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Don't Tell a Soul

Page 10

by Travis Szablewski

  "I'm her cousin," Harper lied.

  "Vera had some internal bleeding in her kidney but we stopped it. Her right leg is broken and she suffered minor damage to her temporal lobe. That area is where our short-term memory is stored, so she might not remember the last few hours or it will come to her over time but that's very doubtful," the nurse said softly, clutching a chart to her chest.

  "So, she's alright?" Harper asked as she smiled through her tears.

  "Yes, there's no other damage to her brain. Just mostly cuts and bruises along the scalp. She should be released between a week, maybe a week and a half. We'd like to monitor her closely just in case," the nurse said.

  "Can I see her?" Harper asked.

  "Absolutely," the nurse said with a smile. Harper followed the nurse down a long hallway. Harper slowly began to slow her breathing down as she followed. Vera wouldn't remember their altercation...she wouldn't remember the push. As bad as Harper felt, she couldn't feel luckier. Vera would have no idea about what had happened...

  Harper slowly stepped into a room as the nurse closed the door behind her. She could hear the electrocardiogram beeping behind a closed curtain that surrounded the hospital bed.

  Harper slowly inched forward and pulled the curtain open to see Vera laying in the bed. Gauze was wrapped tightly around the top of her head. Her face was bruised and purple. A set of stitches sat along her right cheek. Her right leg was elevated and covered in a white cast. Despite all the purple bruises and stitches and tubes all around her, she still looked beautiful. Vera's eyes slowly opened as she turned her head towards Harper. Harper wiped her teary eyes as she inched closer.

  "I'm such a damn spaz," Vera smiled softly. Harper had to pretend like nothing was wrong. She had to pretend like she had nothing to do with what had happened. Harper forced a small giggle as she sat down into the chair beside Vera's bed.

  "How are you feeling?" Harper asked softly as she patted Vera's arm.

  "I don't remember much at all. I just remember seeing a bright light...and then I was out again. Let's just say I am never buying heels from a phone app ever again," Vera said as she laughed quietly.

  "My God, you're a piece of work," Harper smiled as Vera grabbed her hand.

  "Thank you for coming. I know you were with me...but you really didn't have to stay," Vera said.

  "No, I had to; I'd want someone to be here when I woke up," Harper nodded. "I had to lie and tell them I was your step sister," Harper said with a smile.

  "Shit, my real sister wouldn't even have stayed; that's the sad part," Vera said as she shook her head to herself. Harper then looked to the door as it swung open behind her. Elena quickly rushed inside, dragging Rosie behind her.

  "Oh, my God, Vera I'm so sorry I'm late!" Elena said. She then stopped as she circled the curtain to see Harper sitting beside Vera's bed. Harper slowly stood up. Elena stared at her, confused...almost angry. "Oh, I didn't know you had a visitor," Elena said.

  "I was with her when it happened. I just wanted to make sure she was OK," Harper nodded. "What are you doing here, Elena?" Harper asked. She wanted to push her. She wanted to see if she'd finally own up to what was going on between her and Vera. If Kyle had told her that Harper knew, why would she hide it now? What was the point?

  "Please just take Rosie home," Elena said as she rushed up to Vera's side. Harper grabbed Rosie's hand as she watched Elena. Elena smiled softly as tears flooded down her face. "I'm so sorry. I was with the funeral coordinator all afternoon," Elena said to Vera.

  "Do you want me to get you something, Elena? Anything to eat?" Harper asked.

  "Please, just go. Just get out. Take Rosie home," Elena snapped. Harper slowly backed away with Rosie by her side. Clearly, she was not welcome here anymore. Harper slowly nodded as she turned and walked towards the room door, Rosie's hand tightly around her own.

  "Harper, wait," Elena said. Harper slowly turned.

  "I'm sorry. It's's been a hard day. With Grayson and planning...I'm just...I'm sorry," Elena said softly as she wrapped her arms around Harper, hugging her tightly.

  "It's fine, I understand," Harper said as she stared at Vera over Elena's shoulder.

