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Logan Marsh: A Thrilling Fantasy Novel (Action Adventure,Mystery, Y/A Book 1)

Page 13

by Jonathan Casif

  "Yes, master," smiled the goblin and followed the bear-man.

  "Well, Achtisanor," whispered Hubris. His face ticked as he sat beside his desk. He pulled a parchment from one of the drawers and started to write on it with the blood ink. When he finished, he folded the page and sealed it with black wax of the candle near him. He stamped with his nail the letters HB in the boiling wax.

  "Zed!" he called again.

  "Yes, master?" the goblin appeared at the doorway.

  "Send your fastest pigeon, and make sure that this letter reaches my brother as soon as possible!" ordered Hubris.

  "Yes, master!" said the goblin and ran away with the letter in his hand.

  The trail led on and on into the forest, twisting and turning, but always beside two rows of trees. It went around hills, crossed occasional clearings. Holes and ravines were bridges by huge logs, and ferns assisted the climb on high rocks. Sometimes fruits fell from the trees to supply them with sustenance.

  When the afternoon came, the thick trees disappeared. The sunbeams caressed their back. The road was no longer clear, and the foliage was only shrubs and grass. Their path led the, to a yellowish ridge. When they reached the top, Asador Sea spread before them in shades of blue, azure, and turquoise. The foam crests painted the sea with white stripes, and a recently erected camp stretched on the beach.

  Burly guards and lovely maids from all the species greeted the companions with applause as they reached the camp.

  As they entered the camp, they passed a huge tent, which had a sign above it pronouncing it as "Nature Bank Tent". Blue-uniformed bistons stood near the bank's entrance, holding gleaming axes. Their expressions were stern and suspicious. After them was a small square. Peddlers erected their tents in this place and they sold weapons, armour and food. In the centre of the square was a pavilion. It looked, contrary to the other tents, that this was a permanent settlement, and was built before this camp. Strange shells hung on its walls as decoration; painted shirts and strange medallions covered the selling stands and many mirrors circled the main counter. There was a sign above the pavilion, calling the place "Don Silhouette Souvenir House", and underneath it in small letters "Souvenirs from the city of reflections – rarities, and novelties". Off-duty guards cheered them as they passed along. They enjoyed the seaside, and their friends toured the tents, making sure that the makeshift fence around the camp was not broken.

  Along the beach, they could see the other groups' tents. Snoring and dirty clothes on lines showed that they arrived a long time before them.

  The members of "mind over matter" bid farewell from Tigertief when they reached their designated tent.

  "There is no competition between us. Our goal is one," said Fitz. "We know that we are weaker than the other group, so we shall stand by you at the castle of mirrors."

  The late afternoon light lit the beach when the Tigertief members entered their tent. The gravel ridge between them and the sun cast a shadow on the camp, and Asador Sea was painted in orange, red and purple.

  After they had unpacked, De-Stik and Krunch went to tour the camp. They looked for the improvised bar, which was built for the competitors and sniffed a little to discover the adventures of the other competitors. Achtisanor and Logan went to "Nature Bank" tent to deposit the gold coins in the account of the tree of life preservation foundation.

  After darkfall, the four companions sat around a small bonfire that Krunch lit near their tent. They ate a hearty dinner, enjoying beer and brandy that they bought at the bar, while Krunch and De-Stik told them about their discoveries.

  "All the teams, except Magic's Might, have arrived safe and sound," said Krunch. "I wonder what happened to the wizards."

  "And try to guess who first arrived," said De-Stik, "the dragon's breath with our longnosed friend, so dear and loved!"

  After they had finished eating, Krunch and De-Stik searched the correct rhyming for the insect summoning rod, Achtisanor sat crossed legged with his eyes closed. Logan sat, her hands holding her knees, and stared into the flickering fire. After a short while, Achtisanor opened his eyes and looked at her.

  "How do you feel, Logan?" asked Achtisanor.

  "Confused," answered Logan.

  "About the dark tongue?" asked Achtisanor.

  "About everything," said Logan. "I don't know the dark tongue. I used it before, but only in my dreams."

