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Don't Tell a Soul

Page 13

by Travis Szablewski

  "Ah!" Hunter cried in pain as he fell back, slamming against the counter behind Harper. Harper swung the pan through the air once more as Hunter dunked, missing him by a few inches. Hunter them kicked Harper in the stomach. Harper hunched over in pain as Hunter snatched the pan from her threw it across the kitchen.

  Harper quickly held her stomach in pain as she ran towards the doorway, faster and faster. The front door was now a few feet away. Just a few more steps and she'd be safe. Harper grabbed the door handle just as Hunter snatched her from behind.

  "No! Someone! Help!" Harper screamed as she kicked at the wood surface of the door, trying to make as much noise as possible. Hunter quickly carried Harper through the living room doorway as she kicked in the air. Her foot caught a lamp, sending it to the floor. Hunter threw Harper onto the couch, landing on her back. Hunter quickly sat on top of her, grabbing at her night shirt and panties.

  "You wanna play rough? We can play rough!" Hunter yelled as he tugged at Harper's shirt. Harper's night shirt ripped open as he tugged harder and harder. The buttons flew through the air as Harper screamed, louder and louder. Praying...begging that someone who hear her. Harper tried to cover her bare chest with her hands...but he was too strong. Hunter slammed both of her hands onto the couch, pinning them above her.

  "Please! Please!" Harper cried as warm tears streamed down her cheeks. Harper then threw her knee up in the air, her knee cap slamming into his groin. Hunter cried in pain as Harper quickly sat up and crawled over the top of the couch.

  Harper fell onto the hard floor as she held the torn shreds of her shirt over her chest. The front door...she had to get out. Harper ran towards the door and snatched the handle. She ripped it open and see...

  Patrick rushing up the front porch steps.

  "What the hell is going on? I heard screaming! What happened?" Patrick yelled as he rushed inside to Harper.

  "He's here! Hunter! He tried to rape me again! He's here!" Harper cried as Patrick rushed inside. Harper turned to watch as Patrick ran through the living room doorway and out of sight.

  "Where is he?" Patrick called out.

  "What?" Harper said through her tears as she rushed into the living room. Harper's eyes scanned the wrecked living see Hunter nowhere in sight. She then turned and looked down the see the back door wide open.

  He was gone...


  Patrick pulled Harper closer to his side on the couch as Officer Brent Warren sat down across from them in a lounge chair. Harper didn't want to go to the station. She didn't want to risk running into Hunter again. So, she called him and asked him to come to her house. Harper tightened her grip on the blanket wrapped her body as she dabbed at her bleeding nose.

  "So, you're saying he has done this before?" Officer Warren asked as he wrote on a small pad of paper.

  "Yes, it was last New Year’s Eve at a party. I met him on Tinder. Next thing I know, he pulled me into a bedroom and...and tried to rape me," Harper said, her entire body still shaking.

  "Why did you not press charges? Why did you not tell anyone?" Officer Warren asked.

  "I didn't want it to become this huge thing. I was scared. Hunter's family has money. I didn't want to get on that stand and be called a liar. I didn't want to relive it all," Harper cried. "I regret it now, trust me," she added as she looked to the shattered lamp on the living room floor.

  "Well, it won't happen again. I'm going to have a unit patrolling the neighborhood for a few days. He won't be able to step foot on this property without having to deal with us," Officer Warren said. "We're going to put a A.P.B. on him. We won't even mention you. No one will know who you are. We just want to catch this son of a bitch before he does it again. Is that alright?"

  "Yes, just please...please find him," Harper cried. Officer Warren nodded as he slowly stood. Patrick rose from the couch and walked Officer Warren to the door. Harper slowly laid down on the couch as she listened to Patrick and Officer Warren's goodbyes. Her eyes lifted to the living room doorway as Patrick slowly walked towards her.

  "Why didn't you tell me, Harper?" Patrick asked softly as he sat down beside her.

  "I just wanted to move on from it. I didn't want it to be a big part of my life. I just wanted to forget it every happened," Harper said, her voice hoarse from screaming.

