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Kiss Me

Page 5

by Kristine Mason

  “That’s why I’m glad Julie’s going. All the partners will be there, the board members, even Margie Benson plans on coming, and I was hoping Jenna would have someone to hang out with if I ended up having to schmooze for a while.”

  Jay grinned. “Are you kidding me? Julie will love it. You know, for years she’s been trying to find a woman she could fix you up with.”

  Great, just what he needed. Another aspiring Cupid. “Yeah, well, if things go to plan, she won’t have to.”

  “What’s up my brothers?” Mitch Cassidy, the newest member to the firm’s legal department, and a complete ass, shoved his way into the office.

  “Hey, Mitch,” Jay said, and looked to the floor.

  Luke didn’t bother to acknowledge Mitch. He’d detested the contract attorney from the get-go. Every time Mitch had cornered him, the guy droned on about what a stud he was, about the women he’d been with, or the stupid stunts he’d performed back in college. Luke might have been a player too, but he’d never bragged about his sexual exploits. Some thing’s, no matter how out of this world, were no one’s business.

  Mitch slapped Jay’s shoulder, then turned to Luke. “Dudes, you arenot going to believe the weekend I had. Luke, you’ve got give me your cell phone number ‘cause, bro, you could’ve partied it up big time with me and my boys.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered, I had plans.”

  “Not like I did.”Mitch settled his rear on the corner of Luke’s desk. “Picture this,” he said and waved his hands in the air. “Two hot blondes ready for action.”

  Luke turned and looked in Jay’s direction. The two of them had been subjected to Mitch’s “picture this” stories for the past six months. All of them dealt with a busty such and such and ended with Mitch coming off like a porn star.

  “I’m late for an appointment.” Luke shoved the laptop into his briefcase. “So as much as I’d like to hear about your weekend…”

  “No, dude, it’ll only take a sec.”

  With the attitude Mitch had toward women, he probablyfinished in a “sec.”

  “Saturday night, me and my buddies went to this shitty dive bar in Tremont. I was ready to blow the place when I met these two smokin’ hot chicks.” Mitch smacked the desk. “Oh man, I’m tellin’ ya, I thought for sure I was about to relive a night I had with this girl I dated in law school. Did I ever tell you about that? You know? Me and two girls?”

  Without waiting for an answer, Mitch blurted, “Yeah, she was something sweet. J.C. was her name and getting it on was her game.” He waggled his blonde brows. “Wanna know what the J and the C stands for? ‘Cause it’ll blow you away.”

  Luke stood. “Mitch, I really don’t have time for —”

  “Wait a minute. Are you telling usyou had a threesome?” Jay asked, and motioned for Luke to hang tight.

  Mitch folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t want to brag or anything…”

  All Mitch did was brag. About his car, his house, his women.

  “Okay.” Mitch lowered his tone and pointed a finger at them. “This is on the down low, understand?”

  Jay nodded, and Luke shook his head in disgust.

  “So I was dating J.C. Damn, if she wasn’t hotter than hell. Blonde, great body. Anyway, one night, I hooked up with this chick from one of my law classes. I mean picture it. I’m totally doing the nasty and in walks J.C. I figured for sure she’d throw a hissy fit, but she eyed up the girl I was with, then asked if we wanted company.”

  Jay jerked his head. “Seriously?”

  Luke wanted to drop his briefcase on Jay’s foot for feeding Mitch’s ego. He didn’t believe half the crap that came out of his veneered mouth. Although…

  Mitch did turn just about every woman’s head who worked for Dryscal & Myers. While crass behind closed doors, hanging with just the guys, when it came to his job, to having to impress the right people, Mitch appeared charming, likeable, and hardworking. Luke fought from cringing. Mitch might come off as a candescent superstar to women and the powers that be within the firm, but based on these types of closed door sessions, he was still an ass in his book.

  “Hell yeah, I’m serious.” Mitch shoved off the desk and approached the door. “I wouldn’t bullshit you guys. I’m telling you, the things J.C. and I did, the hot, raunchy —” A quick rap at the office door interrupted Mitch’s sexcapades.

