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First Love Wild Love

Page 29

by Janelle Taylor

  Lynx reminded her of a magnificent male animal, lithe and sleek. He was as quick and nimble as a prized stallion. His arms and legs rippled with each movement. His shoulders were broad, his chest covered with a dark gold mat of curly hair. His stomach was flat and taut, his waist narrow. Cal smiled as a crazy thought touched her mind; he even had pretty feet.

  As her brazen study travelled up from the floor, it hesitated briefly on the noticable bulge beneath the wrapper which covered him. Her respiration quickened; she warmed and tingled. When her gaze reached his handsome face, his parted lips exposed even ivory teeth that added charming allure to his sensual smile. His tawny eyes smoldered like a pool of amber liquid. As if his gaze was magnetized, it drew and held her tightly.

  His hands cupped her face, a thumb moving over her lips in a provocative manner. “You’re beautiful, Callie. Do you have any idea how you affect me?” he asked huskily, his voice thick with passion.

  Her hands came up to rest on his chest. She murmured, “I hope the same way you affect me, Lynx.”

  His hands wandered up into her fiery hair, relishing its satiny feel. He pushed aside the curls falling over her temples, his gaze locking on the contusion and angry red line. His eyes chilled and squinted. “I should kill him for hurting you,” he stated glacially, a deadly gleam telling of his inner rage.

  Cal snuggled her face against his furry chest, her arms slipping around his taut body. Lynx was so tall compared to her medium frame that he could lay his face on the top of her head, which he did after kissing it. “Don’t think about it now, Lynx. Our time is so short.” She lifted her head to look up into his features. “Can’t you wait until the holiday is over? Thursday is July fourth. There’s going to be a celebration in town; Rankin’s taking me. Couldn’t you join us, at least a few hours? Surely everyone wonders why a new bride is always alone.”

  Lynx sighed heavily. “If I stay, Cal, there’s no way I can get to the Rangers to trap Stevens. If he steals that money, he’ll lay low for a long time. Don’t you see I have to do this, for all of his victims?”

  As much as Cal wanted to debate his logic, she couldn’t. She knew from experience how dangerous that outlaw was. “I’m sorry, Lynx. I won’t ask again. Of course you’re right. But I don’t have to like it,” she added laughingly, punching him in the back very softly.

  “How do you like this, Mrs. Cardone?” he asked playfully, nibbling at her ear. “Or this?” he added, searing his burning lips over hers. His deft fingers removed her gown, then pulled her naked body to his bare chest. He groaned at the staggering contact of her warm flesh against his cool body. As he shifted from side to side to tease her sensitive breasts with his hairy torso, he hinted knowingly, “Or this?”

  “I can think of something better,” Cal hinted bravely. “If you have time to return to bed,” she speculated seductively.

  He leaned backwards to study her inviting expression. “Then show me what you have in mind,” Lynx coaxed eagerly.

  Cal took his hand and led him to the rumpled bed. She released it to straighten the covers. She glanced at him and smiled, “Would you care to lie down first?”

  “At your pleasure, Llama de mi corazon, mi cuerpo,” he retorted, stretching out on the inviting bed.

  “What does that mean?” she probed in undisguised curiosity.

  “Flame of my heart, my body,” he sensuously responded.

  Calinda sat down beside him, grinning mischievously. Salina’s words about his growing bored with his wife kept racing through her mind. If he ever did, it positively wouldn’t be today. She would show her adventure seeking husband what excitement and fulfillment he was missing at home! If she dared to use the stimulating actions which she had overheard at school and from careless English servants…

  “Then relax, my love, and let me discover what pleasures you,” she hinted suggestively, emerald eyes dancing with intrigue.

  Lynx stared at her suspiciously. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were up to something, Mrs. Cardone.”

  Calinda felt very confident and daring today. Her senses were alive with suspense and desire. Her hand casually roamed over the hard mound which was concealed from view as she innocently replied, “It appears, my love, that you are the one…up to something. I wonder what it could be,” she murmured, coyly pursing her lips.

  When Lynx reached over to draw her down to him, she pushed his entreating arms aside, saying, “Relax, love. I’m in full command.”

