Don't Tell a Soul

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Don't Tell a Soul Page 11

by Travis Szablewski

  Harper turned on the flashlight in her hand as the darkness slowly consumed the thick woods surrounding her. She looked left and then right to see she had wandered a little from the rest of the group. The more ground they covered, the better. She made her way deeper into the woods, the darkness growing thicker around her. The ray of the flashlight beamed ahead of her, igniting the dark shadows of the branches and trunks surrounding her.

  Ever since last night, Harper had felt sick. The thought of poor little Rosie being taken from her bed and dragged out through her bedroom window made her stomach turn. Someone was inside the house...and took Rosie while her and Elena were right down stairs enjoying a cold beer. It terrified Harper; to think that they were so close...and the sick bastard was right under their noses...right upstairs. He probably watched them from the stairs...smiling and laughing...thinking about the sick terror that Elena was about to endure knowing her daughter was taken.

  Harper continued forward through the woods as she glanced back, the officer’s flashlights far in the distance behind her; their bright beams dancing between the spaces of the trees.

  "Rosie!" Harper called out, her voice echoing and bouncing off of the trees surrounding her.


  Harper stopped in her tracks as she whipped her flashlight in front of her. She the light breeze moving through the leaves above her. Was the silence playing tricks on her? She could have sworn she heard a something...


  Harper's eyes widened as she spun around. There it was again...but this time...much closer. Harper turned, spinning in circles, the flashlight shaking her hand as she searched for the source.

  "Rosie?" Harper called out, terror rushing through her.


  Harper spun around...the noise...closer than ever...right behind her. Harper shined the light in front of her to see nothing but the trees. Not a soul in sight. Harper quickly turned and began to walk towards the flashlight beams far in the distance. She had to get back to the others...and fast. Somebody was out here...and she knew that it wasn't Rosie.

  Harper picked up her pace, walking faster and faster.


  Harper glanced back, the sound of the stick breaking following her. Someone was coming after her…

  Harper began to run, her shoes pounding against the hard, dirt ground. Harper leaned forward, dodging a low tree branch hanging in her way. She glanced back, running faster and faster. Her heart raced in her chest. Her breathing, growing louder and louder with every stride. She couldn't stop. Not now. She had to get back to the others. Harper looked see the flashlight beams of the others slowly growing closer and closer. She lifted her flashlight see a large branch hanging a few feet in front of her.

  Harper tried to stop, but she was moving too fast. She threw her arms out in front of her as her hands slammed against the rough branch. The branch snapped from the tree as Harper fell forward, slamming hard onto the dirt ground.

  "Fuck!" Harper said as she fell onto her chest. Harper slowly rolled on the hard ground, her chest quickly rising and falling as she stared up at the darkness around her. Harper slowly turned back onto her stomach as she heard the sound of paper crunching...ripping underneath her. She slowly sat up on the ground...and looked down...

  To see the hundreds and hundreds of missing posters she and Elena had hung up last night all through the town. Each one, crinkled and ripped under Harper's weight...surrounding her. Rosie's adorable, smiling face staring back at her from each one. Someone had taken them all down and hid them here. Someone...did not want Rosie to be found...ever.

  Dead and Buried

  It had been two days since Rosie had disappeared and the police had found nothing. Harper showed them all of the missing fliers in the woods and it became clearer to them that this wasn't just a kidnapping...but something much more. Harper stared in through the doorway of Elena's bedroom as she sat at her vanity.

  Elena's eyes were blood shot from the long, tearful nights she had endured. She was dressed in a black pants suit. Her blond hair, tied back in a tight bun. Elena slowly applied a dark shade of red lipstick as Harper stepped forward and into the bedroom.

  "I'm so sorry, Elena," Harper said softly as she stared down at the floor.

  "For what?" Elena asked as she turned on her vanity stool and looked to Harper behind her.

  "For everything that's happening. I don't think I could ever be as strong as you are," Harper said as she shook her head.

