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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

Page 60

by Sheridan Anne

  I notice some big guy come into the ring and check on ‘Pitt Bull’ with a massive scowl and realize this must be his trainer, but I don’t give it a second thought as he hauls the dickhead over his shoulder and struggles to make his way out of the ring. That’s not my problem.

  We head out to the fighter’s room and Cole instantly jumps on the first aid. It hurts as he peels the tape off my bloodied hands and then slathers them in antiseptic cream. He’s almost done when a guy in a suit comes in and delivers me with a few envelopes filled with my winnings, clearly just one wasn’t going to do the trick

  “Hopefully we’ll see you in the next round,” he says.

  I give him a nod, but there’s no way I’m putting myself through this shit again. Besides, now that the Underground is over, I’ll start training for the professional circuit.

  We finish up in the fighter’s room and I head back out to the main warehouse. The majority of the crowd have disappeared, though all my boys are still here, but more importantly, Charli stands front and centre with the dog glued to her side, waiting anxiously to get her hands on me.

  The moment I come through the door, she’s flying towards me. Before I know it, she’s airborne and I throw my hands out just in time to catch her. Her arms come flying around me and I must admit, her cast kind of smacks me in the back of the head, but I honestly don’t give a shit.

  Her lips come crashing down on mine and I welcome the intrusion. Fuck, she tastes good. The boys start crowding around all ready to give their congratulations, but I’m not finished with my girl yet. She pulls back with a massive grin. “You were amazing,” she tells me.

  “Were you expecting anything different?” I question with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh yeah,” she teases. “I knew you could do it, but honestly, I could have fallen asleep waiting for the big finale.”

  I can’t help but crack a grin at her quick wit. “Yeah, well I was kind of expecting you to be at home fast asleep.”

  “You seriously thought I was going to stay home?”

  “I was hoping,” I tell her.

  She scrunches up her face and shakes her head before, pressing her lips into a straight line and getting a look of complete seriousness over her face. She leans forward into me and murmurs into my ear. “Thank you,” she says before pressing a gentle kiss to the side of my face.

  I turn my face into hers and catch her soft lips in mine. “Always,” I promise.

  Aaron grows tired of our display and steps forward. His arms come around Charli’s waist and he literally pulls her off me while she bursts into laughter with Zara. The second I’m free, the boys start up with their own versions of congratulations which generally consists of black slaps and fist bumps, though, I try to avoid those for the next little while.

  The warehouse starts locking up and we take our cue to get out of here. We all pile into different trucks and eventually end up back at Micky’s for a night of wild celebrations.

  Chapter 25


  My life is ah-mazing. I swear I have it all.

  I stand at Micky’s bar, as a customer rather than the bartender, enjoying my night. Zara stands by my side as Micky cooks us up a cocktail, though that was well and truly after he questioned why the hell I’m out partying rather than asleep in bed, taking care of myself, but he eventually let me off the hook.

  We lean back against the bar, watching the boys getting smashed and I can’t stop thinking about how my life has completely turned around. Only a few short months ago, I was beaten and torn down, an empty version of myself, but here I am, now strong and confident with the most amazing man who I can honestly say is the love of my life. Hell, I even own a house now, and apparently we’re going car shopping tomorrow.

  I’m working towards my dream job and can happily say I now even have a friend. Well, I guess I have to include all the hockey boys in that equation somewhere as the moment they found out I’m with Xander, I was instantly welcomed into the Dragon’s family, despite Xander’s current status with them. I guess once a Dragon, always a Dragon.

  That Dragon’s family also includes Cassie and Brianna who are here tonight and by the way they’re taking over the dance floor, they’re definitely letting loose.

  Never in a million years would I have thought my life would turn out this way. I have everything I could ever have dreamed of and it’s all thanks to Xander. I honestly have no idea how I will ever repay him for the way he’s managed to turn me into this new person, or at least, the person I used to be, back when my daddy was still alive.

