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Logan Marsh: A Thrilling Fantasy Novel (Action Adventure,Mystery, Y/A Book 1)

Page 11

by Jonathan Casif

  "With my colours?" smiled Serdamus.

  "Don't leave this room, no matter what," ordered De-Stik, "it is still dangerous outside. I'll return when everything is alright," and he left the kitchen.

  He scanned the room, peeked into the corridor and the other corridor that leads to the dining room. Afterwards, he turned towards the mysterious steel door and pulled out a small toolbox from his pack.

  "While we await the spies," said the arch-shaman, "allow me to worship your greatness, you evil one."

  The arch-shaman looked towards Krissum, who turned to the rabbits' cage, opened its small opening and returned with three rabbits, their ears grabbed in his fist. Two of them were passed into the hands of the arch-shaman, who also rose in his place.

  "His holiness, prince of moonless nights and the harbinger of a fallen sun," started the arch-shaman, crossing the room to the shrine. Both of them knelt in front of the cauldron, "the nephew of the high death bringer, Hubris, and the fist of the death king, Klaxes, king of darkness and destruction. Accept out small sacrifice for your coming. May the entire universe shall be covered in the everdeep." The two men smashed the rabbits in their fists until their blood seeped from between their fingers into the cauldron.

  The companion looked at the proceeding with anger and disgust.

  At the same moment, Logan rose to her feet, her face cracked beneath the grey makeup and her teeth clenched. It seems that fire was burning inside her eyes. She threw the black wool blanket from her, exposing the blade of her sword, and a moment afterwards, she leapt from her place in an acrobatic jump. A sharp scream leapt from her throat. Her terrible speed did not allow the others to discern her movements; the two swords swings that were heard caused the arch-shaman and his acolyte to drop lifeless on the carpet.

  Blood drops stained Hubris and Klaxes pictures.

  Achtisanor, Krunch, Fitz, and Sai rose from their places, their mouth agape with wonder.

  The confused Logan stood, as confused as they were, her sword dripping blood. She looked on the blood-stained shrine, dropped her sword, and collapsed.

  When the soft lock click sounded, De-Stik looked around and opened the small steel door to peek inside. A loud creaking announced its opening. The small room was dark and did not reveal a thing. De-Stik took a torch from its place beside the door and entered the room. "The treasure room was not that hard to find," he thought to himself. "I'm quite sorry, evil ones, but all your treasure is mine."

  Two chests stood by the far wall, side by side. Some empty sacks were dropped beside them. One chest, quite large and made of wood, was locked with a small lock; the other was a small metal chest decorated with copper carvings. It was not locked and a small pin protruded from its upper side.

  De-Stik used a small metal pin to pick its lock. Then De-Stik slowly inserted his dagger between the lid and the chest. He moved the dagger slowly across the gap, searching for traps.

  The chest contained over a thousand gold coins in pouches. At the corner of the chest was a small twig-like rod.

  De-Stik took the gold coins pouches and inserted them to one of the larger sacks. When he lifted the last of the small pouches, he found a scroll parchment underneath them, tied with a black ribbon. At the same moment, De-Stik found an oddity: the bottom of the chest was not low enough, but hid beneath it a secret compartment. De-Stik inserted his dagger to the corner of the chest and lifted the false bottom until he uncovered a beautiful sword hilt covered with gold and decorated with three opals; one at the end of the handle, and two at the sides of the hilt. De-Stik inserted the sword hilt in the sack and turned to the small metal chest with the copper carvings. His attempts to break the lock were in vain. Even when he inserted his dagger blade into the gap between the lid and the chest, it would not budge. Suddenly, he heard footsteps from beyond the door. De-Stik left his place and looked towards the corridor. Three figures walked from the cave entrance. These were Tessus and Krump, holding the soldja they have left in the forest.

  De-Stik hid quickly behind the door, his heart beating wildly. The three turned to the right, heading to the dining room.

  Chapter 16 - Pincer and Sting

  "Did you see that?" asked Krunch, looking at Logan with amazement. Fitz and Sai looked at the blood-drenched shrine.

  "I have never seen anything like that," said Fitz.

  "Logan!" Achtisanor turned to Logan, still kneeling and crying, "come on, we don't have a lot of time."

