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Hunt (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 1)

Page 8

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Fine, I’ll ruin the surprise if you insist.” I was willing to do whatever it took to get her to relax. “We’re here to stargaze.”

  “To stargaze?” Her eyes lightened.

  “Yes. So does that mean you’ll come up now?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll flash you.”


  “If I try to step up there. This dress is short.” She tugged down on her dress to demonstrate her point.

  “Oh.” I studied those gorgeous long legs of hers, grateful for my night vision. I hopped back down and swept her up in my arms. I jumped back up into the truck.

  “Put me down!” she yelled.

  I gently placed her down on her feet before laying out the blanket. I lay down and gestured for her to join me. “You can use me as a pillow. I wasn’t planning this when I left my house so I don’t have one.”

  “I’m fine up here.” She wrapped her arms around herself.

  “You know I can see up your dress from here, right?” I waggled an eyebrow.

  She groaned before sitting down beside me.

  “Come on, I won’t hurt you.”

  She lay down beside me, leaning on her arms.

  “My chest is more comfortable.”

  “I’m fine over here.”

  “If you insist.” I resisted the urge to pull her closer.

  “You could have told me we were going stargazing from the beginning.”

  “It’s gorgeous isn’t it?” I pointed up to the star-filled sky.

  “It is. It always is.”

  “But this is different. The sky is different here.” I scooted over closer to her. “Isn’t it?”

  She stared up at the sky. “You do see a lot of stars here.”

  “It’s more than that.”

  “You sell this town hard.” She kept her eyes fixed on the sky.

  “I do.”

  “Is there a reason for that?” She turned to me.

  “I want you to enjoy your stay here.”


  “You know why.” I was done resisting. I pulled her closer, laying her head down on my chest.

  She pulled her head up for a moment before setting it back down, and I said nothing. There was no reason to risk having her move away. I would never get enough of the feel of her so close to me. Kissing her had been my undoing. It would be impossible to resist her now. “Growing up I used to sleep outside almost every summer night.”

  “Yeah?” I asked with genuine interest. I wanted to know everything about her, even the things she thought were mundane.

  “I always felt more comfortable under the stars.”

  “You can do that here.”

  “I’m not sleeping in your truck.”

  “I only mean there’s some good spots. And you’re welcome to use my land. Although tell me in advance so I keep my brothers away.”

  “I’m not planning on doing it here. I might go camping though.”

  “You like to camp?” I asked with some surprise even though I shouldn’t have been.

  “Yes. I don’t get much of a chance to anymore though.”

  “We should go.” I could already picture the fun we’d have in a sleeping bag. My body reacted, and I hoped she didn’t notice.

  “Getting me in the back of your truck isn’t enough?”

  I smiled. “Were you planning to go alone or with the professor?”


  “We can go together. We can even take two tents if it makes you feel better.”

  “We’ll see. I might get so busy I can’t.”

  “There’s always time.” We had a lifetime whether she knew it or not.

  “Not always.”

  She closed her eyes, and I did the same. She shivered.

  I opened my eyes. “You cold?

  “Yeah. I’m not used to these cold nights yet.”

  I wrapped my arms around her. “You know body heat works better without clothes.”

  She chortled. “I’m not sure whether to laugh or run away.”


  “If I wasn’t so tired I might run away.”

  “It’s true though.” I used the free part of the blanket to wrap us up. “Body heat does work better that way.”

  “Does that line usually work for you?” She kept her eyes closed.

  “I’ve never tried it before.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I already told you. You’re special.” I kissed her forehead.

  She tensed, but then her body relaxed once again. We fell into silence, and I closed my eyes again. I listened to her breathing, and eventually it evened out. I realized she’d fallen asleep. I felt a surge of pure joy. She’d been comfortable enough to fall asleep with me. I was making progress.



  I woke up with a start. I was sleeping on a hard surface that most definitely was not my bed.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Ian’s voice came from right next to my ear.

  Then it all came back to me. The hardness underneath me was his truck. “Hey. Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “No need to apologize. I didn’t mind.” His voice was low and incredibly sexy, and it brought back a reminder of the dream I’d been having. It wasn’t the sort of dream I should have been having in the back of a pick-up truck. My arm was draped over him. I went to move it, but he placed a hand over my arm. “I like your arm there.”

  “But I don’t.” I wondered if he’d known what I was dreaming of. Impossible. I never talked in my sleep.

  “You seemed comfortable before.”

  “I was sleeping.” I felt blood rush to my face.

  “What does that matter?” He seemed to be able to see me blush even though it was dark.

  He let go of my arm, and I left it there. “It’s dark out here.”

  “Pitch black if it weren’t for the moon and stars.” He ran a finger down my hand, and it elicited goosebumps.

  “I love that. It’s too bright in the city.” Although the light offered a sense of security, it also took away a sense of freedom and relaxation I’d been longing for.

  “I agree.”

  “And too loud.”

