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Page 22

by Brie Paisley

  Mom smiles and takes Gabbie’s bag from Viktor. He kisses mom on the cheek and tells her goodbye. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. I roll my eyes knowing what she’s thinking. She hugs me and tells dad she’s ready to go. I hug him, and I bend down to Gabbie.

  “Will you be good for Gammie and Peep Paw for me?”

  “Okay, mommy. Hers taking me to da woo.”

  I look up at dad and he smiles as he shrugs his shoulders. “Okay, baby, but you be good okay, and mommy will see you in a few days.”

  “Okay, mommy.” She hugs me tightly around my neck and my heart aches having to let her leave.

  “I love you, baby.”

  “Me woves you, mommy.” She lets go of me and runs to Viktor. He scoops her up and tosses her up in the air.

  I smile when she squeals and giggles loudly. Viktor hugs her and he walks over to us. He kisses her on the cheek and says something in Russian to her. “Wove you too, Icky.” I stare at him in confusion.

  “Did she just understand you?”

  He lets her down and Gabbie grabs dad’s hand. Viktor shrugs his shoulders and says, “She’s a smart girl. And I always talk to her in Russian. Makes sense for her to pick up on the meaning of a few words.”

  “Come on Peep Paw! Hers go to da woo!”

  We all laugh at Gabbie impatience. My parents leave with Gabbie and the second they are gone, I want them to come back. The house seems empty now. Viktor rubs my shoulders and I sigh hating that I have to be without Gabbie for four days. I walk out of his grasp and go into the kitchen. I place his empty mug in the sink, trying to busy myself. “My offer still stands you know.”

  “What are you talking about, Vik?” I turn and lean by the counter. He walks closer to me and places his hands around my waist.

  “My offer to take care of you and Gabbie. You don’t have to dance anymore.”

  “We’ve talked about this already. I want to work and dance. I like it.”

  “I know,” he pulls me away from the counter as he says, “I hate seeing you upset every time Gabbie leaves.” He doesn’t look directly at me when he says this. I have a feeling he wants to say more about me still wanting to dance, but like a coward I am, I avoid the statement I want to say.

  “I’m fine. I hate it, but at the same time, I know I’m doing what needs to be done. Speaking of work, what about our contract? Considering we’ve broke just about every rule, and now we’re officially dating, what do you think we should do with it?”

  Viktor shrugs and says, “The contract is technically void now. I don’t see the need to have it anymore.”

  “But, the part about me making payments on the house and car is still in place? I want to pay you back for that and I don’t want you to ever feel I’m taking advantage of you. There’s so much you’ve done for us already, and I can never repay you for it all.” I want him to know I’m grateful for everything he’s done for Gabbie and me. I never want him to question that or feel like I’m taking him for granted. Especially after knowing what he’s been through.

  Viktor touches my cheek lightly, staring into my eyes as he says, “Of course. Whatever you want, moya lyubov'. I know you’d never take advantage of me and that’s another reason why I’m addicted to you.” I take in a breath seeing the truth behind his words. I love knowing he knows I’m not like anyone else.

  He leans in close to my lips but before I let him kiss me I say, “I’m so mad at you for not warning me about my parents being here.”

  He laughs and backs away from me holding up his hands. “I did tell you. Not my fault you have a big mouth.”

  I smack him on the arm. “Telling me something while half asleep does not count.”

  “It does too.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  He rolls his eyes at me and I turn to walk away from him. He snatches me by the waist and picks me up to set me on the kitchen island. “Why are you always walking away from me?” He asks and I can’t help but giggle at the look on his face.

  “Because you’re so frustrating.”

  “Let me make it up to you then,” he says while wiggling his eyebrows.

  I pull him closer when I wrap my arms and legs around him. “No, I’m too sore for your dirty man ways.” I laugh at the look on his face.

  “Really? Well, let me kiss it and make it better.” His husky voice send shivers down my spine.

  “Well in that case,” I whisper to him. He doesn’t waste a second picking me up and taking me upstairs.