  "How…" wondered Achtisanor.

  "I don't know, Claude," said Logan. "I don't remember… when he talked to me, I understood everything that he said, as if it was my own mother tongue. It took me a while to understand that it was not the common tongue. And when I understood… it shocked me."

  "And what happened in the dining room?" asked Achtisanor.

  "I can't explain that either," said Logan. "I just… wasn't myself at that moment. The anger on the rabbits that were slaughtered for naught, not to satisfy a hunger or prevent them to suffer… the evil that is a part of their life, it was just too much for me. I didn't know what I was doing until I saw them…" Logan lowered her head and tears appeared in the corner of her eyes.

  "Evil begets evil," Achtisanor repeated the old adage. "Did the tree of life explain it to you?"

  "He could not," said Logan, "he told me that I will have to find the truth on my own," she wiped her tears. "Imagine that someone do not know the truth about himself. He thinks he knows it, but one day he discovers that all of his life was… a lie. And here I am, living in a lie, and at the same time, it is my truth."

  The two fell silent. Only the rhyming of De-Stik and Krunch were heard around them, "Ants… pants… rants… chants…" and "fleas… pleas… glees… trees…"

  "By gods, I did not believe that you will be among the last to arrive," a hoarse sound interrupted the four companions.

  A tall figure accompanies by two guards appeared before them. It was Alystus, who approached their bonfire.

  "Alystus," Achtisanor rose to greet his friend.

  "Claude," smiled Alystus, "I did not expect such a dramatic entrance like yours."

  De-Stik and Krunch also rose to greet their old friend. The introduced Alystus to Logan and Alystus sat with them near the bonfire.

  "Alystus, what do you know about Kenneth Van-sniff?" asked Achtisanor.

  "Van-Sniff?" repeated Alystus, "you mean the guy with the dragons on his cheeks from Dragon's Breath?"

  "I would say that his prominent feature is his nose," said Achtisanor, "but yes, I meant him."

  "He is new to Broncolina," said Alystus. "As a matter of fact, the first time I saw him was on the morning of the festival. I heard he has connections in the government."

  "What do you mean?" asked Achtisanor in surprise.

  "We have received specific orders to stay away from him," said Alystus. "He is a Hushist, as we call it."

  "Hushist?" asked Krunch.

  "He is a part of a secret organization, strictly hush-hush," said Alystus. "Why are you asking? Besides that fight you had that day…"

  "Nothing special," said Achtisanor, "It's just… we suspected something and… never mind. I hope he is on our side. And if the royal family gave their consent…"

  "Don't worry, Achtisanor," smiled Alystus, "I am sure he poses no danger. I am even glad that he arrived. A larger number of team increases the chances of successfully completing the mission."

  "What happened to the Magic's Might?" asked Krunch.

  "I don't know, probably lost their way," said Alystus. "We sent teams to search for them. How was your way?"

  Alystus sat with them while Achtisanor told him of their adventures with De-Stik impersonating the voices and sounds to great effect. After he had finished, Logan turned to Alystus.

  "Alystus, is it correct that the city of reflections will appear with sunrise?" she said.

  "So I've been told," answered Alystus.

  "And several hundred of meters from the beach?" said Logan.

  "Yes," nodded Alystus.

  "So… how are we supposed to
get there? I have not seen a single raft…" said Logan.

  "Do not worry," said Alystus, "when the sun will rise, everything will become clear."

  Alystus toasted with them and reminisced past deeds. They sang old songs, accompanied by De-Stik's harp. When the singing stopped, Achtisanor remembered the blue velvet handkerchief.

  "Alystus," said Achtisanor is a weak voice, his face ruddy from the beer, "why have you put the handkerchief in my pack?"

  Alystus looked at Achtisanor and smiled. "It seems, Claude, that you are not immune from the effects of a good beer. What are you talking about?"

  "Did you put the blue handkerchief in my pack while I was arrested?" asked Achtisanor.

