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Page 8

by Heather McAlendin

  me take her home. The child is alive and well and your female is only sleeping now. You

  will find that she is healed.”

  His heart hopeful, Gordon quickly went to Fiona and lay Ling Mae next to her.

  He noticed that the flow of blood had been stemmed and seemed to be drying. He could

  do nothing now but stroke her hair and whisper how much much he loved

  her too.

  Prince Bronwyn held the bell tightly in his left hand and turned back toward Fae.

  He walked up to her and raised his hand to stroke her cheek.

  “No more suffering my love. I promise to take care of you always, please trust me

  in this.” Fae struggled against the partial faerie magic that held her fast. “Who did this

  creature think he was?” she thought. Nobody loved her; neither faerie or human of

  which she was both. She had been rejected by both worlds and by her own mother.

  “I wish to remedy that my child, my daughter.”

  A silence came over the room as the Faerie Queen herself appeared as whist mist

  in the centre of the room.

  Gordon sat with his mouth open and held both Fiona and her child close to him in

  protection. “What?” he mouthed silently.

  Queen Maeve held a tiny hand up and quietly nodded. “I am sorry for your pain

  at the hand of my oldest daughter, I assure you she will no longer be a burden to you.”

  The mist hovered over Fiona and Gordon for a brief second before moving

  toward Prince Bronwyn and Fae. Slowly, the mist materialized into the image of the

  beautiful and majestic Faerie Queen. Fae screamed silently, centuries of rage and

  anguish escaped her mind in a psychic noise so loud that the birds in the garden left in

  one flock and darkened the sky above Gordon’s house.

  Prince Browyn covered his ears and his knees buckled as Fae escaped the magic

  and flew into a rage. “How dare you come to me?” she wailed. “You who dared banish your own flesh

  and blood. You who through faerie magic caused me to lose the one thing I cared about

  most, the ability to have my own child!”

  Fae raised her arms and the air within the house grew cold, freezing the breath

  that escaped from everyone’s nostrils. Queen Maeve silently closed her eyes and the

  room quickly rose to a normal temperature.

  “Child, enough! You have suffered enough and so have these humans. We can

  reconcile this at the Glen, in our own world.” The Queen stood silent but the empathy

  and concern was evident on her face as Gordon watched what was unfolding in front of


  Finally, Fiona moved and opened her eyes. “Did the bell..”

  Before she could finish, her eyes flashed at the sight of the Queen and the two

  other faeries, one male, which stood in Gordon’s living room. Turning toward Gordon

  she noticed the bundle he held in his arms and she wept with joy. “Oh God, it is my wee

  one. My own child! Oh thank you!” She cried as she gently lifted Ling Mae and brought

  her close to her chest, whispering her love and kissing her.

  It was a lovely tableau, but Fae was not done expressing bitterness at her mother

  and the world. She clenched her delicate fists and pounded them against her breast. “I was your child and you my mother. You should have loved me!” “I cannot go home, I

  have no home.”

  Queen Maeve made a gesture forward, as if to hold Fae but her arms dropped and

  she had a look of one with a shattered heart.

  “You are right my precious one. This is my fault. I am the cause of your

  heartache. I had a weakness for humans once and that weakness turned into what should

  have been my greatest joy. The shame I felt overshadowed my reign as Queen, my duty

  to our kind and my duty as a mother. I do not..did not want that for you.”

  “So you made it possible that I can never conceive? I can never decide if I want

  to make the same mistake you did..or not?” “How is that fair mother? How can you take

  away my right to chose?”

  Fae dropped to the floor in a heap and cried, shattering Prince Bronwyn’s heart as

  he watched. He dared not interfere as he knew that this was between mother and

  daughter. Not even the strongest faerie magic could erase or mend a heart broken by a

  family member.

  “You have a home Fae, come home with me and live with your sisters.” Fae lay motionless on the floor her shoulders heaved with each heart wrenching

  sob. “I cannot go back to the Glen mother. I am a freak, an outcast and I belong


  Gordon sat with both Fiona and Ling Mae in his arms and watched with interest

  the interaction between Fae and the Queen. The dynamic was no different than that of a

  human family and that fascinated him. He also knew that having these two precious

  lives in his arms meant more to him that his own life.

  Suddenly, Fae rose up and began to glow, her face turned a bleached white and

  her eyes were like fiery coals. Prince Bronwyn moved forward as it was clear that Fae’s

  intent was to destroy everyone on the house, including herself and the Faerie Queen.

  “Fae!” Queen Maeve screamed and she raised a hand and pointed a finger at her

  daughter’s quickly levitating form.

  In a frustrated growl, Fae hurled herself toward her mother and pinned her to the

  living room floor. Prince Bronwyn closed his eyes and summoned all his power;

  suddenly the room went silent and dark.

  Gordon and Fiona clung to each other, arms protecting the small child between


  “When will this nightmare be over?” Fiona asked in a frightened whisper. Ling Mae’s eyes grew wide when the lights blinked and once again brightly filled

  the room. She cooed loudly and snuggled closer into her mother’s chest.

