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The Baddest Biker Bar In Town: Hidden By The Night

Page 5

by Napoli, Natalia

  Katie feels a buzz in her pocket and carefully reaches into her bag as the professor is writing on the chalkboard to check her text message. It’s from Shila. The text says, “frat party tonight, let’s go see what we are not missing out on?” The text ends with a smiley face and a middle finger emoticon. Katie likes Shila’s sense of humor. She decides to wait until after class to respond so she can stay on the teacher’s good side.

  As the class concludes, Katie sends off a quick text to Shila. “If you’re asking me to be your wingwoman so you can pick up some frat boy, shame on you. But I can’t really think of anything better to do tonight.” She ends her text with a winking smiley face. She turns to Alfred who’s patiently waiting for her to finish her text message. He says, “So I’ll text you about where we are all meeting and I have an extra tent if you need one.” Katie replies, “awesome, is it ok if I bring my roommate?” Alfred smiles, “yeah as long as she’s not a sloppy drunk.” Katie shakes her head. Alfred says, “ok we are really looking forward to it and we have all the equipment covered.” Katie says, “is there anything I can bring?” He thinks for a second, “any extra blankets, matches if you have them and any kindling wood you have stored under your bed would be great.” Katie laughs, “ok I’ll see what I can do. See you tomorrow.” Alfred looks into her eyes for a moment without saying anything. Katie feels that same feeling where he can see her thoughts and feels a strange ineffable connection. She smiles and walks away.

  After her last class it’s about 3:00 pm and she walks back to the dorm room and hears some trippy trance music before she opens the door. The room is filled with incense smoke and Shila is playing a drum. “Hippy,” Katie says and laughs. “I know you were just watching desperate housewives before I got here. This is all a show, you’re not really a hippy.”

  Shila smiles genuinely. “What are you wearing tonight?” Shila asks. Katie stands up and walks over to the closet. She finds a snug brown cotton top and skinny jeans and puts them on. Shila laughs, “you literally look good in everything.” Katie adds two braids to her hair as Shila makes them another tequila sunrise. They sit in front of their beds facing each other as they drink their warm cocktails. “Ice would be nice, sorry.” Shila says. Katie shrugs, “this must be the part of college that puts hair on your chest. Imagine telling our future children how hard our lives were. We didn’t even have ice for our cocktails!” Shila laughs, “ok well I guess that puts it in perspective.”

  The girls start talking, laughing and lose track of all time relaxed on their soft carpet. Katie looks at her drink which is empty and as if Shila read her mind she pulls out more tequila and orange juice from under her bed. They share another drink and keep laughing and talking. They decide to do each other’s hair and makeup and have fun adding accessories to their outfits. “Now we are rockstars.” Shila smiles at their co-created looks.

  The girls are very giggly and they grab their purses and walk towards the frat house. Katie is wearing a light lipstick which gives her a fairy appeal with her blonde hair while Shila is her dark counterpart with a burgundy lipstick and smokey eye makeup. They look absolutely stunning and radiant and are aware of their sexual power. Shila says, “Katie you could have any guy you want. The challenge is to wait for the right one that treats you good.” Katie puts her head on Shila’s shoulder as they walk holding hands like excited young teenagers. “Thanks for saying that, I really appreciate you.”

  As they approach the party, the music is audible outside and it looks packed with people spilling out onto the yard. “I guess this is a typical frat party huh?” Shila says. There are boys showing off and doing stupid things like jumping off the porch and having chugging contests. There are people in the corners who are already starting to couple up for the night. It’s an alive atmosphere topped off with Christmas lights strung from the ceiling to light the place just enough.

  Katie and Shila head for the couch where they sit and continue their conversation about past relationships. As they sit on the couch, they see the girls around them start to get more and more drunk and start yelling for no reason, crying for no reason and tripping on things. They laugh at the craziness that is occurring around them. Shila pulls out a flask from her purse, “here want some?” Katie laughs and says, “are you trying to take me home tonight?” Shila says, “you know I heard when you make a joke you’re 60% serious.”