  Micky hands us our drinks and we’re halfway back to our table when a girl bumps in front of me with a nasty scowl. “Well, if it isn’t the little prude,” she says with a smirk.

  “Oh, Lex. How great it is to see you,” I comment, though the sarcasm lacing my voice is pretty damn thick. I don’t need someone like her ruining my night.

  “Heard your boyfriend got kicked off the team,” she says with a knowing grin. “It’s a real shame the Coach was let in on his little secret,” she adds, letting me know that it was her who came forward and spilled the Underground secret.

  “Yeah,” I say. “It was a shame, but you know what, leaving the Dragon’s was the best damn thing to ever happen to him,” I smile as I look over her shoulder. “I mean, can’t you see how happy we are.”

  Her face drops and anger takes over. She lets out a huff, throws her drink all over me and storms off. I let out a gasp as the cold liquid drips all over my body.

  Zara grabs her by the back of her head, yanking her back by a fistful of oily hair. “What the fuck is your problem, bitch?” Zara demands, releasing her hair.

  “My fucking problem is that this whore goes around acting like she’s too fucking good for the rest us. She needed to be brought down a few notches,” she spits.

  “Are you serious?” I ask, getting in her face. “You have the shits with me because I didn’t want to waste my time hanging out with you and getting raped by your lowlife friends? Get a fucking life, Lex,” I say. “And while you’re at it, you may as well pull your shit together, too.”

  She lets out a growl, but she’s got nothing. The other girls crowd around and it doesn’t take her long to realize she should leave this one alone before she storms off again, though, in a different direction to avoid getting her hair pulled out by Zara.

  “What was that about?” Cassie asks as she grabs a few napkins off the closest table and starts trying to clean up the mess.

  “Not really sure, but my guess is she’s upset that I don’t want to be her BFF.”

  “Are you serious?” Brianna scoffs.

  “Apparently,” I smirk before the girls and I steal the keys to Micky’s apartment and head up so I can get rid of the now sticky liquid covering my body.

  I quickly rinse off in the shower while the girls attempt to salvage my dress, but before we know it, we’re back down in the bar and I’m sitting in my man’s lap, feasting on the soft skin of his neck while his hand begins travelling up my skirt.

  “Hey man,” Jaxon says, dropping into the seat beside us and putting a stop to any funny business as Coach Harris falls into the next seat.

  “Hey,” Xander says, slightly surprised to see Coach Harris. After all, he wasn’t at the fight, but I hardly expected him to be, I mean, it’s not like it’s really his scene, he would risk his career just being seen at a place like that.

  “Xander,” Coach says with a nod of his head, “Or should I call you ‘The Widow maker’?” he teases.

  “No, none of that. That shit’s over,” Xander says as his finger draws little circles on my thigh.

  “Over?” Coach questions with a strange tone in his voice that makes me pay a little more attention.

  “Definitely,” Xander confirms.

  Coach looks at Jaxon for a brief moment and gives him a slight nod. “So, the boys and I were talking,” Jaxon starts. “And now the Underground is over, we’d like you to finish off the season as a D

  WHAT???? My eyes snap to Xander’s who looks at them like they’ve gone nuts. “Are you serious?” he asks.

  “Yeah, man,” Jaxon chuckles.

  “How is that even possible?” Xander questions, clearly very deep in thought as he tries to work it out.

  “I think you’re underestimating the kind of strings I can pull, kid,” Coach, say with a smug tone.

  “But what about the fighting?”

  “Look, as far as we’re concerned, you were known as ‘The Widow Maker’ in the Underground. That person no longer exists. Here, you’re Xander Phillips, Dragon’s player, who, come the new year would like to pursue a career in professional fighting. Nothing to draw any red flags there,” Coach says.

  “So, I can skate until the end of the season?” Xander clarifies.

