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The Women of the Rose

Page 10

by Sara Estey

  “I thought we were using advanced methods, or rather old and ancient ways, to help heal and raise people’s vibration,” I say. “Now, it is clear that this way was developed to assist people to raise consciousness, in an even more ancient past that has vanished.”

  “We can’t currently heal the way they do here, Mary. The vibration of humans is not high enough to do so,” Connie says.

  “It seems that even meditation is not the ultimate answer, Connie. If our vibration is high enough, we live in meditation,” I say. “Meditation is not something you do. It is a way of being, a way of life. That is not sitting down and meditating, but living in that vibration and doing everything in that vibration. You don’t stop. You don’t sit. You don’t quiet the mind. You just live in that vibration.


  Preparing for a Homecoming

  I see the monk sitting on one of the overhangs that look out across the river and valley. Dressed in orange robes, he sits in silence. He has been this way since I first saw him when I awoke this morning. The sun is now setting, and he still sits motionless. It appears he has not moved since dawn.

  Joe and Maria had come back to us three weeks after they left. Time seems to be stretching for me here, as they had in reality only been gone a day in town. My entire sense of reality is shifting, and I am now a bit disoriented by it. Sarah, Connie, and Joe, also feel the not so subtle changes in our time, in our reality. The world feels gentle, pure, and peaceful to us.

  I had continued with my work, while they were in town. Tilling the soil, in the joy of voice and dance, had become something I craved, and adored taking part in. It was as if I made love to, and with, the earth each morning. My appetite continued to decrease. I had come to understand that, as my vibration increased, my need for substances would decrease. Most people ate little. A few of the women lived on water, and an occasional meal.

  Attending classes with the children took up the rest of my days. Sarah and I did little in the way of teaching. We did share some of what it was like to live in the outside world. It was almost comical, as we discussed it with the children. It was as if we were discussing the lives of apes at the zoo.

  In a very short time, my perception of reality was changing, and I was learning what it truly meant to ascend, to live in harmony with the earth, and with each other.

  On arriving last night, Joe and Maria brought Phillip with them. They had met him in town and he had come from the monastery, and been sent to us. I had not met him before, but Joe confirmed with the monastery that, in fact, he had come to check out the Community.

  The monks in Kauai were suffering from the military intrusion. The shield they had cultivated over many years was nearly shattered. The plants and animals had gone back to their original size, and many had died. The monks themselves were aging rapidly, their youthful appearances no longer a part of them. They were certain that now was the time to leave. Leave they must; quietly and secretly.

  Joe made arrangements with the monks to get them here in a few weeks’ time. A plan was in place, and arrangements were being made. As regards Judy and Rob, he was able to talk to them and they, too, were making arrangements to escape to this place, and live with us. There were others in the Community who would come. But, it was decided this would be in a second round. For now, the monks were in more danger than the members of our old community.

  As I watched Phillip meditating on the embankment, the last rays of sun disappeared. Joe walked up behind Phillip and tapped him on the shoulder, asking him if he would like to join us for dinner.

  It is interesting, the differences in the communities. We had tried to help with what we had thought was an advanced technique in raising consciousness, only to now find out how truly primitive that method was. The monks had raised their vibration and life span through meditation and connection, in their space. Now I am in a community that is beyond both these methods, since they truly live within this vibration.

  “Are you coming to dinner, Mom?” Sarah brings me out of my thoughts.

  “Yes, love, let’s walk down,” I say.

  “Mom, I’m not really very hungry, you know,” Sarah says.

  “I know, we are acclimating, it would seem, to our new home,” I say.

  I look at Joe, who is already seated with Phillip, as we arrive in the dining hall, and smile. It is so beautiful and peaceful here. I really don’t know how things could be any better.

  “So, Mary, Joe tells me you were working with the group on ascension,” Phillip says, as Sarah and I join them for dinner at the table.

  “Yes, I met Rob and Judy in Bali, and ended up soon afterward in Egypt,” I reply. “Unfortunately, we were not able to get as far as we would have liked to on teaching methods of raising one’s vibration or ascension.”

  “Yes, the powers that be may not have liked that,” Phillip says.

  “So, Joe tells us that the monastery sent you?” I ask.

  “Yes, a bit of a precursor. I understand you, or we, will be building shelter for the monks, and the others. Perhaps I can help in that,” Phillip says.

  “I suppose you can assist us,” Maria says as she joins us. “We generally build the homes in the style we have now, but we could look at something different. Did you have something in mind?”

  “We have very simple, stone block buildings at the monastery. We sleep little and, when we do, it is without heat or air-conditioning, and we sleep on the floor,” Phillip says.

  “I see. Is there some reason you cannot be in comfortable accommodations?” Maria asks.

  “It is part of our vows; a vow of poverty,” Phillip says.

  “I see. I am not saying what you must do. But, in our community, we believe in enjoying life to the fullest,” Maria continues. “We believe in respecting life, and in loving all that is life. We don’t practice poverty, or a lack of abundance. Granted, we understand how that came into the field in the 3D world. Those who had abundance were the rich and wealthy, and they were not honoring the abundance; they were not sharing the abundance; they were hoarding the abundance.