  Luke turned, just as Gwen leaned against the doorjamb. Wearing a scowl, and a power suit with shoulder pads, she reminded him of some of the linebackers he’d faced on the football field in college. At least those guys had played fair, while Gwen had the tendency to hit below the belt.

  “Gwen,” Mitch gushed, and sent her a smile which practically revealed everyone of his ultra white, capped teeth. “How is it that, after slaving at the office all day, unlike the rest of us, you look as fresh as you did this morning?”

  Jay released a deep sigh, which bordered on a groan, while Luke forced himself not to roll his eyes. Especially when Gwen returned Mitch’s smile and placed a hand to her short hair.

  She cleared her throat as she pushed off the doorjamb. “Thank you, Mitch. After all of the hard work you’ve done on the Emmerson contract, I hope you’ve decided to give yourself a night off, you truly deserve a break.”

  Mitch sidestepped her, as he headed into the hallway. “Thanks for noticing, Gwen, but when one deal’s done, there’s always another.” Sighing, he shook his head and shoved a hand in his pocket. “There’s no such thing as a night off for me.”

  “I admire your dedication to the firm. If onlymy staff shared your work ethics,” she said, and glared at Luke and Jay.

  As Mitch took his leave, he flipped Luke off and sent him a big grin.

  What a dick. Luke grabbed his briefcase and nodded to Jay. “Ready?”

  Gwen crossed her arms, which made her shoulder pads appear to double in size, and blocked the doorway. “Jay, don’t tell me you’re leaving. I expect your assessment on the Millson account first thing tomorrow morning. If you plan on any type of promotion in the next five years, you should be at the office until at least eight,and taking your work home with you.”

  The woman had to be delusional. At that rate, Jay would never see his kids. Whatever happened to the work-life-balance the firm promoted?

  “Gwen,” Jay began. “I don’t want to miss my kid’s baseball game. He’s pitching for the first time tonight and I —”

  She waved a hand. “I have no desire to hear about your personal obligations. My only concern is the responsibilities you have to the firm.”

  Jay paled. Disappointment and resentment flashed in his eyes before he glanced to the floor. “Right. I’ll head back to my office and make sure the report is on your desk before I leave.”

  Luke seethed as he watched Jay lumber out of the office, his shoulders slumped, his briefcase dragging on the floor. How could she do this to Jay? The guy busted his ass more than Wendy, more than even he did, and to treat him this way?

  Gripping the briefcase handle tight, Luke said, “Have a pleasant night, Gwen.”

  She cocked a brow. “You’re leaving, too?”

  “Yeah, and you can see I’m taking work home with me.”

  “Ah, but do you really feel that’s prudent? The firm expects their employees to be dedicated — especially those whothink their up for partner.”

  Luke paused. “Trust me. I have everything in line for the Benson account.” He matched her glare then moved to the door. “So, if you don’t mind, I’m late for a personal appointment and I’d like to lock up.”

  Gwen stalked to the hallway, her shoulder pads moving in sync. “Don’t be so cocky about this Benson account. Have you seen what Wendy’s been working on?”

  Of course he had. Actually, he’d been giving her advice on the damned thing. “So?”

  “So?” she repeated with exasperation, then narrowed her eyes. “So I suggest you watch your back.” With that, Gwen and her shoulder pads headed down the hall.

>   Luke locked the office door. Screw her and her empty threats. No way could he see the board promoting Wendy over him. Wendy’s account didn’t come close to matching his, or even Jay’s. Plus he and Jay both had more years of experience over her.

  Stomping down the hall toward the elevator, Luke turned his focus to his meeting with the mortgage broker and the date he had later with Jenna. As he rounded the corner, he caught sight of Jay, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his eyes on the laptop in front of him. And missing his son’s pitching debut.

  While trying to cool his anger, Luke stepped into the elevator. As the doors slid shut, he stared at the polished steel. His distorted reflection mirrored the muddled emotions aggravating his empty stomach. For once, though, he didn’t have to deal with the day’s burdens alone. Despite her wavering moods when it came to their relationship, he and Jenna were friends first. He could talk to her about the bullshit he dealt with day in and day out, without worrying about her passing judgment.