  “I agree again.” He continued to run his fingers up and down my arm, and I was enjoying it entirely too much.

  “We should go.”

  “Already?” His voice was half-disappointment and half surprise.

  “Isn’t it really late?”

  “Or early. Depends how you look at it.”

  “What time is it?” I’d forgotten to wear my watch and my phone was in my purse in the cab of the truck.

  “Two. Not too bad.”

  “Ok, well we should still go.”

  He sat up. “We should make a habit of this.”

  “Of what?” Bits and pieces of my dream still swirled around my head.

  “Talking at two a.m.”

  “Are you usually up this late or early or whatever?” I stretched. I was the one who suggested we leave, but now that we were doing it I lacked the motivation.

  “Almost always, but I usually don’t have such lovely company.”

  “I pretty much never sleep.” I’d gotten used to my quasi-insomnia and had learned to cope, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed it.

  “You slept with me.”

  “Which is weird.” Very weird.

  “Or a sign.”

  “A sign of what?” I forced myself to stand up.

  “That you belong with me.” He stood beside me.

  “And on that creepy note, it’s time to go.” I took a few tentative steps toward the tailgate, trying to ignore the tightening in my chest. His words should have terrified me, but they thrilled me.

  “There’s nothing creepy about it. You only met me yesterday, yet you fell asleep in my arms. That’s saying something.” He came up behind me.

  “It’s saying I need more sleep.”

  “It’s saying you’re comfortable with me.”

sp; “So?” I braced myself and slowly turned around to face him. “Maybe I am.”

  “Which means you should agree to see me again.” He stood only inches from me.

  “Or it means the exact opposite.”

  He jumped off the truck and reached up. He put his hands on my hips and helped me down. My entire body warmed at his touch.

  He kept his hands on my hips even when I reached the ground.

  “You can let go now.”

  “I don’t want to.” His eyes locked on mine. “I don’t want to ever let go of you.”

  “It’s going to be kind of hard to drive home if you don’t.”

  “Maybe I just need to do this again first.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

  I froze, unable to pull away, but unwilling to give him the access to my mouth he was already pushing for.

  His hands moved from my hips to around my waist, and he pulled me against him. I lost all resolve. I opened up to him, letting him explore every corner of my mouth, while I greedily soaked up his taste. I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to pull me even closer against him. The evidence of his arousal pressed against me, but instead of scaring me it made me hold on tighter.

  His tongue tangled with mine, but his hands didn’t wander. They remained wrapped around my body.

  I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. I slipped one of my hands between us, sliding it up under his shirt. He groaned, as my fingers ran across the muscular planes of his chest.

  “Mara,” he moaned my name without breaking the kiss, and that just made it hotter.

  My body was on fire and alive in a way it had never been before. He released my waist with one hand and covered my hand with it, moving our joined hands to his heart as if he wanted me to feel the frantic beating. I could feel mine beating just as quickly.

  I could have stayed in that kiss forever, but he broke it, gently lowering our hands back down, but keeping one hand around my waist.

  We stared at each other for a full minute before he broke the silence. “Forget talking. I want to do that at two a.m. all the time.”

  His humor didn’t break the magic, but it made it real in a way that was both exciting and disappointing. This was real life, which meant whatever it was between us would fizzle out leaving me in a worse place than I was when it started.

  He released my waist and took my hand. "I did promise to get you home before sometime."

  "And it's almost sometime." I was still in a daze. A half happy and half upsetting daze.

  "I guess it is." He walked me around to my side of the truck, and I didn't argue when he helped me in.

  He went around to his side and started the truck. "I told you it would be fun."

  "It was." I wasn't sure if he was talking about the stargazing or the kiss, but both were good.

  "Eventful." He took my hand in his.

  My first impulse was to pull it away, but I didn't. I'd put the brakes on things after this, but for now I was going to enjoy the warmth spreading through me from his touch.

  "Eventful describes it."

  "Lunch or dinner?"

  "Hmm?" I asked only half paying attention. I was still replaying the kiss over and over in my mind, savoring the details so I could return to them when I needed a reminder that my life did have its ups—before it had its downs.

  "Would you rather do lunch or dinner tomorrow? Or both? I can swing that."

  "Oh. I." So much for enjoying the time I had. "I'm not sure."

  "We can start with lunch then." He smiled.

  "I mean I don't know about either."

  "Nope. You aren't going there." He pulled our joined hands toward him.

  "It's just—"

  "Save your excuses. You were part of the same kiss I was."

  "And it was a great kiss, but—”

  "No buts. Lunch tomorrow."

  "I'll probably be working." Connor had to get back eventually. Maybe he’d have good timing for once.

  "I thought you don't have work until the professor is back."

  "He's got to be back." I pulled my phone from my purse. There were no missed calls. He said it wouldn't take long.

  "Has he checked in with you at all?" Ian glanced over.

  "Only to say it was taking longer than expected."

  "The case?" There was more than casual interest in his voice, and I didn’t know what that meant.

