The Arden Shakespeare Complete Works
Page 589
unbreath’d unpractised
uncape uncover (? a fox)
uncase take off one’s outer garments
uncharge exonerate, remove from suspicion
uncharged unassailed, still standing
unchary unsparingly, lavishly
uncheck’d not denied or refuted
unclasp open up, reveal
unclew undo, be the end of (cf. clew)
uncoined in its natural state, like gold bullion
uncomprehensive unimaginable; unfathomable
unconfirmed inexperienced; (?) not having had the sacrament of Confirmation
uncouth unfamiliar, unknown
uncovered without a hat; barefaced
uncross’d with debts not crossed off
unction ointment
uncurrent out of the ordinary
undeeded not having performed any deeds
under beneath the sun, worldly; of the underworld; go under = bear; seem, be called
underbear suffer under
underborne edged
undercrest have (a title) above one as one would a crest
undergo go under, bear, be subject to
underhand discreet
underskinker junior tapster (one who serves drink in an inn)
undertake take on; take in one’s charge; take responsibility
undertaker one who takes on (a challenge)
undervalued of less value
underwrite accept
underwrought undermined
undeserving (?) sb. that which is undeserving; (?) adj. undeserved
undistinguished see indistinguished
undoubted free from doubt or fear
uneared unsown, as with ears of corn
uneath not easily, hardly
unexperient person without experience
unexpressive unable to be expressed
unfair make no longer fair
unfashionable lacking finished form
unfenced unbounded; unprotected
unfold open up, expose, reveal
unfolding star star at whose rising shepherds let their sheep out of the folds
unfurnished unprovided for, solitary, naked; unprepared
ungalled unwounded, safe
ungenitured sterile; (?) without genitals
ungor’d unwounded
unguem nail (Lat.), as used in the phrase ‘ad unguem’ (‘to the nail, exactly’)
unhair’d without (facial) hair
unhandsome unskilful; (?) unsoldierly
unhappily, unhapp’ly unfortunately; adversely; with malice
unhappy unlucky, cursed
unhatched not yet hatched, embryonic
unhoused not occupying or used to occupying a house
unhousel’d not having received the eucharist in the last rites
unimproved unchecked, unrestrained
union pearl of fine quality; marriage
unjust false
unkennel unearth, uncover
unkind acting against one’s family or the natural order
unlimited observing no dramatic unities
unluckily ominously
unmann’d (of a hawk) untrained
unmeet unsuitable
unnerved enfeebled in sinew, strengthless
unow’d unowned
unpaved castrated
unpink’d with the decorative holes (pinks) either unfinished or worn out
unpitied merciless
unplausive disapproving
unpolicied lacking or outmanoeuvred in political skill
unpregnant slack, unresponsive
unprevailing pointless
unprizable of little value; of great value
unprized unvalued; priceless
unproper shared; indecent
unproportion’d unruly, unrestrained
unprovide disarm
unqualitied robbed of one’s nature, unmanned
unquestionable irritable when spoken to
unquietness disquiet, perturbation
unraked (of a fire) not kept smouldering overnight
unrecalling irrevocable
unreclaimed untamed
unrecuring past curing, fatal
unrespective confused, without distinction or order; heedless
unrolled dismissed from a fraternity
unroosted knocked off the roost, henpecked
unrough without facial hair, adolescent; of good family
unscann’d unconsidered, rash
unseasoned raw, unready; untimely
unsecret open, forthcoming
unseminared seedless, castrated
unset unsown
unshape unsettle
unshaped fragmentary, incoherent
unsifted untried, inexperienced
unsisting (?) unresting; (?) insisting; (?) unassisting
unsorted inappropriate
unspeaking speechless, dumbfounded
unsphere knock from a sphere or spheres (see sphere)
unsquar’d unsuitable
unstanched see unstaunched
unstate rid of wealth and status
unstaunched leaking; unquenched
unsur’d unsure, uncertain
untainted untouched; uninjured; uncharged
untempering unable to melt or soften
untented too deep to be tented (see tent)
untoward perverse, unruly
untraded little used, unfamiliar
untrimmed sexually intact; stripped; set off balance
untrussing undoing laces
unvalu’d of no value; of inestimable value
unwappered unexhausted
unwarily unsuspectingly
unweighed unconsidered; light
unwitted made mad
unwrung not chafed by the saddle
unyok’d unbridled
up up in arms; imprisoned; game is up = game is afoot; kill up = kill off; up and down = absolutely, entirely
upcast (in bowls) throw
uproar turn to uproar or chaos
upshoot (in archery) the best shot until subsequently beaten
upspring wild dance
up-till up against
urchin hedgehog; goblin or elf, esp. in the shape of a hedgehog
urinal glass phial used to examine urine; (?) testicle
usance usury
use sb. custom, habit, way; interest; profit; v. be accustomed (to); keep company with; in use = in trust
utis holiday merriment; noise, din
utter advertise, sell
utterance furthest point
uttermost, to the (of a fight) to the death
vacancy spare time; air; the vacuum created by a removal of air
vade go away, fade
vagary wandering or erring state
vagrom Dogberry’s word for ‘vagrant’
vail sb. setting; v. lower, abase (oneself)
vails leftovers given to servants, tips
vain sb. vanity; adj. foolish; flattering
valanced decoratively draped
validity value, worth; strength, efficacy
valu’d, valued discriminating, listing individual qualities
value evaluate, consider; compare; merit, be worth
vambrace defensive armour for the arms
Vanity a female role in the morality plays
vantage advantage; opportunity; of vantage = also, in addition
vara very (dial.)
