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The Baddest Biker Bar In Town: Hidden By The Night

Page 9

by Napoli, Natalia

  Jane and her assistant have a dark secret and their darkness is alluring to the powerful people in the city. Those that watch her know she is using some type of dark force to get where she is in the business world and people show up in hopes to decipher that secret. Jane creates layers of separation between her and the attendees which gives her more intimidation over the people feeding off of her energy. They show up to suck up her black magic but there’s usually one or two that go down as a sacrifice. Jane’s parties are also a covert initiation into the underworld of vampires. Her and the group that has already been initiated keep a watchful eye for the ones they want to recruit into their kind. They see who is most willing to sacrifice themselves in exchange for the powers of the underworld.

  There are secret rooms where the initiations happen and although they are not generally willing, most of the victims have given non-direct consent. The bowels of the city hear only legends of these parties and everyone knows that there are forces at work but no one as of yet can prove it. A burn mark on the inside of Jane’s wrist in the shape of a drop of blood shows her true bloodline. She is blood thirsty and her parties are a cover up for the luring of the chosen ones that she will get to bite to feed her hunger.

  At exactly midnight, four men walk in the door wearing large black fur jackets that reach the floor. They do look like total badasses in their black sunglasses. Three large Danish men surround Marcus as body guards. Two large men the size of Vikings stand next to Jane who sits on a throne watching the performance from above the crowd. There is sorcery in the air and people love it. Jane locks her eyes onto Marcus and begins to call him to her with her mind. He walks directly to her through the dance floor which automatically clears at his own indignant presence. He shows no regard for the small people who have nothing to offer him, he goes straight to the source to sip the devil’s nectar. They have black top hats and black canes.

  In accordance with the fanfare of the event and for all the people that think the gothic decor is merely for entertainment, Marcus bends down on one knee, taking Jane’s hand and kisses it as if in a royal courtship. She nods for him to take the throne with her which has always until this very moment, remained empty. A rush of adrenaline courses through his veins, stronger than any drug. All the male sycophantic hearts skip a beat as they covet his gifted status. The moon is visible outside the nineteen foot windows. Jane says, “it’s almost full. I will need you tomorrow.” He smiles looking straight ahead, knowing he’s reached in the inner lair of the power circle. She is controlling him with her mind now.

  She pulls a large hood over her head and invites a guest up who has an introduction to make. One man says, “we are from New Orleans and at your service.” Jane says, “the feeding has begun, take your positions.” She indicates to the high towers they can climb up to for what is considered psychic feeding in the vampire circles. The vampires thrive on two types of energy in their nocturnal way of living, psychic and sanguinarian (blood). This sub culture easily grabs hold in a city where psychic forces run rampant on the insecure population. Most of the crowd in the center feels a rush from the spectacle of these people surrounding them and think that’s it’s just a part of the show, not privy to the real power that is being sucked from them.

  There is a bowl of diamonds next to Jane as well as a golden goblet. She looks forward without smiling and says to Marcus with her hand resting on the table between them. She says, “If you’re going to join us, you will have all the power you need to acquire whatever you desire.” He says, “that is why we came.” He smiles and shows his cuspids have been shaved. This is the true sign of loyalty to the group. “I want more than power though, I need you. You have a very rare essence and I think we would be a power couple.” Now she looks at him directly and says, “Some things are irreversible.” There is almost a twinge of sadness in her words as if she regrets her true nature. For a moment, between all the show, their eyes lock and they feel human, one soul that caring for another, trapped in the maize, wanting out. “I can give you freedom but it comes at a cost,” she says in a very direct way. “I want to be with you,” he says, “no matter what the cost.”

  Jane looks forward and keeping with her cold reputation, gets up and says, “She will tell you where to go.” Her assistant stands by the large thrown and waits for Jane to walk by. Jane disappears through a door in her black hooded cloak. The assistant indicates a hallway and Marcus takes that as his direction. He nods and get’s up. The three security guards follow him. He indicates for them to wait outside the door at the end of the hallway. He has not been recognized because of his disguise. These parties are highly private anyway with a very exclusive guest list. It is considered an honor to be able to attend one of her secret parties.

  As he opens the door, a winding staircase is before him. It is dimly lit and he feels the action of descending them luring him beyond his control. He hears a violin playing faintly somewhere below. He begins to walk down, the air gets colder and thick. He can see his breath. Smoke drifts up into his nostrils with a pungent aroma of iron. At the bottom of the stairs he sees a fire place with a metal rod sticking out of it. He has heard rumors of this branding ritual. He knows it will be painful and he must do it himself. He walks without hesitation grabs the iron and sears it onto his left wrist directly where he saw Jane’s the first day they met. He is now entering the inner circle.

