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Empath: The Flawed Series Book One

Page 22

by Becca J. Campbell

  “What’s yours, then?”

  “I wasn’t including myself in that statement. I’m immune.”

  Okay… let’s try again. “What was Kelsey afraid of?”

  “Hmm. Kelsey.” Ethan paused, savoring the name, and this time the flood unleashed. Longing burned in Jade’s gut, mixing with a sexual craving. She swayed, her mind swimming.

  “I never discovered her fear,” Ethan said. “She served a different purpose.”

  He was speaking, but she could barely focus on the words. She fought to keep her hands in place—to keep them from grabbing him and pulling him to her. The idea nauseated her.

  Nausea? Blessed nausea! Her own feelings were back. He must’ve gone calm again. She took a deep breath and settled herself. I can do this. She had to keep going, but this time she would avoid speaking the name. Maybe that would help her stay afloat.

  “Why did you give up searching for her fear?” Jade asked.

  “I didn’t give up. I just lost interest in it. Possessing someone is as gratifying as frightening them… more so, actually. Everything was different with her. After all, she found me.”

  “It was her choice, then?”

  “At first.”

  “So, she had a thing for you?”

  “Oh, more than just a thing. She adored me. Followed me around like a little puppy. Hung on my every word. She’d do anything I wanted. She even helped me collect insects.” He chuckled to himself. “Very few women could handle that.”

  “She was your girlfriend, then?”

  “Yes. She was mine.” The word was spoken with such ferocity that it instilled the image of a child claiming its toy. And now that very dangerous child needed a new plaything.

  “Where is she now?” Jade instantly regretted the question. Rage boiled in her, and in his fury she knew the truth—Kelsey had escaped. Jade clung to the idea that one girl had somehow gotten away from him. She rode the turbulent emotions like a roller-coaster until his anger began to subside.

  His voice trembled only slightly when he spoke. “I was young back then, and didn’t have the experience that I do now. I should’ve realized I couldn’t keep her locked in my dorm room forever. The need for restraint was her fault, of course. She should’ve known she couldn’t just leave me when the next guy who came along sparked her interest.”

  Jade felt a new emotion, and realized it had been hiding there all along, beneath the thirst for power, beneath the sea of rage, and buried even deeper than the longing. Only now had the tide swept out enough for her to pluck at that shiny nugget—pain.

  As Ethan’s silence filled the room, his feelings became more acute. The muddled emotions sharpened. A deep ache tore at Jade’s insides, and she bit her lip to stop the moan of agony that rose in her throat. She longed for comfort, for the healing touch of another. She swayed again, and couldn’t stop herself from reaching for him in the darkness. With hands still bound, her fingers found him and gripped his shoulder. “She hurt you.”

  He didn’t respond, but she knew she was right. Jade felt her own touch soothing him, and soothing her as well. Calm trickled into her. When she was able, she let her hands drop. His serenity held, and for the moment she was back in control of her faculties.

  “Was she beautiful?”

  Instead of answering at first, his cold palm found her cheek and rested there, his fingertips shooting prickles of ice along her cheekbone. “Very beautiful.”

  Jade froze, willing herself not to pull away, not wanting to break the spell that had come over him.

  “Just like you.”

  A flood of desire engulfed her, sweeping away everything else. She tried to remind herself that she was not attracted to this vile creature, although his voice seduced her and his hand was suddenly warm on her cheek.

  Her mind screamed to be away and her body screamed to be closer. She strained against the feelings, to remember what Logan had said. Figure out him out. Find out what he wants. The problem was, she knew what he wanted—he wanted her.

  What had she been thinking earlier? She couldn’t believe she’d planned on embracing his emotions. She couldn’t do this. What if she turned into him? What if she lost herself forever?

  Desire peaked, and she knew what she had to do. But I can’t! But you have to. But what if he—? He’s going to, if you don’t.

  Before he could see the intent in her face, speak another word, or throttle his emotions, she did the unthinkable. She thrust herself forward and kissed him firmly on the lips. Her mind exploded with his passion.

  Ethan kissed her back roughly, hungrily. His hands grabbed her, nails digging into her flesh. His mouth refused to let her take a breath.

  Jade was sinking, drowning in him. Her mind thrashed, but she was going under. There was no hope of surfacing again.

