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First Love Wild Love

Page 10

by Janelle Taylor

  The tall Texan leaned back and gazed into her panicky face. This wasn’t the time or place to force the reality of their shared passion on her. “Sorry, Callie,” he mumbled huskily, loosening his grip. “You are too damn beautiful and bewitching for your own good. We’d better go inside before I forget myself again.”

  Shaken, Calinda didn’t respond. Lynx slipped his arm around her waist to escort her back to the house, aware of the tremors in her body. They said goodnight inside the door and Cal ascended the stairs on trembly, legs. After watching which room she entered, Lynx grinned. He doubted his father would have given them such provocative solitude if he had known about their prior meeting and its results. Whatever happened from this point on with Cal, Lynx would never expose that night. Did he dare take advantage of their adjoining balcony…

  An hour later, Calinda sat up in bed and strained to detect an unusual noise. Unable to fall asleep, she was lying there with her eyes shut and her mind open. Again a sharp “ping” was heard, then another. Knowing Rankin hadn’t returned, she wondered if that devilish son of his was up to daring mischief. Cal eased out of her bed and cautiously went to peer out the rear door. Moonlight invaded the open spans between the arches, softly illuminating the shadowy veranda.

  As Lynx walked to the railing to answer Salina’s persistent summons, he was cognizant of the slit which appeared in Cal’s door. No doubt Salina’s less-thanquiet messages had alerted Cal. He was tempted to inspire jealousy in Calinda, but realized she wasn’t the kind of woman who would accept a midnight rendezvous with a sultry Mexican servant. If Callie presumed there was something between him and Salina, she wouldn’t look at him twice after tonight. If he was going to get any answers for himself and his father, he needed to polish his tarnished image. Anyway, he was annoyed with Salina’s hot pursuit every time he came home. It was clear Salina desired him, but she craved a position as his wife even more. Lynx rebelled at such greedy deceit. It was time to make himself clear to the wanton Salina. This was the perfect set-up to get Salina off his back and to enchant Calinda into trusting him. “What gives?” Lynx asked crisply.

  At his brusque tone, she petulantly said, “I missed you, Lynx. Why not come to my room? We can have a drink and…talk.”

  “I’m exhausted, Salina; it was a long and dusty ride.”

  “I could fix you a hot bath and scrub your back,” she tempted.

  “I just had one, but gracias,” he stated, running fingers through blond hair which was nearly dry, then over his clean-shaven face.

  “A drink and massage might loosen those stiff muscles…”

  “I’ve had my limit. A good night’s sleep will do more for me tonight,” he responded. Although they were passing words back and forth in muffled voices, Lynx knew they could be heard. He plotted what he wanted Cal to learn, without alerting Salina. Lynx realized Salina was purposely using English. Was this more than a seduction attempt? A sly game to irk Cal? If not, why hadn’t the Mexican tart stolen into his bedroom?

  “I doubt your bed or sleep could relax you as quickly and enjoyably as my hands,” she wickedly pressed, easing the neckline of her white blouse down to expose olive shoulders and the cleft of her bosom.

  “You’re a brazen hussy, Salina. Vaya a la cama,” he tested her.

  “I go to bed, if you join me,” she entreated seriously, wetting her lips and swaying erotically. “What do you say?” she coaxed.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of flirting with me? You should know by now the boss’s son is off-limits,” he made himself clearer, now that he was on to her sport. He didn’t like to be duped for any reason.

  “Whose rule is that? El patron’s?” she challenged, undaunted.

  “Mine,” he stated casually, watching her twitch as if she had hot embers or chiggers in her drawers.

  “Afraid I might be too demanding?” she teased.

  “I just like to choose my own woman, Salina.”

  “Perhaps I am too much woman for you to handle,” she mocked his male ego. “Perhaps you have lost your magic touch?”

  “Perhaps not enough woman,” he insultingly came back.

  “Inquieto? Pollo?” She mockingly called him a frightened chicken. She cursed this foolish trick as she hoped Cal was asleep.

  “I’m not afraid of anything; and you know it.”

