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The Possibility of Trey (A Hellion MC Novel)

Page 6

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  He watched her blink as she thought, watched as her gaze skimmed over and around the neighborhood while she deliberated.

  "A date?" she asked finally.

  "Yeah. Well, kind of," he hedged. "Just a couple of new friends going out to see what's doing."

  "I don't think I can afford it," she finally said and Trey saw an adorable blush wash over her cheeks.

  "No. I'll pay. I would just like to spend some time with you alone." Christ! He was trying like hell to keep a lid on it, but he didn't know how much more he could take without yanking her to press against his cock.

  "I, ah. I've never gone out with a biker before." Her blush seemed to get even deeper with her admission.

  "Seems you kind of have something against men who ride," he replied on a teasing note but he was curious. Why was she put off by that part of him? "We're regular people, Dallas. We have lives and families, we have jobs and responsibilities just like everyone else. And sometimes we even like to date a pretty girl."

  He let her eyes search his own, allowing her to see the sincerity of his intentions while keeping the heat out of them. It was, like what was in his pants, harder than hell.

  Her head tilted this way and that, as she opened and then closed her mouth. "Is this off the HC books with no one the wiser?" she asked at long last.

  So the little minx was willing to go out with him but only if no one else knew. Trey wondered if it was because of his affiliation to his club or because he was one of her bosses.

  "Absolutely. Just as tonight was," he shot back. She was smart as a whip and Trey made a point to remember that going forward while at the same time wondering what color her nipples were.

  "Then, okay. You arrange it and we'll go out," she said finally, taking a step back. "Tell me when and where and I'll meet you."

  Oh, that was so not gonna happen. She was gonna be on the back of his bike if he had any say in the matter. The thought of her sweet pussy pressed against his ass as she held him tight almost made his blood sing.

  "Give me your phone," he instructed.


  "I wanna program my numbers into your phone and then get yours," Trey explained, holding her warm metallic gaze.

  "Oh," came the reply as her head dipped down and she slid her cellphone from her back pocket. "It'll make it easier with Drake and all."

  Her little fucker of a brother was the last thing on his mind as he negotiated with the vixen in front of him. Yeah, she seemed sweet and gentle but there was something shimmering just beneath the surface. A wildness waiting, almost poised to be unleashed.

  Something that called to every sexual fiber of his being.

  And Trey was determined to discover it.

  So the flickering, the restlessness inside him all weekend long had only been because of little miss Dallas Sheridan and her wealth of charms still hidden. Maybe he should see if Carly and Huff might be interested in an additional player just to get rid of the fidgeting inside. But as soon as his mind suggested it, it was tossed to the curb. He had a need to plumb the depths of a little plumber to discover her cache of secret pink.

  Trey smiled into the soft night as he twisted the key in his ignition, laughing at his own strange phrasing.

  But, uncovering Dallas was his goal and he figured it'd almost be like searching for buried treasure. With maybe the same amount of work but a million times more fun.


  I was tired. The bone-weary, dead-dog kind of tired that wanted to just crawl up onto the bench seat of my truck and stretch out for about thirty-six hours of uninterrupted sleep.

  My new position came with a lot of new challenges as well as paperwork. I had to know where each one of my guys were at every given moment, ensure that our work was both up to code and to the developer's building plans as well as help out on the sections that needed my level of knowledge and skills. And because I was required to fill out a report for every move I or the guys made, there just weren't enough hours in a day.

  I stood in the open door of my truck and unlatched my tool belt. By the end of the day, that bad-boy felt like it weighed a ton and I was thankful when I finally got to remove it. To get it into one of the locking cabinets in the bed of my truck seemed to require more effort than I had in me at that moment.

  Hearing a ruckus by the HMC clubhouse, I turned to find Trey stomping around the corner, his hand shoved in my brother's shaggy faux-hawk . He was dragging Drake by his hair as he bellowed and cussed. Those inside must have heard him too because two club members came barreling out the door and stopped. Trey shoved my brother at them and continued to yell. He pointed to my sibling and then behind his own back, his voice getting louder and his cussing more inventive.