  "I think you need some sleep," Alystus rose, "and the same goes for the rest of you. Go to sleep. A long day awaits you tomorrow. A critical day for all of Nature. Awakening time will be half an hour before sunrise. Good luck!" He left the place with his two guards.

  Chapter 20 - The Road to City of Reflections

  The huge bat wings rumbled in the air around her and buffeted the cold wind. The darkness covered Logan; horrible silence engulfed her.

  The dark sea spread again beneath her and confused her thoughts. She could see dozens of light sources ahead of her.

  Her hair covered her face. When she moved it, she was surprised to discover it was silver in colour. She lowered her eyes to the hands that held the reins and could not believe her eyes: her arms were thick and grey, and her fingernails long and sharp.

  With every moment, the seashore looked clearer and clearer. It was a large tent camp, and the lights were bonfire burning between the tents. She could see the gleaming armour and helmets of the guards patrolling the fence.

  The bat circles twice above the camp and descended towards one of the tents, almost touching it with his clawed feet and rose again. For a second, Logan managed to read the sign above that tent: "Tigertief".

  On the edge of tomorrow, the edge of revelations –

  We stand on the edge of the city of reflections.

  One step from making history our own,

  One step to keep our kingdom from ruin.

  Who can understand it? The honour we have received

  The fame that each of us has achieved?

  To see a wonder of the world alive before our eyes,

  Does everyone even realize?

  To understand that our mission so forlorn,

  Will be decided that we find that magic horn.

  It is so magical, it is so damned,

  If the Ashon will take it… I think we know the end.

  De-Stik "Journeys"

  "Awaken, heroes," the patrolling guards shouted as they passed between the tents, "awaken warriors, the city of reflections will rise in half an hour."

  The morning chill still hung above the camp. Light and moist mists covered the tests. Krunch, who was already awake, sat in the tents surrounded by his vials, concocted potions and memorized his spells.

  Achtisanor, Logan and De-Stik woke up and began to gather their belongings. Achtisanor left the tent and walked to the sea to wash his face. When he kneeled near the water, loud voices sounded behind him.

  "Look who arrived? The old man wants to meet his death before he tasted my axe…" it was the sound of Van-Sniff and the laughter of his three bully friends.

  Achtisanor sat in his place and closed his eyes. A strange feeling arose in him. After a short while, he turned back and returned to his tent. Van-Sniff and his group were not there.

  The light appeared on the horizons, the first sunlight banishing the mists and the last vestiges of darkness. The water shone beneath it like a million blue diamonds.

  "Friends," said Achtisanor when the four of them gathered outside their tent. They were equipped and ready for their mission, maybe the most important mission of their lives. "We are about to go on a quest. We travel today to the unknown. We cannot deter and hesitate. We must walk forward to our goal, the horn. And remember Domarwink's words," he reminded them, "do not kill any of the magical creatures."

  "But how will we know which is magical and which is evil?" said Krunch.

  "We'll have to act wisely," said Achtisanor. "Are you ready, Logan?"

  "Ready as ever," said Logan.

  "Okay, so let us join the other teams," said Krunch and his expression lit with excitement. "Half of sun orb already appears. The city should surface any minute now."

  "Put your hand forward," Achtisanor put his.

  The other three members of his team put their hands on his.

  "We are the sword of courage and relief," they said as one, "March forward, Tigertief!"

  The five competing adventuring teams stood on the shoreline at even intervals, surrounded by guards. Dozens of reporters and painters, talking non-stop with one another, stood on the beach to commemorate this moment.

  "Hi, Tigertief, good luck!" they heard the members of "Mind over Matter" waving at them from the other side of the line. Beside them stood the four members of Iron Fist, equipped with gleaming armours and axes. Dragon's Breath members stood in the middle of the line, Van-Sniff stood in the front, his three friends behind him. They looked all around and wondered at the silence. The four priests of "Gods' Spirit" sat near Tigertief, and as usual, they meditated.

  There was no sign of the city appearance. The sea was calm and quiet. The sun rose above the horizon in all its glory and shone on the water. Several gulls circled in the south, in the hope of catching fish.

  De-Stik leg shook with impatience. Krunch held Logan's hand. Achtisanor looked up, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "The wind changes direction," he said quietly.