  Shila and Katie are the hottest girls at the party by far. They are also not concerned with mingling too much as they are perfectly content just hanging out. A guy that’s eyeing Shila asks if he can join them on the couch and they girls move closer together to make room for him. He’s quite intoxicated and not thinking about what he’s saying, “I was standing over there on the other side of the room and saw you two and thought, wow! That would be a hot lesbian couple! So I just wanted to tell you that. You would make a hot lesbian couple.” The girls look at him like he’s an idiot.

  He can tell his line didn’t go over well so he tries to dig himself out of the hole, “can I get you anything to drink?” They both decline. Accepting a drink from an intoxicated frat boy is essentially inviting him to bother you for the rest of the night. Downtrodden, he hangs his head and then like a squirrel sees his friend and yells, “Bodhi!” With that he springs up and is gone. The girls sit now surrounded by people dancing and pushing past each other. They are both pretty drunk and start admiring each other after the drunk guy’s comments.

  Shila says confidently, “well if I were gay, you would be my first pick.” Katie laughs, “thanks?” The party is getting pretty out of hand and the girls decide to go home. They are both pretty drunk but don’t have far to walk back to their dormitory. Everything they see is funny and they decide to eat when they get back to try to sober up. Katie admits, “ I may have had too much to drink.” She is sitting on her bed trying to unbutton her pants.

  Shila replies, “well you’re a cute drunk. Most people either cry or get angry, at least you’re manageable.” Katie blurts out, “ I wish someone would come manage me right now, I’m disorganized.” Shila walks over to her and says, “don’t worry, you’re fine, we’re home.” Katie asks, “is it weird if we stay in the same bed? Sometimes I wonder why people are so separate all the time you know? Why can’t we just love each other and not be on separate islands?” Shila responds, “I’m not weird about people being in my personal space. In fact, I think it’s healthier for us to be close to people.” The girls lay down with a movie on and cuddle.

  Shila’s arm is wrapped around Katie and their fingers are lightly touching. Slowly their fingers start to intertwine and before long they are interlaced. Shila rubs her thumb back and forth on Katie’s hand as if enticing something. Shila gently lets go of her hand and places it on Katie’s hip. Katie then puts her hand on top of Shila’s and moves her hand lower, closer to her vagina.

  Shila presses a little harder with her hand just to see how Katie will respond and Katie presses her hand onto Shila’s to say she wants to go a little bit further. Shila puts her lips on Katie’s neck and gently kisses her. Katie puts Shila’s hand down her pants and Shila slips her fingers into Katie. Shila’s arms are wrapped around Katie and she whispers, “want to sixty nine?” Katie responds, “mmmhmm.” The girls take off their clothes and lay head to toe facing each other. They start to eat each other out and feel totally blissed out.

  They finger each other while they pleasure each other with their tongues. They both start feeling really good and start to quiver, close to climax. They both orgasm together and it’s one of the best orgasms they both have ever had. It lasts a while and then they gently get up without speaking and head into the shower down the hall. They giggle in the shower. Katie says, “we are so funny.” Shila responds, “it’s harmless. What are two cute single girls to do?” They smile as the soap runs off their wet breasts. They are both breathing heavily. Shila stands still for a moment in deep thought, “so this is what it’s like to be a woman…”

  Chapter 4: O
ff Campus Camping

  As the sun starts to creep through the blinds in their dorm room, Katie stirs awake. Shila moved back to her bed during the night and they wake up with a lot of energy. They make their morning coffee and joke about their late night rendezvous. “Do you think you’re gay?” Shila asks. Katie responds, “I think I’m just open minded you know? I know I’d like to marry a guy one day.” Shila responds, “me too.” As they sip their coffee they start to talk about their camping trip which they have to pack for.