  “You know the rules, kid. Every team member needs to attend classes and as long as there’s no illegal fighting, then I don’t have a problem with it, though, I would like to oversee the training you are doing at the gym.”

  “The college would let me resume my classes?”

  “It’s already sorted, you just need to accept,” Coach grins.

  Xander looks to me with a question behind those dark eyes. “I think you’d regret it if you didn’t,” I murmur.

  He nods his head and I see the excitement in his eyes. I know Hockey isn’t what he wants to do but he loves being a part of the Dragon’s team and no matter how much he loves fighting, hockey will always be a part of his life. I’d hate to hear later down the track that he regretted not going onto the championship with the Dragons. It’s an opportunity he will never get again and an opportunity he needs to take with both hands and hold on tight.

  He looks to Jaxon before looking to Coach Harris. “Alright, Coach. I’m in.”

  “Good,” he says. “Now, enjoy your night, you deserve it. I’ll see you bright and early for a morning session on Monday.”

  Chapter 26


  We’re in New York for the Frozen Four, the Ice Hockey semi-finals, and finals.

  We competed yesterday in the Semi’s and won which means today is it, the fucking championship. The day we have all been waiting for. Miller Cain led our team to victory last year and now it’s Jaxon’s turn. We all know he can do it and he will most likely end up with a contract to the NHL by the end of the night, I’m pretty damn sure Bobby will too.

  But me, I’m doing this for myself. It will be my last game of hockey that I ever play, well except when Charli gives me a beautiful little boy or girl that I can play with, but until then, this is it.

  I had also managed to pull a few strings of my own when it came to my business degree, not that I really wanted it, but I had to study something while I was still playing. I managed to take a few extra classes and a few extra exams, and now I’ll also be graduating in a few weeks, that way, with school and hockey out of the way, nothing is stopping me from opening the gym I’ve always wanted and competing in the professional league as a fighter.

  Everything has finally happened for me and having Charli by my side supporting me has made all the difference.

  I’ll never forget this trip, it’s been amazing so far. Well, the amazing bits so far have all been because Charli has never set foot on a plane before. She completely freaked out. Her nails tore holes in my hand when the plane took off and then she scratched the shit out of my arm on landing. If it was anyone else but her, I would never have put myself through it. Hell, I would have kicked the person out of the seat beside me, but for Charli, I’d do anything.

  Then we pulled up at the hotel, which of course, is one of the fanciest hotels in New York. She was in awe, couldn’t believe her luck that she was going to spend the next few days in a place like this, then went on to tell me over and over again how the place has its own gym, day spa, and jacuzzi. I’m just lucky Zara is here to go and do all that girly shit with her so I don’t have to get a manicure.

  It’s bad enough she begged me to practice her makeup looks on me the other week, though, I know I tend to say whatever Charli wants she gets, but I had to draw the line somewhere. So instead of giving up, she waited until I fell asleep. I woke up the prettiest damn drag queen you ever did see.

  I stand in the locker room, all dressed and ready to go. Skates are on, helmet is on and stick is in my gloved hand.

  Coach Harris comes forward and I don’t doubt he’s preparing for one of his famous pep talks. He takes a deep breath and lets us have it. “Alright boys, we’re here defending our title. This is going to be the hardest game of hockey you’ll ever play, Hell, for some of you, it might be the last game you’ll ever play,” he says as his eyes briefly flash to mine. “I want you to go out there and annihilate this game. Show that crowd that you deserve to take home the title, that we’re the hardest working mother fuckers known in this league.”

  Wow, he’s really laying it on thick today.

  The boys scream out their excitement as the adrenalin pulses through our veins. “Are you ready?” Coach calls out.

  “Yeah,” we respond in unison.

  “I said ‘Are you ready’?” Coach says a little louder.

  “Yeah,” we all scream out.

  “Then get out there and own that ice,” he demands.

