (OFS) xii–xiii, xxi, xxxiv, xl, 26, 56, 58, 103, 104, 140, 180, 215, 267, 286, 396, 397, 421, 491–2, 526–7, 536, 538–9, 600, 696, 707
Orcrist (Gandalf/Thorin’s sword) 97, 115, 122, 132–4, 136–7, 199, 295, 438, 533, 564, 629, 680, 799
Orcs: see Goblins.
*Ori (dwarf, member of Thorin & Company)
—alternate forms of his name Oi 11, 13; Ái, 13, 867–8, 871
—death of in Moria 591
—largely silent 23, 809; speaks 33, 235, 774
—origin of name 868, 870–1
—plays flute 36
Ossiriand 26, 406, 434, 653. See also Broseliand, Broceliand.
The Other Side (Valinor) 31, 52; Other Shores 62, 773.
Owls 91, 93, 238, 484, 494, 797–8, 807
The Owl and the Nightingale 740
Oxford English Dictionary: see OED.
Oxford Magazine 881, 888–9
Palisor 78, 81–2, 85, 406; see also The Battle of Palisor.
Parma Eldalamberon (journal) 27, 52–3, 62, 65, 76, 85, 150, 275, 328, 377, 418, 562, 564, 610, 617, 675, 706, 892;
see Gnomish Lexicon, Qenya Lexicon.
‘Pero & Podex’: see ‘The Root of the Boot’
Petty Dwarves 78, 598
‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’: see Browning, Robert.
Pietrusz, Jim xxxv, 460
Pippin (hobbit): see Took, Pippin.
Plato 48, 176–7, 178, 182, 183, 192–3.
See also Ring of Gyges.
Plimmers, Charlotte & Denis (interviewers) xv, xx, 59, 343, 524
Poe, Edgar (author) 183, 621, 651, 872
The Poetic Edda: see The Elder Edda.
A Policeman on a Bicycle 18, 91, 102, 812
Priestman, Judith (archivist) xxxv, 26, 428, 540
‘Progress in Bimble Town’ (poem by JRRT) 4
63–4, 888. See also Bimble Bay.
The Prose Edda (Snorri) 77, 79, 168, 281, 455, 465, 532, 615, 624, 673–4, 685, 706–7, 722, 758–9, 866, 868–71
Pryftan (original name for Smaug) xii, 3, 9–10, 15, 28, 40–1, 44, 75
‘The Pryftan Fragment’ (Phase I) xxiv, 3–13, & passim.
—missing pages xxiv, 14
Psamathos Psamathides (sand sorcerer) 697
‘Pwyll Prince of Dyfed’ (Mabinogion; The First Branch of the Mabinogi) 193–4, 259, 356, 398, 402–3, 426
Qenya (language; earlier form of Quenya): see Qenya Lexicon.
Qenya Lexicon 53, 85, 150, 261–2, 328, 610; also 62–3, 536.
Quenta or 1930 Quenta (HME IV) xxxiii & passim.
Quenta Silmarillion or 1937 Quenta Silmarillion (HME IV) xxxiii & passim.
Quenya (language): 12, 62, 275, 536, 566, & passim. See also Qenya.
‘The Quest of Erebor’ xxvii–xxviii, 61, 477, 531, 705–6, 731, 762, 765, 781, 785, 787, 806, 819
Radagast 268–80, 287–92, 697, 700
Ransome, Arthur (author) 49–50, 213, 395, 520, 749, 872–9
Rattenburg, R. M. 881, 886
Ravenhill 19, 583, 592–3, 618–20, 622, 624, 643, 672, 678
—first so named 618, 622
—projected role in the Siege of the Mountain 626
Ready, William (Marquette Librarian) 4–5
The Red Book of Hergest 193–4; see Mabinogion.
Red Gnomes xviii, 120, 142; see Gnomes.
Regin (brother of Fafnir, mentor of Sigurd) 86, 484–5, 500–3, 599, 623–4, 712, 867
Reginsmál 484; see also The Elder Edda.
Renault, Mary (author) 343–4
Reynard the Fox 195–6, 219, 636
Rev. Mother of Cherwell Edge (St Teresa Gale); see Cherwell Edge.
Rhys, Sir John 713, 853
The Ring (Bilbo’s Ring) 153, 159–63, 165, 167, 174–82, 198, 200, 294, 296, 309, 313–14, 337, 345, 363, 366, 376–7, 390, 496, 520–2, 659–61, 671, 691, 733, 737, 739, 811
—change in nature & powers between H & LotR 48, 51, 174–5, 177, 181–2, 197, 390, 520, 596, 606, 695, 741, 742, 746–7, 752, 811
Ring Cycle, The Ring of the Nibelungs: see Wagner, Richard
Ring of Gyges 48, 176–7, 183, 192
Rings of Invisibility 174–182, 192–6, & passim.
Ringwraiths: see Nazgûl.
Rivendell (Elrond’s House) 111–16, 687–90, & passim.
