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Page 26

by Victoria Christopher Murray

  They laughed together.

  “I was reading my Bible and ran across something that I want to read to you.”

  Smiling, Anya reached for the Bible on the corner of her desk. She still suspected his motives, but she loved his methods.

  He began reading the scripture. “Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Sweetheart, I've read this scripture a million times, but this morning, it was like God shined His light in my face. We can't be surprised at … what happened to you. We just have to know that there was a reason behind all of this.”

  She felt a heat in her eyes, like tears were going to come and she didn't know why. All she knew was that in the middle of that moment, she was filled with a fullness of joy that warmed even the soles of her feet. She was blessed with a man who knew God. A man who could pray for her and stand with her. A man that God could use to deliver His messages.

  They chatted for a few minutes before Anya coaxed Braxton into hanging up. But not before reassuring him again that she was well.

  Anya closed the Bible and smiled, knowing that something good was going to come of all of this. That's how God always worked—changing bad into good.

  She buzzed Dianna again. “Di, if you're ready, I'm ready now, too.”

  “Oh, my gosh!” Dianna exclaimed. “It's lunchtime.”

  Dianna began gathering the papers from her side of the desk. “Do you think you'll need anything else?”

  Anya didn't even look up from the files stacked in front of her. “No, just let me go through all of this. Could you order in something for me?” Anya asked. “I want to work through lunch.”

  “Do you need me to stay?”

  Anya kept her eyes down, and shook her head. A moment after Dianna left the office, there was a knock on her door.

  “Come on in, Dianna.”

  “Uh, Anya. I'm sorry to bother you.”

  She looked up; Alaister was standing in her doorway. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his navy suit. She smiled. “Come in.”

  He closed the door. “David told us you were back. Actually, I saw your car in the garage. I've looked for it every day.” He dropped his eyes. “I'm glad you're back.” His voice was so low, Anya had to lean forward to hear him.

  “Thank you, Alaister, it's good to be back.” She paused, wondering if he had anything else to say. But he just stood stoically and stared at her. “Can I help you with something else?” she asked.

  He exhaled. “I'm sorry,” Alaister said, shaking his head as if he were in a trance. “David said we're having a staff meeting, but I wanted to speak to you personally because I know we've had some problems recently…”

  She waved her hand in the air and smiled. “I wouldn't have it any other way. You're an asset because you're such a leader. Sometimes, leaders bump heads.”

  For the first time since he'd come into the office he smiled, and stuffed his hands back into his pockets.

  There was a quick knock on the door.

  “Here are our sandwiches. I'm staying in, just in case you need me.” Dianna eyed Alaister.

  “That's all I wanted, Anya,” Alaister said, turned quickly and left.

  “Was he complaining again?” Dianna sounded agitated.

  “Oh, no.” Anya shook her head. “He said he was glad I was back.”

  “Really?” Dianna said doubtfully.

  Anya shook her head, then looked at the pile on her desk “Well, let me get back to this.” Anya's head was buried in her work before Dianna got back to her desk

  At five o'clock, Anya began collecting the folders she was going to take home. She was looking at the stack of messages growing on her desk, when David stepped into her office.

  “Hey,” he said, eyeing her briefcase.

  “I know it's early, but I'm a little tired.”

  He held up his hands. “You don't have to explain.” He screwed his face. “But there is one thing. Jon Greene is here.”

  Anya plopped down into her seat. “He just showed up?”

  David nodded. “Said he was getting worried and he's threatening to pull his business unless he knows that you're here and still running things.”

  Anya blew a stream of air through her mouth.

  “Are you up to it?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  When they entered the conference room, Anya's smile wasn't as warm as she wanted it to be. “Mr. Greene, how are you?”

  He jumped from his chair, stumbling slightly on the carpet as he made his way to her. Anya noted that he was dressed up today, in a tailored brown suit that was different from the off-the-rack sports coats he usually wore.