varlet servant, page; often a term of abuse with occasional sexual overtones
varletry common people (cf. varlet)
vastidity vastness
vaulty vaulted, arched
vaunt sb. first part; v. rejoice
vaunt-couriers forerunners
vaward vanguard, front of an army
vein spirit, style; rub the vein of = encourage, flatter
velure velvet
velvet-guards those wearing fine clothes (cf. guards)
Venetia, Venetia, Chi non ti vede, non
ti pretia ‘Venice, Venice, he who does not see you does not prize you’ (Ital., proverbial)
veney see venue
vengeance adj. terrific; adv. terrifically
vent venting, discharge; (in hunting) scent, such as makes the hounds bark
ventages holes
ventricle chamber in the brain
venue (in fencing) round, assault
Venus goddess of love and lover of Mars (see Mars)
Ver spring
verbatim in speech
verge rim; area surrounding the court
Veronessa ship from Verona
vestal sb. virgin or nun, as the Roman virgins who tended the fire in the temple of Vesta; adj. relating to Vesta or virginity
via an expression of encouragement or impatience (Ital.)
viands food
Vice a comic villain in sixteenth- century moral interludes
vice sb. grasp; screw; v. force
vicegerent deputy (a royal title)
vicious wicked; blameworthy; mistaken
videlicet ‘that is to say’ (Lat.)
Videsne quis venit? Video, et gaudeo ‘Do you see who comes? I see and rejoice’ (Lat.)
vie vie with, rival; multiply; (at cards) put down a stake
vigil evening before a feast-day
Vilia miretur vulgus: mihi flavus Apollo / Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua ‘Let the common folk marvel at the everyday: golden Apollo shall serve me cups filled from the Castalian spring’ (Lat., Ovid)
villain, villein person of low birth, servant
villiago villain, rascal
vinewed’st mouldiest
viol stringed instrument, an early violin
viol-de-gamboys see bass-viol
violenteth rages
vir sapit qui pauca loquitur ‘he is wise who says little’ (Lat., proverbial)
virginalling pressing with the fingers, as one would the keys of a virginal (an early keyboard)
virtue masculine virtue, courage; power; essence
virtuous fertile, breeding; powerful, effective; inherent, lying within
visitation infection
visited punished by God; infected
visitor one who visits the sick and distressed
visor, vizor mask
viva voce orally; speaking out loud (Lat.)
vizaments Evans’s word for ‘advisements’; take your vizaments in that = consider that
vizard see visor
vocativo ‘in the vocative case’ (Lat.)
vocatur ‘(it) is called’ (Lat.)
voice sb. determining say, vote; v. vote, choose; in voices = reportedly
voiding lobby corridor for entrance or exit
Volquessen Rouen and district
voluble moving smoothly and swiftly, fluent
voluntary volunteer
votaress female votary (cf. votarist)
votarist, votary one under a vow, esp. in a religious order
vouch sb. allegation, evidence; v. testify
voyage enterprise
Vulcan god of fire and cuckolded husband of Venus, represented as a smith
vulgar sb. vernacular, native tongue; adj. of or among the ordinary people, common
waft wave; turn; carry by boat
waftage passage by boat
wafture waving gesture
wag go, go away, move
wage pay (a wage to); risk; stake; struggle, vie
wainropes waggon-ropes
waist middle of a ship’s upper deck; garment for the waist
wake sb. parish festival; v. not sleep, stay up
wall-eyed glowering
wanion, with a a phrase used to emphasize a statement
wann’d became wan, paled
want lack; feel the lack of
wanton sb. exuberant joker; delicate youth; adj. vibrant, skittish; delicate; v. play
wappen’d sexually exhausted
ward sb. defence, defensive position; room in a prison; lock mechanism; v. defend
warden type of pear or apple
warder umpire’s baton
ware adj. aware; wary; v. take heed of, beware
warp turn; change
war-proof, of experienced in war
warrant sb. licence; assurance; v. approve, license; assure, guarantee
warrantise, warrantize guarantee, pledge
warranty sanction, licence
warren enclosure for rabbits and other game
warrener one who protects rabbits from poachers
washing see swashing
wassail drinking session; wassail candle = thick candle
waste sb. damage done to a property by a tenant; v. consume, destroy
Wat traditional name for a hare
watch sb. fixed period of time; candle; watchword; v. catch by lying in wait for; train (a hawk) through sleep deprivation
watchful sleepless, of sleeplessness
water transparency in diamonds, used to grade their quality
water-galls minor types of rainbow
watering drinking
water-rugs rough-haired water dogs