  His eyes glittered with amusement and interest. His arms fell back against his pillow on either side of his head. “If you’re brave enough to become the leader, I’ll gladly surrender that rank.”

  Calinda lay half over his body, her breasts threatening to burn holes in his chest. She dropped feathery kisses over his nose and eyes. She confined his head between her hands, seeming to attack his mouth with feverish intensity. As she drifted from his lips to one ear, then back to his mouth to eagerly trace each inch in the other direction, he moaned in rising need of her. As his arms instinctively reached for her, she chided, “No, my tempting mate. I must teach you how to relax, how to enjoy new experiences.”

  “Relax?” Lynx taunted skeptically. “How can I possibly relax when you’re heating me up to a boiling point?”

  “Then you’ll just have to control yourself and simmer a while longer, Lynx. This is fun.” She covered her giggling mouth.

  “You’re a sadist, love; you’re just trying to torture me,” he playfully accused, chuckling in pleasure.

  “Torture you?” she murmured. “You call this punishment?”

  “Nope. I call it sheer heaven,” he admitted raggedly.

  “Then you best savor your brief visit; perhaps this will entice you to return sooner,” Cal easily scored a point in her favor.

  Her lips created tremors as they worked their way down his neck, nibbling at the hollows there, then at his shoulders. He stiffened briefly as her tongue drew moist circles around his breasts, discovering the unknown fact that his could be as susceptible and sensitive as hers. She took his left hand and kissed each finger, then his palm. Each spot she touched and teased tingled and flamed. For a man who was well versed in sex, Lynx was learning something new and exciting.

  When one of Calinda’s hands trailed lightly over his taut stomach and released the wrapper to encircle his manhood, he shuddered and groaned with tormenting bliss. His hips squirmed as her light journey tickled over his groin area and upper thighs. Ever so gently she caressed the two round objects beneath his vividly aroused manhood. As her hand slipped up and down the pulsing shaft, he wanted to grab her and make savagely sweet love to her. Thrilling to this unexpected facet of his modest wife, he dared not halt her dauntless adventure.

  Lynx’s blood surged with fiery life when she moved to drop brazen kisses on the throbbing, rearing stallion. He was quivering all over, his body a sheet of tingling sensations and roaring flames. “Blazes alive, Callie, you’re driving me wild,” he stated breathlessly.

  After a few more stirring kisses and caresses, she moved up to his face. “Then douse our flames, my love,” she wantonly entreated.

  He rolled her to her back, assailing her breasts with intoxicating skill. He wanted to see her passion glazed eyes and flushed cheeks as he gave her mutual satisfaction. He lifted her legs and shifted to his knees near her buttocks, sinking his aching shaft into her receptive sheath, burying it to the hilt within her quivering body.

  As Lynx tantalizingly invaded her body over and over, he inspired fiercer yearnings within them. His control was sorely strained from her daring trek. Cal moaned in urgency, her head rolling from side to side as he masterfully explored that molten region. As a sleek and powerful mustang, he rode up and down her dark canyon which presented no obstacle against his wildly rapturous invasion.

  Back and forth he galloped the distance of her womanhood, mutely enticing her to follow his lead. He hungrily claimed and branded his private territory which willingly yielded to his
control and ownership. He charged forward with daring and skill, then retreated slightly for another successful assault.

  Calinda was fascinated and bewitched by the erotic sight of their bodies blending to seek fulfillment, fusing as if they would never part. Mesmerized, she watched the wickedly wonderful motions. Her darkened gaze went up to his, their eyes joining to speak silently of shared needs and emotions, of seemingly predestined love.

  When their passions reached the point of no retreat or denial, he urged his tightly reined manhood to race for the summit of victory which loomed before them. With confidence and talent, he galloped toward it, setting his pace to allow her to arrive at their destination only seconds before him.

  A muffled cry of triumph left her throat as she topped ecstasy’s peak, quivering and savoring her victory before sliding down the other side into the peaceful valley which compelled her forward. He freed her legs to lower himself on her damp body, his mouth taking hers as he thundered after her approaching contentment. He extracted the sweet nectar of love from her lips until his body was sated.