  “I apologize, Mr. Greene. I thought you knew that I was out on personal business.” She motioned to his seat and she sat across from him. “What can I do for you?” She widened her smile.

  “Reassure me that everything is all right. You know, I only went with this company because you sold me. Now, I feel like I'm being dumped on your peons.” His head tilted slightly toward David who was leaning against the wall near the door.

  Anya didn't have to see him to know that David's lips were probably turned into his cocky half-smile.

  “Mr. Greene,” she began, leaning forward with her palms planted flat on the conference table, “I can assure you that Linden Communications is very important to me. You are one of our largest accounts.” Anya didn't miss the smirk that crossed Jon Greene's face. She was sure he knew that he was their largest piece of business. “I will do everything I can to make sure you are pleased.”

  He slapped his hand on the table, and Anya jumped, visibly shaken by the sudden move. “I didn't mean to scare you, little lady. I'm just pleased. That's what I've been waiting to hear. I want to know that you're in charge and I can get to you anytime I need to.”

  “Mr. Greene, even I have a personal life.” She smiled, but her tone indicated her seriousness.

  For a long moment, he gave her a hard stare and she leaned back into her seat. But then his lips parted into a wide grin. “Well, I got what I came for.” He chuckled as he stood. He reached to shake her hand, then pulled back “What happened to your face?” he pointed.

  With her palm, she covered the scar. Through the all-day meetings and conferences, she'd held her breath waiting for the first comment. But by the end of the day when no one mentioned it, she'd almost forgotten her mark “I… had an accident.”

  “An accident,” he repeated, as if he didn't believe her. He shook his head as he reached for her hand. She took it, shaking it briefly, then stepped away from him.

  David escorted Mr. Greene to the front door and Anya returned to her office. When David rejoined her, she was sitting at her desk holding her head.

  “Are you okay?”

  With a deep sigh, she looked up. “I don't know what it is about him, but that man makes me nervous.” When she saw the concerned look on David's face, she said, “Ignore what I just said. It's just what I've been through.”

  “You should leave now. I'll walk you to your car.”

  Her first thought was to tell him not to bother, but instead, she nodded.

  As he escorted her, they chatted about the presentation they would make next week to Zytec Computers. Both behaved as if it had been a regular day, like nothing had ever happened. But as Anya drove away and David returned to the office, both knew that normal would be different from now on.

  Anya had barely put her briefcase down when her phone rang.

  “Hey, honey. I'm glad you're home early.”

  She smiled. “Hi,” she said, sighing, and immediately regretted the sound of her voice.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing, just a long day.” She kicked off her pumps, and glanced through the mail that Sasha had placed on the dining room table. “Please don't tell me that I should rest.”

“I was just going to say—”

  “But you don't have to say it, because I'm going to grab something to eat, take a shower, then hit the bed.”

  “Okay, I'll be right over. What do you want to eat?”

  “Sweetie, not tonight,” she said, then held her breath.

  He hesitated. “Okay, just call me before you go to sleep.”

  Anya exhaled and smiled. A few weeks ago, that would have led to an argument. “I'll call the moment I get into bed. I love you so much, Braxton.”

  In the silence that followed, she could hear his surprise. It had been a while since she'd said those words with such passion. But after what they'd been through, Anya couldn't say them enough.

  “I love you more than you'll ever know, baby. Call me.”

  She was still smiling as she slowly climbed the stairs. But by the time she reached her bedroom, stress weighed down her shoulders. And by the time she undressed, she no longer wanted to eat. She lay down and closed her eyes.

  “I'll just rest for a moment,” she said wearily.

  But her eyes didn't open until the morning's sun shone brightly through her window.

  Chapter 39

  Anya marched into her office. “Girl, I am ready for work today,” she exclaimed to a smiling Dianna.

  She closed her door behind her, but before she got to her desk, Dianna tiptoed in.

  “You are not going to believe this—Hunter Blaine is out there,” Dianna said breathlessly.