  He turns around and Jane is sitting on a circular wooden island. She sits on a white fur with two chains hanging down over head. Jane lifts her hooded head and a tear runs down her face. She is still part human and she feels emotions. She wants his blood, his royal blood will give her tons of energy but she knows what she is doing to him. She knows his blood will be most ripe on the full moon and she tells herself to be patient, one more night. Marcus climbs onto the wooden pedestal and his hand gently wipes her tear. He sees the pain in her eyes, she bears her soul to him. He sees that she is also trapped in her own story, behind the tough exterior, there is a woman. He wants to save her and he knows he can’t. The only way he can bring any solace to her soul is to sacrifice his mortal self and join her. He knows the love he feels for this creature is twisted but it compels him.

  He puts his finger under her chin. “What does a woman who has everything in the world want?” She smiles seductively. “Please release me from my mind, the weight of this world becomes heavy. I do pay the price.” He hears her words like daggers in his heart. He feels her broken heart and wants to mend it. He leans forward and kisses her heart, seeing the woman, trapped inside this villain. “I am devoted to you Jane.” He says. “Then take off your clothes royal one,” she responds suddenly finding a more playful spirit. He takes off his hat, his sunglasses, his coat and stands on his knees next to her. She undoes his belt and he takes off her hood. The ends of her long black hair rest on the white fur beneath them. He turns over his wrist to see his branding mark. She kisses it softly.

  “There are rules,” she says, “Never speak of our rituals to anyone under any circumstances and get used to living nocturnally. Schedule your business meetings for after sunset or you will feel drained of energy. You will get energy from the minds of others and one other way.” Marcus is staying calm but his mind is racing. He’s trying to figure out if all the rumours are true, is this woman a witch or a sorceress? Is she just pretending or is she really a vampire? She says, “you have a day to decide if you really want to make this sacrifice.” He smiles and leans over her body. His face close to her body but not touching it. She raises her hand and he meets hers with his. Their fingers interlace.

  “There is a lot of pleasure in the darkness my friend,” she says. He gently lays her down, his cock throbbing hard, wanting her and knowing he is just moments away from breaking down the fortress and entering her mysterious and magical world. “Welcome,” she says. He smiles and kisses her. Energy courses through his veins. She breaths in as she takes his energy too. He places his hands on her breasts and they can feel their energy building.
She looks at his neck and licks her sharp teeth, feeling the overwhelming urge to bite him. He takes her shoulders and pushes her down hard. Her head hits the boards beneath her and she slaps him. A drip of blood trickles from his lip and she writhes in hunger at the sight of it. Her hand reaches up and she pulls back, controlling her inner beast but barely.

  She grabs his cock and puts it into her. It slides in easily and this large man pleasures her with his girth. She is able to give into the pleasure, he isn’t gentle and she claws at him in anger. He also lets his anger unfurl as he pulls on her long hair and rocks her body like a ruthless machine. She is sturdy and wants to be pushed to her limits so she can find some emotional release. It’s been so long since she let her guard down and all the years locking up her emotions are being unleashed. She feels a vague memory of what it feels like to love and feel compassion but it is so faint. It is merely a faint whisper of something she cannot truly recal. She is cold and hardened by the life she has been forced to lead, her guilt is minimal and she quiets it by controlling everyone around her like mere pawns in her game.

  She orders him, “you must climax.” She tells him, “turn me around and finish it.” He flips her around with his strong arms and pumps into her fiercely. She pushes against him and when they are done. There is a coldness that comes over them. An eerie foreboding sense of the task that lays ahead of them. She puts on her cloak and hood and says, “leave me,” in a very morose tone.

  He stands, puts on his clothes and goes up the stairs without a word. The heaviness of his decision is finally sinking in. He feels the rush of power and the crushing sense of fear at the same time. He exits the door in disguise and walks directly out the front door with his guards. There is not a hint of his mind waivering. He is determined to follow through with this huge transformation to the dark side.

  Chapter 3: The Full Moon Ceremony

  In another side of the city, on the thirty third floor of a building, a woman sits in a deep trance. She feels a dark presence and senses danger in the city. She calls upon her guides to help her. Alexandria is a white witch, she works in a very rare capacity to keep the emotional frequency of the city at a stable level. She calls herself a light worker and reads energy. She can sense when a great soul is about to fall and tries to intercede and block their psychic downfall. The inception of fear has a strong root system and she is trained in the ways of white magic to uproot those dark forces with her love and powerful mind. She has saved many and yet many more have slipped when she couldn’t find them or someone had already washed their mind with darkness so fully, she could not reach them. The ecosystem of the city hangs in a careful balance and she works to maintain harmony within the forces of darkness. She is pure good and holds no fear. She operates on a higher frequency than the Vampires but knows they are powerful. She diligently writes messages she gets and from that listening, goes where she knows there may be one more about to fall into darkness.