—name first applied to Elrond’s House 124
The River Running 18, 62, 70, 116, 420, 471, & passim. See also Running River.
Rodothlim (elven kingdom) 408–9, 432, 486, 499, 596–8, 600–1, 612–13
Rohald (Gandalf’s White Horse) 89, 111, 112, 114, 791, 793–4, 800, 802–3, 805, 811
Rohan: 492–3, 804–5; see Rohirrim.
Rohirrim (the Men of Rohan) 75, 453, 461, 532; earlier known as Eorlings 213, 277, 453, 564, 656.
Romans 19, 25, 77, 100, 150, 219, 278–80, 291–2, 336, 343, 451–2, 462, 538, 584, 724
‘The Root of the Boot’ (poem by JRRT) 57–8, 100–2, 107–8, 188. See also ‘Pero & Podex’, ‘The Stone Troll’.
Rota, Bertram (bookseller) 4–5
Roverandom 50, 168, 324, 334, 341, 492, 527–9, 542, 565–6, 623, 697
Rúmilian (Elvish script) 65
Runes 9–10, 18, 22–3, 40–1, 97, 104, 115–16, 122, 132, 136, 473, 602, 749–53, 757, 776–7, 785, 799, 800, 808, 811, 857, 874. See also Cirth, Futhark.
—Moon-runes 23, 116, 118–19, 456, 458, 478, 521, 749, 829, 838.
Running River 10, 71, 362, 391, 436, 460; see River Running.
Sackville-Baggins, Lobelia (hobbit) 47
Sackville-Baggins family: see Allibone Baggins.
The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise: see Heidreks Saga.
Sagas 79, 256, 281, 284, 424, 563, 628, 702; see Heidreks Saga, Njal’s Saga, Thidreks Saga, Völsunga Saga.
Salo, David (linguist) xxxvi, 27, 190–1, 289, 291–2, 393, 417, 418, 564, 567, 713, 803
Santoski, Taum (Tolkien scholar) xxv, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxv, 6, 12, 107, 171–2, 225, 262, 392, 459, 761
Saruman 271–74, 288, 697, 700
Sauron the Great (Dark Lord) 20, 82, 139, 149–50, 215, 218, 253, 270, 272–5, 283, 288–9, 326, 338, 340, 346, 492, 529, 531–2, 564, 576, 676, 686, 697, 705, 710, 714, 717, 747, 765. See The Necromancer and Thû.
Scandalf the Beanpiper (wizard) xvi
Scatha the Worm (dragon) 75, 528, 589, 656
Scot, Reginald (The Discoverie of Witchcraft) 842–3, 847, 848, 852
Scott, Sir Walter xix, 421
Scull, Christina xxxiv–xxxvi, 25, 122, 149, 187, 447–8, 459, 538, 723. See also Hammond & Scull.
Scull & Hammond 334, 878, 880, 884–5, 888, 890–1
Scyld Scefing (Shield sheafing) 260, 283
‘The Sea-Bell’ (ATB15) 246, 427, 888
Sea-Elves 229–30, 315, 324, 405–7, 411, 429; also known as Sindar, Solosimpi, Teleri; see Sindar.
Second Typescript xxv–xxvii & passim.
‘Sellic Spell’ (reconstructed folk-tale by JRRT) 256, 281–2
The Seven Houses of the Dwarves 78
The Seven Dwarven Rings of Power 175–6, 338, 614
Shakespeare, William (playwright) 80, 108, 120, 170, 247, 256, 555, 759, 785, 843–4, 861
Shelob 60, 317–18, 322, 326–7, 331–3, 513, 745, 811
Shetland Pony 8, 17, 39, 43
Shetland Islands (Scotland) 17, 43, 109
The Shire: see The County Round.
‘A Short Ode to a Philologist’ (Auden) 65
The Sickle (constellation) 18
Siegfried (Wagner’s name for Sigurd) 86, 192, 503
Sigurd (dragonslayer) 75, 292, 373, 452, 465, 484–5, 491, 493, 500–3, 521, 523, 526, 538, 559–60, 570–1, 596, 599–600, 611–12, 623–4, 685, 708, 712, 870
Silm: see The Silmarillion.
The Silmarillion (1977 book) xxxiv & passim. Also referred to as the 1977 Silmarillion.
The Silmarillion tradition (Silmarillion texts, Silmarillion material): equals The Book of Lost Tales, The Lays of Beleriand, the 1926 ‘Sketch’, the 1930 Quenta, the 1937 Quenta Silmarillion, the ‘Annals’, and the Later QS.
Silmarils 53, 63, 218, 221, 412–13, 432, 596, 599, 601–9, 613, 616–17, 695, 723. See also Arkenstone, Gem of Girion.
Simons, Lester xxxviii
Simpson, Jacqueline 75, 485, 489, 540, 549
Sindar (third of the Three Kindreds of the Elves) 26, 406–7, 428, 434; see also Sea-Elves, Teleri.
