Don't Tell a Soul

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Don't Tell a Soul Page 12

by Travis Szablewski

  "You've had quite a day," Harper giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

  "I have something for you," Rosie said as she stared up at Harper.

  "What's that?" Harper asked. Rosie slowly handed Jenny to Harper. Harper's eyes drifted up from the rag doll to Rosie, confused.

  "This is your doll. I couldn't take this," Harper shook her head.

  "I couldn't tell anyone," Rosie said as she sat up in her bed.

  "What are you talking about, Rosie?"

  "They said only you could know...or they'd take me away again...and never bring me back. That's what they said," Rosie said, her blue eyes growing teary.

  "Only I could know what?" Harper asked quietly.

  Rosie slowly grabbed Jenny from Harper and laid her out onto her lap. Rosie turned Jenny over and gently ripped the Velcro back of the dress reveal a long line of stitches stretching all the way up Jenny's cloth back.

  "They said you'd have to cut it open," Rosie said. Harper eyes widened as she took the doll, running her finger along the rough stitches. Harper slowly turned to the side table sitting beside Rosie's bed and took out a pair of kiddie scissors.

  Harper slowly pushed the edge of the bottom scissor blade under the stiches, and slowly began to cut each stitch, one by one. The cotton stuffing slowly began to erupt through the large slit as Harper sat down the kiddie scissors beside her.

  Harper slowly reached inside of the feel a hard, smooth object. She slowly wrapped her fingers around the object...and pulled it out through the stuffing to see...

  A small, square DVD case. Harper slowly stood and walked towards the TV sitting on Rosie's dresser. Harper slowly looked back to Rosie on the bed.

  "Lay down, OK? Don't look. Please don't look," Harper ordered. Rosie nodded as she laid down and covered her head with her blanket. Harper looked back to the TV and turned it on. She pressed the DVD player button, turning it on. Harper pressed the eject button as the disc tray slid out from the player. Harper gently placed the disc onto the tray...and pressed play.

  The DVD tray slid back into the Harper stepped back and stared at the TV screen. Harper watched as the DVD began to play. The camera was focused on a dark brick wall. The angle then slowly moved to the peek around the corner of the Briar Grove Cafe.

  Harper's eyes widened as she watched in terror. Fear pumping through her veins. Whoever was recording from around the corner of the cafe...zoomed in on the sidewalk as Vera and Harper came rushing out. Their voices, distant and unclear. Harper covered her this exact moment began to play back in her head; like a horror movie she couldn't turn off.

  Harper watched the video as Vera shoved her violently.

  "No..." Harper said as tears flooded her eyes. Harper watched herself on the TV...slamming her hands against Vera's chest. She watched as Vera fell into the road...the car slamming into her. Harper quickly turned away...her stomach twisting and turning. She quickly turned and ejected the disc. The DVD trembled in her hands as she shoved it back into the case.

  They knew...

  The stalker...Grayson's killer...knew that she had pushed Vera. And now they had hard evidence to prove it.


  Harper held her knees tightly against her chest, her back propped up against her headboard. She had called out of work today. Elena was probably beyond pissed, but she didn't care. Somebody knew what she had done. Somebody knew that she pushed Vera...and nearly killed her. They had the video to prove it. Harper could feel her life dangling on a single string. All it took was for this person...whoever it take that video to the police station...and her entire life would be over.

  Harper's stomach gurgled loudly. She could feel her insides tightening...her throat vibrating...her lips quivering. Harper shot up out of her bed and ran to the bathroom. She threw the door open and slammed her face inside of the toilet as the sour, foul vomit poured out of her mouth and splattered into the porcelain bowl. She heaved and heaved until was all out.

  Harper struggled to catch her breath as she combed her hair out of her face and rested her back against the bath tub. Maybe it was the guilt of what happened to Vera...or that fact that someone now knew she was responsible...but Harper felt like she had been hit by a train. Her entire body, aching. Her head, pounding. Was it the flu? Food poisoning? Harper slowly lifted her head as she thought of Patrick...and of Grayson. couldn't be. No. No. No.