  There is a circle of light workers in the wealthy elite that know about those that are working with dark magic. They meet in a counsel to discuss where their efforts would be best utilized in the city of fallen angels. They strategically place themselves around the small island to raise the vibration like cell phone towers. They counteract the forces of greed, addiction, manipulation and corruption with a more powerful force that they cultivate with their own rituals and moon ceremonies. As the full moon approaches, the light workers meet to discuss their work. Alexandria sets down a newspaper. The cover shows a picture of Marcus exiting Vampire Enterprises. They all look at each other knowing who they need to protect. They do so from a distance but they often have to send someone in for a direct intervention. Alexandria, a beautiful blonde and angelic looking woman, says, “I’ll do it.” She knows she is risking her life but the powers of darkness shrink around her as she has built up her aura considerably. She can sense when someone is trying to enter her mind and she has a strong psychic protection. She has trained to be able to disarm one of the big plots that could take down a whole country and now is the time for her to step up.

  The eyes in the room are bright and loving, offering their moral support. She is going to find Marcus before the full moon ceremony and try to pull his mind up but his programming is strong and deeply ingrained for many generations and she must not waiver in her intention. She puts on her white jumpsuit, a fashionable full length romper. She wears mother of pearl and her white blonde curls fall onto her shoulders. She has light purple eye makeup and light purple lipstick. She adds a shimmering powder to her skin and puts on a white peacoat with pronounced shoulder blades. She herself looks powerful and soft.

  Her assistant has found out where Marcus is staying and her driver takes her to the Waldorf Astoria. She calls his room from her cell phone. When Marcus hears the phone ring in his room, he is surprised as he travels privately. He picks up the phone without saying anything. She says, “this is a matter of life and death. I am Alexandria, I am here to protect you. Meet me in the second floor lounge in five minutes if you want to avoid the biggest mistake in your life.” Marcus has not told anyone about his meeting with Jane nor has he mentioned their secret love making or plans for this evening. He takes a deep breath and with his thick Danish accent says, “do you have something better to offer me?” She says, “I can’t save you but I can show you the way. You want power but you don’t realize you are giving all of your power away. Come now, we don’t have much time.”

  Marcus, confused, get’s up and puts on a grey t-shirt and jeans. He ties his shoes and grabs his wallet and hotel room key. He walks into the hallway feeling the pull of the forces of light and dark within his soul. He get’s into the elevator and thinks about the beautiful Jane and images of them having sex the night before flash through his mind. He feels as though he must resist this strange woman who has called him from the hotel lobby. As the elevator doors open, he sees her. She has a huge smile on her face and this tall blonde woman dressed in white is handing a flower to a child. She hugs the child’s grandparent and turns to Marcus smiling. Marcus is shocked by the amount of happiness on her face. She is the antithesis of Jane. She has an infectious smile and Marcus finds himself, who rarely smiles, smiling back at her. She is also so strikingly beautiful.

  Alexandria beams positivity towards him. “You have such strong energy, you must be a great leader,” she says to stroke his ego. She knows complimenting a man helps to grab his attention but she also doesn’t want to make him suspicious. She knows he seeks power and that is her main route of entry to his mind. He goes directly to the core issue. “I have come to offer you more power than you ever thought possible. There is a secret society that I can introduce you to and I know there are other strong forces trying to trick you to serve their interests. They are falsely promising you power yet you will be nothing but a captive in haites. Do you understand?” He looks at her intensely, “how did you know I am here?” She responds, “I have the ability to see things. Your projection is strong and I’m here to intervene and prevent a tragedy. You are a born leader, you have the bloodline of royalty and the psychic vampires will drain you of all of your free will if you let them.”

  Now she has his attention. He says, “Who is giving you your information? What do you want from me?” She says, “expand your mind. Fools that can only see in the level of a hundred years, cannot grasp that I work in a bigger, more grand scale of thousands of years. We lift the minds of generations to affect massive movements and prevent world wars. You are involved with people who have a limited perspective. They work with the laws of the universe in a limited capacity. Pure consciousness that we work with is based on ancient societies and this information has been protected just as the dark occult has been. Open your mind Marcus, don’t let your ego make you fall at the feet of some small minded controlling sorcerer.”

  Marcus’s mind begins to calculate in a cost benefit analysis way. His mind calculates without emotion, sheerly on an energetic level. He does trust this woman and he feels a
n attraction to her. “Why should I trust you? How can you prove you can offer me more than what the most powerful city and people in the world have?” She says, “just because you don’t know about something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m talking about breaking the bonds of the mind, the shackles of consciousness that you don’t even know are on you. This is the most important moment of your life Marcus,” she says reaching out and squeezing his hand. He pulls back, confused by her intensity. He suddenly feels a buzzing on the top of his head and his body feels chills then very light. The spot between his eyebrows feels tingly.

  “What would someone like me be able to get from a person like you?” She smiles knowing that she has his interest at least for now. “Protection and the ability to manifest whatever you want. Many of the people I work with are powerful world leaders.” At this his ears perk up. “But we don’t have much time, I’ve actually risked my life to come here. Do you realize you’ve mentally consented to sell your soul this evening?” He suddenly feels exposed and doesn’t know what to say. He looks at Alexandria’s smile and feels, for the first time a question about his own judgement. He was raised in a very male dominant household and was never told what to do by a woman. His defenses raise.


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