  "Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything. I will never judge you. You can tell me anything," Patrick said as he rubbed her leg gently.

  "I know," Harper said as she sat up. "I just didn't want to give Hunter that power. I didn't want him to have any place in my life or my relationships. I don't want him to exist in my world and if I went to the police...he always would," Harper said.

  "I'm sorry I wasn't here," Patrick said as he shook his head.

  "Don't be. I think I did pretty good on my own," Harper said. Patrick smirked softly as he kissed Harper on the forehead. "I'm going to take a shower...try to scrub him off of me," she said as she stood.

  "I'll be right out here," Patrick said as he stood and grabbed a broom and a dust pan in the corner. Harper shuffled into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She turned the lock as she leaned against the door. Tears flooded down her face as she slowly turned and looked into the mirror. Her nose, a bloody mess. Her cheek, bruised and purple. She never wanted to be this person; a victim. She wanted to be strong and overcome this in her own way. Now, it was too late. She was a victim all over again.

  Harper slowly stripped her clothes off and dropped the blanket to the floor. She turned the shower on, twisting the shower handle all the way to hot. She had to get the smell of him off of her. She had scrub him off; every invisible print.

  She slowly looked down to see the large bruise covering her stomach...where Hunter had kicked her. She turned to the sink...and pulled open a drawer to see the pregnancy test she bought after having lunch with Kyle.

  Harper ripped the package open and stared down at the stick...reading the directions carefully. She gently held the stick underneath her as she sat on the toilet...and prayed. She prayed that if she was pregnant...that the baby would be alright. Hunter took her innocence once. He could hurt her all that he wanted...but not her baby...


  "Kyle! Kyle, where are you?" Harper called out as she walked into the kitchen and slammed her purse onto the counter. Harper stormed into the Livingston house, slamming the door behind her.

  "God, why are you yelling?" Kyle said as she shuffled through the kitchen doorway behind Harper. Kyle looked like hell. Her hair, tangled and messy, hanged along her face. Her short satin bathroom was barely tied and slipping off of her shoulder. Her eyes were squinting in the faint morning light that shined through the window above the ink.

  "I told you not to say anything," Harper said as she walked towards Kyle.

  "Can we just pause for a second, please? I had a dozen too many margaritas last night. Just please, give me a second," Kyle sighed as she held her pounding forehead. Harper sighed as she watched Kyle walk to the coffee maker in the corner. "You look like hell by the way. What happened to your face?" Kyle said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

  "Hunter Gram did it to me," Harper said sternly as she crossed her arms. Kyle slowly turned, her eyes wide, as she sat at the bar.

  "Hunter did that to you? Did you call the police?" Kyle asked as she sipped the steaming coffee.

  "I told you not to say anything, Kyle. I begged you. You still did it anyway. He could have killed me last night! I had to relive the night all over again! He was so close, Kyle!" Harper cried as she stomped towards the bar.

  "All I told him was that I couldn't see him anymore..."

  "And?" Harper demanded.

  "And that I knew he was a sick, sadistic, disgusting prick and that he better stay away from you and me," Kyle said.

  "Why did you even tell him? Why could you not just break up with him?" Harper snapped.

  "He needs to know that people know who he is. He needs to know
that what he did is not OK, Kyle! He'll do it again...and again...and again! We had to take a stand!" Kyle said as she stood up.

  "That wasn't your place, Kyle! You shouldn't have even opened your mouth! I'm the victim, here!" Harper snarled as Kyle walked towards the kitchen doorway, her mug in her hand.

  "Maybe that's the problem!" Kyle yelled over her shoulder.

  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Harper snapped.

  "Maybe you need to stop playing the victim card!"

  "Excuse me?” Harper gasped.

  "Harper, you can either be a victim or a survivor! Maybe you should stop playing the victim; switch your role up a little bit. Hunter is now a wanted man! This is what needed to happen! This is what he deserves!"