  "First, Grayson and now one of my good friends almost...almost being taken away from me. I'm just...I'm a little on the edge and I'm sorry. So, if you would just fix Rosie dinner and make her take a bath," Elena said as she released Harper.

  That's what she was calling Vera? A "good friend". Harper slowly turned and walked towards the door with Rosie. Kyle and Vera must not have told her that Harper was the one who saw them together. And for once, despite the terrible circumstances, Harper felt like the luckiest girl in the world...


  Harper's hands gripped tightly around the edge of the hamper as she carried it down the hallway and towards the laundry room ahead. She had just put Rosie down for the night and all she had left was the laundry and then she would finally be able to leave.

  After hours and hours of tossing and turning in bed last night, Harper finally had come to a conclusion. She was done...with all of this. No more investigating. No more sneaking around. No more lying. No more secrets. After everything that had happened and with Grayson being murdered, it was too dangerous. Someone clearly didn't want Harper or anyone else for that matter to find out what happened to Delilah. She couldn't put her own life on the line; or anyone else's for that matter. Enough was enough. If Delilah was dead, it was too late to do anything, anyway. The police are no help. There is no evidence that anything bad happened to her. Harper had to focus on herself and her own life. She needed to focus on her job and fixing things with Patrick.

  After she folded the last of the laundry, Harper made her way towards the kitchen to get her keys. Harper grabbed her keys from the counter and turned to see Elena standing in the doorway, a beer in her hand.

  "Leaving already?" Elena asked.

  "Yeah, I just finished the laundry. I thought I'd head out. Unless there's something else you need me to do," Harper said softly.

  "I just thought we could talk. But, not as employer to employee; as friends," Elena said as she stepped forward towards the refrigerator. "Have a beer with me, please?" she added as she grabbed a bottle from inside and handed it to Harper. Harper slowly took it as she sat at the bar in the center of the kitchen beside Elena.

  "Are you alright?" Harper asked as Elena popped the cap off of her beer and slid it to her.

  "As alright as I can be. It still doesn't seem real. I still think he's going to come walking through the front door any minute," Elena said as she shook her head, her nails picking at the label wrapped around her beer bottle.

  "Have the police found anything?" Harper asked as she took a sip from her own.

  "Nothing; not a strand of hair, not a finger print...nothing," Elena said as she shook her head. "I'm sorry your car is a crime scene, now," Elena smirked, desperately trying to lighten the mood.

  "It's not a big deal, my friend Nicole has been giving me rides. That's the last thing you need to worry about right now, Elena," Harper said as she patted Elena's back gently.

  "I know you know about me and Vera," Elena nodded softly as her swollen, red, tired eyes looked to Harper. Harper shifted uncomfortably on the bar stool as she took a long gulp of her beer. "I'm not mad, Harper. I'm really not," Elena said.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been there. I don't know what I was thinking, Elena. I'm so sorry," Harper said as her voice quivered.

  "Stop apologizing, Harper. Like I said, we are talking as friends. And friends are honest with each other. If you can promise what I tell you will always stay between us, then I forgive you," Elena said as she grabbed Harper's hand and squeezed it tightly.

  "I promise," Harper said. God, Harper's heart felt like it was being crushed inside of her. Elena was right in front of her, finally being honest, and Harper was still lying to her. She still hadn't told her about the one-night mistake with Grayson.

  "I love Vera; I love tha
t girl with all my heart. I never thought I'd find someone...someone..." Elena began and then stopped as she fought back her tears.

  "Someone like Delilah?" Harper asked. Elena slowly looked to her and nodded.

  "When Delilah disappeared, it killed me. I felt so lost...alone...abandoned. I know, you're probably wondering how the hell can you be married to a man but be messing around with a woman? I've always been bisexual. Grayson knew that when we got together; he even said it was a turn on," Elena smirked. "But I promised him that I'd always be loyal to him...and I wasn't. I was a terrible wife; I'm still a terrible wife. But I don't regret it. Because before me and Grayson were husband and wife, we were best friends. And he always told me that at the end of the day, no matter what, he wanted me to be happy. I didn't want to break up our family. I didn't want to hurt him. I loved Grayson with all my heart. me selfish...but I was never satisfied. There was always something inside of me that wanted more...more than what he could offer. And that's what I found in Delilah...and now Vera," Elena said as she took a sip of her beer.