  Logan took her hands from her face and looked with tear-stricken eyes at Achtisanor. "Get up," Achtisanor helped her to rise, "I think we deserve an explanation once we get outside."

  Logan rose to her feet and lifted her sword from the carpet.

  "And you," Achtisanor turned to the rest of the companions, "you must never tell that Logan speaks the dark tongue."

  Fitz, Sai, and Krunch all nodded.

  Steps were heard from the corridor. The shaman Tessus and the soldja Krump appeared, holding in their arms the soldja left in the forest. Tessus was shocked when he saw the bloody room.

  "A tree… there is a tree on that armour… it… it is them. They beat us to hell in the forest. They killed everyone. They cheated up and pulled a sting," yelled the wounded soldja.

  Fitz and Sai immediately hid beneath the big table. Krunch climbed on one of the chairs and peeked from beneath the table. Achtisanor and Logan stood in front of the three and drew their swords.

  The shaman and Krump threw the wounded soldja on the floor. Krump drew a sword in one hand and a loaded crossbow in the other. The shaman Tessus drew a rod from inside his robes.

  Achtisanor did not hesitate and yelled when he attacked the shaman. Tessus did not move. He murmured arcane words and waved his hands toward him. Achtisanor's blade encountered an invisible shield and was deflected aside.

  A bolt was shot from the crossbow towards Logan, who leaped aside and landed on the table. Achtisanor tried to hit the shaman again, but he hesitated this time. The shaman continued to cast his spells. A wicked smile arose on his lips. Achtisanor stood in his place, his thoughts lost in a haze.

  The soldja threw the crossbow and swung his sword to cut Logan's legs. Logan kicked his face and his shoulder with her blade. Achtisanor walked to her.

  "Logan, watch out!" screamed Krunch, "the shaman magicked Claude to attack you."

  Fitz, hearing Krunch, leapt from his place and put himself in front of Achtisanor. Achtisanor stumbled and fell. Fitz got up and returned to the sanctuary beneath the table to the sound of applause from Sai.

  Krunch leapt on the table and concentrated. "Arrow sharp from the flame, teach the wicked the meaning of shame," he said in his reedy voice.

  A bright arrow appeared in the air, it tail leaping flames. The arrow was shot like a comet towards the shaman and penetrated Tessus leg. Tessus screamed aloud, leaned on the table and murmured a spell – but Sai ran and hit him on his wounded leg, and fell backwards, crying in pain.

  The wounded soldja lifted his head, crawled towards the crossbow and loaded a bolt from the case that was dropped near it.

  "I cannot trust you anymore," the smiling voice of De-Stik was heard while he hit the soldja's head with the heavy treasure sack. The soldja misfired and shot the bolt towards his friend Krump, gaining on Logan. "Didn't know that saving you becomes a chore," De-Stik finished the rhyme, and then leapt, kicked the crossbow away and swung his staff.

  Krump tried to pull the bolt from his back. Achtisanor got up to his feet and turned to De-Stik.

  "De-Stik, look out," called Logan.

  De-Stik turned his back to Achtisanor and looked around to find the approaching danger, looking back in confusion to Logan.

  "No!" yelled Logan, when she saw Achtisanor's sword swinging in the air towards De-Stik.

  "Forces of good do not sway, dispel the magick, begone, away!" screamed Krunch, standing on the table, waving his hands towards Achtisanor, who froze in his place.

  "Phew!" sighed De-Stik in relief, "I never thoug
ht any magic in the world would make myself fear from your sword."

  "Sorry," smiled Achtisanor, grabbed his shoulder, pushed him aside and shoved his sword forward, stabbing Krump in this stomach, after he tried to reach De-Stik. Krump fell on the floor near De-Stik.

  "Apology accepted for a while," said De-Stik, "you can always ease my anger and cause a smile."

  "Achtisanor! De-Stik!" Logan pointed to the shaman.

  Tessus writhed in his place and murmured his spell. His body transfigured horribly. Before they could react, the shaman turned into a beetle-like creature. A huge pincer, hard and terrible, sprouted from his body, a huge stinger sprung from the other side, waving from side to side. The creature rammed into the table, breaking two of its legs and almost caused Krunch to fall from it.

  Krunch and the two squibs ran away. Achtisanor and De-Stik ran to the monstrous creature.