  "Trust me, I'm not that strong," Elena said as she took a sip from the glass of wine sitting on the edge of her vanity table. Elena had been drinking ever since Rosie disappeared. It numbed the pain, but only temporarily. A bottle and a half of wine was the only way that Elena could even get just enough sleep to function. Harper's heart broke for Elena. Not only did her husband just get murdered, but the police had no idea who committed the terrible act. But now, her daughter was missing, and was going to miss her own father's funeral. How had Elena not snapped yet? How had she not gone completely insane? "Are you coming today?" Elena asked as she stood and inched towards Harper.

  "I'll have to go home and change so I'll make it to the burial," Harper nodded.

  "Thank you," Elena said softly as she grabbed both of Harper's hands. "I just want you to know that I'm so thankful for everything you've done. A lot of people would have ran...and never looked back. You stayed when I needed you the most and I don't know how I can ever repay you for that," she said, on the verge of tears.

  "I know what it's like to be abandoned. That's exactly how I felt when my father died. He was...he was all I had. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. You don't have to worry, Elena. They'll find Rosie," Harper said.

  "The word around town is that's she already dead. Everyone's saying I should just give up; that should stop looking. How can they expect something like that from me? How can they expect a mother to just give up on her daughter? To just...quit trying," Elena said as a tear traveled down her cheek.

  "You have to keep faith. Who cares what anyone else thinks. In your heart, do you still believe Rosie is alive?" Harper asked as her eyes narrowed onto Elena.

  "Yes, I really do. I can feel it," Elena said as her hands trembled in Harper's.

  "Then she is. There's a connection between you two that you can't break. If you feel it, deep down in your heart that she is still alive, then she is. Don't let what other people say cast doubt on your motherly instinct. She's still out there. She's alive. And we have to do whatever it takes to find her," Harper said.

  Elena hugged Harper tightly as she cried into her shoulder. Three knocks rang out behind them as they both turned to see Kyle standing in the doorway, dressed in a black dress.

  "Are you ready?" Kyle asked from the doorway. Harper could tell Kyle had been crying all night. Her tired eyes stared back at Harper as Elena released her.

  "Yes," Elena said as she looked to Harper. "Go home and change; we'll see you at the cemetery," Elena said as she walked towards Kyle. Elena walked out of the doorway and out of sight as Kyle inched towards Harper.

  "Thank you," Kyle said as she hugged Harper.

  "For what?" Harper asked as she wrapped her arms around Kyle.

  "For being here when I couldn't. I feel so guilty. I should have been here. I should have been here with her...with Rosie," Kyle cried.

  "Kyle, you had no idea that something like this was going to happen. Don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done to change what happened," Harper said as she released Kyle and wiped a tear from her eye.

  "I just feel I've let Elena down as a sister," Kyle cried.

  "Don't feel that way. Right now, you have to be strong for her; and for Rosie," Harper said.

  "I know," Kyle said. "I know I do."

  Harper said her goodbyes to Elena and Kyle as they left for the church for Grayson's service. Harper waved to Patrick and blew him a kiss as she made her way through the gate and back towards
her house. She had to change and get to the cemetery for the burial.

  Harper hated to think this way, but maybe Rosie was gone. Maybe it was too late to save her. There was no ransom. No phone calls. Nothing. It was like she just vanished into thin air. There was no evidence that anyone was even in the Livingston house. It was like they were hunting a ghost.

  Harper quickly made her way into her house and rushed to her closet. She slid the hangers along the rod, quickly skimming through her wardrobe; or lack of wardrobe per say. She finally settled on a black lace summer dress and a pair of dark gray pumps. She quickly washed her hair in the kitchen sink as she heard a shuffling noise in the living room.

  Harper toweled her long, wet hair as she walked through the doorway of the living room to see Beans clawing and scratching at the stack of mail that was once on the ottoman in front of the couch. Harper sighed, annoyed, as she watched Beans swipe his paw left and right at the many envelopes now scattered on the floor.

  "Beans, I love you, but I don't have time for your shit right now," Harper sighed as she threw the damp towel onto the ottoman and knelt to pick up the scattered mail. She quickly stacked the mail into a neat, even pile as she looked up to see...Grayson's funeral pamphlet under the ottoman.

