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Burnt: A Devil's Spawn Novel

Page 15

by Natasha Thomas

  A thought flashes through my head, Digger. I need to extend him a favour for saving me. I need to make sure they don’t go after him seeing he was the only one that showed me any kindness during my captivity. Wriggling, suddenly uncomfortable, not physically, mentally, I snap at him.

  “Not Digger. He saved me and I don’t want him hurt. That’s the least I can do to repay him.”

  Dec shakes me a little. Not hard enough to hurt, only enough to get my attention I assume.

  “Have you got a thing for this guy Kendall?”

  Is he insane? Maybe he’s high. Yeah, Dec has to be high. He couldn’t possibly believe I’ve got romantic feeling for Digger could he? Because nothing could be further from the truth. I owe the guy a debt of gratitude, and by saving him from a painful death I figure it’s like for like in a way. Getting up Uncle Pipe walks around the side of the bed and smacked Dec in the side of the head.

  “Shut the fuck up dumbass. Of course she doesn’t. Kenny just doesn’t want to see the fucker dead because he saved her life you fucking moron. Jesus Christ. You’re a fucking idiot sometimes. Makes me wonder if you fell on your head as a baby when I wasn’t looking.”

  I have to agree with that.

  “Dec. Seriously. Your dad is right. You’re being a fucking idiot.” Dec inhales sharply, but at the same time calms a little and lets out a rusty sounding chuckle. “Yeah. You’re probably right about the idiot thing. Sorry about that.”

  After a few minutes of questions, few of which I can answer dad asks the one question I should have expected.

  “Kenny I really don’t want to ask this but its’ important. Any of those men touch you sweetheart?”

  I must have been getting tired because I didn’t get it at first.

  “Yeah, I told you already, they slapped me around a bit.”

  Uncle Max stood then takes a seat at the end of my bed. He’s blunt. Scarily so. But it was then I understood what dad really meant.

  “No Kenny. Not that sweetheart. Any those men rape you? Violate you? Anything along those lines?”

  Covering my face I’m mortified. Not because they had, because thank God they hadn’t. I’m mortified because he voiced my greatest fear. Dear God. When will my humiliation end? Not today it looked like. Not bothering to uncover my face I reply softly shaking my head,

  “No. They didn’t touch me like that.”

  Kissing my head Dec prods a little.

  “Promise, Fairy? You’d tell us if they did yeah? It’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about, we just need to know baby.”

  Nodding into my hands I promise them.

  “I’d tell you if they had I promise. But they didn’t touch me like that.”

  Seemingly satisfied with my answer Dec kisses my head again.

  “I think she done brothers. That’s enough for today.” He’s right. I can feel the exhaustion tugging at me, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

  Mom makes her way through the door as soon as dad unlocks it, and promptly takes the seat she occupied before.

  “So while I was downstairs getting my coffee fix I talked to Lou. She’s bursting at the seams to come and see you. She said you need to wake your ass up because you need to meet your namesake, and you need to get better so you can take up babysitting duties seeing you’re Anna’s godmother and all,” she grins while telling me.

  Looking towards Uncle Max I see him with a matching grin covering his face.

  “You’re a grandpa now.”

  I can’t help laughing as I think about surly Uncle Max all six foot three of tattooed, scowling biker holding a little baby.

  “Truth Kenny. Fucking gorgeous tiny thing she is too. Fucking screams like a banshee though. Worse than Lexi ever did. She’s so loud I think I’ve lost the hearing in my right ear.” I have no idea what he’s talking about. Lexi was an Angel in my book. An almost text book perfect baby.