  It dawns on me that we have five hours before we have to be at the club. I wonder how much pleasure he can give me in that amount of time. Guess I’m about to find out.

  I grab tightly onto the pole in the middle of the stage as I swing my legs around. I do it once more, and I jump locking my legs on the pole as climb up it. Grace Potter’s Look What We’ve Become plays loudly and I can feel the bass in my chest. I’ve been avoiding Viktor’s intense gaze tonight as I dance. Something’s off about him. I hear the catcalls of the drunken men when I move upside down, holding onto the pole with my hands tightly, and I open my legs. I gracefully let my legs drop down to the stage and I swing my hips when I land. Still holding the pole, I move around it, seductively moving my body with the music. I slide my other hand up my hips, to my breasts and through my hair. I grab the pole, jump and swing around while kicking my legs slowly. My song is almost over and I stupidly look at Viktor.

  His hands grip tightly on his chair, almost as if he’s stopping himself from getting up. His eyes are stone cold, and his jaw is clenching. Normally he watches me intently, with amazement. But tonight, he looks as if he wants to take me off stage and hide me away from the staring eyes of the other men.

  I turn away from him, almost losing my hold. I slowly bring myself down the pole again, and land onto my knees. I’ve never been grateful when my turn on stage was over until now. I quickly get up, collect the money laying on the stage, and I have to stop myself from running off stage. I walk behind the curtain and I snatch the robe from Margo. She says nothing to me, and I ignore the stare from Trixie. I pass by Tony, and I hold my hand up to him letting him know not to follow me. I step into the busy dressing room and sit down at my vanity. I toss the money on top of it, not even caring how much I made. I run my hands through my hair wondering what the fuck has happened. I really want to tell the other girls to shut up, so I can think, but I don’t. No one speaks to me, and I know they feel the anger coming off of me.

  Everything was perfect with Viktor before we came to the club. He was fine, until I started dancing. I’ve been on four times now, and he’s given me the same cold stare each time when I dared to look at him. Does this have anything to do with us being together now? I have no clue what’s going on with him.

  Margo comes into the dressing room, and I hear her telling the girls to settle down. She walks over to me and I look at her in the mirror. “Viktor wants to see you in his office.”


  “I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, but you better straighten it out. You’re performance tonight isn’t what it was last week.”

  “I know.”

  I look away from her gaze, ignoring her comment about Viktor and I, and she walks away from me. Damn. If Margo finds out Viktor and I have something going on, she’ll give me hell for it. I don’t want the other girls to know. I really don’t want them treating me differently or thinking that I’m getting special treatment. I stand and change my outfit. I have one more turn on stage before the night is over, and I can only hope my last performance is better than the other ones. At least the men in the club are clueless. They see a woman dancing topless, and that’s all they care to see.

  Once I’m dressed, I make my way to Viktor’s office. When Tony sees me, he’s right on my heels. “Only going to see Viktor.” I tell him over my shoulder. He doesn’t say anything but still follows me.

  I stop in front of Viktor’s office door and I take a deep breath and nervously pull
down my short skirt before I knock. I have knots in my stomach and I have a feeling he isn’t going to be in a great mood. I hear him bark out come in and I look at Tony. He nods his head, but he looks sympathetic. I give a small smile and I open the door. Viktor’s head snaps up when I close the door, and he gets out of his chair, pushing it back with more force than needed. He stalks towards me, and before I know what he’s doing, he pushes me against the door and firmly takes my mouth. He kisses me hard, and he bites my lip. My arms grab onto his neck pulling him closer to me as I kiss him back just as hard. I feel his hands on my ass, and he pushes up my skimpy skirt while he picks me up. My legs instinctively go around his waist and I moan into his mouth when he pushes his growing cock into my clit.

  He pulls away from my lips and he has a tight grip on each of my thighs and says, “Tell me you’re mine. Tell me you dance for me and not for other men.” He nips at my lips again then says, “Tell me you dance for me.” He steals my breath away as he kisses me fast and hard. “I don’t want anyone else seeing you, thinking about touching you.” His head leans against mine, and I have to swallow a few times before I can answer him. Knowing he’s jealous, sends a thrill through me.