  Harper lowered herself to the ground and dragged the pamphlet out from under the ottoman...

  To see Rosie's school photo...tapped over Grayson's smiling face on the front of the pamphlet. Harper's eyes she slowly began to fit the pieces of the puzzle together inside of her head.

  "Oh, my God," Harper cried as she quickly dropped the pamphlet and rushed towards the kitchen. She snatched her keys from the counter and ran to the front door, her heels sounding off along the hard floor under her.

  Harper rushed down her front porch steps, running faster and faster, as her wet hair plastered itself to her face. She yanked her car door open and quickly leaped into the driver’s seat.

  "Come on!" Harper screamed as she struggled to get the key into the ignition. The key finally slipped into the slot and Harper turned. She yanked the gear shift into reverse and slammed her foot onto the gas.

  Harper's car peeled out of her driveway and into the street, her front bumper clipping her mailbox softly. Harper threw the car into drive and she sped forward. Harper snatched her cellphone from her passenger seat and dialed Elena. She bit her lip nervously, her hand tight around the wheel, as she sped through a yellow light. She had to hurry. She had to make it in time...otherwise, it would be too late...

  "Come on, Elena! Answer!" Harper yelled into the phone as the line rang and rang. "Shit!" Harper said as she took a sharp right turn, nearly clipping the side of an oncoming truck.

  The car tires screeched along the wet pavement as Harper's car jerked left and then right. Harper tightened her grip on the wheel as her cellphone fell to the floor. She straightened herself out and quickly sped forward, flying from one lane to the next, dodging cars.

  "Come on! Move! Move!" Harper yelled as she whipped her car around an old Ford truck in front of her. Harper sped forward, switching in and out of lanes as the light ahead turned red. "Damn it!" Harper yelled as she slammed her hand against the steering wheel. Harper came to a stop, traffic surrounding her, as she quickly snatched her cellphone from the floorboard.

  "Elena, you have to stop the burial! You have to stop them! I think..." Harper began as the voicemail timed out. "Fuck!" Harper screamed as she threw her cellphone onto the floor. Harper glanced up...the light...still red. She didn't have time for this. The cemetery was right up the street. She had to

  Harper kicked off her heels and shoved her open. She dashed forward, running around the stopped car surrounding her. Everyone, blasting their horns around her as she ran towards the busy intersection ahead. Harper ran through the center of the intersection as a car zoomed past her, missing her by mere inches. She didn't have time to stop. She had to go faster. Harper's bare feet slammed against the wet pavement as she ran off of the street and onto the sidewalk. She stared ahead, her arms pumping, to see the Briar Grove Cemetery gate just a few feet ahead.

  "Elena!" Harper screamed as she ran towards the iron gate. Harper quickly rushed through the gate, running faster and faster along the soft grass, passing grave after grave. She spotted them...the crowd dressed in the last row of the cemetery. "Elena! Stop them!" Harper yelled. But she was too far away. She watched in terror as a tractor slowly dropped a load of soil down into the open grave. "Stop!" Harper screamed, breathless.

  Harper ran through the crowd surrounding Grayson's open grave, pushing and shoving. She had to get to the coffin. She might already be too late. Harper pushed past Elena and Kyle as they sobbed, staring down at the coffin below. They quickly turned as Harper pushed by them, stunned and confused.

  "Harper, what the hell?" Kyle growled as the crowd watched Harper leap down into the grave.

  "Harper, what are you doing! What's going on?" Elena sobbed loudly.

  Harper fell onto the top of the coffin as she began to dig, faster and faster; throwing soil behind her, the dirt clotting under her nails.

  "Harper! Stop!" Elena cried out as the entire crowd surrounded the empty grave, confused and terrified of her erratic behavior. Harper dug, faster and faster...until she could finally feel the smooth wooden surface of Grayson's coffin. Harper quickly grabbed the edge of the coffin...and dragged it see...