  I must have taken a step towards them because all four of them turned their eyes to me.

  "This is all your fault, you fucking bitch!" My brother, my stupid, stupid sibling yelled across the forecourt. "If it wasn't for you, Lally…"

  Trey reached over and backhanded him. Slapped Drake right across the mouth before shoving his forefinger in his face. Trey's voice was a low growl as he spoke to Drake who at least had the smarts to stop talking. As he'd done at the beginning, as soon as Drake's eyes moved downward, Trey yelled, "eyes to me!" There were a lot more Trey said that I couldn't make out before he did a wrist-flick, indicating to the waiting members to take Drake away.

  The clubhouse door opened again and a beautiful girl came out. She tucked herself against Trey's side and I saw him loop his arm around her to pat and caress her ass. The casualness of his move I found both shocking and uncomfortably intimate. The girl unwrapped herself from around his big form and went back inside to where I knew the bikers congregated.

  The whole scene had maybe taken two to three minutes but it felt like a lot longer because it had been so ugly. First was seeing my brother manhandled and second was being assigned blame for his predicament. Then there had been the slap. It wasn't a hard one but it had been enough to make Drake stop talking.

  I wasn't sure if I had my brother in the right place after all.

  And last was the nonchalant grope of the beautiful woman.

  Trey walked the distance of the concrete space to join me at my truck.

  "Sorry you had to see that, Dallas," he murmured, coming in close, effectively holding me captive between the cab and the door. With a hand on the top of the truck's portal and his other on the roof he'd effectively created a cage.

  I didn't know which part of the scenario he was apologizing for me viewing.

  "You're bleeding," I advised, watching a thin trail of blood wind its way through his goatee.

  He swiped a hand over his mouth and seemed surprised to see the blood on his fingers when he looked down at it. "Little fucker snatched Jilly's cellphone and was trying to send a text message. I caught him dead to rights and he fucking ran to the bathroom. Managed to catch me with the goddamn door as he climbed into the shower." He did another mouth swipe. "It's been a while since a kid got the drop on me."

  I watched him as I listened, waiting for him to explain Drake was too much for them to handle. But those words never came.

  "I'm still setting things up, pretty girl." He took a step closer and I had to crank my chin up to hold his gaze. "You know, for our date. As soon as I have it finalized, I'll let you know."

  He'd been serious about that? When I hadn't heard anything from him since Friday, I assumed that he'd offered the date out of pity after seeing another round of how the Sheridan family didn't have much of a life. Besides, how did I figure into whatever else he had going as evidenced by his pawing of that other girl?

  I reminded myself he was a biker. One of those who had a girl stashed everywhere just in case the 'need' hit him according to rumor. Performing a slam, bam, thank you ma-am kind of act with any girl available. Jenny said it was as if they were masturbating only using a girl's parts instead of their hand.

  "Say something, Dallas." His voice was a soft growl and his eyes were
on my mouth as he moved another inch towards me. We were so close I could feel the heat of him through my t-shirt. My heart began thumping a new cadence at both his nearness and the look in his eye. "Say something or I'm gonna kiss you, right here. Right now. The kind of kiss I know you'd like. The kind that'll make your nipples hard and your panties wet."

  "Mr. Kettering and I were looking for you earlier," I said quickly without thinking. Although as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wondered if I should've gone with door #2 and not spoken. Could a guy really get me that hot with just a kiss? "I saw something today that he thinks you need to be aware of."

  Trey blinked deeply and whatever light had been moving in his eyes was extinguished. "Let's go find him then." He stepped away, giving me the space I needed to move before he shut the heavy truck door. We didn't say anything as we moved into the HC building but he asked Rita to have Silo meet him in his office.

  "Have a seat," he said before going behind his desk after removing his cut, laying it carefully over the back of his leather chair.