waters, for all versatile, multi- talented
water-standing full of tears
waterwork painted imitation tapestry
wave waver
waxen adj. soft as wax; v. wax, increase
ways, come your come on your way, come
weal prosperity, well-being; state, society
wealsmen politicians
wealth prosperity, well-being (cf. weal)
wear sb. thing worn, fashion; v. wear out; be in fashion; adapt
weather, keep the be upwind, in a superior position
weather-fends defends from the weather
web and pin see pin (pin and web)
weed piece of clothing
week, in by the trapped, imprisoned
ween think
weet know, recognize
Weïrd Sisters goddesses of wyrd (OE= ‘fate’)
welkin sb. sky; adj. blue as the sky
well to live well off, well to do
well-a-day sb. saying ‘alas’, lament; int. alas
well-a-near alas (cf. well-a-day)
well-breath’d (?) well-trained; (?) breathing well
well-favoured good-looking, attractive
well-liking heavy
well-respected properly considered, not rash
Welsh hook a type of bill-hook or pike (without the ‘cross’ of a sword)
weraday see well-a-day
westward ho! Thames watermen’s call for passengers heading west
wezand windpipe, throat
wharf river bank
wheel sb. sung refrain; v. move in an arc; on wheels = giddily; easily; turn i’th’ wheel = (of dogs) tread a wheel to turn a spit
Wheeson Whitsun (dial.)
whelk boil
whelked resembling the shellfish, twisting round
when a cry of impatience
whether which (of two)
whey-face one blanching with fear
whiffler one who clears the path of an approaching procession
while until
whileere a short time ago
whiles while (see while)
whilst while (see while)
whipping-cheer a bellyful of whipping
whipster whipper-snapper, boy
whip-stock, whipstock whip handle
whirligig spinning-top
whist silent, still
white sb.(in archery) bullseye; adj. afraid, cowardly
white-limed daubed with lime
whiting-time time for bleaching clothes
whitsters professional bleachers
whittle carving-knife
whoo-bub hubbub
whoreson bastard, used technically, offensively or affectionately
wide failing to hit, off course, wrong
widow provide (the widow) with the estate of the deceased
wight creature, person
p; Wild, the the Weald, an area of southern England
wild sb. desert, wasteland; adj. headstrong, unthinking; wild mare = boys’ game of jumping on each other’s backs
wilderness wildness, wild stock
wild-goose chase a type of horse race
wildly chaotically, haphazardly
wildness madness, distraction
wilful-blame blamable for too much self-will
will sexual organ
wimpled muffled, blindfolded
wince kick out
winch wince
Winchester goose see goose
Wincot a hamlet near Stratford- upon-Avon
wind sb. breath; (in hunting) direction of the wind and thus of scent; v. get wind of; wheedle; wind up = fill; tune (a stringed instrument) by tightening its pegs
windgalls tumours on the legs of horses
windlasses deviations
window-bars square patterns on a woman’s bodice
windring both winding and wandering
wink sb. shutting the eyes; v. shut the eyes
winking with closed eyes
winnow sift, refine
winter’d, wintered during winter
winter-ground (?) sb. ground in winter; (?) v. insulate, keep warm
wipe branded stigma
wise sb. way, fashion; adj. in one’s right mind; wise woman = expert in herbal medicine, witchcraft, etc.
wishtly wishfully and/or wistly (see wistly)
wisp of straw traditional target of a shrewish woman’s hectoring
wistly earnestly, eagerly
wit sb. mind, intelligence, cleverness; v. know; five wits = five mental faculties; wit, wither wilt? = catchphrase used to shut someone up
wit-crackers teasers, jibers
withal, prep. with; adv. therewith, with (something specified); do withal = do anything about it
withers ridge between a horse’s shoulders
withhold hold back, keep
without outside, beyond
without-door exterior
witting knowing
wittol husband who accepts his being cuckolded
witty mentally sound, intelligent, clever
wold open country
woman-tir’d prey to a woman (see tire)
wondered to be wondered at; capable of producing wonders
wond’ring wondering at
wood wild, frantic
woodbine honeysuckle or similar plant
woodcock a stupid, easily trapped bird
woodman hunter; hunter of women
woollen adj. dressed in coarse wool; in the woollen = in scratchy blankets
woolward wearing a woollen shirt without a vest to stop it scratching
woosel see ousel
woo’t wilt (will you)
working sb. mental working, perception; deed; adj. moving
world sb. body (cf. microcosm); go to the world = reject the cloister, get married
worm snake
worn worn out
worship dignity
worshipped dignified