  "I'm not judging you," Harper said as she shook her head.

  "I know a little piece of you is and that's alright; it's hard to understand," Elena said. "And this's tearing me apart. When my father died, I thought that was the saddest day of my life. But..." Elena stopped as she wiped her eyes and tried to hold in the sadness inside of her that was ready to burst. "When I found out that Grayson was gone...I almost didn’t' want to live myself. I wished it was me. Because I'd rather be dead than live without him. I don't know how I'm going to do this on my own; raise Rosie," Elena cried as she sipped from her beer.

  "I'm here, Elena. I'll help you in any way I can," Harper said as squeezed Elena's hand.

  "I know and I can't thank you enough for that. With everything that's happened, I could understand why you'd want to ruin and never look back. Thank you, Harper," Elena said as she nodded. "They're coming to install and alarm system tomorrow because...because I just can't help but feel someone is after me," Elena said. Harper's eyes narrowed onto Elena. They were stalking her too...

  "Have you seen anyone?" Harper asked...digging deeper.

  "No, it's just that with Delilah going missing and then now Grayson. I feel like I'm being targeted," Elena said.

  "Do you think someone is targeting you? Do you think that maybe it's connected to Delilah?" Harper asked carefully. She didn't want to push too far too soon.

  "What do you mean?" Elena asked.

  "Maybe someone thinks you're responsible for her disappearance?" Harper said, barely loud enough for Elena to hear.

  "Are you kidding me? Like who? Like Patrick? I loved Delilah! I would have killed for Delilah! I never would have hurt her! How dare you!" Elena snapped as she darted up from the bar stool.

  "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that. I just meant," Harper began.

  "No... don’t apologize," Elena said, her tone shifting from anger to sorrow. "I didn't mean to react like that; it's just the funeral and Vera being in the hospital. I'm just so...tired of this. I'm tired of losing everything I love, Harper!" Elena cried out. Harper slowly stood and walked to Elena.

  "Well no matter what happens, I'm not leaving, Elena. I'm here to stay," Harper said as she slowly hugged Elena.

  "You have no idea how much this means to me. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry," Elena cried as she hugged Harper. Maybe Harper was wrong about Elena. Maybe she didn't hurt Delilah. She clearly loved Delilah more than anything. If she was comfortable enough to tell her about Vera, why would she not tell her about what happened to Delilah? There was no reason for her to shed light on one secret and keep another totally in the dark.

  "Do you care to just stay a little longer tonight? Just until I get out of the shower? I just...I feel more comfortable with you here," Elena said as she released Harper.

  "Of course, go ahead. I'll be right here," Harper smiled as Elena hugged her once. Harper turned to the bar and chugged the rest of her beer as Elena walked out of the kitchen and disappeared up the staircase.

  Harper wiped down the counter, disposed of the beer bottles, and inched up the stairs to check on Rosie. Harper walked down the second level hallway, passing the closed bathroom door as hot steam puffed out from under it. Elena needed some time alone...some time to relax and Harper understood that. With everything going on in her life, she needed to detox. She needed to clear her mind. Harper slowly walked towards Rosie's bedroom door at the end of the hallway.

  Harper then stopped in her see Rosie's bedroom slightly ajar, just a few inches. Was Rosie awake?

  "Rosie?" Harper called out as she pushed the bedroom door open. Harper quickly rushed inside to see the bed empty...

  And the window wide open...

  Rosie...was gone.

  Cat and Mouse

  Harper squinted in the flashing camera lights as she stood behind Elena along the front patio of the Livingston house. It had been only twelve hours since Rosie had gone missing and every local news channel and reporter was on Elena's front lawn. Their cameras, high. Their microphones, inches from Elena's face, just waiting for any piece of information they could plaster onto the front page of the Briar Gazette. Every telephone post was plastered with missing posters of Rosie. Harper had been up with Elena all night, driving around town and stapling them to each splintering post.