  "Beware of the sting," called Krunch.

  De-Stik hit the head of the bug three times with his wooden staff. The creature lifted his head and hit De-Stik with his pincer. De-Stik was thrown into the wall and the staff fell from his hand.

  Logan waited until that moment when an exposed flesh was revealed to stab it with her sword. The pincer locked the sword and broke it into two. Another hit by the pincer threw Logan to her back.

  "Fitz, Sai," called Achtisanor, trying to hit the creature, "try to lure him to the other side."

  The huge bug crawled forward and Achtisanor was forced to retreat, his sinuous tail rose and shot a dart towards De-Stik.

  "No," cried Logan.

  De-Stik held his hand to his neck and fell unconscious.

  Sai and Fitz ran behind the monstrous thing and threw pillows, crockery, and broken chairs at it. The creature turned to them.

  Achtisanor leaped on the bug's back and tried to stab his sword into his thick carapace. The creature moved from side to side and tried to throw him off his back. Achtisanor leaned all his weight on the sword, which began to enter slowly into its body, but the creature waved his tail and hit Achtisanor, who lost his grip and was also thrown to the wall.

  Fitz and Sai ran away. Krunch ran toward De-Stik to check his condition and pulled many vials from his pack.

  An arrow was shot from Logan's bow and stuck into the bug's neck. The beetle turned toward Logan and ran to her. Logan stumbled and the bow slipped from her hands. The bug continued to approach, his horrible pincer clicking above her.

  Logan rolled on the floor away from it. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the sword's hilt from inside the sack that De-Stik brought with him. Logan reached her hand inside the sack, but the black pincer caught her hair and pulled her up. With a great effort, Logan hung on to the sack, held the shining hilt and pulled it with a mighty yank. The creature pincer was cut off. Logan leaped and also cut its tail.

  A scream screeched in the room, when the bug lost its balance, moved from side to side and shook, until it lay on the floor without moving.

  Logan opened her mouth in disbelief at the bladeless sword that she held in her hand. "Gaist’s sword?" she wondered.

  "De-Stik," Achtisanor ran towards his friend after he rose to his feet.

  Krunch shook a vial contained a vile concoction within. "We need to pull the dart from his neck," he panted.

  "Right away," Sai searched his little pants and pulled out a small needle collector.

  Fitz held the lens to his left eye and began scanning De-Stik's neck.

  "Logan, quick! Bring me Tessus sting," called Krunch.

  Logan shook her head, pulled a dagger from her belt and stabbed it at the end of the spiky tail.

  "How is he?" she asked when she put the sting next to Krunch.

  "Feverish," Achtisanor put his hand on De-Stik's brow, his eyes rolling.

  Krunch took two azure mushrooms, which were picked from Idrinor River. He chopped them roughly and put them into his concoction. Afterwards, he tore a little piece from the creature's sting and threw it also into the mix. A small boiling sound was heard and bubbles rose from within. The mushroom and the sting disappeared.

  "The dart was pulled out successfully," Sai showed the little dart, which was pulled by the tweezers from De-Stik's neck.

  "Hurry, let him drink," Krunch gave the vial to Logan.

  Logan opened De-Stik's mouth and poured some of the liquid into his throat.

  Krunch looked at him worriedly, cold sweat pouring from his brow. De-Stik stopped writhing and Logan poured another portion into his mouth.

  Sounds were heard from the opening of the room. Achtisanor held his sword, leapt to the door and stood next to the opening.

  A nose peeked into the door. Achtisanor reached his hand and pulled the creature into the room, holding his hair. He put the sword beneath his chin, but his eyes continued to look towards the corridor.

  A frightened man stood in front of him, his body shook with fear.

  "You," said Achtisanor, realizing that the frightened creature in front of him was Dunlop.

  "We…we heard… voices…" murmured Dunlop after Achtisanor released him. "De-Sti… De-Fontain Fantastick asked for us to wait inside… he… it's been a long time, and… what happened to him? Is he okay?" asked Dunlop when he saw De-Stik laying on the floor, the companions surrounding him.

  Serdamus peeked into the room and looked at the mess. "Dear golly! This ye a wild one!" he said.

  "We will have to wait for a while," Krunch looked with worry at De-Stik.

  "Achtisanor, there are two soldjas left, Simiko and Gringo," said Logan.