  “Tell me, Ava. Tell me you are mine.”

  I gaze into his eyes and I can see the uncertainty in them. Does he really think I do this for other men? “I’m yours, Viktor,” I tell him as my hands wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

  He wastes no time kissing me again and I feel him pull my panties aside to touch my pussy. His touch is rough and he puts two fingers deep inside of me. I call out his name as I roll my hips on his fingers as he thrusts them inside of me. Viktor’s other hand moves up my body, roughly touching my breasts. He groans against my lips as I squeeze him hard around his waist with my thighs. I feel as though I can’t get close enough to him. Viktor’s hand leaves my breast and move to my hair. He grabs a handful, pulling me back exposing my neck to him. I close my eyes as I feel him bite my neck, but I cry out in pain when he bites me extremely hard. I don’t say anything. I know he just left his mark on me and frankly, I love it.

  I clench my pussy on his skillful fingers and he says huskily into my ear, “Eto moya kiska. Tol'ko moy. YA yedinstvennyy, kto delayet vash kiska prikhodyat.”

  “Vik, I have no clue what you said.”

  He chuckles against my neck and tells me, “I said, this pussy is mine. Only mine. I am the only one who makes your pussy come.” His fingers stop moving inside of me and I open my eyes as he lets go of my hair. “What do you want, Ava?”

  My blue eyes meet his dark green eyes, and it only takes a second for me to say what I want. “Make me come, Viktor.” I don’t think I’ve wanted him to make me come as bad as I do right now. The urge is almost becoming painful.



  He grins, knowing he has me right where he wants me. There’s no turning back now. I’m lost into the sweet pleasure this man gives me. The only man that’s ever given it to me. My head falls against the door when he starts finger fucking me again. He’s relentless with his fast and deep strokes. I can feel the familiar burning deep inside my stomach and when he starts to use his thumb to rub my aching clit, I feel a wave of uncontrollable ecstasy wash through me. Viktor’s mouth covers mine, muffling my moans. My orgasm seems to last forever, but he doesn’t stop until he brings every last drop of pleasure out of me. He slowly takes his magic fingers out of my pussy, and he closes his eyes and moans as he cleans his fingers of myself. Seeing how much he enjoys the taste of me, makes me want him again. How does this man do this to me? I can feel my face flush and my breathing is becoming out of control.

  Viktor gazes up at me and he grins again. He knows what he does to me. Leaning in, he kisses me deep and slow. My hands go straight into his black hair and his hands run up both my sides. He pulls away and laughs when I try to bring him back. I can’t help but want more and more of him. “Ava, if we don’t stop I’m going to fuck you right here, against the door.”

  I sigh and say, “And that would be a bad thing because?”

  “As tempting as you look, we can’t. You’re up on stage soon.” He kisses the tip of my nose and says, “Later. I promise.” I don’t miss the sadness in his eyes as he mentions me dancing again. I ignore his comment, thinking he’s just being a jealous boyfriend.

  He helps me down and I stand awkwardly, pulling my shirt back down. Hearing him promise me sex later gives me an idea once the club closes. I smile and kiss him one last time before I walk out and leave. I don’t utter one word as I shut the door. I can’t help but smile knowing what I have in store for him later. And maybe my little plan will help ease his mind about me dancing. In a way I like he’s jealous, but at the same time, I want to stay independent. I know Viktor means well, but he really can come off too strong about some things.

  I jump and clutch my hand to my chest when I see something moving beside me. “Fuck Tony! You scared the shit out of me!” Damn. I forgotten all about Tony waiting outside Viktor’s office. Shit, shit, shit.

  “Sorry, Scarlet. You were in there for a while, and I was starting to worry.”

  Tony can’t even look me in the eyes. Great. I run my hand through my hair wondering what to say next. I know he heard us. There’s no way in hell he didn’t hear. I’m so embarrassed knowing Tony knows. It seems to be the theme of today. First my parents and now Tony. He finally looks me in the eyes and I can see he’s blushing right along with me.