  At last, he lifted his head and met her glowing eyes. His expression became serious and thoughtful. “What is it about you, Calinda Cardone, that makes you so unique and enchanting? You can’t imagine how many nights I’ve lain awake thinking about you and a moment like this. Sometimes your face appears before my eyes even during the day. Sometimes I want you so badly it scares me. Other times I wonder what I would do if I lost you. You’re like a part of me; I feel denied when I’m away from you. Pretty soon, you’ll get sick of me and my constant demands on you. Because when I come home, I won’t let you out of my sight for more than an hour.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Cal happily announced. “As to getting sick of you, that day will never dawn. As implausible as it sounds, I love you and want you with all my heart and soul.” The confession had accidentally slipped out, but she didn’t correct or withdraw it.

  “I’m probably the luckiest man alive to have you. Have I ever told you how glad I am you came? You’re the most important thing that’s ever happened to me, Cal. I never knew such feelings existed in me. No woman had even lingered in my mind, but you. Do you comprehend what a terrible distraction you are?” he teased.

  “I would prefer to be a wonderful attraction,” she quipped.

  “I’m gonna have to keep a sharp eye on you, woman. If I don’t, you’ll be leading me around like a horny bull in mating season.”

  “Then we should both be overjoyed that you possess such stamina and talents, my love.” Her verdant eyes twinkled. “Now, all we need is time to take advantage of them. Just remember I’m waiting at home.”

  “That’s one of my problems, I can’t seem to forget it when I’m away. You take up so much of my time and attention, I work slowly and carelessly. You’re a dangerous obsession, Callie.”

  Her features softened with a contented smile. “Good.”

  “Now that one appetite has been fed, how about some breakfast?”

  “Only if I can prepare it,” she hinted. “But first, I need to visit the water-shed. I might find it difficult to concentrate on cooking with your manly fragrance clinging to me.”

  Lynx chuckled. “You’re a wanton hussy, my fetching wife. What’s happened to you? You were never this carefree before.”

  “You happened to me, Lynx Cardone. Besides, we’re married now. Am I behaving improperly for a wife? God, how I’ve missed you,” she wailed, throwing her arms around his neck, drawing his mouth down to join with hers. “I can’t bear the fact you’re leaving.”

  “We’re matched perfectly. We’ll have a wonderful life together. Your appetite is as insatiable and ravenous as mine.”

  “It’s your fault; you created it. If you’re sorry, you’ve only yourself to blame. Since you’re home so rarely and briefly, there isn’t time for modesty or manners. I’d best stuff myself before my tasty food leaves again. Alas, how shall I face another period of starvation?”

  Lynx threw back his head and chortled. “What’s so amusing?” she asked, staring at him as the peals of joyful laughter subsided.

  “I never knew a woman could be so much fun, especially not a wife. A man’s supposed to feel trapped and bored, but you don’t permit it. You never cease to amaze me, Callie,” Lynx avowed.

  “I hope I never do, my love.”

  As his mouth leisurely feasted at her breasts, she teased in rapidly rising passion, “I thought you were hungry.”

  “Starving, but not for breakfast just yet.”

  Her fingers tousled his dark gold hair. A tranquil sigh slipped out of her chest. He set a deliberately titillating pace to arouse her to another quest for rapture. Locked in each other’s arms, they invaded the heady realm of passion’s ecstasy and easily conquered it.

  Her boldness most rewarding, Cal didn’t protest when Lynx joined her in the overly large bathtub. They splashed and played as two children, laughing and teasing, soaping and rinsing each other. When Lynx’s laughter would increase in volume, she would giggle and caution him to lower his voice. He would wink at her and declare he didn’t care who heard him, after all they were married.

  Lynx sat on the submerged wooden seat and pulled her down across his lap, her spread legs dangling over his thighs. Cal hugged him tightly as he trailed his lips over her shoulders and neck. When he fastened his mouth to a taut breast, she glanced down at his face. His eyes were closed dreamily as his lips and tongue played on the tiny summit. How was it possible to want him again so soon? How did his mere touch tempt her beyond reason? As if they hadn’t made love for weeks or months, her body fiercely craved his.