  They decide to do a detox weekend after two heavy drinking days. They go to the local grocery store and stock up on healthy snacks, oatmeal and vegetarian chili. They stop by the hardware store and buy some firewood. As they drive towards the state park with their car full of blankets, a bongo and food they feel excited about being in nature and away from the dorm. Katie asks, “Do you think this is going to be a bunch of people doing drugs?” Shila shakes her head, “I doubt it.” People at this school drink but I don’t think there are a lot of drugs here.

  Katie takes a deep breath. “Hey listen, I’m sorry about last night. I mean, I was wasted and we live together and I feel like an idiot.” Shila shakes her head, “it was both of us. Don’t feel guilty. I don’t know about you but I’m feeling like this whole alcohol thing opens me up to making some pretty funky decisions, not to mention how it makes my body feel.” Katie pulls the car over and looks intently at Shila.

  “Shila look what we’ve been through already and it hasn’t even been a week. Our sexual boundaries are practically non-existent. How can we expect to hold onto any sense of self esteem if we constantly give in to physical loneliness? Doesn’t alcohol just make us weak? If we want to be women of courage, leading an example for other women, change makers, do we want to give in to societal pressures?” Shila has fire in her eyes and sits up straight. “Do you think all of this happened to make us realize that we are not supposed to be drinking?” Shila says with a look of astonishment on her face.

  Katie puts out her hand, “Shila Rowen, will you make a pact with me that in order to lead woman away from insecurity, that we will live a radically healthy lifestyle? We will be an example and support system for these girls that are easily influenced? We will not judge them but we will be studious and use our time to actually learn how to solve problems in society?” “Fuck yes Katie,” Shila says as she slams her hand on Katie’s and they grasp each other’s hands tightly.

  “I also think it’s very brave of you to not avoid your feelings. We can’t beat ourselves up about our learning lessons but we’d better learn from them right?” Shila lets out a big sigh of relief. “I feel like a huge pressure was just taken off my shoulders.” Katie says in bewilderment, “me too.” Their car is pulling up to the entrance of the state park and the woman at the booth sticks her head out with a big grin. “Hey yall,” she says. Her name tag reads, “Nicole.” Shila sees it and leans over, “Hi there, did you know your name means people’s victory?” Nicole smiles, “no honey, I didn’t, but thanks for the tid bit. Now yall be safe.”

  Katie hands her fifteen dollars and they put a sticker in their window. The tall pines create a canopy over them and the fresh air intoxicates their senses. They navigate the map until they arrive at campsite 307B. As they pull up they see four guys and two girls sitting around a fire with a guitar heating up some pans over the fire. They are dressed in weather appropriate jeans and flannels. They look right at home with their thermoses and hiking backpacks leaned up against the trees.

  As the girls pull up everyone gets up to greet them. The girls go up and offer to help them unload and introduce themselves. The guys set the tent up for them and carry the firewood to the pit. Katie says, “we had no idea if this was going to be a big group or what.” Alfred smiles and says, “we like to keep it mellow.” He introduces all the other guys and Katie recognizes them as the guys he was sitting with at the cafeteria the first day she saw him.

  One of the guys pulls out a carving kit and some blocks of wood. “Would anyone like to learn carving?” Shila’s ears perk up. “No way! That sounds awesome.” He starts to carefully show her the different tools and techniques. The girls are hanging white sheets over the table and setting out candles to make it look like a little dinner party. Katie sits by the fire and opens up a protein bar.

  Alfred sits down next to her. “So how have your first few days been?” He looks her right in the eye intently. Katie considers brushing over the messy parts of her first few days but then takes a breath and decides to just be real and honest. “I guess I’ve been adjusting and quickly learning what is not for me. We are….very easily influenced by our environment you know? And none of us are used to this much freedom. But just because we have freedom doesn’t mean we need to be irresponsible. On the way here Shila and I made a pact to live a healthy lifestyle and try to be a good example for the other girls at school.”