  "You rang?" Mr. Kettering called as he came in, sitting down next to me.

  "Dallas said you two were looking for me earlier. What's doing?"

  "What's with the bloody lip?"

  "We'll talk about it later. Now what's up?" Trey seemed impatient with Mr. Kettering's diversion. Either that or he didn't want to discuss how my brother had beaned him with the bathroom door.

  "Spill it, Sheridan," Mr. Kettering said, waving a palm between me and Trey.

  "Well, earlier at the job site I was having trouble with the plans for some of the five bedroom units. So I thought Greenway, you know the guy that leads the other crew there?" I caught Trey's nod. "I thought he could help. When I got to the plots he and his boys were working on, he was talking with someone. Someone I haven't seen before and who didn't look like he worked in the trades or for the developer."

  I swallowed and took a deep breath.

  "The man gave Greenway an envelope and a handshake before moving off. When I asked about it, Greenway told me I hadn't seen anything and he didn't know what I was talking about. But it was the way he said it that kind of scared me. And I don't get scared easily, si…Mr. Jackson." I didn't want to downplay the implied threat Greenway had given, but I wanted my superiors to be aware of it.

  "You didn't hear any of their conversation?" Trey asked.

  "No, I didn't."

  "Can you describe the dude with Greenway?" Kettering questioned.

  "Fifty-ish, average height with a big belly. Dressed like a cowboy, including a hat."

  "You see his wheels?" Trey pressed.

  "White Escalade, newer model," I answered quickly.

  I saw Trey and Mr. Kettering hold a stare for a few seconds. I'd seen this kind of shared look before between members of the club and it was kind of creepy. Almost like they were communicating mind to mind or something. And it ended the same way as the other times too with Mr. Kettering rapping his knuckles on Trey's desk before he stood up.

  "I got it," was all he said as he cleared the office door.

  "Did I do the right thing, Trey? By telling, I mean," I asked, my eyes still on the doorway.

  "More than, Dallas," he breathed and I brought my face back to his. We shared a look before he suddenly began speaking in what I was coming to think of as his 'sexy' voice. "C'mere, pretty girl."

  "Wh-what?" My voice squeaked out my question.

  "You are too far away. Come stand next to me or better yet, sit on my lap."

  I swallowed but I didn't move from where I was. He'd just felt up that other girl and now wanted me to sit on his lap? My face must have given my internal 'hell no' away because Trey sighed deeply.

  "What time do your parents go to bed?"

  "Sorry?" The abrupt changes in our conversation found me lagging.

  "Your parents. What time do they go to bed?"

  "Around eight-thirty or nine. Why?" I didn't know what it was about the guy but every time I was around him, my brains tended to leak out my ears. If I wasn't careful I'd start to think he was pursuing me or something. That I wasn't just another female he found mildly entertaining because she wasn't falling all over herself to get to him.

  "I'll come by tonight at nine-thirty."

  My heart started that weird thumping thing again. "They're light sleepers."

  "So we'll sit on the front porch."

  "The porch?" Our front porch hadn't been used in years.

  "Yeah, the porch. We'll have a couple of beers and talk for a while. Does that sound okay?"

  "Uhm, sure. Yeah. Okay." My breathing was starting to get as weird as my heartbeat and even to my ears it sounded tight and thready.


  I stood up on shaky legs and went to the door just as Mr. Kettering was coming back in. "Goodnight, Sheridan."

  "See you tomorrow, Mr. Kettering," I offered back and was only three steps away from the door, pointing myself down the hall when I had to stop and take a moment to calm the hell down. As I did so with a hand propped against the wall, I couldn't help but overhear the voices in Trey's office.

  "Keep your eyes off that succulent ass, Prez," Mr. Kettering's voice held a hint of laughter.

  "Would if I could, amigo. But something that fine just needs to be admired for the sheer beauty of it." Trey chuckled.

  "Yeah, but on HC property that fine ass is mine to protect. Even from you, brother."