  When a hand sneaked below to investigate a small peak there, she lay her cheek on the top of his head and snuggled against him. Even if the water had been ice cold, it couldn’t have cooled her body and passions. “Lynx, I want you so much. Why are you tormenting me here?”

  “What’s wrong with here, Callie?” he inquired thickly.

  “We can’t make love in a bathtub,” she replied sultrily.

  “Why not?” he debated, looking up into her glazed eyes.

  A look of astonishment claimed her features. “You can?” she asked seriously, naively.

  Lynx chuckled softly as he shifted his body and entered her, seizing her hips and gently forcing them tightly against his groin. Her eyes widened, then she burst into muffled laughter. “If you were home for longer periods, my love, you could teach me such lessons.”

  “You’d be shocked by how much I can teach you, Callie.”

  “I doubt it. But I’m a bright and willing student,” she whispered, causing him to shudder with anticipation as her tongue traced the contours of his ear before working on his sensitive earlobe.

  Lynx artfully stirred her passions for a time, then withdrew. “Why did you stop?” she asked in lucid disappointment.

  He stepped out of the tub and placed a padding of thick linens on the platform. He reached for her, lifting her out of the tub and placing her on her back on the make-shift bed. He entered her again as his mouth took possession of hers. Soon, they were riding the stormy waves of passion which eventually crested and ebbed into a serene pool.

  Afterwards, he returned her to the tub and washed her from head to foot. After completing his own bath, he dried her off with a provocative slowness which threatened to re-whet her greedy appetite. “Now, Mrs. Cardone, does that earn me a sturdy farewell meal?”

  “That, my love, earns you anything you desire from me.”

  “I think I’ve tied myself to a lecherous and demanding vixen. Are you trying to kill me, woman?” Lynx gleefully accused.

  “I don’t want a single hair on that devilish head harmed. I was just trying to give you a sample of Calinda Cardone, so you’ll hurry home again. At least, maybe you’ll be as lonely and miserable as I will.”

  “I knew it,” he declared. “You’re trying to disease me and drive me wild with discomfort. You know my only cure and appeasement is you. You’re a sl
y vixen, Callie. Whatever shall I do with you?”

  “Love me and keep me forever,” she responded instantly.

  “If I ever wanted to do anything more in my life, I can’t imagine what,” he informed her, grinning.

  They returned to Lynx’s room to dress, then Calinda cooked Lynx a big breakfast. As they were eating and chatting in the kitchen, the back door opened and Salina strolled in, her hips swaying and her lips sending out sultry messages to Lynx. She came to the table and spoke to Lynx, totally ignoring Calinda.

  “I am late returning, Lynx. I see your esposa is feeding you properly. Will you be here for dinner?”

  Lynx’s left hand captured Calinda’s right one beneath the table and squeezed it. “If you don’t mind, Salina, Cal and I would like to be alone while we eat. We have some talking to catch up on before I leave soon.” His smoldering gaze engulfed his wife’s joyful expression.

  “I have supplies to put away, Lynx. Surely I will not be in your way?” Salina reasoned petulantly, trying to spoil their contentment.

  “I’m afraid you will, Salina. Run along until we’re finished.”

  At his playful dismissal, Salina actually blushed for the first time in her life, a scarlet covering of mingled anger and embarrassment. She glanced at the serene Calinda who was forcing her loving gaze to remain locked on her love’s face. “If that is what you want,” she hinted.

  Calinda was determined not to look at Salina and gloat smugly. Her heart was singing with happiness. Lynx placed their interlocked hands on the corner of the table, causing Salina’s eyes to widen.

  “That is what I want, Salina. Your chores can wait for me to say goodbye to my wife. Run along, and close the door behind you.”

  Salina unknowingly gritted her teeth. “Would you like anything before I am tossed out? Coffee? More food?” she asked sassily.

  Lynx glared at Salina. “You’re getting a wee bit large for your fancy britches, Salina. I think you’re forgetting who lives here and who just works here. One of those positions can change quickly,” he warned subtly. “I was asking nicely. But now I’m telling you; get out of here before I lose my temper. If I need or want anything else, I have a most capable wife sitting beside me. I think it’s past time you realize Calinda Cardone is the mistress of this house and ranch; don’t force me to remind you again. I’m fully aware of your hinchado.”


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