  Harper quickly threw her hair up into a messy bun, snatched her purse from the counter, and rushed to her car in the driveway. How long had it been since she and Grayson had sex? A month, maybe? Wasn't that too soon to know for sure? Harper couldn't take any chances. Harper sped down the road and towards the small market on the corner of Field and Baltimore.

  The glass doors in front of Harper slowly rolled open as she marched into the market, her eyes rapidly scanning the aisle markers; soda, candy, toilet paper, feminine needs. She made her way down the aisle four, her heart knocking against her chest faster and faster inside of her. Harper stopped at the pregnancy tests. There were so many. Why did they have to make so many? Was one not enough? Which one was the best? Harper rolled her eyes as she actually thought of looking up reviews of each one on her phone. She didn't have time for this. She needed answers now. Harper snatched one randomly and see Kyle...pushing a cart slowly towards her. Harper quickly sat the test back onto the shelf as she smiled softly. What the hell was she doing here? When did she ever shop? Harper had never seen Kyle lift a single finger...

  "Harper, I thought you were sick?" Kyle asked as she smiled coyly. "Playing hooky? Don't worry, I won't tell my sister," Kyle added as she rested her body against the handle of her cart.

  "No, I just had to come get a few things; some soup and crackers," Harper said as she gently touched her stomach.

  "In the feminine needs aisle?" Kyle asked, smirking.

  "I'm sorry, is my cycle any of your concern?" Harper snapped. Why was she being so pushy? Why all the questions?

  "Calm down, I was just kidding," Kyle giggled. "So, did you hear about Vera?" she added. Harper's eyes darted down to the floor.

  "What about Vera?" Harper asked. Shit. Did the police know? Was Kyle the one who recorded her pushing Vera? Has it been her all this time?

  "She's starting to remember things! Isn't that awesome?" Kyle asked, her voice laced with sarcasm. "She should be out of the hospital in a few days," she added as her eyebrows rose. Harper studied her for a moment. Maybe she did know...

  "Yeah, that's...that's wonderful," Harper said as she nodded.

  "Hey, babe is this what you wanted?" a deep voice rang out behind Harper. Kyle looked past Harper as a big smile spread across her face.

  "Yes, thank you!" Kyle said as she rushed up to the young man walking towards them. Harper's eyes widened as she stared back at the young man approaching them; a bag of chips in his hand. "Harper, you haven't met my new boyfriend, have you!" Kyle said as she grabbed the man's hand and pulled him to her side.

  "No, I haven't," the man lied as he studied Harper. Harper could feel her heart sink as she stared back into his dark eyes. It was him...he was Kyle's new boyfriend?

  Harper stared back at he extended his hand. The last time she saw those hands, they were pulling at her clothes; covering her mouth, shielding her screams. Harper's stomach turned as she stared down at the hand...

  The hand of Hunter Gram...


  The Riviera was the most exquisite restaurant in all of Briar Grove, so Harper was stunned when Kyle recommended they meet there for lunch. Last night, after seeing Hunter for the first time since the attack, Harper could not just let Kyle continue to see a monster like Hunter. What if history was bound to repeat itself? She had to get Kyle away from him and fast.

  Harper fiddled nervously with the cloth napkin spread out across her lap as she scanned the dimly lit restaurant. Each table was round and laced with a red satin table cloth. Abov
e each table was a stunning diamond chandelier. A large stone fireplace stood in the far corner as a fire burned inside, the hot flames dancing softly. The restaurant was nearly empty with the exception of an elderly couple in the far corner.

  "Would you like me to get you something to drink while you wait, madam?" the waiter asked as he adjusted his black bow tie.

  "Just a glass of water, please?" Harper asked.

  "Are you sure? We have a wonderful wine selection?" the waiter asked as he pointed at the wine section on the menu in front of Harper.

  "I'd rather not spend my whole life savings on a single bottle of wine," Harper smirked.

  "A water it shall be," the waiter said as he nodded and sped off towards the kitchen.

  Harper bit the inside of her cheek as her leg bounced up and down underneath the table. She kept seeing the video of her pushing Vera inside of her head. It kept playing over and over, taunting her. Now, Hunter was on the hunt and Kyle was going to be his next victim. She completely forgot to buy a pregnancy test after she saw his face. Everything inside of her head just went right out the window.