  "Yeah." I wasn't sure what his interest was, but I'd keep the explanation simple.

  "If you are working I'll just swing back for dinner."

  "Fine." I pulled my hand from his. It was too warm and comfortable, and I'd end up missing it later. I already had enough to miss. His lips. The feel of his hands wrapped around me.

  He took my hand back and continued to drive.

  I glanced at him as we neared Mrs. Peterson's. "Thanks for tonight."

  "Thanks for tomorrow."

  I tried to ignore the guilt. There would be no tomorrow. Well, not for us.

  He pulled into the drive and stopped in front of my house. He got out and met me by my door. He walked me up the steps. "I have one other suggestion."

  "And what is that?"


  "Isn't that pushing your luck?" I tried to make my response sound cool and casual, but I wasn’t sure if it came out that way.

  "I hope it isn’t." He gave me the best set of puppy dog eyes I’d ever seen on a man. As if the rest of him wasn’t already hard enough to say no to.

  "Good night."

  "Not without a good night kiss." He stepped closer.

  "We already had one."

  "Nope that was a hello kiss." He leaned in. "This is a good night kiss."

  His lips met mine, and he didn’t waste any time deepening the kiss. I didn’t hesitate. I opened up to him, out of willpower to stop myself from enjoying one more taste of Ian.

  Just as it got to its hottest point, he broke the kiss.

  I tried to catch my breath.

  "Now you better get inside before I ask for another hello kiss."

  I opened the door and walked inside. I already knew I was going to miss him, but that didn’t change a thing. It would be easier to say goodbye now than later.



  The taste of her lips and mouth was branded on my soul. I could never forget them. I knew it would happen now. I knew I was sealing both of our fates, but I also knew we had no other choice. Despite what I’d tried to convince myself, from the moment I first saw her the choice was made, and there was no turning back.

  I sat outside her house for a full five minutes before I could make myself leave. Saying goodnight was hard when I knew neither of us wanted it. And that last kiss. It was a mistake. It made leaving her presence that much harder.

  The drive home was a long one, and it had nothing to do with the distance. The further away from her I got, the worse I felt. She belonged with me. We both knew it, yet social expectations were in the way. Not mine. Hers. As well as a past I still didn’t quite understand.

  I was tempted to turn around, but even then I knew it wouldn’t satisfy me. Sitting outside wouldn’t be close enough, and it would only make the longing worse.

  I drove through the familiar gate of the ranch and made the slow drive up to my house.

  Tyler was sitting outside when I got home. The only reason I locked my doors was to keep my brothers out, not that a lock would stop them if they were really determined to get in.

  I walked up the front steps of the cabin, wishing Mara were inside sleeping in my bed instead of her own. Soon enough that would be the case. I stopped in front of Tyler. “Did you get lost on your way home? Last time I checked you didn’t live here.”

  He didn’t move from his spot on the rocking chair. "Who is she?"

  "Who?" I wasn’t going to make anything easy on him. I was irritated about leaving Mara behind, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone.

  "Don't play stupid."

  "Her name
is Mara, and she's a law student. You two met." I still didn’t like how uncomfortable he made her. I hoped she would feel more at ease around my other brothers—once she was my mate.

  "Who is she really?" He still hadn’t moved from the chair.


  "If you don't claim her, I will." He made complete eye contact.

  I felt a growl build inside me. "She's mine."

  "She doesn't have to be.” He stood.

  “She is.” My blood boiled.

  "I thought you didn't want a mate." Tyler stepped toward me. “All that talk about avoiding the complications that came with it and living your life.”

  "Things have changed."

  "You mean Jonovan is dead and you're Alpha." He crossed his arms. “Is that what’s changed?”

  "And it would be good for you to remember that.”

  "Where is she?" He clenched his jaw.

  "That's not your problem."

  "We are all connected, Ian. We are all going to feel the pull." There was a warning in his words, a warning I needed to heed, but I was Alpha. She was mine.

  "Ignore it, she's mine. You can all duke it out over the next one."

  "She was meant for Jonovan. She arrived late."

  "She was always meant for me." The thought of my brother touching Mara made me see red.

  “She was never meant for you. She was supposed to be his.”

  My vision tunneled as my bear took over. I felt a surge of strength, and I leapt at Tyler who shifted right at the last moment.

  Anger gushed through me as I wrestled him to the ground. He slashed at my face, and my human side awakened. I jumped away from him and shifted back to my human form.

  I stood there naked trying to calm my erratically beating heart. Mara was driving me mad. I’d attacked my brother.

  Tyler shifted back and held up his hands in front of him. "Chill out, man."

  I still struggled with my rage at the thought of anyone toughing Mara, and at what happened to Jonovan. My brother did many bad things, but his death would have to be avenged.

  “So you’re really going to claim her then?” Tyler easily regained his composure. He was usually the level-headed one.

  I walked inside to find a new pair of pants. I tossed a second pair to Tyler.

  “She’s mine. That’s all you need to know.”


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