  “You encantado with the little senorita your papa brought home? Es barato puta is trouble, Lynx,” she angrily suggested, trying to inspire a spewing forth of stinging insults about Cal, if she were awake.

  “I’ll have to admit, she’s a most enchanting lady. A mighty tempting treat for any man. But you could hardly call her a tart,” he confessed slyly, then chuckled softly.

  “A gunslinger and a dama? You don’t stand a chance with her.”

  “Didn’t say I wanted one. Don’t have time for a woman right now, any kind. I’ll be heading out again in a few days.”

  “Remember, guapo diablo, I am here if you change your mind.”

  Lynx watched her swaying movements until she disappeared from sight, no doubt heading to find someone else to douse her fiery passions, which was frequent from what he’d heard. One day those flames would engulf her. Lynx stretched and yawned, then returned to his room.

  Calinda carefully closed the door, afraid to turn the lock for fear of his hearing it. It was impossible for anyone to climb to the balcony, so she decided to bolt it later. She didn’t want Lynx to discover her furtive action. She smiled to herself, knowing Salina had lied about them. But why was she so ecstatic about that news? Funny, she was finding herself drawn to Lynx Cardone, even to his roguish manner. Maybe she should despise him for his seduction and spurn his nonchalant manner, but she didn’t. He possessed such potent magic.

  She stared at the wall, imagining that virile body stretched out on a bed next door. She knew too well what his lips and hands did to her body and mind. Was it possible to change a man like Lynx?

  She paced the floor for a time, then halted with her back to the veranda doors. She whirled suddenly to head for her bed, nearly bumping into Lynx. Before she could shriek in alarm, his hand closed over her mouth and he shushed her. “Rankin’s home, love.”

  When she regained her poise, he removed his hand. “What are you doing here? How did you sneak in?” she whispered.

  “The door was unlocked. You were so deep in thought, you didn’t hear me. Can we talk for a while?”

  “Get out of my room. It’s late, and I’m not dressed for company.” She knew she should put on her robe, but she didn’t move.

  “I’m not company, and you’re wearing more tonight than the last time I saw you. We need to talk, Callie.”

  “You arrogant, sneaky rogue. If we have anything else to say, it can be done tomorrow, downstairs,” she told him.

  “I doubt we’d want anyone to hear this discussion. I want to know what happened in Fort Worth after I left,” he softly demanded.

  “You dare to come here to question me about anything?”

  “I want to know everything you said and did,” he stressed, gripping her elbows and pulling her closer to him.

  “You don’t have any right to interrogate me,” she panted.

  “I’m not leaving until I have the truth, all of it.”

  “I’ll scream,” she threatened, noticing his look of determination.

  “Be my guest,” he invited, not the least concerned.

  She gaped at him as he hastily slipped out of his shirt and boots. “What are you doing? Are you daft?” she asked in panic.

  “If you’re going to scream, I might as well help you look the injured party. Wonder what Father will say when he knocks on the door to find his only son halfnaked in your room…”

  “You wouldn’t dare humiliate and hurt him like that.” She snatched up the discarded shirt and slammed it against his hard chest.

  “I’m too intrigued to consider anybody’s feelings but mine.”

  “I don’t understand you, Lynx. Aren’t you afra
id I’ll tell Rankin what happened in town? Why wait until now to come here? Why are you interested in what I said and did after you left?”

  “I have my reasons,” he stated flippantly, trailing a finger over her bare shoulder, then lifting her chin when she lowered her head. He had noticed the sullen inflection on her last few words.

  “Such as?” she scoffed, shoving at the disturbing hand.

  “I’m not here to answer questions, Callie, just to ask them.”

  Calinda fretted briefly. Her silence wasn’t important. She just hated to yield to his insufferable demands. She related the account of her time in Fort Worth, then answered any remaining questions. He then insisted on practically hearing her life’s story. Calinda was rankled, but complied, “Is that all, Mister Cardone? Do I pass inspection?”

  “Father is becoming quite attached to you, Cal. I just wanted to make certain you deserve his help and affections. You pass all of my inspections,” he ventured in a mysterious tone.

  “If you’re so concerned about Rankin, why don’t you hang around and make sure I don’t take advantage of him,” she sneered.