  Anya sucked her teeth. “What does he want?”

  Dianna's light brown eyes were shining. “He said he doesn't have an appointment, but he has to see you.”

  Anya sighed.

  Dianna frowned. She wished Hunter Blaine were coming to see her. She said, “David's here. Do you want me to see if he'll handle him?”

  “No, give me a moment, then tell Hunter to come in.”

  Anya put her elbows on the desk and bowed her head. With a deep breath, she buzzed Dianna. A moment later, Hunter strutted through the door.

  Anya didn't try to smile when she stood. In the past, they'd always met at his home because Hunter wanted privacy when discussing his affairs. So she knew this had nothing to do with business. She hoped he wasn't coming to seek her help with Sasha. She'd lose his business before she'd do that.

  “Hunter, what can I do for you?”

  He gave her a half-grin. “I'm glad to see you, too, Anya.” He sank into the chair and crossed his legs. “I wanted to talk about my trust.”

  Anya sat down. “Do you need me or the attorney?”

  He chuckled. “I need you.” He pulled papers from inside his jacket. “I've been doing some reading.” He slid the pages across the desk. “I want to look into some new investments.”

  Anya stared at Hunter for a long moment before she shifted through the scribbled notes that covered the yellow sheets of paper. “Hunter, your investments are doing well. I'll pull a report for you.” She turned toward the computer.

  “No, I don't need that. I wanted you to be up on the new things.”

  Anya resisted the urge to turn around and look at her licenses that covered the wall. “I wouldn't recommend any changes right now. But I'll do whatever you want.”

  “What do you think about what I have there?” He motioned toward what he'd given her.

  Anya squinted her eyes. Hunter was a smart man. She knew he didn't expect her to look over scrawled notes and make a recommendation. Not when she analyzed and scrutinized every item in his portfolio. “I'll need some time to look over this. I can get back to you in a few days.”

  “Well, no hurry.” He uncrossed his legs. “Give me a call when you've done that. I think it's time for me to go over everything with you anyway.” He paused. “When we meet, Cynthia may join us.”

  Anya's eyebrows raised slightly when he mentioned his ex-wife's name, but she said nothing. Could it be that they were getting back together? Was that why he'd come by—so that she would give the message to Sasha?

  Anya smiled pleasantly, as she came around the desk. When she reached to shake his hand, he kissed her on the cheek. He pulled back and Anya could tell that he was staring at her face. She quickly turned away.

  “By the way, I'm sorry about what happened to you.”

  She tried not to show her surprise. “How did you hear about … that?”

  “I met with the police a few days ago in my lawyer's office. After what happened to me last time, I didn't want to take any chances. But it turned out that they only wanted to know if I knew anyone who wanted to hurt you.” He paused. “I told them that you were one of the sweetest women I knew. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt you.” He chuckled.

  Anya stared at him, then said, “I'll call you sometime next week.”

  David was standing outside her door as Hunter left.

  “What was that?” David asked. “An early meeting?”

  “More like a morning nightmare.”

  “Sounds frightening. Anything I can help with?”

  Anya shook her head. There was nothing David could do unless he could touch her temples and instantly halt the headache she felt coming on.

  “I just found out that the Zytec execs are having an open meeting this morning about their benefits program. I can handle this myself, but if you're up to it, I'm sure it would help to have the big boss there.”

  Anya picked up her briefcase. “I am more than up to it. Let's get going,” she smiled, and suddenly the throb in her head didn't bother her as much.

  Chapter 40

  Hours twisted into days and days blended to weeks. Anya threw herself into her business like she had when she first opened the doors. By the time a month passed, she'd forgotten that she'd ever been out of her office. And she made the rape a distant memory, pushing it into a small corner of her mind, only to be pulled out during times with Pastor Ford and discussions with Detective Bush.

  “Anya,” Dianna buzzed into her office, “Sasha's on the phone and she says it's important.”