  "Yeah, but it should have been my choice! Now, he's on the loose and he could be out there terrorizing some other girl right now!" Harper exclaimed, her voice echoing through the large kitchen.

  "I try to help you and this is what I get," Kyle said as she rolled her eyes.

  "I don't need your help, Kyle. I didn't ask for it. I just wanted to make sure it didn't happen to you," Harper said coldly.

  "At least people now know what he is capable of! He was out there...walking around as a free man, Harper! He's now on the run! That's how filth should live! Scared! Vulnerable! Hunted! How can you not see the good in this situation? The tables have turned, Harper! He's the prey, now," Kyle said as she shook her head.

  What Kyle said made sense. Now, everyone knew just who Hunter Gram was; a sick rapist. Now, there was a chance that Harper could finally move on. Maybe that's what she needed; for him to be locked away forever. That way she'd know he could never do this again; to her or anyone else. shouldn't have been Kyle's decision. She didn't live through this...twice; Harper did...

  "I just wish you would have done it a different way. Now, he's out there and I'm terrified. I'm terrified he's going to come after me again," Harper said as she could feel the tears arriving.

  "Are you kidding? The police are all over this guy, now. There's a manhunt out there for him. He's not coming anywhere near you; not now and not ever," Kyle said.

  "I'm just...I'm scared. He was...he was so close last night. I thought I was going to die," Harper said quietly.

  "You're a survivor, Harper. Act like it. Wipe your eyes, fix your mascara, and realize that you've survived something that many women don't. Don't give him power over your emotions because once somebody controls your emotions, they control you," Kyle said.

  Kyle disappeared through the kitchen doorway as Harper sighed and leaned against the bar.


  Harper had finally finished the last load of laundry and made her way up the stairs and to Rosie's room. Elena had come home from work early but she asked her stay anyways. She had been in her office all day taking business calls and finishing up paper work. Back to the old Elena...lost in her work...

  Harper slowly peeked inside Rosie's her fast asleep. Harper slowly inched away from the door, struggling to stay a quiet as possible. Harper grabbed her and keys and purse and headed towards the door. She was ready to get home. After Patrick got off, they were going to have a little movie night. It was something she desperately needed; hot cocoa, popcorn, the works.

  Harper shuffled along the Livingston's driveway and towards her car ahead. She pulled her door open and got into the driver's seat...

  As she felt the cold, hard tip of a 9mm slowly press against the side of her head from the backseat...

  "Drive" a deep voice behind her said behind her. She knew that voice from anywhere.

  It was Hunter.

  A Shot in the Dark

  "Drive", Hunter repeated as he pressed the tip of the gun harder against the side of Harper's head.

  "Hunter," Harper said, her voice quivering. "Please," she added as she closed her eyes tightly, tears streaming down her face.

  "I said drive," Hunter said sternly from the backseat. Harper's hands trembled as she stuck her key into the ignition and started the car. "Don't try anything. I swear to God, I'll blow your fucking head off; but if I do that, we'll miss all the fun I had in store for us tonight," Hunter smirked.

  Harper slowly grabbed the gear shift, put her car into drive, and slowly pulled away from the front of the Livingston house and drove through the silent, dark neighborhood. Her eyes moved left and right, her sweaty hands wrapped tightly around the wheel. She eyed each dark house she passed, praying for someone to see; praying for someone to be outside...maybe taking their trash out or arriving home late from work. But nothing; not a single soul.

  "Just tell me what you want, Hunter," Harper said as she glanced up into her rear-view mirror to see his face staring back at her; the dark shadows slowly passing across his chiseled face as she drove under each street light.

  "I don't want to spoil anything. Plus, you got a little bit of a preview the other night. I just want to finish what we started,” Hunter said with a wide smile.

  "I thought you wanted to change? I thought you said you weren't this person anymore?" Harper cried, struggling to keep the car straight.

  "Are you kidding? The police are looking for me. I'm done, Harper; thanks to you and that fucking tramp. Might as well go out with a bang, right?" Hunter said, the gun pressing tighter and tighter against Harper's temple.

