Cassandra's Challenge
Page 58
He looks to his spouse, she’d only given him a token defense, allowing this Challenger to humiliate him. Seeing her hand, he realizes everyone is watching him, waiting. Pulling himself back in he puts a slight smile on his face, not realizing it makes him look feral.
“Of course, my dear.” Audric takes her hand, leading her away.
Everyone watches Cassandra take a calm drink from her glass. Her eyes met the Admiral’s at the slight touch of his hand on her back. She turns back to Madame Terwilliger to continue their conversation.
Umbarger is impressed, beyond impressed. He hadn’t believed his nephew. He’d described the Challenger as beautiful, confident, loyal, and one who stood. He assumed he’d exaggerated. He hadn’t.
Her total belief in the Admiral is undeniable, as is his commitment to her. They were glaring opposites of Queen Yakira and Prince Audric. A marriage arranged by her family after the death of her intended.
Umbarger isn’t the only one to notice. Admiral Zafar is respected throughout the Houses. He’s commanded many of their children, doing his best to make sure they got home, and when they didn’t, would write a personal note. He is the hero of the Battle of Fayal. His capture of the Regulian battle ship, the Rappen, resulted in vital information being obtained, saving thousands of Carinian lives. Audric’s disrespect had not gone over well.
The Admiral stands by, as more and more people approach, wanting introductions to the Challenger. He knows this isn’t the time or place Cassandra doesn’t want it to appear she’s using it that way.
“Princess.” He leans close. She turns her head slightly and he sees the first hints of fatigue. “We need to return to the Royal Wing.” He sees the slight flare in her eyes, and realizes she believes there’s a problem. He gives her waist a reassuring squeeze, her eyes settle.
“Of course,” Cassandra’s eyes sweep the group surrounding them. “If you’ll excuse us?” It wasn’t a question she turns to the Admiral waiting.
With his hand on her lower back he guides her through the crowd, Lucas on one side, Kyle behind. At the doors the guards make a note of their leaving. Walking down the corridor Kyle moves to his father’s side.
“I assume it’s okay to leave without saying goodbye to Jotham and Barek.”
“He won’t expect it. You’ve spoken with him once.” Approaching the Royal Wing William removes the key from his pocket.
“No one has approached the Wing Admiral.” Nodding he unlocks the door. Once inside he secures the door. Marat approaches.
“The Wing is secure Admiral, there have been no intrusions.”
“Good. Initiate Eagle Nest.”
“Yes sir. Princess, Victoria is in Michelakakis’ suite.”
“Thank you Chief.” Marat nods then leaves the room.
“Eagle Nest?” She asks.
“Let’s some of the guards rotate out.”
“How are they holding up?” She asks as they head for the stairs.
“Fine, why?”
“There’s only ten of them William, we’ve been running them pretty hard.”
“That’s their job.”
“For the Coalition maybe, this isn’t Coalition business.” She stands on the first step, eye level with William.
“They’re fine.” Giving him a quick kiss she lets the subject drop, heading up to find Victoria.
William watches until she’s safely upstairs, then he turns to his sons.
“We need to talk.” He leads them to the ready room. Once there he sits behind the desk, looking at his sons. “Opinions.”
“Cassandra handled herself like a true Queen, she was controlled, respectful, not letting anyone push her around.” Kyle comments first.
“She won over Umbarger. But Audric, he’d like to see her dead.” Lucas stares at his father. “That’s who she’s ‘irritating’.”
“Prince Audric?” Kyle leans back thinking. “She knew he had no Royal affiliation, no birthmark.”
“Cassandra does her research.”
“That’s how she knew he didn’t ‘earn’ any of his medals.”
“Did you know he was going to take a shot at you?” Lucas asks.
“No, but I’m not surprised.”
“Yakira didn’t defend him.” Kyle looks at his father.
“What?” William gives his attention to his youngest.
“When Audric took a shot at you, Cassandra tore him apart. Yakira didn’t defend him, just let it go. He was pissed about it.”
“It was more than that.” Lucas looks at his father. “Everyone saw. Saw the difference between them as a couple and you. You and Cassandra stand together, they stand apart. It gave everyone a good look at what the House of Knowledge could be, especially their Assemblymen.”
“There have been rumors,” Kyle looks from Lucas to his father. “From the very beginning, Yakira’s intended, Vane, was killed in a freak accident on Messene. Less than two months later she weds Audric. Their son is born less than seven months later. He was ‘early’.” Kyle watches his father. “It’s rumored Audric can’t stand the boy, he’s fifteen now, Yakira lives her life around him.”
“Not all rumors are true.” William states but it raises some interesting questions.
“There’s more. They’ve kept separate quarters since they were wed. Yakira consulted with a doctor that guaranteed herself a daughter for her second child. An heir.”
“How can you possibly know that?” Lucas demands.
“I’m the ‘smart’ one remember.” Kyle grins at him.
“Vane died on Messene?” William stands walking to look out the window.
“Yes.” Kyle watches him. “A climbing accident.”
“Audric is originally from Messene. The Glitter Man needed to get back to Messene. It’s not a coincidence.”
