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Nature of the Beast

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  “I’ll send him down.”


  Bg found herself, silently grateful that her sister was taking her request for assistance with shape shifting seriously and not taunting her. She already felt humiliated enough as it was, now she’d have to get close to intimate with one of her sister’s boyfriends. Life sure was never dull or smooth for her.

  “Bodil, do me a favour. Make sure Paris is out of the house, send him off on some sort of errand. I don’t want him to hear or sense, anything.” Bg replied as her sister nodded her head before closing the door behind her. Bg looked straight ahead of her as thoughts whirled around in her brain.

  Shape shifting with another werewolf meant, sometimes, if the connection was strong, or powerful, that others in close vicinity could not exactly feel, but get a sense of the atmosphere that was being created by those wolves. It was embarrassing enough that those that already knew about what had happened to her, were here, that they had seen her looking like she did. But Bg didn’t know if she could take it if her love interest, Paris, got wind of her shape shifting and got weird about it.

  He might be a good guy, of that she was fairly certain. But he was still a male, an alpha male at that, literally in blood and position in life. Bg had been around enough alpha’s in her life to recognise they’re short fuses and how easily they got possessive over those close to them. She didn’t want to hurt his ego or him in general.

  Closing her eyes, she fought the sensation of tears back. She felt hopeless. She had never ever had such difficulty in being able to shape shift since she did for the first time it’d ever occurred to her. She opened her eyes again when the bedroom door opened and Booker walked in, closing it gently behind him.

  Bg looked over at him. Booker was gorgeous. Bodil sure did surround herself with pretty boys, Bg thought silently. He had shoulder length dark hair, and a hint of stubble. He could always be seen in his oversized leather jacket, dark t-shirt and black jeans and boots.

  “Hey,” He greeted her with softly, and a shy smile as he slipped off his large oversized leather jacket. “How you doing?”

  Bg looked at him with a little smile. It was somehow better that it was Booker than Boden or Nick to help her. Maybe because Booker and her, were something else, when they were together. When they’d been together.

  “Uh, what happened to Nick?”

  “I’m it kiddo, Nick and I swapped shifts, he’s…” Booker trailed off stopping short of mentioning that the other male was after Bg’s bastard ex boyfriend for what he’d done to her. Booker walked over to the bed and sat down on the chair beside it, unlacing his boots quickly. “Sorry, hope I’m uh, you know, sufficient enough don’t think Bodil is willing to part with Boden.”

  Bg smiled weakly at him. “No, neither do I.” Booker was a big guy too. His build was similar to Paris’s, maybe that was why she liked him so. Maybe Bg had a type she was attracted to that she’d never thought about before. Big, broad shouldered, solid body of muscle, distinct manliness about them.

  Conall by comparison was nothing like either Booker or Paris. Conall was a slim line version, nowhere near as physically imposing as either Booker or Paris. “This uh, is awkward isn’t it?” she replied glancing over at Booker. He shrugged his shoulders loosely.

  “Do you think your girlfriend would mind?” Bg asked him as Booker moved to the side of the bed, beside her, still fully clothed in his grey t-shit and jeans. Bg knew he had a girlfriend, a stripper apparently. She’d heard it mentioned once or twice before, even though she’d never met the other woman.

  “Let’s try not to think about other people at such a time, kind of defeats the purpose of the mood.” He replied rolling onto his side and looking at Bg warmly as he laid down beside her on the bed.

  In order for the shape shifting to work, they had to be close together. Booker would have to build a sense of power and security and intimacy with his werewolf reaching out to hers. Alpha’s often found they could do this more easily than beta wolves.

  “Can I tell you a little secret, just between us?” Bg said softly looking into Booker’s dark brown eyes. He reached out to brush her hair off her face gently.

  “What’s that?” He asked.

  “I always thought you were the hottest friend Bodil ever had.” She smiled at him, as Booker laughed lightly back at her.