  “So, it is that poverty, and living a life of prayer and meditation, were seen as a cure to this: the better way. I am not discounting this, at all. However, that is not the way of this place. We live in healthy abundance, equally shared with all.”

  Phillip nods as she says this.

  “It would be perhaps more appropriate to build modest but comfortable accommodations for the monks,” Maria says.

  “Let me meditate on that, Maria. I would not wish to take up too many resources from this beautiful land, to build our homes, though,” Phillip says.

  “It will not take anything from our lands. We are able to multiply from out of one board of wood, many boards which will build a home. From the one home, we can multiply many homes,” Maria says.

  “Are you saying, like Jesus and the fish story? You can make something from nothing?” I ask.

  “Not something from nothing. Something from something. Do you understand?” Maria asks. We all look at each other in amazement.

  “I think we understand,” Joe says.

  “I would love to see the process,” I say.

  “Yes, you will all be involved in the process,” Maria says. “Let’s discuss plans for the building tomorrow, after lunch.”

  After dinner, walking back up the hill from the river, I hold Joe’s hand. I am beside myself in happiness, and feel a glow about me that I may never have felt before.

  Drifting off to sleep, I see Joe and I sitting on the grassy knoll, overlooking the river. We look into each other’s eyes until we are no longer of flesh and blood form, but merely translucent beings joined in love.

  “Mom, wake up!” Sarah is tapping me on the shoulder.

  Rolling over I inquire what time it is.

  “It is 8 am, Mom, and we are going to be late for the food gathering,” Sarah says.

  “Oh dear, I really did sleep well. I had the most beautiful dream. Sarah, go on ahead and
I’ll catch up to you and the others. I just need a quick shower and some coffee. I’ll be thirty minutes behind you,” I say.

  Rolling out of bed, I quickly shower, and dress. Bathed each morning in the light of the crystals from my open window, I feel rejuvenated. I wonder if it ever rains here. It doesn’t seem to.

  The coffee is good, and strong, and I drink it outside in the garden, giving myself five minutes before I head off. As I leave the house, and walk toward the garden, I am immersed in my surroundings. The birds chirp, and fly as if to almost perch upon me. The dragonflies and butterflies dance about, greeting me to this new day.

  I laugh out loud, as I think of ‘new day’. What is a new day really? I don’t even truly understand the time ratio. What is time? For that matter, what is reality?

  As I come around a bend, close to the garden, I see Phillip sitting on a tree stump in the distance. I imagine he must have found a new place to meditate. His back is to me, so I continue walking so as not to disturb him.

  “Eno Kino Aya.” I hear.

  Not sure what language the chant is in, I look towards Phillip and realize that he is chanting in tongues, or some such language, of the ancients. I had not heard the monks use these notes or words before. I listen as he continues for a few more minutes, before hustling off to the garden.

  Exhilarated from the singing and chanting in the garden, Sarah and I make our way to prepare lunch. As we chop and dice vegetables, Maria approaches us, reminding us that we will not be going to the children’s lesson today, but meeting after lunch to discuss the plans for the new homes that will be needed.

  After lunch, Joe and Phillip join us, as does Margaret, who is in charge of all building in the community. Margaret explains that all of the buildings, so far, have been done in a beach, or country cottage, theme.

  “How did you know of this style of building?” I ask.

  “What do you mean, Mary?” Margaret asks.

  “I mean, if you have been around thousands of years, was this model even done thousands of years ago. This model of homes?” I reply.

  “Oh yes. Well, yes, and no. There were country cottages somewhat similar to this style one thousand years ago, but not exactly this style,” Margaret replies.

  “But, how did you know about this style if it was not even done yet?” Sarah asks.

  “The style was known because time is not linear. So, we can see the past, present, and future. Additionally, we can change the style of how the house looks,” Margaret says.

  “How do you change how the house looks?” I ask.

  “Energetically, we can change it. You will see as we build the new houses,” Maria says.

  We all look at each other.

  “So, if Phillip changes his mind on the style of the homes, we can change them?” Joe asks.

  “Yes. Phillip what do you think?” Maria asks.

  “I think that we can proceed with the houses the way you have them now. If, and when, the other monks arrive, they feel the houses do not suit them, then, as you say, we can energetically change them to stone huts,” Phillip says.

  “However, I have been thinking of what you said, Maria. It makes sense to live in abundance, as you put it. Also, it is not our place to take such gifts as you are bestowing on us, to live in such harmony in your land, and demand our homes to be this, or that way. I think the monks will be happy with what you are doing for us.”

  “Perfect. Then we will continue with the same type of home we have now. We will provide for fifty people, correct?” Maria asks.

  We all agree that, between the monks, and those who will eventually come from our Community, this should suffice. The homes will be built with views of the river and waterfall, and they will be whitewashed, with gardens surrounding them. The crystals are in all the homes, as the crystals are available in the lands around us, we are told.

  As we leave the planning table I walk with Phillip over to a bench on the riverbank.

  “What was that you were chanting today Phillip?” I ask.

  “Chanting?” he asks.