  Harper's eyes drifted to the two officers standing beside Elena; one of them was Officer Brent Warren, the officer she had spoken to after Grayson's murder. She caught his eyes staring back at her and quickly turned her head, staring back into the blinding camera lights.

  "Please, if anyone has any information on the disappearance of my daughter, Rosie...please come forward. She is my only daughter. She is now my only reason to live. I lost my husband to a brutal, gruesome, despicable crime; please, please don't let me lose my daughter, too. Her name is Rosie Livingston; she's six years old, three feet tall, and forty-one pounds. She has long, curly blond hair and blue eyes. I am begging anyone who knows anything to come forward. I just want my little girl back," Elena sobbed as she dabbed at her watering eyes with a handkerchief.

  "Mrs. Livingston! Mrs. Livingston!" a female reporter in the front row called as she held her microphone to her lips. "Do the police any leads on your husband's tragic murder?" she asked as she quickly shifted the microphone from her own face to Elena's.

  "No, no they don't," Elena said softly as she stared down at the ground, broken and defeated.

  "Mrs. Livingston, do you find it odd that just a little over a year ago, your nanny disappeared, as well?" a male reporter asked from the second row.

  "No comment," Elena snapped as she shook her head to herself.

  "Alright, thank you all for coming. We are going to canvass the area more throughout the day. If you or anyone you know has any information on Rosie Livingston, please call the local police department," Officer Warren said as he stepped in front of Elena, shielding her from the flashing lights and rolling cameras. Harper slowly turned with Elena as she walked into the house and slammed the front door behind them.

  "I can't even deal with this. I can't deal with this right now. I feel so useless and helpless," Elena cried as she marched through the doorway and into the kitchen. Harper quickly followed, struggling to keep up.

  "Where's Kyle? I haven't seen her since yesterday morning," Harper said as she watched Elena walk to the refrigerator.

  "She left yesterday with her new boyfriend. They went up to the cabin for a few days. I keep trying to call her but she won't answer. I'm not surprised; you're lucky to even get a signal up there," Elena cried as she dragged a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator.

  "Do you want me to drive up there and get her?" Harper asked as she sat at the bar.

  "Officer Warren said he's going to tonight. I just don't know what to do, Harper. I feel like I should be doing more. I feel like I should be out there looking for her," Elena cried as she slammed a wine glass onto the bar
. Harper quickly rushed to Elena and held her in place.

  "Elena, listen to me. They will find her, OK? They are doing everything they can. If you want to do something, you and me can go out with them tonight when they search the area. You just have to try to stay calm and have faith. I know that's hard; damn near impossible with going through all of this. But you have to try. You have got to stay strong for Rosie," Harper said as her voice quivered.

  "I'm just so scared," Elena said as Harper wiped her tears away. "My baby girl is out there and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Someone...someone came into this house and took her...right out from under me. It could be the psycho that killed Grayson. What if he killed her? What if she's already dead?" Elena sobbed hysterically.

  "Stop it! Stop thinking like that! You can't do this to yourself! She needs you to be strong now more than ever! We will find her! I promise, Elena! We will find her," Harper said as she hugged Elena tightly. Harper closed her eyes as she squeezed Elena, tighter and tighter.

  "I don't even know what's going on anymore. I'm a terrible mother. I was a terrible wife. I'm a terrible everything," Elena cried.

  Harper released Elena as she heard the front door open and quickly close. They both turned just as Officer Warren shuffled through the kitchen doorway.

  "We're going to start the search. We'd really like for you two to come along; the more eyes, the better," Officer Warren said.

  "Yes, we're coming," Harper said sternly. "We're going to find matter what it takes."


  Harper stared up at the last remaining sunlight as it streamed through the thick tree branches above her. Every single officer of the Briar Grove police department, along with Elena and Harper, were searching the woods right outside of the Tiger Lily Estates.

  So far, they had found nothing; no tape, no clothing, no blood. But right now, finding nothing was better than finding something that might point to Rosie being hurt...or worse...killed.


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