  Achtisanor nodded.

  "No, don't worry about them both," said Dunlop, "I mean, they are… there. De-Fontain Fantastick hit one of them with a pan and he passed out."

  "And right in the cage with it," said Serdamus.

  "Yes… and the other one… he came later," said Dunlop, "so Sludge led him in, and then…"

  "Dunlop gave him a wallop with the pan as well," said Serdamus excitedly.

  "Yes, and it didn't work," Dunlop lowered his eyes.

  "So the three of us ran like a bat, locking the kitchen behind us," said Serdamus.

  "The three of you?" asked Logan.

  "Sludge?" asked Fitz.

  "Me pig," said Serdamus proudly, "he guards now the entrance."

  "It is time to look for the acorns," Achtisanor looked at Logan.

  "The arch-shaman said that there are in the treasure room, inside a small chest," said Logan, understanding that none of them understood her conversation with the priest.

  "I'll go look for the treasure room," Achtisanor went to the entrance.

  "Claude, why do you bother too much?" he heard a smiling voice. "Everything you need is right here in the sack near Krunch."

  "De-Stik," leaped Krunch and hugged him.

  "De-Stik," wept Logan and patted his bald head.

  "The little chest was not hollow, but I think I'll try to open it tomorrow," said the De-Stik as if nothing had happened.

  "I'm glad you're back, old friend," smiled Achtisanor, "you gave us quite a fright."

  Chapter 17 - Nightmares

  Mist covered the forest. The leaves rustled on the tree, swaying to the wind's passage. The moonlight was dim above the camp in the clearing, which was chosen for the camp, away from the rock cave. They did not light a fire for fear of getting caught. They were tired after the long day, and that night left too many questions unanswered.

  Krunch wrapped himself in his cloak and held his spell book. He used several matches to light the pages to memorize spells for tomorrow. De-Stik laid on his back next to him, putting his head on his pack. He wrote with an ink rod in his notebook. Logan disappeared in her black wool blanket. Fitz and Sai draped a hole in the ground with leaves and fell asleep in it, covered with Achtisanor's blanket. Next to them were Dunlop and Serdamus, Sludge the boar nestled between them, occasionally snorting. Achtisanor guarded the camp; in two hours time, De-Stik would relieve him. He sat on a flat boulder, closed his eyes for concentration
, and listened around. Many thoughts passed through his mind.

  Secrets and riddles of darkness arises,

  This mission begins with so many surprises.

  Secrets and riddles of darkness ascendants,

  The elf is talking like Serin's descendents!

  What else is hidden? What is still untold?

  Goodness of heart or evil magicks of old?

  The acrobatics her fighting is clearly unmatched,

  for someone so young. Is she more than she said?

  Oh, weary night, Oh purple moon,

  I cannot sleep so soon,

  Secrets and riddles when evil arise,

  I hope to solve them all when I close my eyes.

  De-Stik "Journeys"

  Sudden shock passed through Logan. Her body rose up and down like she was riding a horse. A huge mouse-like head appeared before her; his large ears flapped in the mighty wind. From both her sides, great wings, covered with a thick membrane, hit the air. Logan found herself sitting on the back of a giant bat, hanging between the sky and the sea. Her hair fluttered in the cold wind. She noticed the shadow of a black castle, smoke rising from one of its turrets, and a flame was occasionally shot from one of its windows. She could not hear the flapping of the wings. She also did not notice the wind roar that froze her ears.

  The bat slowly descended and approached the sea. The waves churned and foamed, and Logan's heart roared along with them.

  The castle was getting closer too. The bat circled her outermost turret several times. Descended – Logan's heart skipped a beat – and finally landed.

  Two creatures ran towards her. She did not look at them and started walking to the gate. When they cleared the opening, she descended a flight of stairs and entered the castle proper. She looked forward and her legs moved of their own accord. She descended into darkness. At the bottom of the stairs was a door. To the right of the door were three handles, her hand moved to the left one and push it. Then pulled the other two. The door opened to a long corridor. Dozens of skeletons and armed carrion eaters stood from both sides. When she entered the corridor, they stood at attention, and when she passed them, she heard them murmur: "Gostorick…" the word echoed. "Gostorick…" and they fell down to the ground in reverence from both sides.


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