“You think he killed Vane so he could marry Yakira and become Prince?” Lucas frowns.
“It’s possible.” William looks to Kyle. “Can you get me all the Intel on the ‘accident’? Quietly.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Do it.”
“Dad, you really think it matters?” Lucas asks.
“I don’t know, Cassandra’s been working on something concerning the Battle of Fayal, she’s sniffing something, this might help.”
“Something to do with who translated the Intel.”
“Scholar Olah.” William and Lucas stare at Kyle. “What? I did a thesis on him. He was in charge of all data translations from the Regulian ship. He died over seven cycles ago.”
“How?” William demands.
“That transport accident in Kisurri.”
“The ‘freak’ one? Where only the last transport rolled?”
“Yes….” Kyle pales at the thought. “He couldn’t have….”
“Why? That was only one hundred people, compare that to seven billion.” William’s eyes are hard. “Get me the Intel Kyle, on all that, I want to know who he’d been in contact with before he died. Go back a month.”
“Yes sir. Are the comms upstairs on full security?”
“Yes, if you need more let me or Quinn know, and Kyle, don’t let anyone know you’re sniffing.”
“Not a problem.” Kyle heads upstairs.
“Dad….you think it goes that far back?”
“It started somewhere. If he killed to get to Yakira, he’d kill to stay there. After seven billion what’s a few more.” William walks up to his first son. “Stay on your toes.”
“Aunt Cassie, you’re back.”
“Sure am, what are you up too?” She sits down next to her.
“Javiera has us catching up on homework.”
“Really.” Cassandra looks at Javiera.
“I thought it would keep them busy.”
“It’s a good idea. You have what you need?”
“Yea, I’ve just been p
ulling it up on the comm.” Javiera gives Cassandra the once over. They hadn’t talked about the baby yet. She could wait until Cassandra was ready to talk. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t keep an eye on her friend.
“Why don’t you go eat, I think the girls left you some fudge torta.”
“We did.” Victoria pipes up.
“I’ve got enough to keep them busy for a couple hours. Eat, rest, it’s been a trying day.” Javiera shoos her out.
“Have you been talking to William?” Cassandra accuses laughing.
“No, but I will if that’s what it takes.”
“The Admiral always makes her eat.” Victoria chimes in.
“Then she must, he’s the Admiral.”
Smiling, Cassandra leaves them. It felt good to smile. Finding the suite empty she slips off her shoes.
“Ahhh, that’s heaven.” Picking them up, she heads to the closet. Hanging up her white outfit she turns to the bureau. Kia had made her a pair a jeans. She’d protested the whole time but once Cassandra had discovered a material similar to denim she’d insisted, had drawn a very detailed sketch. Pulling them out she looks at them. Smiling as she pulls them on. The fit was perfect, as she buttons them she realizes she’d better enjoy them while she can, soon William’s son will make them impossible to wear. The thought makes her laugh. Pulling on a shirt she heads out to find food, bare foot.
Walking down the steps she thinks about what William’s told her. Tomorrow there would be a private ceremony for Dadrian. But William hadn’t said anything about going? Would he and his sons normally have gone? Was there a reason they weren’t?
“Chief Marat.” Cassandra sees him at the bottom of the step wondering if he’d know.
“Princess.” Marat watches as she approaches. No one seeing her now would think she would soon be Queen. She’s wearing some kind of blue jeans he’d never seen before, a very casual shirt, loose hair and bare feet. Bare feet!
“I have a question I’m hoping you can answer.”
“I’ll try.”
“Tomorrow there will be a private family burial of Dadrian.”
“Under normal circumstances, would the Zafars’ attend?”
Marat thinks for a moment. The Admiral is not only related too but a good friend of King Jotham, his is Barek’s second father, and their sons were friends.
“In my opinion, yes Princess.”
“Could you contact Deffand for me and find out if he feels it will be a problem for them to attend?”
“I think it will do them all good to be there together, privately. Victoria and I will not be attending. If you could do that?”
“I’ll do what I can Princess. It might be awhile, the gathering is on going.”
“Thank you Chief.” She turns, heading to the kitchen.
“Princess!” Hutu is shocked to find her in his kitchen.
“Hutu, hello. I thought I’d come down and see if I couldn’t beg a meal off you.”
“You only had to call.”
“I know, but I felt like coming down for a visit. Anything you have is fine. Is that soup?”
“Yes Princess.” Hutu goes to the stove filling a bowl. Setting it down, he hands her a spoon.
“Thank you.” She takes her first sip. “This is wonderful Hutu.” He smiles and sets down what she’s come to know as Carinian bread. Tearing off a piece she dips it in the soup.
“How are you adjusting here?”
“Princess?” Hutu gives her a confused look.
“I’ve never asked. Where are you originally from Hutu?”
“I’m from the Latakia Region of the House of Growth, Princess.”
“Well that explains how you’re such a good cook. Do you have family there?”
“Several brothers, one sister, they’ve all married, have children. They work together on the family acreage.”
“It’s large enough to support them all?”
“Yes Princess.”