  Rosie laying inside of the coffin...her mouth tapped shut...her hands tied behind her back. Her doll, Jenny, laying on her stomach. Rosie's eyes...wide open...petrified. Harper quickly ripped the tape off of Rosie's mouth and pulled her up and into her Elena let out a blood curdling scream.


  Officer Brent Warren took a long sip of his coffee as he stared back at Rosie, Elena, and Harper across the table in the center of the interrogation room of the Briar Grove Police Department. Harper held Rosie tightly, rocking her softly in her lap.

  "Come here, honey," Elena said as she reached for Rosie. Rosie shook her head and turned away from her mother, wrapping her arms tighter around Harper. Elena looked down to her lap as she dabbed at her watering eyes with a tissue.

  "How did you know that Rosie was in the casket?" Officer Warren asked as he looked to Harper.

  "I checked my mail earlier this morning and set it aside. My cat got into it and I found Grayson's funeral pamphlet. I looked at it and Rosie's school picture was on it," Harper said as she gently rocked Rosie.

  "We found Grayson's body. The hearse was parked in the back alley of the church. Someone must have switched it out after the service was over," Officer Warren said gently as he looked to Elena.

  "I'm just happy to have my daughter back," Elena cried as she smiled to Rosie and gently patted her back. "I just...I want to know who did this," Elena added.

  "Rosie, do you care if we talk?" Officer Warren asked. Rosie slowly looked back at Officer Warren.

  "How about you talk to the officer? He's a good guy; he's a cop. He just wants to make sure that no one can ever take you ever again. What do you say?" Harper asked as she smiled at Rosie. Rosie slowly turned in Harper's lap and faced Officer Warren.

  "Rosie, did you see who took you?" Officer Warren asked as he popped the lid off his pen and brought it to the notepad in front of him.

  "No," Rosie said as she shook her head, her blond curls whipping around her.

  "Why? Did they wear a mask?" Officer Warren asked.


  "What kind of mask?" he continued.

  "A black one."

  "Something like this?" Officer Warren asked as he pulled up a picture on his iPad and turned it towards Rosie. It was a picture of a ski mask. Rosie slowly nodded as she squeezed Jenny tightly against her chest.

  "Did they talk to you?"

  "No... they wrote on a piece of paper a lot," Rosie said.

  "What did they write?"

  "Food or water," Rosie said.

  "Where were they keepin
g you?" Officer Warren asked.

  "It was really dark. I could barely see. I slept on a pile of blankets, though," Rosie said softly.

  "Has anyone tried to talk to you lately? Any strangers? Anyone?"

  "No. Just my mommy, and Harper, and Jenny," Rosie said as she looked down at the rag doll in her arms.

  "Can we please take her home now? She's been through enough. I just want to take my daughter home," Elena snapped.

  "Yes, I understand. We're going to have a unit sit outside of your house for the night. Have you had an alarm installed yet?" Officer Warren asked.

  "Yes, they did this morning, actually," Elena said as she stood.

  "We'll be in touch. We won't let anything like this happen ever again. I promise," Officer Warren said as he stood up and lead all three of them out of the interrogation room.


  Elena sat along the edge of Rosie's bed as her tired eyes stared at Harper in the doorway.

  "You don't how scared I was, baby girl," Elena said as she held Rosie's hand.

  "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," Rosie said.

  "Don't ever think that. No matter what happens, your mommy will always find a way back to you, always," Elena said as she kissed the top of Rosie's hand. "I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost you," Elena added.

  "I love you, mommy," Rosie said as she sat up onto her bed and hugged Elena tightly. Harper smiled as she watched from the doorway. Maybe this would wake Elena up. She needed to spend time with her daughter. She wouldn't be this little forever. She needed to be around more often; to see her daughter grow up and thrive. Rosie needed her more than she could ever know. Elena kissed the top of Rosie's head as she stood up and walked towards the bedroom door.

  "Can I say goodnight to Harper?" Rosie asked as she laid back down, clutching Jenny tightly.

  "Of course you can, honey," Elena said with a smile. Elena turned and smiled to Harper as she walked out of Rosie's bedroom. Harper walked towards Rosie's bed and sat down beside her.


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