  “What the hell just happened?” Gordon mused as he wildly looked around the

  empty room. The silence was almost deafening. He stood up and stretched, helping

  Fiona to her feet as he brought she and the child to the couch and bade them sit down.

  Fiona looked at the dried blood in her lap and shook her head, amazed that she

  had lived and thankful that her child was home and safe.

  She watched as Gordon quickly scouted around the room, sighing heavily as the

  realization sank in that they were truly alone.

  “Where did they go?’’

  “Home Gord, they are all home.” CHAPTER FIFTEEN

  Fae struggled and blinked, only to find herself back in her original home; in the

  centre of Queen Maeve’s court.

  “No!!” She wailed. “Not here!”

  “Please Fae, be still.” Prince Bronwyn’s gentle, strong voice caused Fae to pause.

  The Queen stood, in all her magnificence but remained silent as she watched the

  dynamic between her daughter and the Prince. She had never known anyone who could

  silence Fae.

  Tired and spent, Fae sat for a moment wondering if she should continue to fight.

  She never had anyone, male or female take control from her. She never allowed anyone

  to get to close to her and viewed true intimacy as a weakness. Looking to the side she

  caught her mother’s glance and quickly turned away not wanting to look into her eyes.

  “Why do you care?” She asked boldly.

  The Prince knelt in front of her and took her slender hand between his warm

  fingers and smiled. “I love you Fae, I have watched you from afar for many years but Ir />
  knew you would never have me.”

  “No-one ever wanted me, faerie or human. So why would I notice you.” Prince Bronwyn sat back, stung by her words of truth. He sadly shook his head

  and sighed. “That may be true my Princess but you never took notice either. Your heart

  was too full of pain. Maybe now you are ready.”

  “Daughter..Fae, I would like you back at court. You have seen the world and

  humanity and you have much to offer our kind.” The Queen spoke gently so not to

  arouse Fae’s ire.

  “I cannot. I am so empty mother. I have nothing to offer you. I am a murderer and

  seductress of men. You do not want that near my wee sisters. They are all blossoming

  and adding to the population of the Glen. That is still something I will never be able to


  Queen Maeve took tentative steps toward her daughter and the Prince. “My wee

  girl you are a precious flower, my first born child.” She said. “What if..what if I said I

  could correct my grievous error?”

  Fae rose to her feet in one fluid motion and stood very close to her mother,

  grasping at her gown. “Do you mean it? Can it be true?”

  Silently, Queen Maeve placed on hand on Faes forehead and closed her eyes. Fae

  remained very still and refrained from speaking as she waited. Suddenly warmth spread through her body like a fever. Her eyes sprang open and she wrapped her arms around

  her middle.

  “Mother!” she cried as the warmth began to concentrate in her lower belly.

  Some thirty minutes later, Fae found herself wrapped up in Prince Bronwyn’s

  arms. She had lost all sense of herself and time, all she knew is that a circle of her kin

  had formed around her and Prince Bronwyn was by her side.

  “What?” Fae murmured as she tried to move.

  “Do not move Fae, just rest.”The Prince whispered into her tiny, shell like ear.

  “What was done has been undone and you are whole again. Do not doubt that your

  mother loves you Princess.”

  “Mother?” Fae raised her hand in search of the Queen.

  Queen Maeve flew forward to her daughter and grasped her hand. “I am a foolish

  faerie and may the spirits of the air, fire; earth and water condemn me if I so much as

  doubt my offspring or myself again. I have explained my selfishness to the residents of

  our Glen and they have forgiven me. Can you forgive me?”

  “I,” Fae began as tears formed in her emerald coloured eyes. “I have done so

  much wrong to so many; human and faerie alike. It is I that should beg forgiveness.” Prince Bronwyn moved aside to allow mother and daughter room to embrace. It

  had taken hundreds of years to get them together and he did not want them separated

  any longer.


  Gordon held Ling Mae in his arms as Fiona freshened up in his bathroom. He

  gave her a change of clothes and watched lovingly as Ling Mae shifted and settled into

  his lap, sound asleep and seemingly oblivious to the crisis that had had taken place over

  the last few days.

  This crisis had also convinced him that life needed to be lived and he no longer

  wanted to hide behind his pseudonym in order to write what he felt in his heart and saw

  in his imagination.

  “So, do I pass in a pinch?”

  Looking up, Gordon saw Fiona dressed in his grey sweatshirt and rolled up

  pajama pants, she looked like a child playing dress in clothing sizes too large. He stifled

  a laugh and nodded.

  “You look lovely, but I think you’d make a sack look wonderful!”

  Fiona giggled and shook her head as a heated blush coloured her cheeks. “Gord, you are full of Blarney. But I appreciate the sentiment and all you have

  done for me and my wee child.”

  “You aren’t angry about all of this Fiona? Really?”Gordon asked, realizing how

  remarkable Fiona was as a human being.