  "It's not too late for you, Hunter. I should have never said anything to Kyle. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just please...please, stop. I won't say anything. I won't tell the police anything. You can leave. You can take my car. You can skip town," Harper sobbed, searching for all the right words to try and alter Hunter's sinister plan. If they left Tiger Lily Estates, Harper knew...that she was going to die.

  "Shut up and keep driving!" Hunter yelled as he leaned forward, his spit splattering onto Harper's cheek.

  "Get down," Harper said softly. She stared forward to see the security box ahead. She couldn't let Patrick get hurt. Harper had to pay for her sins...but Patrick...she couldn't let him die for her. And she knew that he would be willing to.

  "Say a word and I'll kill him," Hunter snapped as he slowly knelt down onto the backseat floor. Harper quickly wiped her teary eyes as she stopped at the gate. Harper stared forward as Patrick stepped out of the security box and waved. He walked across the front of the car, the headlights beaming along his face as he made his way to the driver’s side.

  "That was a fast visit," Patrick said as he leaned down onto the ledge of Harper's open window beside her.

  "Yeah, I just had to talk to Kyle. I just wanted her to be careful," Harper said. She couldn't stop her voice from shaking. Patrick would know...something was off...

  "Are you alright?" Patrick asked, his eyebrows arched.

  "I'm just tired," Harper lied as she glanced slowly into the rear-view mirror. Hunter, out of sight...hidden in the shadows of the backseat.

  "Do you still want me to come over? I don't think you should be alone. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'd feel better if I was there," Patrick said softly.

  "Yeah, just come by when you get off," Harper nodded.

  "Are you sure?" Patrick asked.

  "Yes," Harper said sternly.

  "I won't be mad if you..." Patrick began.

  "Patrick, just open the gate," Harper snapped as her eyes burned into him. Patrick's eyes widen as her tone shifted.

  "I guess I'll just talk to you tonight, then," Patrick snapped back as he moved from the driver’s side window and towards the security box. Harper stared forward through the windshield as she watched the tall iron gate slowly open.

  Harper stared back at Patrick through the glass of the security box. This was probably the last time she'd ever him again. She should have said more. She should have told him she loved him. How much he meant to her. But that would have possibly set something off inside of him. He would have known. She had to keep it short and sweet for the sake of keeping him alive.

  Harper slowly pulled through the open gate and stared ba
ck into her mirror as she watched Tiger Lily States slowly disappear into the darkness behind her. Hunter slowly sat up from the backseat and pressed the gun against her temple once more.

  "That was great. Really. A standing ovation for you," Hunter said softly. He slowly reached around the seat with his free hand, grabbing her breast and squeezing it. Harper winced in pain as he twisted her breast, harder and harder.

  "I might wait outside your place once I'm done. I want to see his face. I want to hear his screams when he sees you," Hunter said, his warm breath spreading across her cheek. Harper stared forward, tears running down her face, as Hunter slowly nibbled on her ear.

  "It's not too late for you, Hunter," Harper cried as she continued driving down the long, desolate road. The woods surrounding the road growing thicker...darker.

  "It is for you, though," Hunter smirked into her ear as he slowly twisted the buttons of her blouse open with his free hand. Harper couldn't do this. She couldn't go out like this. She had to think...and fast.

  "Please, don't hurt me. Hunter, I'm so sorry for all of this," Harper said as she stared down at her emergency break.

  "Say one more fucking word and I'll do you right here. I'll leave you right here in the center of the road; for the whole world to see," Hunter snarled.

  Harper's hand then lunged down and tightened around the emergency break. The tires screeched along the pavement as the car came to a sudden top. Hunter was thrown forward, his head slamming into the dashboard.

  "Fuck!" Hunter screamed as he fell back into the backseat, blood trickling down his face from the gash on his forehead. Harper quickly shoved the driver’s door open, preparing to run. Hunter then lunged forward, grabbing her by her hair.

  "Ah!" Harper screamed in pain as he dragged her over the center console and into the backseat with him.


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