  “I just might do that, in a few months. Right now, I’ve got some vital matters to settle elsewhere.”

  “If you don’t get killed first,” she stated.

  “If I don’t get killed first,” he infuriatingly mocked her. “Don’t forget to lock your door this time,” he taunted, grinning at her. “But you needn’t worry; I won’t be back, unless invited.”

  “That day will never dawn,” she informed him.

  “Don’t be so positive. I seem to recall a fiery nature concealed beneath that lady-like exterior. One day, you’ll realize you desire me as much as I desire you, even if you keep it a secret.” Before Calinda could vent her anger on him, he seized her and kissed her soundly. When Calinda tried to break free of his powerful embrace, he tightened it. His lips seared over hers as he pressed her trembling body to his. As his lips teased over her eyes and ears, she pleaded for him to halt.

  What was the matter with her? Even as she threatened to scream, all she wanted was to respond to him! In spite of their first meeting, she was weakening. If only he wasn’t so magically overwhelming. His body was sending hers sweet and forbidden messages, which she must refuse. Drawing on what little strength and will she possessed, she struggled to halt this enticing madness.

  Lynx yielded to her panic. He leaned back and smiled. “You say no, Callie, but you want to say yes.” he murmured as his thumb passed over her throbbing lips. “I know you have reason to fear me and doubt me, maybe even despise me; but I hope you’ll change your mind. You’re the most desirable and refreshing vixen I’ve ever met.” He left quickly while she was still stunned. “Goodnight, Llama de mi corazon,” he lazily tossed over his shoulder at the last moment.

  Calinda rushed to the door and bolted it, quivering. She fumed as she heard him chuckle merrily. She leaned against the door and sighed. This arrangement would never work. How could she remain here if Lynx decided to come home permanently? How would she ever resist him if he pressed her? She would die of embarrassment and shame if Rankin learned about them. She prayed he would leave quickly, then scolded herself for wishing he wouldn’t. His parting words flowed over her as a gentle wave, “Flame of my heart.” Why did he call her that in such a seductive tone? Why did he have such power over her?

  Chapter Five

  Calinda awoke sluggish and edgy, for she hadn’t slept well after her confrontation with Lynx. Calinda didn’t trust this mercurial man whose appeal was much too powerful and tempting. She was as much afraid of his contradictory behavior as she was of her own crazy emotions. As implausible as it was, she wanted to yield to him as much as she needed to resist. She frowned as she realized she was being just as contradictory as he was.

  She found it hard to deal with the fact that Cody Richards was Lynx Cardone, a man whom she presumed she would never see again. What did Lynx want from her? Other than physical desire, did she have any effect upon him? Did he merely view her as an entertaining diversion, a convenient object upon which to sate his carnal urges? She couldn’t get involved with that carefree rogue.

  How would she feel and act if they had actually met for the first time last night? But they hadn’t; there was a stolen night of passion between them. Too, Lynx’s smug attitude dismayed her. Last night, he had boldly insinuated her eventual and uncontrollable surrender. Surely her gaze and tremors had exposed her feelings to a man of Lynx’s experience. To deny his effect would be absurd.

  She dressed in pants, boots, and a cotton shirt before going downstairs. She had brushed her hair and caught it back with a yellow ribbon. It was mid-morning, and the men were riding the range. Salina was outside, hanging up freshly scrubbed laundry. Calinda made her breakfast and sat down at the kitchen table to eat it.

  When Salina returned, she was just taking the last bite. “What is this? I allow no one to mess up my kitchen.”

  “Don’t start on me this morning, Salina. I’ll clean up any mess I make. Find someone else to aggravate. Just leave me alone today.”

  “Too hot to sleep after your stroll?” she hinted suggestively.

  Calinda was fed up with Salina. This morning in particular she didn’t feel like matching words and wits with this malicious female. “I take it you were. Next time you make a late call on Mister Lynx Cardone, would you be a little quieter?”

  “You were spying on us?” she hotly accused.

  “I didn’t have to. You made no attempt to conceal your plans. I’m sure you staged that little charade for my benefit. Too bad Lynx wasn’t forewarned to comply with the proper role. If he’s yours as you claimed, he seems ignorant of your close relationship.”