  Alfred takes her hand. “I knew there was a deep honesty and compassion in you the moment I saw you. I knew you thought differently. I was compelled to talk to you and invite you into my circle of friends. It sounds like you just made a decision that will change the entire course of your life.” He smiles and squeezes her hands with both of his. “I decided not to drink a few years ago after I saw how people were behaving and how much trouble it was causing in everyone’s lives. People were becoming dishonest, spending money foolishly and being just entirely unsafe.” Katie nods her head. “I’m so glad I met you. You have such a calm energy,” she says with a smile.

  “Old souls usually do,” Alfred says as he gets up to put more wood on the fire. They spend the rest of their day playing frisbee, reading poetry, doing some yoga in the nearby field and making wooden necklace pendants. They sit down just as the sun is starting to drop behind the mountains and the guy who had been teaching Shila wood carving clears his throat. He smiles at everyone and acts like he’s about to say something but doesn’t. Again he acts like he’s going to say something really important making big movements with his hands like a politician but no words come out. The others begin to laugh.

  He begins to move his lips as if he’s trying to talk but no words are coming out. He acts totally surprised. Holding his throat he crawls to a stump, climbs up and sits cross legged on it. “Phew there we go!” He says. “For a moment there I thought I’d lost it.” As if the stump is giving him the ability to speak, he begins, “sometimes we don’t see what’s going on in our lives. We go through the motions, we eat the food, we play the game but we are entirely unconscious of what is going on. But sometimes when you’re lucky enough, you get around a group of people, of souls, that just make you want to be a better person. He looks everyone directly in the eye. And suddenly you’re conscious of everything. What you’re eating, who you’re fucking, why you’re doing things and what’s influencing you to do things. If we can be conscious in how we speak, who we hang out with and how we spend our time, well then we are truly going to have a worthwhile experience in this life. I love you guys. Love Samuel.” With that he pops off the stump and acts like he’s trying to talk again.

  Shila walks up to the stump and sits down, “thank you Samuel, I couldn’t agree more.” And with that she sits back down. The group starts to sing parts of songs they can remember and it seems like the equal number of boys and girls makes coupling up rather easy. They sit in a circle and decide to share what they think they are least good at and then what they are good at. No one mentions drinking and it really doesn’t cross anyone’s minds. They feel comfortable and safe within the forest, within the company of nice people.

  Shila is leaning on Samuel’s shoulder watching the fire and Alfred and Katie are holding hands listening to the music. One at a time each couple begins to make their way to a tent. It happens naturally and organically. Alfred whispers in Katie’s ear, “I keep wondering how you look naked.” Katie looks at him, “would you like to find out?” She responds. He nods and they get up and head to one of the empty tents.

ie gets in and Alfred gently takes the strap of her tanktop off her shoulder. “I’m not going to try to sleep with you, don’t worry.” He says with a kind softness. Katie smiles as she sits in her lace bra in front of Alfred. He takes off his shirt to reveal a ripped six pack and perfectly toned arms. His hair falls below his shoulders and he has a strong natural beauty. “You are so beautiful without makeup Katie.” He says and after a pause, he continues. “I think this could go somewhere so I want us to take it slow.”

  Katie reaches for his hands and they hold hands looking into each other’s eyes. Their hands gently wrap around each other and they just hold each other for a while without talking. They breathe deeply as they get used to being in each other’s space and try to process the feelings they are having. Alfred kisses her lips softly and slowly. Katie thinks about how aggressive and fast everything happened with Drew and how it wasn’t special. She thinks to herself, this is going to be special.

  Slowly their fingers find their way below the waist as their bodies move closer and closer. “I just want to make you feel good,” Alfred says. He runs his hands over the outside of her pants between her legs. “I’m all about you, I would really enjoy making you feel good.” Katie starts to get shivers down her spine as he kisses her softly and he starts to move his fingers in her pants. “I’m not just trying to get in your pants. I’m looking for a real relationship.” He says warmly.


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