  He clears his throat and before I can say anything he says, “Don’t worry about it. I think you know me well enough to know I won’t say anything to anyone unless you say so.”

  “Thank you, Tony.” I don’t know what else to say to him. I’m grateful he won’t say a word, that’s just Tony. The man hardly ever says anything. For as long as he’s been my body guard he’s never really said much. I nod my head and I turn to walk back to the dressing room. I hear him behind me, and I know things might be a little awkward for a while, but at least I know I can trust Tony. He leans against the wall beside the dressing room door and I give him a small smile before walking inside. I don’t get more than two feet inside the room before Trixie all but knocks me down trying to get to me.

  “Where have you been? Margo has been on a war path since you left the stage.”

  “Calm down, Trixie. I had to go talk to Viktor. What’s going on?” Shit. Margo knew where I was. I can only hope she doesn’t know about Viktor and me. I’m just not ready for everyone to know just yet. Trixie gives me a funny look before turning her head trying to hide her smile. What the hell?

  “Viktor’s office huh?” Trixie gives me another weird look as she says, “Well, whatever he wanted to see you for must have been good. You were in there for a long time.”

  “What? No I wasn’t.” I nervously spat out. “What’s going on with Margo?” I quickly add trying to distract her.

  She leans in so I can only hear her as she says, “Come on Scar, you can trust me. I see the way Viktor looks at you. We all do.” She waves her hands around saying, “Margo’s pissed because Candy or Glitter, whatever the new chicks name is, didn’t show up tonight. She’s worried about the VIP party Saturday.”

  I choose to ignore her comment about Viktor. “She wasn’t here last night?”

  “Apparently not. I was off, but Margo’s going nuts because she didn’t call or anything. I think she was on her way to Viktor’s office right before you came back.”

  “I didn’t see her when I left. Maybe Candy will call soon, if not I have a feeling I’ll be doing that damn party.” I switch back and forth on each foot trying to play off how nervous I really am. I don’t know if Margo went to see Viktor while I was with him or not. I hope she didn’t, or she would’ve gotten an ear full.

  “Don’t worry, Scar, I’m doing that VIP party too. Should be fun!” Trixie pats me on the shoulder giving me a wink and walks over to her vanity, leaving me standing by myself.

  I sigh deeply trying not to stress out. I head over to my vanity and as I sit down I see Viktor out of the corner of my eye. I turn and he’s leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest, looking sexy as hell, and he’s staring right at me. I feel my cheeks flush thinking about him making me come only minutes ago. I turn my head away quickly when I see Trixie wink at me. Shit, she knows somethings up now. Trixie walks over to me and nudges me telling me to go see what Viktor wants. Thankfully she does this quietly so no one else can hear her.

  I get up and I walk over to Viktor. I can feel everyone in the dressing room staring at us as I reach him, and I want to run and hide at all the attention. It’s crazy to feel so shy around my co-workers and not while I’m on stage taking my clothes off for strangers. But, I can’t help my embarrassment. I don’t want the girls to think or to treat me any differently. The room suddenly goes quiet when Viktor leans down to whisper into my ear.

  “Margo knows about us. I just got my ass chewed.” I back away and I know he sees the shock on my face. “It’s fine, moya lyubov'. I made the rules, and I can break them.”

  “Viktor, I can’t do this here, not now.” I tell him while I continue to back farther and farther away from him. I can see the hurt in his eyes, but I’m not ready for this. Inside I’m freaking the fuck out. I knew being with Viktor was a bad idea, especially with us working together, but now everyone will know. I don’t get very far away from him, when he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. I have no choice but to place my hands on his chest or I’ll fall. I can’t look at him. My heart’s racing and I have a huge lump in my throat. I don’t want to be this close to him. His sexy smelling cologne is fogging up my brain, making all rational thoughts disappear.

  I feel his fingertips on my chin, and he raises my head up to look at him. He sighs and I swallow slowly knowing what he’s about to do. In front of everyone. To show everyone in his club he doesn’t give a shit about the rules, or how I feel about being out in the open for everyone to see us.


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