  Mom chuckles at Uncle Max’s predicament and goes on,

  “Now missy I have to warn you because I think Lou might have lost her mind a little when that girl was born. Lou’s always been a bit crazy, but I swear if this is what having babies does to her I hope for Billy’s sake they stop at one.” Not one to let silence lap mom fills me in on my crazy best friend. I mean, hell. I’ve always known Lou is borderline certifiable but from the sounds of it she’s taken that show on the road now. “Honestly Kenny, I feel sorry for poor Anna if she keeps this up. She’s turned into an obsessive cleanaholic. That poor baby is always being redressed if there’s even the tiniest bit of spit up anywhere in sight, and that baby hates being bathed so it’s like punishment for the poor girl. I think Billy came to the clubhouse one day in ironed jeans. Ironed for goodness sake.” That makes me smile wide.

  Uncle Pipe helpfully adds,

  “Oh those fuckers were ironed alright. I gave the boy hell for a fucking week over it. Eventually told me to shut the fuck up because he’s been sleeping on the couch since she did it and he called her fucking mental for ironing a bikers fucking jeans. That boy might not think it’s funny but all the brothers thought it was fucking hilarious.” It is pretty funny and I definitely would’ve laughed too. I can only imagine what dad would say if mom ironed his, or Dec for that matter.

  Thinking about poor Lou’s little un-paid mental vacation softens my heart and eases my headache that’s threatening settle in for the long haul.

  “Leave her alone. She’s probably just trying to settle into the whole mothering gig. She’ll calm down eventually.”

  Uncle Max scoffs.

  “I fucking hope she does because that kid of mine isn’t coming back to live with me if she doesn’t. I got rid of his ass to her, so she can fucking keep him, the kids’ a fucking sloth.” That’s the God’s honest truth if ever I’ve heard it. Uncle Max is a bit obsessively clean himself though. Owning a tattoo shops where everything has to be sterilised, disinfected, and cleaned within an inch of its life, I think carried over into his home life as well.

  Just then Darla comes in and tuts at us waving her finger between all the men. “Right O. All you boys that don’t need to be in here have to walk your fine selves out into the waiting room. I’ve held off the nurse from hell as long as I can. That woman is a pain in my big butt so out you go.” Looking at them carefully she manages to work out who my dad is quickly. “You,” she says pointing to Uncle Max, “As sexy as you are, you need to go make yourself useful and get this girl some magazines and treats. Poor little deserves some comforts right about now.” Pointing to Uncle Pipe, Darla gives him orders too. “You there captain hot stuff,” mom laughs at her nick name for him, but Uncle Pipe looks less than impressed. Not a surprise, he hates nicknames. “Don’t scowl at me Mr. You go get this pretty young thing some nice smelling flowers or something. They won’t be as pretty as she is, but not much is. She doesn’t need teddy bears, or any of that junk she has enough of you to do the trick. Now scoot.” They don’t move straight away, but they do stand rooted to the spot staring at her. “You handsome can stay. Clearly you had a hand in making her so you’re allowed to stay put, your lovely wife too. The other one,” she narrows her eyes at Dec laying on the bed with me and tilts her head his way. “Man candy on the bed over there looks like he’ll be staying as well.” Mom laughs and so do I. She is so right! Declan is nothing if not a big old candy buffet for the eyes. “I’ll see what we can do about getting you a pull-out or rollaway in here. I don’t mind our sweet girl getting cuddles, but nurse pain in my ass, and soon to be a pain in yours is Kendall’s afternoon nurse and she’ll have more than a few words to say about it. Having a private room will make it hard for her to enforce, but she’ll try.”

  Dec grumbles in response.

  “She can kiss my ass. I’m not moving until my woman kicks me out, and I’ll only be going as far as the fucking chair over there if that happens,” he says motioning to the arm chair in the corner by the window.

  “I can see that you’re big enough to handle yourself
and her too, but for now you need to move your fine booty so we can check out how our girl here is doing.” Reluctantly Dec shifts off the bed again but doesn’t release my hand for a second. He’s shoved out of the way so Darla can check my blood pressure because she can only affix the cuff to my right arm. Dec moves only long enough for the cuff to inflate, deflate, and be removed before swooping straight back in to snatch up my hand. Finishing up Darla makes some notes in my chart, and heads back out to the nurse’s station.

