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Trust Him: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rebels of Sterling Prep Book 4)

Page 23

by Caitlyn Dare

  But is it really that simple?

  Can we really go back to how things were without dealing with everything that’s happened?

  “This is just my opinion, so feel free to completely ignore me. But life is short, Hads. After everything you’ve been through, aren’t you stronger together than apart? No one is going to judge you for forgiving him and giving him another chance. And if they do, then that’s on them. You did a brave thing, cutting off your parents. But don’t cut Cole off too because you think it’s what you're supposed to do.”

  “You’re really Team Hadley and Cole, huh?”

  “You mean Team Coldley? Or maybe we should call you Team Hole.”

  “Please don’t.” I grimace, but Remi chuckles.

  “Conner would love that. Oh, speak of the devil, here he is, at last.”

  He saunters over to us. “You know it’s getting pretty depressing, finding two hot chicks waiting at my car every day after school when I can’t bone either of them.”

  “You did not just say that.” Remi slaps his shoulder.

  “What?” He looks confused.

  Rolling my eyes, I say, “I need to get to the coffee shop.”

  “You’re sure you want to go there today, after... you know.”

  “Yep. I need to look forward.” Besides, Tim is gone. James has reassured everyone he won’t be a problem anymore. Part of me wants to ask what exactly that means, but the other part isn’t sure I want to know.

  If I thought Cole was an enigma, he has nothing on his father. James Jagger is a man full of secrets and mystery that would seemingly do anything to protect his sons and the girls they care about.

  I still can’t believe he has offered to pay the remainder of my boarding fees. It’s too much, but I know there’s no use in arguing. He’s a Jagger, after all, and I know just how stubborn they can be.

  “Whatever you say, Hadley, baby.” Conner opens the car door, and Remi climbs in.

  “Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”

  “Always.” Understanding passes between us. “Listen, I know you said you didn’t want to come, but I did a thing. I got you a ticket for tomorrow’s game.” He pulls it out and passes it to me. “You should be there. Regardless of what happens with Cole, you should be there.”

  Tears burn the backs of my eyes. “I’ll think about it,” I choke out.

  It would seem I have a lot to think about.

  “Hey, Hilary,” I say gingerly when I arrive at the coffee shop. “How’s Jeb?”

  “He’ll be okay. Your friends took good care of him, but I told him to take the day off. I would have preferred you do as well.” She gives me a pointed look.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Do we need to talk about what happened?”

  “Tim won’t be a problem anymore.”

  “Oh, I know he won’t. I had an interesting chat with Mr. Jagger earlier.”

  “You did?” My body tingles.

  “He stopped by to offer to pay for the repairs.” She glances to the busted door. “He also wanted to personally reassure me that it won’t happen again.”

  “I can’t believe he did that.”

  “You know, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him before, but I’ve heard of him. He’s a real charmer. You take help where it’s offered, sweetheart. It was clear from how Mr. Jagger spoke of you that his family clearly cares about you. And from the little Valerie told me, I know you need this job.”

  “I do.” I nod.

  “You’re a good kid, Hadley. Smart and helpful. But I see the sadness in your eyes. It’s impossible to miss.”


  “It’s okay, we all have our story to tell. I just wanted you to know, I’m here. If you ever want to talk, I’m here. And if you need to pick up some extra hours to save for college, I’m sure we can figure something out.”

  “Wow, thank you. That’s...” Tears prick the corners of my eyes. I don’t know if James planted the seed or Miss Jones, but it feels like Hilary is on my side. After everything, it means a lot.

  It means the world.

  “Hey,” her eyes light up as something catches her attention over my shoulder, “isn’t that your super-hot friend?”


  “What?” she shrugs, moving over to the door. “I can appreciate a good-looking guy.”

  “He’s in high school.”

  “He won’t be forever though.”

  “Oh my God,” I breathe, hardly able to believe my ears.

  “Hello again,” she greets Conner.

  “I hope it’s okay I’m here. I’ve been having cravings for more of those cakes.”

  Hilary blushes, and I roll my eyes. “You were supposed to go home,” I scold him.

  “I gave Remi a ride to the auto shop and then had the urge for coffee and cake.”

  My eyes narrow. “That’s all you came for?”

  I wouldn’t put it past Cole to ask him to come keep an eye on me.

  Just then, my purse vibrates. I pull out my cell phone and scan the message.

  Cole: If Conner becomes a nuisance just let me know and I’ll cut him loose.

  Irritation floods me, but it quickly melts away. Cole sent him. He couldn’t be here himself, so he sent Conner. I want to be mad, but I can’t.

  “The boyfriend?” Hilary asks and Conner snickers.

  “It’s complicated,” I say again.

  But I’m beginning to wonder if it really needs to be.

  “Grab a seat,” she says to Conner. “I’ve been experimenting with new flavors and I think you could be just the person I need to test them.”

  “Hell yeah.” He beams, dropping into the first available chair. The shop is much quieter on a Friday afternoon, people preferring to drink and eat at one of the lavish restaurants or bars littering downtown Sterling Bay.

  “Seriously?” I raise a brow and he shrugs.