  “Yes, I heard you chanting, as I was walking to the garden this morning. I had not heard that chant before,” I say.

  “I wasn’t chanting Mary, you must have been hearing someone else,” Phillip says.

  I’m certain it was him that I heard. But, I decide not to press it.

  We sit together on the bench and look out over the rushing river. I admire the beauty of it all: the colorful flowers and foliage; the singing birds and buzzing insects. Everything is so alive, it reaches out to me. I look towards Phillip sitting next to me and feel something different. It seems not so alive where he is sitting, it feels more predatory. I shake my head, sure that all of this energy is finally getting to me.


  The Danger Among Us

  I approach a whitewashed, wooden, two-story structure. The design looks homey, and comforting. A stone path, lined with flowers, leads to a porch set with two Adirondack chairs, which have comfortable-looking pillows, artfully placed on them. The entryway of the home has been painted a soft blue, and a bench sits against the entrance hall wall. A basket has been set under the bench to leave one’s shoes in.

  “Oh my, this is beautiful,” I exclaim, looking at the first home that has been newly built.

  It miraculously went up in two days. The structure, itself, started from a single board, as Margaret had told us. The women sat around that one board, and, from a drawing that Margaret had made of the home, they manifested this house.

  I had sat, and watched, as the structure materialized before my eyes. First one wall, then another. The staircase, then the rooms. It was all completed within a day; amazingly sturdy and whole. A solid, and well put together, house.

  Next day, the linens, furniture, and pictures were discussed, agreed upon, and materialized. The only thing that was not materialized—from a drawn picture, to the mind’s eye, to creation—were the crystals. These were carefully mined from the land, and ceremoniously laid out in the new home.

  The crystalline energy is important to the women, and their lives. I understood the power of crystals, before my venture to this hidden oasis. But, now, I understood that crystals were more powerful than I had once thought. The power in the essence of the crystal, is not only in the crystal, but within our own crystalline bodies. The higher our vibration, the more we resonate and pull energy from the crystals that are from the ground.

  The entire community gathered around the home, and toured through it; an open house of sorts. We all agreed it was a beautiful house, and that we should proceed to build the other homes in the same way. This had taken two days to build. We were told the others would take two days, in total. This model was basically done to ensure it was suitable for the group that would soon arrive. They had kindly done a prototype, to see if any of us wanted any changes.

  This house has five bedrooms. We decided to build ten more houses, so as to have one extra house. In actuality, it was looking as if Joe and I, along with Sarah, would take that extra house. My feelings for him were reciprocated, and it felt we should live together as a family here.

  The crystals for all the houses had been brought here by several of the women. We were to choose which crystals would go into each of the new homes.

  As I carefully pick out the crystals for my new home, I note how transformative the crystal energy feels to me. I think back to my visions in Egypt. I think to the crystals that were placed in the back of the neck, where the rose petal mark was. This memory reminds me of a question I have not yet asked.

  “Have you ever called yourselves The Women of the Rose?” I ask Maria who is sitting next to me.

  “No, love, why do you ask?” she says.

  I tell her about my dreams and visions of the Women of the Rose, and how they came to me as women who had the answers to ascension. I also tell her about how I believe, from the visions I had in Egypt, that at one time a crystal was placed in the back of the neck of the people w
ho were cloned. Cloning had happened, as the Anunnaki and Reptilians took force here, at that time, on the planet.

  “Yes, I see what you mean, about the crystals and the mark on the neck,” she says. “In actuality, we were here long before the time you speak of.”

  Maria asks us to have a seat. Joe, Connie, Sarah, Phillip, and I sit at the kitchen table, in the new home, as Maria makes tea for us.

  “It is said that our kind was here, and has experienced this before,” she says.

  “What have you experienced before?” Joe asks.

  “We have been in a cycle so to say. You have heard of Atlantis, and the Fall?” she asks.

  “Yes, we know of that. Though we are getting it was in Sumeria as well, or along with it,” Sarah says.

  “Yes, well, that was not then; and does that tie into the rose?” I ask.

  “Yes, it does,” Maria says.

  Maria tells us that, some 50,000 years ago, the Anunnaki and the Sirians came to planet Earth. It was a time before Sumeria, or Atlantis. The Sirians seeded with the slightly hairy creatures that were on the planet, who looked a bit like modern day humans. They were more of an ape, or orangutan creature. The Sirians did it merely for experimentation. The Sirians were translucent, from the Sixth dimension. They could also make themselves non-translucent.

  “The Sirians inseminated, or crossbred, in an experimentation project with these beings on the planet,” Maria explains.

  “They lived and worked with them. A community of harmony was developed that lasted some 10,000 or so years. That time was colder here, on the planet. The beings of a Third-dimensional frequency before breeding, were now of a Fourth-dimensional vibrational frequency.”

  Lella joins us at the table and nods in agreement.

  “So, what about the Anunnaki?” I ask.

  “Fifty thousand years ago, the Anunnaki were just exploring the planet. As the Sirians bred, and lived in harmony with the people, the Anunnaki just spent time here on the planet,” Maria says.

  “Yes, but things changed,” Lella says.


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