  "I'm sorry I'm late! Me and Hunter went and saw an early movie and it was a lot longer than I thought it would be," Kyle said as she sat down across from Harper and sat her Gucci purse onto the floor.

  "It's fine, I haven't been here that long," Harper said as she faked a smile. She just wanted to say it. She just wanted to spit it out. But she had to ease into this carefully. What if Kyle didn't believe her? What if she thought she was just making it all up? But why would she?

  "Have you ordered?" Kyle asked.

  "Just a water. I thought I'd wait for you," Harper said as the waiter placed her water in front of her.

  "For you, madam?" the waiter asked as he looked to Kyle.

  "Yes, may I have a glass of Pinot Noir please," Kyle said with a bright smile.

  "Coming right up."

  Harper took a long sip of her water as Kyle crossed her arms and rested them onto the table.

  "So, what did you want to talk about?" Kyle asked. "You made it sound pretty urgent. You kind of freaked me out," Kyle smirked.

  "I wanted to talk to you about your boyfriend," Harper said as she took another long sip of her water. Her mouth was dry. Her palms were sweaty. She had to pull herself together and fast.

  "Hunter? What do you think of him? Isn't he hot?" Kyle said with a smile.

  "He's certainly something else," Harper said.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I just think that maybe you two aren't that compatible."

  "Harper, you literally talked to him for like forty seconds. You don't even know him," Kyle said as she crossed her arms and leaned back into her chair. Her voice, now defensive and stern.

  "I know him," Harper said.

  "What do you mean? Did you two date? What did he do? Did he cheat on you? God, I always pick the cheaters, I swear!" Kyle said as she sighed and shook her head.

  "Not exactly, you see..." Harper began and then stopped as the waiter sat down the glass of wine in front of Kyle.

  "Thank you so much! That looks wonderful!" Kyle exclaimed.

  "Only the best for you, my lady! Are you two ready to order?" the waiter asked.

  "Just give us a couple more minutes, please?" Harper asked. The waiter nodded and darted across the room and out of sight.

  "So, when did you guys date?" Kyle asked.

  "We never dated, actually," Harper said nervously as she picked at the edge of her glass.

  "So... did you like him? Did he turn you down?"

  "No. It was never like that. I mean, we talked for a little bit but it was nothing serious."

  "Oh, so did he hit it and quit it or something?" Kyle asked.

  "Are you ladies ready to order?" the waiter said as he stepped up to their table.

  "No! No, we are not ready!" Harper snapped. Harper sighed in annoyance as she looked to Kyle across from her, her eyes wide with shock. Harper closed her eyes and took a slow breath. "Just give us ten minutes, please?" Harper said softly.

  "Yes ma'am," the waiter said as he slowly backed away and rushed towards the kitchen.

  "Are you alright?" Kyle asked as she leaned forward. "You seem really tense," she added.

  "You need to break up with Hunter," Harper said, finally spitting it out.


  "Because he tried to rape me," Harper said as she looked down into her lap.

  "What? When?" Kyle asked in disgust as she sat up in her chair.

  "It was last New Year’s. It was at a party. I don't really want to go into detail but...he's dangerous, Kyle," Harper said as she held back her tears.

  "Oh, my God," Kyle said as she crossed her arms. "I feel sick...violated. Why is he still out here? Why is he not in jail?" Kyle asked.

  "I never pressed charges. I never told anyone," Harper said as she shook her head.

  "Harper, why? He could have raped me! He could be out there right now taking advantage of another girl!" Kyle snapped, her sadness suddenly turning into anger.

  "I didn't want the attention. I didn't want to go to court and deal with it. I didn't want to relive it all again. It really messed me up, Kyle. It was too much. I just wanted to deal with it my own way," Harper cried as she wiped her eyes.

  "Harper, he's dangerous. He has to be punished. He has to pay for what he did," Kyle said as she grabbed Harper's hand. "He hurt you. He could have even killed you. If this happens to someone else, that'll be on your conscience forever," Kyle said softly.

  "You don't think I know that? You don't think I've lived with that thought every day since it happened? I'm not strong enough for all of this," Harper said as she shook her head.