  “Forget it,” I grumble. “I need to work.” Waving him off, I go to walk away, but his voice gives me pause.

  “Come tomorrow, Hads. Please.”

  I suck in a shaky breath. Of course he had an ulterior motive for being here, to crack my resolve until I say yes.

  “Say yes, you know you want to. It would mean so much to—”

  “Fine.” The words leave my lips in a puff of air. “I’ll come.”

  The second I say it, the tension melts out of my body, and I realize Remi is right. Life is short, and we’ve both already been through so much.

  Maybe it’s finally time to put the past behind us.

  “I’m so excited you’re here.” Remi says as we take our seats in the Falcon Field stadium. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Butterflies flutter wildly in my stomach as I desperately search the field for Cole. Ace and Conner flank us, with James and Sarah on the other side of Conner. Pride radiates from them. This is a big deal for Cole, we all sense it. But it feels even more important given the fact that two weeks ago he overdosed. I don’t know what’s happening with Colton U, I haven’t talked to him about it, and Remi and Conner say they don’t know anything. So this game could be vital for his future.

  “My heart is beating so hard,” I admit to Remi.

  She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “He’s going to be so pumped that you’re here.”

  I didn’t tell him. When I’d texted him earlier to wish him good luck I didn’t tell him I was going to be here and he didn’t ask. I want to surprise him, to show him that I’m also prepared to fight for us.

  “Maybe I should have told him?” My eyes find him, drinking in the sight of him warming up with his teammates. He, Hayden and Aaron jostle each other, the three of them laughing.

  “You made the right call. He’s going to be blown away when he realizes you’re here.”

  He won’t spot us up in the bleachers, among the thousands of fans who have travelled out to Norwalk, California to see and support both teams. But I’ll be waiting for him afterward, rea
dy to tell him how proud I am.

  “God, I’m so nervous.” Anticipation skitters up my spine and Conner wraps me into a side hug.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Hadley, baby. Our boy’s got this.”

  Cole glances up, his eyes running over the crowd, and my heart stops. I think back to the night I found him in the shadows, stunned and covered in blood. So much has happened since then, to both of us. We’ve been through so much pain and heartache. It makes me so happy to watch him down on the field, no longer the boy on the fringe, but a part of the team.

  A Seahawk.

  A fighter.

  A survivor.

  We’ve spent so long fighting to stay afloat, but maybe we don’t have to anymore. Maybe together, we can find peace.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  The whole night has been unbelievable. From the size and sheer noise of the crowd, to the buzz of the game, to the incredible high of our win, it’s been more than I ever could have imagined, and it makes me ever more excited about the secret I’ve been keeping from everyone the past week or so. The only thing missing is Hadley. Conner told me he’s asked her time and time again, Remi too, but she was adamant that she wasn’t coming.

  Even if there’s no future between us, I want her here for this. She’s been such a huge part of my life the past few months and I want to celebrate with those I care about, those who encouraged me to even be here tonight.

  The atmosphere in the locker room is electric as we all shower and dress, ready to greet our families. Seeing the guys’ smiles is infectious, and I find myself joking along with them.

  I might have never wanted to join the Seahawks when I was first dragged to Sterling Bay, but somewhere along the way, I became a part of this team, or more so, they became a part of me. And winning tonight just seals that deal. I always hoped that football would be my future, and the fact that it looks like it’s going to be blows my mind.

  Eventually, we all make our way out of the locker room to be greeted by the crowd of Seahawks fans who travelled to support us.

  The roar as the door opens knocks me off-kilter a little. Even knowing we just won, I can't quite get my head around it all.

  One by one, the guys around me get swallowed up into the crowd. I look around, hoping to spot my family, but there are so many people I don’t find them straight away.

  “Cole.” Conner’s loud shout fills my ears, and I turn in the direction it came from to find him beaming back at me. He fights his way through the crowd and pulls me into a hug.

  “Bro, that was fucking incredible,” he shouts, bouncing up and down with me in celebration.

  “It was something else,” I agree, laughing at him.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he whispers.

  My heart damn near stops as I pray that he’s about to tell me what I want to hear.

  I turn to look at where he emerged from the crowd, hope bubbling up inside me. But I don’t see her, and disappointment floods me that I’ve jumped to conclusions. Then the front of the crowd parts, and I find the most beautiful sight.

  Hadley wears my number as she smiles at me. Excitement fills her eyes, but I don’t miss the flicker of concern that darkens them as our stare holds.

  “Surprise,” Conner says beside me, but I pay him no attention as I walk toward my girl.

  “You came,” I breathe, the noise of the crowd surrounding us disappearing as I approach her.

  My eyes flicker over her face, taking in all of her features, as if trying to convince myself that she’s actually here.

  “I did. Congrats, champ.”

  “You came,” I repeat, making her chuckle.

  Her head tilts to the side as she studies me, a small, shy smile playing on her full red lips. “Cole?”

  “Fuck.” I step up to her, my hand slips around the back of her neck, and I pull her lips to mine.

  Nothing else except the two of us exists in that moment.

  I forget where we are, what we just achieved.