  Since he’d known her, she’d always had this way of finding the right words, the right logical spin, to help redefine a situation. He needed that now, but also needed her to open up to him. Share her burdens, her uncertainties…about him, about them.

  Shit. He really needed to stop leafing through his sister-in-law’sCosmo’s.

  Chapter 4

  Jenna dropped the laundry basket to the floor, then reached for the remote. She flipped through the DVR listings until she found Pick Me, a popular reality show which mirrored both The Dating Game and The Bachelorette. The show’s premise was for the female contestant to go on several dates with three different men, and in the end pick which guy she liked best.

  She’d been looking forward to this episode. Tonight was the season finale and with the messed up group of contestants, she’d have another fabulous opportunity to practice delving into the human psyche. At least that was the excuse she’d used when Darci had caught her watching the cheesy show last week. Her friend had disagreed, and instead had accused Jenna of living vicariously through the contestants because she never dated.

  Not anymore.

  She’d had four dates in five nights, and the only reason she wasn’t seeing Luke this evening was because he had a dinner meeting with his client. Pulling another t-shirt from the basket, she selfishly wished it could have been a lunch date instead. She’d missed Luke tonight. His smile, the way his eyes simmered with sexual desire when he’d look at her. The spicy, sweet cologne he wore, and the way his scent lingered on her clothes at the end of each date.

  Setting the folded t-shirt aside, Jenna glanced at the clock. Ten fifteen. He’d said he would call her after dinner, and she didn’t doubt him. Luke proved to be a man of his word. Even after the orgasmic kisses he’d given her on his boat Sunday afternoon, he’d stuck to his no-sex, kissing-only rule. Which was just too bad. With the way Luke kissed, she could only imagine what it would be like once they’d had sex — incredible, astounding, and absolutely amazing came to mind.

  With a deep sigh, Jenna picked up the remote. She raised the volume on the TV just as Pick Me’s female contestant, Trudy, a rich, spoiled, Southern belle from Georgia, gushed to the host about her date with Jackson, an Atlanta-based attorney. Little did Trudy know that Jackson wasn’t really an attorney, but worked as a mechanic in some small town in a rural part of Georgia.

  “Trudy, you’re so clueless,” Jenna said as she reached into the clothes basket. The show had been airing for a couple of years, and the producer’s had always made sure one of the three men wasn’t who he appeared to be. They’d tell the lucky bachelorette that her suitor was a doctor, when he was really a garbage man. If she fell for the producer’s red herring, the plant challenged the bachelorette’s moral fiber, and made for one heck of a finale.

  At least Jenna didn’t have to worry about Luke suddenly blurting that he wasn’t really a CPA but a cranberry farmer from Wisconsin. They were friends, she knew where he’d grown up, the people he hung out with, and had even met his family at a barbeque earlier this summer. But they were more than friends now.

  Since Saturday, their relationship had moved to another level. More intimate, more comfortable, and more than she’d bargained for. Being with him, the way he’d romanced her, shared his hopes and dreams, had her rethinking. Revaluating her life, her emotions, her hostility toward commitment.

  Monday evening, he’d surprised her with a picnic. After they’d polished off the sandwiches and wine he’d brought, they had lounged on the blanket, both lying on their sides, heads resting in their hand. Luke had stroked her arm, made small circles with his fingertips that had her giggling like a little girl, and goose bumps zipping across her skin.

  He’d laughed with her, then had grown serious. Brushed his knuckles along her cheek, and stared deep into her eyes. His gaze had held both trepidation and a quiet eagerness. She’d thought he’d kiss her then, but instead, he’d opened up to her about what had happened at the office that day. She’d thought it so sexy and refreshing that this strong, cocky man felt comfortable enough to confide in her his fears and doubts.

  That night, between his barely there touches, the way he’d entrusted her with his vulnerabilities, and the gentle, lingering kiss he’d given her on the front porch, her defenses had begun to unravel. Or maybe they’d already been threadbare.