  "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry this is happening to you. But Harper...if you don't turn him in... if you don't go to the police...then I will."

  Knock, Knock

  Beans pawed at Harper's chest as she stared up at the ceiling fan spinning above her. She was sprawled out on the couch, a thick blanket covering her, as gently massaged the base of Beans' tail. His tiny frame arched as his bottom shifted up into the air. Harper didn't want Kyle to go to the police. It would just make matters much worse. Harper already had enough to worry about right now. This was one more thing she was going to have to juggle.

  Harper felt so vulnerable without Patrick here. He was on his way from work but she wanted him here now. Not knowing whether Kyle talked to Hunter or not set her on the edge. Hunter could be on his way right now...planning on his revenge. What he had done was now pretty much out in the open...and it was all Harper's fault. Maybe she should have never said anything. But not saying anything would have put Kyle in danger...and any other girl for that matter.

  Harper slowly sat up on the couch as Beans hopped down onto the floor. She stood up and shuffled towards the kitchen ahead. She just wanted to make a cup of tea, sink into a hot bath, and sleep for three days. If only...

  Harper held a tea kettle under the faucet as the water slowly rose to the rim. She gently placed the kettle onto the stove burner and turned it to high. Her secret about Vera was now out there, too. It was only matter of time before they'd go to the police. Or maybe they wouldn't? Maybe this was all part of a sick game to torture her? Maybe that's what they wanted; for her to turn herself in. To make her go so crazy that she finally gives in and confesses. But the truth was that it was an accident. The push was not. But her heel broke. That wasn't planned. How could she have any control over that?

  Harper glanced back as three loud knocks erupted from the front door. Patrick never knocked. Who could be here this time of night? Harper slowly shuffled through the kitchen doorway and towards the front door ahead.

  "Who is it?" Harper asked as she gently placed her ear to the door.

  Silence. Harper slowly stepped back and secured the chain lock. She turned the deadbolt and slowly pulled the door open a few inches to see...

  Hunter Gram standing on her front porch...his face inches from her own.

>   "Hunter..." Harper said as her heart sped inside of her chest. "What...what are you doing here?" she added, her voice shaking.

  "I thought we could talk. Kyle told me what you said. I just wanted to come over and hash this whole mess out," Hunter said kindly, as if he wasn't a piece of scum.

  "I think you should leave," Harper nodded as she began to shut the door. Hunter then slammed his shoulder into the door. The chain lock snapped from the wall as the wooden door swung open, smacking Harper in the face. "Ah!" Harper cried out in pain as she fell back, slamming onto the wooden floor.

  Harper quickly backed away along the floor and through the kitchen doorway as Hunter slammed the front door shut behind him. Blood slowly dripped from Harper's nose and into her mouth as she quickly stood and rushed into the kitchen.

  Harper ran forward, her phone along the counter a few feet ahead. Hunter then ran behind her and grabbed her from behind. He lifted her into the air, his arms wrapped tightly around her, constricting her.

  "No! Please! Please!" Harper screamed. "Help! Someone help!"

  Hunter slammed Harper against the center island, bending her over it, as he slammed her head down and against the counter top.

  "No one can hear you so don't even waste your fucking breath!" Hunter yelled, his pulsating veins rising in his neck and forehead.

  "Please! Hunter, just leave! I won't say anything! I didn't want Kyle to go to the police! I didn't want anyone to know! I just didn't want you to hurt her!" Harper cried, Hunter's massive hand resting against the side of her face.

  "You shouldn’t have told her. You should have just kept your big fucking mouth shut and none of this would have to happen! Now what are we supposed to do, huh? Well, I can tell you. Well, I can show you!" Hunter said as he grinned. Hunter grabbed at Harper's pajama pants with his loose hand and pulled them down.

  "No! Please! No! No! No!" Harper screamed. This couldn’t happen to her. Not again. Harper's eyes searched the middle island for anything she could use as a weapon. That's when she spotted the dirty pan in the sink a few inches away. Harper's hand darted to the left, snatching the pan by the handle. She quickly swung it back, slamming the pan into Hunter's head.


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