  The only thing I can focus on is the heat of her lips against mine and the softness of her body as I press mine against hers.

  “Hadley,” I whisper against her lips before teasing hers with my tongue, testing the waters. I have no idea if she came here for this, but fuck, I need it. I need to celebrate with my girl so fucking bad.

  Her lips part, allowing me entry, and I breathe a sigh of relief as my tongue glides against hers.

  “I love you, Little Dove. I love you so fucking much,” I whisper, pulling back from her kiss and resting my forehead against hers.

  “I love you too, Cole.”

  Emotion clogs my throat, hearing the words I’ve craved so many times since everything went to shit. “Tell me you came for me, not just the game.”

  Her delicate fingers brush up my chest until she rests her arms over my shoulders. “I didn’t just come for the game.”

  “Fuuuck,” I groan, wanting nothing more than to lift her and find the nearest wall to press her up against to take what I need.

  “I hate to break up this little love fest, it’s seriously cute and all, but I’m fucking starving. Ow,” Conner complains when someone hits him.

  Both of us laugh at his antics and regretfully pull away from each other.

  “You staying tonight?”

  “Sure am. I’m not your only surprise, either.” I think of the room I’m sharing with Hayden and Aaron, and I hope like fuck that she’s got another one waiting for us.

  “Hadley,” I say again, like I can’t actually believe she’s here.

  “Come on, let’s go eat. We’ve got the whole night ahead of us.”

  She laces her fingers with mine and turns toward the others. My eyes drop to my number on her back and my cock swells.

  I remember the last time I found her in my jersey, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s wearing anything beneath.

  I step up behind her, pressing my hand to her stomach and my cock against her ass. “What’s under here, Dove?”

  She flashes me a seductive smirk. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”

  “Fucking killing me here,” I mutter into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

  The five of us follow James and Sarah out of the stadium and to a grill that James has chosen for the night.

  I look around at the interior, glad he’s learned his lesson from trying to take us all for a meal at The Blue Bay like he did for Remi’s birthday. This place is much more down to earth, and they serve extra-large portions, which keeps Conner happy as he stuffs his face with the biggest steak I’ve ever seen before requesting the dessert menu like he’s just eaten a snack.

  “There’s something wrong with him,” Hadley comments beside me.

  “I heard that, Dove.” He gasps in mock horror, covering his heart like she just offended him.

  “You were meant to.”

  “Fucking hell, it’s like four against one now. What was I thinking?” he asks no one in particular, looking at the four of us.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll manage to snap up some poor, unsuspecting girl one day,” Ace says.

  An unintelligible grunt comes from Conner.

  “You know it’s not actually true what they say. If you don’t use it, your cock won’t actually fall off.”

  “Fuck off. I don’t think I like you being all happy.”

  “Boys,” James says, looking between the three of us, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Maybe tone it down a little.” He nods to Sarah, who’s sitting there with her cheeks burning tomato red. “You’ll get there one day, Son. It’ll be worth the wait.” James winks while Conner’s chin drops.

  “What? It’s not… I… fucking hell. Where’s my ice cream?” He searches for our waitress while we all laugh at his expense.

  Much to Conner’s relief, the conversation turns away from his non-existent sex life and back to tonight’s game.

  I sit back, enjoying getting to relive it from their point
of view as I run my fingers up and down Hadley’s bare thigh.

  “Did you wear this just to tease me?” I ask, tugging at the hem of her short-as-hell skirt.

  “Me?” she asks innocently. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

  “So what’s next then? We all going to celebrate elsewhere?”

  “Yeah, a hotel room,” I say, not taking my eyes off Hadley.

  Embarrassment colors her cheeks at my words, but she doesn’t chastise me. I know she’s as desperate to be alone as I am. I don’t need to run my finger over the damp panties to know that.

  “Before Sarah and I head to the hotel bar and the five of you go do whatever teenagers do these days,” he lifts his glass high in the air, “I just want to make a short toast. I’m proud of you, Cole. We all are. You deserve great things, Son. Here’s to the future… to Cole.”

  “Cole,” everyone joins in, and Hadley grins up at me like a fool.

  “Oh great,” Conner grumbles. “So these four are all going to go and lock themselves in their rooms, and I’ll do what?”

  “The hotel has pay-per-view. I’m sure you’ll find some company on that.”

  “You can come hang with us,” Remi says, much to Ace’s annoyance. “We’ll get a movie or something.”

  “Yeah?” he asks, perking up a little.

  “I feel bad for Conner,” Hadley whispers as we make our way out of the restaurant and toward the hotel.

  “You’ll be telling me you want to invite him with us next,” I say, turning to look down at her with a raised brow.

  “No, no. I don’t feel that sorry for him.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I pull her into my side, my hand clamped possessively around her hip.

  Fuck, I can’t wait to finally make her mine again.

  Thankfully, the hotel is only a short walk. James and Sarah wish us all a good night before heading for the bar while the five of us step into a waiting elevator.

  The second we’re inside, I slam my hand down on the button for the floor I’m staying on before backing Hadley up against the wall, ignoring the complaints from around us, mostly from Conner.


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