  Anya picked up the phone. “Cuz!” Sasha exclaimed into the phone. “Let me take you out to dinner because I'm a working girl now!”

  Anya smiled. “You got a job? Where?”

  But Sasha refused to tell any news until they were together. They made plans to meet and by the time they were waiting to be seated at Eurochow, Sasha had poured out all the details. Even when they finally settled into their chairs in the bright-white restaurant, Sasha still could not contain her excitement.

  “I am so happy.”

  “I can tell; you haven't stopped talking,” Anya laughed, as her eyes scanned the menu for the glazed shrimp with walnuts. Seeing her favorite dish, she laid the menu aside. “Now, are you sure about this? You've never worked as a salesperson before.”

  Sasha waved her hand, dismissing Anya's question. “What's there to it? I put on the clothes, I look fabulous, people buy them. And obviously they think I can do it. I'm sure it's not easy to get hired at the St. John's boutique.”

  “Well, if you're happy, then I am too.” Anya watched as Sasha's wide grin turned into a thin, tight line. Sasha pointed her chin toward the door. Anya had to turn completely around in the quilted chair to see what turned Sasha's face sour. A low moan stuck in her throat.

  “Do you want to go someplace else?” she whispered.

  Sasha tried to appear uninterested. “Why should I? You've been talking about this place and I can't wait to try their frog legs. I'm not afraid of Hunter.” She slid down in the chair, picked up the menu and buried her face inside.

  But Sasha and Anya could feel Hunter's steps, as he and Lyza Eastern approached their table. “Well, if it isn't the Mitchell cousins. How're you two?”

  Sasha lowered the menu, and looked at him with a plastic smile. The way he stood, clothed in his trademark black turtleneck and jeans, reminded her of the first time they'd met and how her heart jumped. Now months later, her heart was still jumping. Lyza looked like his twin in her black jeans, though her low-cu
t sweater barely covered her chest. “Hunter, how are you?” Sasha asked as sweetly as she could. “It's so good to see you.”

  The creases in his brow revealed that a cordial reaction was not what he'd expected. And though Anya would have rather ignored him, she followed Sasha's lead.

  “Hunter, I've been trying to reach you,” Anya said pleasantly. “When are we going to get together? I'm ready to go over those numbers with you and your wife.”

  Hunter coughed. “Well, you guys take it easy,” he said quickly. He put his arm behind Lyza trying to direct her to their table.

  But Lyza would not be moved. “It's nice to see you again, Sasha.” She batted her eyes and smiled through fuchsia lips. Then she stuck her hand in front of Anya. “Hello, I'm Lyza Easton.”

  Anya ignored her outstretched hand. “Hello, Lisa. I'm Anya Mitchell.”

  “Ly-za,” she responded a little loudly. “I'm Lyza Easton.”

  Anya raised her eyebrows, giving Lyza a that-doesn't-mean-anything-to-me glance. Lyza bunched her lips together, and this time when Hunter nudged her, she didn't resist.

  Anya and Sasha's eyes followed the two as they huffed up the stairs to their table on the second level. “What was she talking about—getting together with you and your wife?”

  They could hear Lyza's hissing and Hunters mumbling until they were out of sight.

  Anya and Sasha shared a laugh.

  “Hunter must've thought I would cower down.” Sasha bit her lip. “Though seeing him with Lyza only reminds me of how he left me to be with her.”

  Anya's eyes opened wide. “When did that happen?”

  Sasha forgot that she hadn't shared that with Anya, and she wasn't about to relive her bathroom experience. “Don't want to talk about it. But—” she hesitated. “What does Lyza Easton have over me?” she murmured.

  It took Anya less than a second to respond. “Absolutely nothing! At least you're real. Everything on that woman—from her hair to her inflated breasts—is fake.”

  “That doesn't matter to a man.”

  Anya laughed, but the look on Sasha's face made her stop. “Come on, girl. We're here to celebrate, remember?”


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