  “Thanks.” He replied inching closer to her. Bg tried to turn to face him more and winced with the movement. “Here let me help you,” Booker said reaching around her, leaning across her body, she he could turn her slightly. Bg’s eyes looked at the veins in his neck and her nostrils flared at the scent of wolf under her nose. So close to the surface of him. Was that a lunar week thing? Bring the wolf to the surface so easily, so early in the evening and just keep it there, like it was sleeping.


  Booker stilled, glancing back at her as Bg lifted her face closer to his neck and watched as she ran her nose along his neck, up to his jaw and sighed in a heavenly manner, her tongue flicking out to lick his jaw. He smelled like fresh air and trees. Automatically something inside her stirred. A small sensation of happiness shot up within her.


  “That’s it baby girl. Find my wolf.” Booker replied heatedly as Bg’s tongue ran along the underside of his jaw, as he turned his head to accommodate her. Bg’s lips followed her tongue as she touched and tasted her way along his skin. It tasted like a sweet treat to her. But he smelt like wolf, fur, summer air and forest. Even though they were both urban werewolves, something about forest made her feel at home, calm and serene.

  “More skin.” Bg muttered softly as Booker looked down at her and she up at him. Her eyes darkening with a needful passion.

  “More skin.” He repeated back at her, moving slightly to pull his t-shirt up over his head, as she pulled down the bed covering her otherwise naked chest with her good arm. Booker looked down at her breasts and back up at her. He lowered his face to hers, his body an inch above hers, so her nipples stood erect against his chest. Both of them, warm. He moaned, his nose flaring as he took in the smell of werewolf and blood. His tongue flicked out, licking the dried blood on the small cuts across her nose.

  Bg groaned in ecstasy. Booker looked down at her, a heat in his eyes, as they began to show flecks of amber in them as they darkened, wolf eyes. The scent of blood turned his wolf on more as he eagerly licked at the dried blood in the split at the corner of her mouth, working his way into the groove of the cut. He turned his head towards her.

  “Baby girl,” he muttered, as his voice a warm breeze of comfort across her skin as his mouth covered hers and his tongue slid inside her mouth softly sealing them in a kiss of tender passion. Bg sighed and turned her head to accommodate him. She wanted the kiss. She wanted Booker and the werewolf she could sense so close to her. This was what it was like when they were so close together, the want to have him, and him her, it reared in them all too easily.

  Bg’s mouth moved with his, keeping them sealed together as she inhaled more of the woodland scent of his werewolf, getting closer to the surface of his skin. It was almost an automatic response that she pushed her chest out, pressing her breasts into his heated chest, feeling the hard contours of him, above her. Her werewolf, was telling her to get closer, to the alpha male above her. It wanted to feel the heat of pack around her. To feel him with her moving with her.

  “I miss you,” Booker kept kissing her, deeper, holding his body above hers, on his elbows and toes, as he stretched out above her. Neither of them wanting to break the kiss, or to stop the mixed sensuality of what they were both scenting, from one another.

  Blood and fur, woodlands and sweat, were the smells that filled their nostrils. They were turning each other’s wolves on as much as one another. Bg moaned in to him, reaching up with her good arm, to run her fingers through the back of his hair, as they continued to kiss.

  His hair was soft and her fingers ran up the back of his head causing goose pimple to break out
along the flesh of his neck. Booker finally broke the contact from her mouth only it seemed so he could work his way down her neck towards her breasts, sucking on her dark pink nipple, hard. “Still so sweet.”

  Bg gasped in a delighted haze. She wanted to feel this good again, to enjoy the pure feeling of enjoyment between another, with another werewolf. Booker took one breast in his mouth and sucked it in slowly, teasing the nipple with his teeth as he grazed it lightly. Before switching to the other breast and starting in on it too. He was gentle to the touch, leisurely taking his time with each breast, listening to the small sounds of pleasure that escaped from Bg’s mouth.

  Bg’s head slung back against her pillows as her fingers kept pressing into his head, keeping his head against her breast. Her need for him was growing like a warming fire throughout her body. Her mouth gaped opened and she moaned out loud. It was exquisite to feel pure comfort in touch and security in sense from the body above her.