  “Bruja!” Salina sneered. “Stay away from Lynx; he is mine.”

  “You don’t say?” Calinda purred like a feisty cat. “He gave me the impression he was free for the taking,” she boldly hinted.

  “Don’t you two think it a bit early in the day to be arguing over me?” Lynx’s lazy drawl chided them from the doorway. Both women turned to watch him swagger into the room, chuckling. “Salina, I think it would be wise for you to watch your naughty tongue to our guest. As for you, Callie, please don’t go harassing the hired help; it’s hard to find good servants this far out.”

  Embarrassed, Calinda rebelled at his scolding, “She started it.”

  “You did,” Salina quickly injected. “Stay out of my kitchen, and stop treating me like the dirt you walk on. I was here first.”

  “Calm down, Salina. Callie is free to come and go anywhere in this house, at any time,” he stated, casting Calinda a mocking look.

  “But, Lynx, she has been under foot for weeks. Is time for her visit to end, si?” Salina pouted, coming over to him to caress his muscled arm. “Que me cuenta?” she anxiously entreated.

  “I say, you’re acting like a spoiled child, Salina. I know you’ve had free run for a long time, but Callie isn’t leaving any time soon, if at all,” Lynx said clearly and firmly as Salina stared at him.

  Calinda surged with anger; they were discussing her as if she were not present. “I’ll leave when I please, Lynx,” she stated tersely.

  Lynx walked over and took her arm. “Let’s go for a ride, Callie.”

  “I don’t want to go riding with you,” Calinda refused flatly.

  “I didn’t ask. I’m telling you. Let’s go,” he ordered, nearly dragging her out of the house. “Stop being so childish and hateful.”

  “Let go of me, you brute,” Cal panted, trying to pull free.

  Out of Salina’s hearing, he released her and scolded her again. “Don’t ever lower yourself to cat-fight with a hired servant. She works here and takes orders, if you’re strong enough to give them. Salina’s a good worker, just bull-headed. If you let her, she’ll walk all over you. Put her in her place, and she won’t give you any more trouble or backtalk. Otherwise, we’re going to have a war on our hands. Once it’s out of control, either you�
��ll leave or she’ll quit. Where’s some of that pluck and spirit you rain on me? You trying to run her off and take her place? You bucking for an excuse to remain here without charity?” he slyly taunted and unsettled her.

  “Of course not! She’s been like that ever since I arrived. I’ve tried to be nice, but it isn’t my place or right to correct her. This morning I was tense. I’m sorry if I caused trouble.”

  “I’m glad to see you didn’t get any more sleep than I did. What was Salina’s thorn today?” he inquired in a lazy tone.

  “The same as the other day, you. She’s afraid…”

  When Calinda stalled, he asked, “Afraid of what? You have this annoying habit of halting in mid-sentence. Say what you mean.”

  “Nothing,” she snipped defiantly, turning her back to him.

  He walked around her stiff body and bent forward, cocking his head to look up into her lowered face. “Afraid you’ll steal me from her?” he jested as their gazes locked.

  “Yes,” she replied icily. “But I told her she needn’t worry.”

  “You’re a bright girl, Callie. Surely you realize there’s nothing between me and Salina, never has been. She can stake a claim, but it doesn’t make it legal or true. Jealous?” he teased.

  “Of course not. She thinks she has a claim on you. She even threatened me with a knife to stay clear of you.” Calinda flushed in irritation. She hadn’t meant to tell Lynx that.

  Lynx filled with fury. He straightened, capturing her jawline between his fingers and thumb. “She what?” he stormed.

  “She didn’t exactly pull it on me. She just showed it to me and gave me several warnings about you. It’s strapped to her thigh.”

  “If she ever draws a weapon on you, I’ll break her hand,” he threatened, totally serious.

  “She wouldn’t really, Lynx; she was just trying to scare me. I promise to behave from now on,” she stated sarcastically.

  “Salina has a temper, but she isn’t stupid. I’ll have a talk with her.” His hold on her softened, as did his expression.

  “Please don’t. I’ll take your advice and make my own stand.”


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