—golden-haired Sindar 407–8
Sindarin (language) 12, 15, 22, 26–27, 53, 62, 253, 261–2, 289, 328, 377, 392–3, 418–20, 424, 536, 561–2, 564, 566–7, 610, 675, 713, 803
—orphaned (‘dialectical’) forms 275, 417, 418, 562
—relationship to Gnomish and Noldorin 15, 22, 26–27, 562, & passim.
—semantic richness 536
Sir Orfeo (Breton lay) 120, 147, 151–2, 356, 398–9, 401–4, 423–5, 517
‘The Sketch of the Mythology’ or 1926 Sketch (HME IV) xxxiii & passim.
Slavic (languages & mythology) 275–8, 280, 290–1
Smaug (Smaug the Magificent, Greatest of Calamities, King under the Mountain) xii, 72–5, 111, 222, 232, 362–4, 368–70, 372–4, 441, 472, 495–503, 504–24, 530–4, 542–3, 547–50, 554, 559–61, 563, 778–9, 788, & passim; see also Pryftan.
—first appearance of name (replaces Pryftan) 44, 72, 75
—pictured in FCL xviii
Smith, A. H. (student of JRRT) 100, 188, 263, 853, 881, 887
Smith, Arden (Tolkien linguist) xxxv, 65, 284–5, 291–2, 879, 900, 902, 905, 914
Smith, G. B. (T.C.B.S.) 125, 724, 727, 891
Smith, Thorne (author) 196
Smith Smithson 46, 422, 425, 686; see Smith of Wootton Major.
Smith of Wootton Major (SWM) xxxviii, 46, 74, 149, 186, 422, 425, 462, 686, 784, 787
‘Some of Tolkien’s Narr
ators’ (Thomas) 64
Snergs (The Marvellous Land of Snergs) see Wyke-Smith, E. A.
Snorri Sturluson (author) 77, 79, 168, 281, 455, 465, 615, 673–4, 685, 706, 722, 758–9, 866, 868–1; see The Prose Edda.
Solosimpi (the Shoreland Pipers) 119, 324, 406; see Sea-Elves, Sindar.
The Somme: see Battle of the Somme.
‘The Song of Ælfwine’ (HME V) 701
Songs for the Philologists 57–9, 65, 100–1, 108, 188, 263, 278, 284, 291, 402, 853, 887. See also ‘Bagme Bloma’, ‘Éadig Béo Þu’, ‘Ides Ælfscýne’ & ‘The Root of the Boot’.
The Sons of Fëanor 21, 406, 433, 599, 722
—Caranthir the Dark (insults Thingol) 406, 429
—Maglor the Minstrel 121, 125, 606, 608
—Maidros the Maimed (Maedhros) 121, 125, 222, 410, 606, 608
Spenser, Edmund (The Faerie Queene) 124, 179, 194, 484, 559, 565, 589, 855
Spiders xi, 230, 266, 294–302, 308–14, 315–16, 317–37, 340–6, 360, 374, 380, 397–8, 516, 521–2, 553, 715, 716, 811, 821, 823
—and gender pronouns 294, 298, 308, 312, 322
—Bilbo as spider-slayer 327 & passim.
—canopy (tree-top) butterfly-hunters 305, 318, 335, 343
—in Mirkwood halftone 21, 333–4
—spider or spider-like (‘a higher standard than God’) 331–3, 341–2
Sterne, Rev. Laurence (author) 55, 555
Stone-giants 59, 104, 128, 144–5, 234, 270. See Giants.
Stone-trolls 809, 812; see Trolls.
‘The Stone Troll’ (ATB 7): see ‘The Root of the Boot’.
The Story of Burnt Njal: see Njal’s Saga.
‘The Story of Kullervo’ (Kalevala) 26, 537–8
Strider: see Aragorn.
Suffield, John (grandfather of JRRT) 45
Swift, Jonathan (Gulliver’s Travels) 58; see Lilliputians.
SWM: see Smith of Wootton Major.
‘The Tale of the Sun and Moon’ (BLT I) 21, 324, 328, 698
‘The Tale of Tinúviel’ (BLT II) 53, 76–7, 119, 137, 149, 218, 327, 341, 409, 411, 421, 431, 529
‘The Tale of Years’ (LotR Appendix B) 50, 272, 289, 414, 417, 423, 492, 521, 531, 623, 654
Tam Lin 59, 421
Taniquetil (mountain) 21–22, 226, 428, 429. Also called The Mountain of the World 21.
The Mountain of the World 21, 26; see Taniquetil.
Taur-na-Fuin (the Forest of Night) 20–21, 83, 219, 326, 331, 333, 343, 487, 711, 716, 719
—identification with Mirkwood 20–21, 219, 326, 331, 333, 343, 719
Tea-time (four o’clock) xix, 32, 43, 90, 112, 212, 286–7, 681, 774, 779, 835
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