  Fiona took her daughter from Gordon and sat down next to him, seeking out his

  eyes as she smiled. “I cannot afford anger in my life Gord. If I didn’t realize it before, I

  certainly realize how precious life is now. I could not be bothered giving it another

  thought. Ling Mae is safe, I am well and I have found you. What more could I want?”


  It was simple but profound statement as Gordon realized he still held anger in his

  heart over Fae and what had happened. He couldn’t even discuss it with anyone but

  Fiona as he was sure no one would believe him. Then a thought crossed his mind, he

  could write about it all!

  Don’t get me wrong Fiona, I want to believe this is over and Fae will no longer

  darken my garden or doorstep. There is darkness in my soul that will never leave unless

  I express it. I will write a book, and then no one need know if it is truth or fiction.”

  As Fiona turned to speak, a knock at the front door startled them both. “Marie.” They stated in unison.

  “Oh God what do I say to her Fiona?” Gordon asked, his heart seized with panic

  as he knew his sister had rushed over to help.

  “The truth Gord my love, tell her the truth.”

  Fiona’s lilt sent a tiny shiver down Gordon’s spine. She had said love and his

  head spun. He of course was desperately in love with her but didn’t know if she felt the

  same. They had grown so close over the last few days, their common experiences

  bringing them together.

  Marie’s persistent knocking brought him out of his fantasy and he slowly walked

  to door, his hands had grown clammy and his heart pounded deep within his chest.

  “Gord!” Marie shouted as she flung herself at her brother. He stood motionless

  while his sister wrapped her arms around the trunk of his body and hugged him tightly.

  As swiftly as she had grabbed on to him, Marie disengaged and turned to see Fiona and

  her sleeping daughter on the couch.

  “ are alright? What the hell is going on here?” “Gord you said

  something terrible had happened? You all look fine!” “Please,” Fiona said in a quiet voice. “Please sit down my dear friend and listen

  to what your brother has to tell you.”

  Exasperated, Marie sat down hard on the couch and stared at Gord, her arms

  crossed in front of her. “So? Explain please. I sped over here, worried sick that one of

  you was hurt or dead.”

  In the few moments it took for Gordon to explain all that had taken place in the

  last few days, Marie’s expression changed from anger, to shock to disbelief.

  “Now I was willing to concede that something weird was going on here Gord but

  now you expect me to believe a faerie Queen and some male faerie came here, with

  Fiona’s baby?”

  Fiona placed her baby softly on the couch and reached out a hand to her friend.

  “Yes Marie, it is as Gord has described. As incredulous as it all is, there is a faerie realm

  and Fae and her kin were here.”

  Marie placed a hand on her head and stared down at Ling Mae who was

  peacefully sleeping in her bundle of blankets.

  “Incredible! I am stunned. Gord I don’t think even you could have written a story

  like this.” “Perhaps not before Marie but I intend to now. I need too.”

  “Please rethink your decision Mr. Parks.”

  All three heads turned to see Prince Bronwyn materialize in the centre of the

  living room, not quite a whole being but it seemed as if hi
s shadow was present in the

  room and everyone could hear him speak.

  “I am sorry to have to come to you again Mr. Parks but I am glad to see your

  female and the child have recovered.”

  “Yes, no thanks to your Fae!” Gordon stated bitterly.

  “Please Mr. Parks, I am not here to continue or start an argument about my kin. I

  just wanted you to know that Fae too has had a healing.”

  “In what way?” asked Fiona as she rose to her feet to stand next to Gordon. She

  wrapped her tiny hand in his and stared with great interest at the apparition.

  “As with you my lady, mother and child are reunited and Fae will once again be

  able to bear children. Her greatest loss, which drove her to incomprehensible acts, will

  now be her greatest source of joy.”

  “And that is supposed to make us feel better? I would not trust that creature with

  a child!” Gordon screamed. “Please Gord, hear him out. Open you mind and your heart.”

  “Fine..finish and then go.” Gordon answered bitterly.

  The shadow that was Prince Bronwyn bowed low toward Fiona and nodded.

  “Thank you.” “Faeries, not unlike humans are complex beings at best. Mr. Parks you

  write for and about human women. Can you not imagine a woman’s heart? Fae was

  broken not just physically but in spirit. She was torn between two worlds and fit into

  neither. Her mother has now healed her physically and it will go a long way to healing

  her spirit. She meant no harm in taking the woman’s child. Fae felt incomplete and I

  have silently watched her broken and despondent.”

  “You love her.”

  Fiona’s simple statement brought silence to the room. Marie just sat in the corner

  of the couch and stared as Gordon stood still, grasping Fiona’s hand tightly as he

  listened to the Prince.

  A big part of Gordon wanted to take the faerie Prince apart despite any fear of

  magic or retaliation. Fae had killed Godfrey, terrified him and Fiona and stolen a child.

  How did anyone expect him to understand or forgive her? A small part could understand

  the fear and uncertainty she must have gone through. He had many fears that had held

  him back for many years. “Please Mr. Parks. Your thoughts are not unknown to me.” Prince Bronwyn’s

  shape shimmered and flickered as if it was mist about to dissipate. “I have very little


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