  In the four months they’d known each other, she’d always held a soft spot for him. Sure, she’d had sexual fantasies about him a few times, okay, pretty much every day, but she’d also looked forward to being with him. Period. She’d make it a point to be at Darci and Nate’s if she’d known Luke would be there. Loved his hokey jokes, how he’d go out of his way to talk with her, coax her out of a bad mood and put a smile on her face.

  Pick Me’s dramatic dun, dun, dun music caught her attention. She stopped folding and stared at the TV. Enthralled by the dozens of fleeting emotions crossing Trudy’s pretty face as Jackson confessed that he wasn’t a successful attorney, but an hourly employee at a garage. Disbelief, disappointment, and denial clashed with the adoration and love shimmering in the Southern belle’s bright, blue eyes.

  “Well, there’s a prime example of Cognitive Dissonance,” Jenna observed with a clinical eye. Trudy valued money and financial security. Being with a man who lacked money and status would conflict with her beliefs. She’d have to accept him for who he was, appreciate and cherish Jackson’s positive qualities if she were to make the relationship work.

  Jenna eyed Trudy’s Gucci shoes as Jackson dropped to one knee and told her how much he cared about her, and apologized for going along with the producer’s hoax.

  “She’s not going to do it,” Jenna said. No way, no how. Trudy relied too much on money and her social status. But Trudy shocked the audience, the host, and even Jenna when she threw her arms around Jackson, sobbing against his shoulder and telling him she’d been in love with him from the start.

  With a disgusted groan, Jenna hit the off button on the remote. The room fell silent. She sat for moment, staring at the darkened TV screen as an uncanny awareness shifted through her mind.

  Wiping a hand across her forehead, she leaned into the couch. Once again, she had no problem dissecting others emotional proclivities, but for whatever reason it took a trashy reality show to help her realize her own.

  She suffered from a bit of Cognitive Dissonance as well. After all, commitment was a crock. Love never lasted, because not one man in her life had given her any inclination, any reason to believe. Luke wanted a commitment from her, which upended her lifelong beliefs. Her only solution, she’d either have to cut bait, before things became seriously messy, or plunge into this relationship with full force.

  Wrapping her arms around her legs, she rested her chin on her knee. She didn’t have to make a decision today, or even tomorrow. Deep in her heart, though, she already knew the choice she’d make. Finding the guts to do it would be the difficult part. She didn’t know if she had the strength to admit her feeling
s, to bare her soul. Her stomach knotted at the thought of even making such an admission.

  What if Luke didn’t feel the exact same way? What if he rejected her? Like her father had rejected her and her mother. Like that idiot she’d fallen for while in her final years of grad school.


  What if she skirted the issue andshowed him how she felt. Let her body do the talking. She’d never had a problem seducing a man, and maybe Luke had been sticking to this no-sex stuff because he’d been waiting for her to make a move.

  The phone startled her from her thoughts. Those familiar butterflies instantly danced and weaved through her belly as anticipation hummed through her veins. Anxious to talk to Luke, to hear about his important meeting, she quickly answered.

  “Sorry I’m calling so late, did I wake you?” His husky, masculine timbre had a quiet, sensual effect on her. For months she’d imagined hearing his voice, his whispered words before they’d sleep. Snuggling next to him, her head on his chest, his arm draped over her, cocooning her in his warm, secure embrace.

  Her cheek brushed the buttons on the phone as she smiled. “Not at all. I’ve been waiting for you to call.” She took a deep breath. “Well, did she sign the contract?”

  “No. She has to run it past her legal department.”

  A spasm of disappointment pierced her stomach. Luke had worked hard on this account and without it, he wouldn’t achieve the promotion to partner.

  “But it’s okay,” Luke said with enthusiasm. “She’d basically told me tonight that we have a deal. I can’t wait for you to meet her next Saturday. She’s a great lady. Business savvy, concerned about her employees and how their jobs affect their family. She’s the polar opposite of Gwen.” He released a frustrated sigh. “I’m still ticked over how she’d made Jay stay late and miss his kid’s game.”

  Jenna cringed at the thought of meeting his boss. The woman sounded like a true bitch. “I suppose I’ll have to meet Gwen too, huh?”


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