  “More skin. I can’t get to your wolf.” She panted softly. “Too much between us.”

  Booker pulled back quickly to fluidly lift himself up and fling back the covers off Bg’s otherwise hidden naked body from him. And to un-button the fly on his jeans as he essentially did a press up, above her on one arm and pushed his jeans down with the other, as he looked into her eyes. Their faces inches apart staring at one another. Just staring.

  Booker blinked and realised what they were close to doing. “You sure you...”

  Bg’s good arm dropped to help him, remove the jeans so they were out of the way and they were both skin to skin, naked with one another. Booker’s straining hard erection pressing against her as he moved to kiss her again. Consuming her mouth, sucking in the blood and licking her with his tongue as his erection grew harder between them and he put a hand to it. Holding himself, squeezing himself in his own hand. Bg could feel what he was doing, how much he was controlling himself with her.

  Every time she forgot about the pain, let it go, she got wrapped up in the scent of him, and the pleasure of his mouth on her body. The pain lessened from her mind and seemingly from her body too.

  “Baby girl” he muttered, working his way down her neck again. Bg pressed into him. Her hand running up his toned upper leg and across his taunt backside. It was all toned muscle under her hand. Booker was in amazingly great shape.

  “I want to feel your wolf” She muttered softly. “Benicio please, please.” She said using Booker’s real name. Her hand slipping down to join his hand on his erection. Booker groaned with pleasure at the touch of her on him.

  He was wide and made her hand feel small on him. She moved her hand up and down his cock with a twist as he dropped his hand away. Allowing her to take over as he stayed upright on his hands, above her body. His eyes closed briefly as he breathed heavily, enjoying her masturbating him.

  “So close.” She replied speeding up the movement of her hand on him.

  Booker sighed wistfully looking down at her. Her eyes were filled with heat and darkening, which meant, her werewolf was finally close to coming out. It wouldn’t be hard to bring on the shape shift now. Now her werewolf would be willing to surface eagerly to meet him.

  “Stop holding back.” Bg replied looking up at him. “I can’t do it if you hold back on me.” She said jerking him off harder and making him groan as he kept balancing his weight above her. “Lick the blood off me or make love to me” She said.

  Booker paused to look back at her. “I promised Bodil I wouldn’t take advantage of you.”

  “You’re not. I’m asking.”

  “Baby-girl are you sure?” he replied kissing her mouth lightly.

  “Please I need this, I need to shape shift Booker. It’s the fastest, easiest way.” She said pleadingly as he nodded his head and quickly reached for his jeans and pulled out a condom packet from the pocket.

  Bg helped him slip it on quickly, as he put her hand back on him again. He didn’t want to be rough with her, but he like her, was getting desperate for that final piece of contact together. They were both feeling the connection now. Shape shifting in the evening on a lunar week, just made them want to rush through the pleasure even faster. So they could do it again and again. Booker knew that was what Bg was feeling too.

  He started kissing and licking the blood around her face and mouth, hungrily. A low moaning growl emitting from him, as Bg gasped at the presence of his wolf bearing down on her. “You okay?” he asked her, lifting his head briefly before bending down to suck on her nipple again, taking his leisurely time with her breasts.

  “Please” Bg moaned as he began to move in her hand with her. Needing his own release as much as her werewolf.

  Booker caught her moan in her mouth and started kissing her mouth deeply again. Bg responded in kind, unable not to. Wanting to. He inhaled the scent of her blood and tasted it in his being. His wolf came roaring to life in his skin and he contained it right at the surface, to stop the actual shift on him. He moved with her, again and again as Bg’s werewolf stirred more and more. Seeking out his wolf too, as it sensed its presence nearby.

  They picked up the pace and Bg seemed to forgot about all the hardships her body was going through. There was no pain, there was just a bond of passion rising and rising in her with Booker.