“So where are you in the mix?”
“Oldest, youngest?”
“Youngest son, only my sister is younger.”
“And your parents?”
“They’ve gone to be with the ancestor’s Princess.” Hutu’s look is somewhat sad.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, they are together, that’s how they would want to be.” Cassandra nods her understanding.
“So you didn’t want to stay on the farm….acreage?”
“No. I used to look at the stars and wonder what it was like, really like to go there, not just in a simulation. So since there were enough to work the acreage I left.”
“It would have been hard on your parents.”
“Yes, it was, but they also understood.” Hutu turns to work on at counter.
Cassandra thinks back to her father, how he understood her need to study. “They tend to do that, when they love you.”
“Yes Princess.” Hutu sets a piece of fudge torta in front of her.
Looking down she finds her bowl empty. Grinning at him, she takes the forc he’s holding out.
“You’re going to make me fat if you keep making this.” She closes her eyes taking her first bite. “Yummmm.”
“Good.” The Admiral comes up behind her, placing a kiss on her head.
“Admiral, would you like some soup?”
“Thank you Hutu.”
Turning away Hutu rushes to fill a bowl. An Admiral and a Princess sitting in his kitchen eating soup who’d believe it? He’s been telling a Princess about his family. He sets the bowl in front of the Admiral.
“So how many nieces and nephews do you have?” Cassandra continues her conversation with Him.
“Hmm, at last count seven nephews six nieces.”
“Really?!?” Her eyes widen. “Do you get to see them much?”
“I get home when I can. It depends on the length of the Admiral’s tour.”
Saying nothing she enjoys another bite. Hutu can’t help but grin at her enjoyment.
“I should make my mother’s special fudge chip wafers for you.” Hutu realizes he’s spoken out loud.
“Wafer?” Cassandra frowns. “Wafer…. You mean like a cookie? Round.” She shows him with her hands. Hutu nods. “With ‘fudge chips’. If you’re talking chocolate chip cookies I may have to kiss you.”
“Uhhh…” Hutu’s eyes flash to the Admiral, relaxing when he sees his grin.
“You’d better make some Hutu. If it’s what she’s thinking, you will be a very lucky man.”
“Yes Admiral.”
“You done with that?” William looks at her empty plate.
She blushes. “Yeah. Thank you Hutu.”
“You’re very welcome Princess.”
Standing, William helps her off the stool. Looking down he sees her bare feet. She wiggles her toes at him. Shaking his head, he smiles.
“Where are your shoes?”
“In the closet where they belong.”
“And here I thought we could walk in the garden.”
“Sounds good to me.” Wrapping an arm around his waist she lets him lead her out the kitchen’s garden door.
“You’re going to hurt your feet.” William tells her as they walk along the path.
“If I do, you’ll just have to carry me.” She teases. “Might hurt your back after all that torta I ate.” William laughs at the thought of her being that heavy. They needed this, a few moments of carefree together. Wandering Lata’s garden they find a little peace.
“Why aren’t either of your sons named after you?”
“What?” He looks down at her.
“Lucas and Kyle, why isn’t one of them named after you? Is that not done on Carina?”
“It can be.” He walks her over to a bench and sits down. “Salish named the boys.”
“I was gone when th
ey were born. She chose their names.”
“You had no say?” Cassandra frowns.
“I made suggestions, but all the paperwork was done by the time I got there.”
“So Lucas?”
“Lucas Matthew, Lucas for her father Matthew for mine.”
“Kyle Weddell. She liked the name, Weddell for her grandfather.” She looks into his eyes. Smiling softly she touches his cheek.
“So what do you want for this one?”
“I…” He realizes he hadn’t thought of it. He’d thought she’d want to choose.
“You’ll need to give it some thought, but we have time.” She rubs her thumb across his lips.
“What are you thinking?”
“Oh, I’ve had some thoughts, but nothing seems right. My mom liked to tell the story of how Peter was supposed to be George Jacob or Jacob Robert, after my dad and then my grandfathers. But once he was born they looked at each other and knew he was a Peter.”
“Why Peter?”
“They didn’t know, but his name was to be Peter and dad refused to let his middle name be Jacob because he didn’t want him called PJ. Something about the names you military types make up.” William laughs.
“So what was his middle name?”
“Matthew.” William’s eyes widen. “Interesting huh.”
“Pardon me Admiral.” Marat approaches the couple.
“What is it Chief?”
“I have a message for the Princess.” William frowns looking at Cassandra. “Deffand says it would be greatly appreciated Princess.”
“Thank you Chief. I appreciate you taking the time.”
“Princess.” Nodding Marat leaves.
“What is that about?”
“It’s about you and your sons attending the private burial tomorrow.”
“He’s a friend that’s just lost his son. It doesn’t matter why. He’s your King. You’re his surviving son’s second father. You’re related by blood. You’re family, he needs his family.”
“There are security issues that will intrude.”
“No there’s not. Victoria and I will stay in the Royal Wing, inside the Wing. You can seal it yourself. We won’t leave.” Cassandra puts a hand to his cheek. “I promise. You need to go.”