  I felt my cheeks heat and practically ran past the efficient Rita and out the front door.

  But all the way home, I kept hearing Trey's voice and how he'd described my ass as beautiful even as I wondered how it would feel to have his hands on it. Touching me the way I'd seen him fondle that other girl.

  Chapter Seven

  Trey sat at the bar and glanced at his watch. Only three hours to go until he could see her again. He was surprised at how much he was looking forward to just sitting and talking with her, to get to know her one on one.

  Although he still had a lot to do before he left.

  Bishop was running a bit late but since he was HMC's resident internet guru he'd been given the last minute task of tracking down who all the players were in what Dallas had seen.

  Goddamn! One of the best parts about working with the brothers in the club was the lack of graft and kickbacks that occurred. The building trade was rife with it and had everyone and their brother holding out their hand expecting their cut of whatever action was in play. The suppliers, inspectors and developers knew better than to ask or offer HC and their employees anything, knowing that just the hint of it would bring both them and their businesses down.

  And while Greenway was not a Hellion, he still worked for them and was expected to conduct business above the counter. Although crew leaders were not supposed to be conducting any business at all. That was for management to do.

  After Silo got finished with him tonight, Greenway would no longer be affiliated with HC and would, most likely, have to find another place for him and his family to live. Going forward, Greenway would be just another ex-employee who had been fired with cause, making him a persona non grata in Missoula. Trey realized it was harsh but the man had known the score when he'd made the decision to accept money from a supplier on the sly.

  James, 'but you can call me Jimmy', Parish had been the man Dallas had described at the job site. Parish was nothing but the leg man for Emil Brechot, a bug that had crawled into Missoula five years before and who had tried to bring down both Hellion Construction and the HMC at the same time. And up until recently, the man hadn't had but a small measure of success. But if Greenway was any indication, the underlings were beginning to succumb to lure of easy green and Trey suspected the loss of three major construction contracts in Idaho was Emil's doing as well.

  Trey wanted Bishop to find the connection.

  Silo was getting the info on exactly when and how much Brechot was handing out.

  As Trey moved his pieces into play on the chessboard of his
mind, he saw Dare come in. "You get the shithead settled?"

  "Yeah. God, he's a stubborn little fuck," Dare said, signaling to Carly with a smile for his tequila. "I think we've slapped him around more than the last three combined."

  "He comes from a prideful family. Part of his legacy. How's he doing with the rest?"

  Dare shrugged. "He's fucking dragging his feet when doing laundry, can't seem to finish his goddamn schoolwork on time and gives fucking lip when receiving instructions. Tank had to boot his ass out of bed when four hadn't been cleaned to his fucking satisfaction before taking Maisie inside."

  "Tank was on first patrol last night, right? So he got in around two in the morning?"

  "Yep. And the little shit decided fucking o'dark thirty was no time to be awake and scrubbing a toilet." Dare chuckled. "Tank helped change his goddamn mind."

  Trey signaled for a refill as he thought. "Okay. So we've slapped him around and given him extra chores but the little fucker's attitude remains in the asshole category. Let's try something else. Saw he was eyeing Carmi when they were in the kitchen together. Let's see if she'd be willing to throw the kid some candy when he does something right."

  "You wanna gift the kid pussy? That's a new twist on behavior modification therapy." Dare was out and out laughing at the idea.

  "I didn't say she'd have to fuck him. At his age, I don't think he'd know what to do with it even with both hands and a flashlight. Just give him a taste of some sweet and see if that works in changing his outlook." Trey took a deep drink. He knew how he'd been at seventeen and with someone that looked like Carmi, he would've come in his pants at just a flash of her nipple. Then he would've had bent her over and fucked her raw just for teasing him.

  "Might work. Bishop said the kid knows his way around a computer and almost hacked into a porn site the other evening." Dare leaned his elbows on the bar. "I'll have Dee check with Carmi and see if it's a go. If so, I'll tell the kid about his new reward for good behavior."

  "We get the results back on Naomi?"


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