  “That’s it” He muttered into her ear. “Meet my wolf, meet my wolf.” He chanted with each movement of her hand on his cock. “You’re so sweet.” He groaned picking up the pace even more. His mouth alternating between her mouth and her breasts as he kept thrusting in her hand, desperately. He felt her werewolf circling his, seeking out whether he was the one it was okay to be around. Her werewolf was a bit weary, but liked the scent of him and remembered him and their connection. Her eyes opened up enough for her werewolf to finally transition into her being.

  Booker watched as she sweated lightly before her skin started to shimmer. The first sign the shape shift was happening, as the pull of the moon, high in the nights sky brought them both together.

  Booker pulled back after one final kiss, grunting as he panted heavily remembering the feel of her body under him, the taste of her blood in his mouth masturbating himself. He sat beside her on the edge of the bed his hand on himself, moving it back and forth as he breathed heavily, watching her shape shift occur. Instead of the regular snapping and cracking of bones in the body and the agonised cries of a person being tortured continuously fast. Which would be the common reaction if she were to do a Shape shift by herself, there was a smoothly fast reaction.

  Bg arched up, still feeling her shape shift, her body changing within the blink of an eye lid as she gasped softly, a last human breath. Before her wolf came too, laying on the bed, it rolled up into a sitting position. Looking over at Booker instantly.

  The scent of sex and her pheromones, laced with fur and earth, filled his nostrils and he hardened ever more in his own hand as he moved his shaft quickly, as the shimmering blur of her change over filled his vision as the naked woman changed effortlessly to a beautiful, slender grey and white wolf.

  His own orgasm ripped through his body at him and he came hard. Laying on the bed beside her again, allowing her shape shift to smoothly complete itself beside him. As he called out her name.


  Paris heard the groans and the moans of pleasure coming from the other end of the house. They all heard it, Bodil, Boden and him. It couldn’t be ignored it was that loud, and with heightened hearing there was no way they could miss it.

  He had ignored Bodil’s request to leave the house for an hour. He had stated he wished to be near Bg to make sure she was alright. Bodil had tried to tell him that Booker was going to assist her shape shift. Paris had thought he was alright with this. Given Bg needed to, to improve her condition, greatly. Of course, there were ways to assist a shape shift that didn’t necessarily lead to sex with another wolf.

  However, they all knew, sex was by far the easiest way to speedily bring on a shape shift. Paris had known, he was a fool for thinking th
is would be the case. Bg was in a bad way, physically. Not having the ability at will as a beta wolf to Shape shift, was never going to just take a few, faked tricks into bringing her wolf out. Part of him knew it would require real intimacy, real feeling and no restraint.

  Part of him was insane with jealousy. Part of him wanted to hurt Booker. His friend had just made love to his girlfriend. Not without good cause. Still…Jealousy never made anything clear or made the bearer care for clarification or honesty of the matter. Bg was his. He felt it in his very being. He wanted her all for himself.

  Bodil had turned on the TV and stereo in the lounge room so as to attempt to drown out the noises of pleasure that they all knew were going on in Bg’s bedroom. They were lucky in a way, that hearing was all that they were getting. Noise could be drowned out, blocked and ignored. If there’d been a powerful connection, truly powerful, between the two werewolves, then they’d have sent out vibrations of pleasure that the other’s would have got a sense of in the air, possibly along their skin.

  It’d been known to happen more in group settings of a pack. Hence why everyone went clubbing during lunar week. That atmosphere drove the emotions and sated them at the same time. It was amazing to experience.

  When after thirty minutes, Booker emerged from the room, topless and coated in water droplets and drying his hair with a towel, Paris surged to his feet and towards him. Boden jumped in front of him fast. The sandy haired male put a hand on the Manhatten Maen alpha’s chest forcefully.

  “This house has already seen enough violence. You have no right to interfere with Breukelen business and how we care for our own.” He said in a low voice. Bodil stood beside them, looking at Paris. Paris looked back at her, ignoring Boden.

  “You knew it had to happen and why. You refused my advice. So be a man about this or leave. They are the only two options I leave you with.” She said angrily. “You will go through me before you get to him. I can promise you that.” She muttered before walking down to greet Booker. Who told her Bg had managed to shape shift.


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