  Dec pulls a chair around and places it so the back is against the wall by the bedhead propping his boots up on the bed beside my feet. Noticing that my eyelids are drooping he strokes my hand that’s sitting in his lap,

  “I’m not leaving sweetheart, so close those pretty eyes and get some shut eye yeah? You’ll need it with the brood coming through here later.” Grinning at him I do just that. I close my eyes and allow myself to drift into sleep.



  Feeling a hand placed gently on my shoulder I look to see its Brenna. My head’s reclined on the wall behind me, and I’m exhausted. I can only imagine how fucking tired Kenny is. I’m glad that funny fucking nurse gave her something for the pain. I could see the tightness in her eyes. Kendall is suffering through it like the trooper she is, but she needs rest, time to heal, and pain free sleep if she can manage it.

  Hearing her recollection of what she went through gutted me. It was a fucking shock hearing Isabella was the one hurt her, but deep down it didn’t completely surprise me that she was capable of something like that. The years of hatred Isabella has stored up regarding Kendall is more than likely the cause of it. Knowing she had the opportunity to get away with it after I kicked her out and the Sons kidnapped Kendall only made the timing of it perfect. What the cunt doesn’t realise is that with every breath I have left in my body, I’ll track her down and fucking end her slowly for her crimes. I don’t think there’s a brother that won’t have the same sentiment after Kendall’s story is made known.

  Brenna squeezes my shoulder to get my attention. I open my eyes but don’t lift my head. Priest left for a minute to call some of the brothers, fill them in on the basics before we have church and work out what the fuck we’re going to do about Satan’s Son’s. So it’s just me and Brenna here for now. Speaking quietly Brenna asks,

  “I know you boys and my daughter don’t want to share yet but I do need to know how bad it was Cage. Not the specifics, just an idea will do honey.”

  I know what she’s asking, and it doesn’t surprise me Brenna’s waited until her husband left the room either.

  “She’s in one piece Brenna. She’s hurt. She needs to put some weight back on, and needs to heal, but she’s fucking whole and that’s better than nothing.”

  Gosling my shoulder Brenna looks pissed. She doesn’t look pissed very often but it’s a look I recognise from the few times I’ve fucked up over the years.

  “I’m aware of that Declan and I’m also aware of her physical condition right now. What I want to know as her mother, and a woman is if my baby needs another type of help. Help that you men can’t give her.” Just as I thought. Brenna isn’t stupid and she is a woman, so I know it’s crossed her mind in all the months without her daughter that Kendall might come back broken in other ways too.

  I try to reassure her best as I can without spilling the details that are up to Kendall to discuss when she’s ready.

  “She’s good Brenna, and I mean good in all the ways you’re thinking she might not have been. That’s what I mean when I say she’s whole. If we get her through the worst of this shit she’ll come out of it okay.” I don’t know if it’s enough to relax her, but it’s all I’ve got to give.

  Brenna breathes out a heavy sigh of relief.

  “Thank God. The thought that she might have had to endure that almost killed me. It’s bad enough what she went through without that making it so much worse.”

  Sucking in a breath I try and calm myself because the thought of someone touching Kendall’s beautiful body, or stealing her innocence is enough for me to want to commit murder.

  “I thank fuck they didn’t lay a hand on her like that because if they did I’d find every last fucking one of them and put them to ground. Fucking slowly and fucking painfully and sleep like a baby after doing it.”

  Nodding softly Brenna says,

  “And I wouldn’t blame you one little bit. In fact I’d ask you to let me help you. Now that we know she doesn’t need extra time to get herself together we are going to have to organise shifts for who’s going to stay the nights and all the people who want to visit her. I don…”

  Say fucking what? If Brenna thinks for one second that it won’t be me staying here until the minute Kendall walks out of here then she’s fucking crazy. There’s no way I’m leaving her right now, or ever if I can help it. Letting Kendall out of my sight long enough to have a shower is going to be hard enough let alone considering leaving for the night. It’s just not going to happen.