  With one final shout, we break out into the Dragon’s war cry before lining up by the door. Before we know it, we’re being ushered out of the locker room. Coach stands at the front of the line, clapping each of us on the back as we pass, then takes up the rear as we head out into the arena.

  The place is packed and for us being so far away from home, I can’t believe just how many Dragon’s supporters I’m seeing in the crowd, the whole place is practically a sea of Dragon’s Jerseys.

  The crowd roars and chants as they see us coming out of the hallway and I take it all in. My eyes search the stands and come to a stop on Charli, needing to know exactly where she is. She stands on her feet in a group of the boy’s girlfriends and families and cheers her little lungs out.

  She’s been to every game I’ve had since the Underground and I must say, she has become quite a fan of the sport, though, she hardly knows what she’s talking about, but I love it either way.

  She blows me a kiss and I send her a wink, making her cheeks flush red. There’s always been something about the way her cheeks flush that drives me crazy, even though she’s not shy anymore, a wink from me always sends a flush her way. It’s fucking awesome.

  We step onto the ice and have a quick warm up and before we know it, the referee is blowing his whistle and getting the game underway. Jaxon is centre and takes off with the puck, Bobby keeping right up by him. I do what I do best and get each and every one of the oppositions out of his way, well, I try to but these fuckers are just as fast as me.

  Jaxon scores the first goal of the game and the crowd cheers right along with us.

  On and on it goes. Just as coach had said, this is indeed the hardest game we’ve ever had to play, but with the adrenalin and the encouragement we’re getting from the crowd, it’s not that hard to stay ahead.

  We’re absolutely kicking ass. The opposition are starting to show signs of fatigue, but we’re ready and waiting for more. Minute by minute, we continue to prove that we are the mighty Dragons, the Kings of Denver and the rightful owners of that big ass trophy.

  Half an hour later, we no longer have to prove it.

  We are the undefeated, two-time reigning champions and it feels amazing.

  I look up into the crowd and find my girl staring straight back at me, looking as proud as ever, but I don’t get to look at her long before the boys have pulled me into a ‘stacks on’ pile in their celebrations.

  I look up to find Coach Harris has somehow made it into the centre of the ice and has been thrown on the top of the pile.

  Too quickly, the officials of the game are pulling us in for photos and a presentation of the trophy, though, it pretty much came from our ice rink in Denver, sat on a b
ig ass table in a glass case while we competed to now heading straight back to Denver with a new inscription.

  The boys and I finally make it off the ice and we rush through our after-game showers, anxious to get back to our families and friends, though Jaxon and a few of the other seniors get called back and I wonder if it’s got something to do with their contracts for the NHL.

  I wish them all luck as I make my way out to the ice rink to find Charli. The majority of the crowd have made their way out of the arena, but it’s still pretty damn busy. I find Charli leaning up against a big concrete pillar, staring off into space. I start making my way to her when two people literally insert themselves right in my path.

  “Xander,” my father exclaims, “What a great game, son,” he adds as he pulls me into a hug and claps me on the back a few times.

  I can’t help the dirty scowl that crosses my face as I step out of his embrace. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask both my parents.

  My father ignores my question. “Glad to see you came to your senses,” he says with a grin, trying to look good for all the press currently scattering around.

  “Senses?” I scoff. “You need to come to your senses. This was my last game. As of now, I’m no longer a Dragon’s player. I’m in training for the professional fighting circuit.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he scolds.

  “Get stuffed,” I scoff before shouldering past him. I don’t have time for his bullshit. I hear my mother’s outrage, but I don’t give them a backward glance. I should have known they would try this shit on for size. I got better things to be doing, like kissing my girl.

  Charli is still staring out into space when I reach her. She gasps in shock when I grab her, but she relaxes into my body. “You were great,” she mumbles with her lips pressed against mine.

  “I was pretty fucking good,” I confirm.

  A grin spreads across her face. “You’re so up yourself,” she laughs.

  “No, I’d like to be up you,” I tell her.


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