  Low waves moved hesitantly to the shore.

  A flock of seagulls flying to the north of them suddenly screamed.

  "It begins," said Logan.

  The wind gradually rose, and the tent flaps shook visibly. The waves raised more and more, and the waterfront receded. The gulls screamed louder and their flight became more erratic as if they tried to ride the wind current that were no longer predictable.

  Two circles of foam appeared in the middle of the ocean.

  "Whirlpools," said Achtisanor and pointed toward them.

  Brine water splashed on their face. The wind blew their hair and whispered in their ears. Two tents flew from their places and smashed against the camp fence. The treetops leaned to the east as if welcoming the strong wind.

  "Get down," said Logan, and he fell to the ground to avoid the strong wind currents.

  Two shadow columns spread across the water, expanding from the whirlpools to the beach. Schools of fish were swept to the shore and swallowed back into the sea. The shadow pillars kept growing bigger and longer. The sounds of the crashing waves thundered in the distance, and they still could see nothing. The competitors held hands, standing against the wind. Some of them laid on their stomach and defended their faces from the burning sea water. They looked silently at the spectacle.

  After a short time, a larger shadow spread beneath the sea. A great silhouette covered the ground between and connected the two shadow pillars. It wrapped them in a wide and shining oval halo. The gull still flew above – descending and rising, shrieking at the top of their lungs.

  "The city of reflections," whispered Krunch, looking transfixed at the sea.

  The sea was silent, the gusts of wind dwindled. The waved grew smaller and left perfectly calm water.

  On the surface of the sea, in the area where the great shadow spread, there was a beautiful reflection. They have never seen such a marvellous sight. Trees and tiled rooftops were seen along the shore. Two crowned turrets, tall and thick stood at both sides, the wall reaching almost to the shoreline.

  But to their surprise, the only thing that appeared before their eyes was the sun itself. Not a beach, not trees, not a castle.

  "I don't understand, how…" said Krunch excitedly.

  "How can this be?" said one of the other competitors.

  "It defies all the la
ws of physics!" the squibs screamed.

  "Ah… the castle is in the water?" said a biston from Iron Fist.

  "Snap out of it, Serdamus. Paint it!" Dunlop's voice called from afar.

  Suddenly, the gulls scattered. Something frightened them.

  "Look," called Van-Sniff.

  Black dots appeared in the sky, obscured by the gleaming sunbeams. When they approached the water, they disappeared.

  "Klaxes's bats," called Iron Fist members. "They are ahead of us."

  Dunlop took a small mirror and comb from his pocket. He turned his back to the sea and combed his dishevelled hair. He licked his finger and straightened his moustache, and suddenly he noticed a strange thing on the shore.

  "Aaah," his scream echoed throughout the beach, "the castle! The city of reflections! It's there! I can see it! Look! Look in your mirror!"

  The attendants started whispering to one another.

  "Reflection and deceptions are your deeds, for that we sink you into the sea!" Achtisanor recited some long forgotten memory, "only your reflection shall appear, and your beauty no eye shall see!"

  "Maybe the eyes won't see," Logan looked at the reflection of her mirror, "but the eye looking at the reflections shall see quite well."

  "By gods, truth be told," De-Stik snatched the mirror from Logan, "It stands right there, the city of old!"

  "Be careful! Get away from the beach! Something is happening!" someone called. Six round mounds decorated with strange carving rose from the beach. They were smooth and dark green. Six large head came out of them.

  "Sea turtles," yelped Krunch.

  "Hurry," Alystus voice was heard, "this is your ride to the city. Good luck!"

  "I was looking for a ride like this," Achtisanor smiled.

  With shouts and roars, the five teams climbed on five giant sea turtles. The turtles lumbered forward, but nimbly, to the reflected city.

  "A lousy ride, but I must yield," said De-Stik, "this turtle is much faster than his cousin from the field!"

  The turtles kicked their legs as if to compete with one another. The riders held fast their shell and moved along with their movements. With drawn mirrors, they guided their animals.


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