  “No disrespect Brenna but you don’t need organise shit. I’m not leaving. The brothers can bring me the shit I need, clothes, and whatever because I’m not going anywhere. She’s been gone seven fucking months and I only just got her back, so put that thought out of your head.”

  If her laughter is anything to go by I think she gets me.

  “I didn’t think you would Cage. What I mean is, we need her to see everyone else too, and it’s going to be too overwhelming for them to all try and get in to see her at once, but that’s what will happen if we don’t have a system in place before they get here. Everyone is going to want to see for themselves she’s okay, and if I know anything about my daughter it’s that she’ll want to assure them she’s fine personally.”

  I don’t disagree. Kendall WILL want to do that shit. Especially since I saw the pain in her eyes when her dad, Priest, and Reaper were listening to her story, and I heard her try to make it easier for them to digest. I have no doubt in my fucking mind it was worse that she told us, but she wouldn’t have wanted them to be any more upset than they already were. I believe she wasn’t raped. I even believe they didn’t touch her in a sexually. Kendall couldn’t have hidden that no matter how hard she tried. What I don’t believe for one fucking second is that it was as straight forward as she made it out to be either. You don’t come out of a situation like that looking like she does if it was as simple as she described.

  Interrupting my thoughts that are going in dangerous directions, Priest walks back in and addresses me in a hushed tone,

  “I called Tank and Arrow. They’re setting up the brothers two at a time in around the clock shifts starting now, to sit in the hall outside Kenny’s room. We’ll put at least one brother on her house when she gets out too. I don’t give a fuck what ‘Nazi Nurse’ or any other fucker has to say about it that’s what’s happening. You carrying Cage?”

  Stupid fucking question. Of course I am.

  “When aren’t I?”

  “Good. You’re not leaving I take it, so we’ll take Lexi when we leave tonight. When your dad and I have shit to do, and Brenna’s here Sheila or Lou will have her. I’ve sent Arrow to your place to get you enough shit for a few days. If you need anything else you call him. He’s your bitch for the time you’re here.” I nod at him and he continues, “I’m trusting you to take care of my baby. Any-fucking-thing she needs, it’s up to you to make sure she gets it. She wants a fucking toothpick at three AM you call someone to get it for her, yeah?”

  “Yeah boss I hear you. I’m not planning on leaving so I hope Arrow’s a good bitch because he won’t be getting much rest if he’s going to be running around for toothpicks and shit.”

  Chuckling he makes his way to his wife’s side and kisses her temple.

  “You good woman?”

  Brenna pats his cheek and nods towards Kendall.

  “Our daughter’s home honey. I’m better than I have been in seven months.”

  The door opens for m
e to see dad and Reaper come in holding their loot, and I have to stifle a laugh. Its possible dad bought out the fucking flower shop downstairs. He even needs a fucking two shelved food trolley to bring them all in here. There’s got to be at least ten bunches of flowers in total. All of them different types, sizes, boxed with ribbon and finished with heart shaped balloons sticking out the sides. Reaper isn’t any better off. He’s got a huge stack of magazines, and what looks like some trashy romance novels. You know, the ones with half naked Vikings and shit on the cover. Under his arm is a big stuffed unicorn. He must’ve taken the teddy bear comment to heart, and decided seeing as unicorns were Kendall’s favourite toys when she was a kid he’d get her one of those instead. Transferring the flowers off the cart, and covering most of the free surfaces in the room, dad snatches the unicorn from Reaper putting it across the foot of the bed so Kendall will see it when she wakes up.

  “Do you know how many strange fucking looks I got when I was wheeling this shit up here? And this one,” he cocks his thumb at Reaper, “The fucking kiosk bitch nearly pissed her panties when he fucking put those smut books on the counter. I thought I was going bust a seam when I saw what she was laughing at.”


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