  A stab of pain brought her back to reality. His sharp teeth pressed into her lip, making it burn where he’d bitten her—either accidentally or intentionally. She tasted blood, and she was suddenly aware again. The attraction still clung to her, but she now held full reign over her thoughts. I’m kissing a monster.

  Almost as if in response to her thought, Ethan’s tide of emotions shifted. Fury burst from him. He pulled back and shoved her away. She fell back against the jagged floor, and pain shot through her elbow where she’d landed.

  “Wait!” she called.

  He stomped back to the gate “No!” The gate crashed loudly behind him as he stormed away.

  She was locked in. Again.


  When Ethan left Jade, he was furious. She was not Kelsey. What had he been thinking? How could he let her influence him in such a way? He didn’t believe for a second that the girl had feelings for him. If she did, then maybe… but no! It didn’t matter. She was just a weak little girl, trying to escape, using any means necessary. He was the strong one. He would always be the strong one.

  But that kiss… the kiss was seared into his mind, taking him back to a place he hadn’t been in years. The way she spoke his name… even her voice was like Kelsey’s. Soft and sweet.

  He’d underestimated her. But most of it wasn’t even her doing. He hadn’t realized before now how much he was still holding on to the thought of his long-lost prize. If only he could find her again. The real Kelsey.

  He had to figure out what to do with Jade, that Kelsey-impostor. What was the best way to end things?

  It was clear: the girls needed to go. Neither of them had reacted the way they should. It was intolerable. His plans had backfired and now he needed a disposal strategy.

  Pacing up and down in the tunnel, he decided to start with the blonde. He was ready to vent his anger. His choice this time. Walking briskly, he headed for her cell. Her time was up.

  He barged through the gate and slammed it shut behind him, not bothering to lock it. She couldn’t see, and it would be over soon enough.

  He took in the woman lying on the ground. In addition to her face and arm, her wrists were also scratched and bleeding as though she’d attempted to free herself of the zip ties by scraping them on the rock. Of course she had. So stubborn. Her hair was damp and she had patches of mud on her jeans. She was weak. Helpless.

  The sight rejuvenated him. His mind was still hot from the fury, but the cold calculation of a renewed purpose slowly crept over him.

  We have to hurry! Logan’s mind screamed it over and over, especially when they had to pause during Cam’s episodes. Back in the main passage, another fork veered to the left. After gaining a visual cue, Cam took off running, and Logan was left struggling to follow the light from Josh’s phone, stumbling over every loose rock and divot on the uneven cave floor.

  He finally caught up with Cam at the end of the tunnel, and his breath caught in his throat when he heard Jade’s voice.

  “Cam!” she said.

  Josh held up his cell phone in an attempt to shed light on the space. Logan saw the barred entrance to the cell, the same as the others, this time with Jade trapped inside. Cam reac
hed through the gate with both arms to encircle Jade’s small form in a tight hug. Logan shuffled his feet as he waited for the embrace to end.

  “You’re okay,” Cam said huskily. But then he let her go suddenly. “Where is Chloe?”

  “I don’t know. I think he has her somewhere else.”

  “We’ve found two other cells like this one,” Cam said. “Both empty.”

  “How did you guys find me?”

  Cam gestured behind him, and Logan stepped forward into the light. She must have seen him for the first time then.

  “Logan!” She reached her bound arms through the bars for him.

  He took her hands between his, but didn’t move closer. “I’m here.” He kept his voice low and his emotions calm, though they fought to break through. Now wasn’t the time. They still had to help her escape. “I ran into your friends. Cam’s talent has been quite useful. Without it, we never would’ve found you.”

  “Logan,” Cam said, “we need to figure out how to get Jade out. Can you flash the camera so I can get a visual?”

  Logan flashed the light, and after a moment, Cam moved to the door of the cell and tried to pull it open. The metal groaned and protested, but didn’t give way.

  “Do any of you have anything we can use to try and pick the lock?” They turned out their pockets, and Logan felt for his pocket knife.

  He thrust the knife toward Cam. “Here. It’s too dark for me to see a thing.”

  Cam opened the knife and shoved the blade at the lock, but had no success. He struggled with the other blades, too, but none of them worked. He handed the knife back to Logan and rattled the door.

  Logan stood in silence, trying to think of any possible way to break her out. He stepped up to the barrier and wrapped his hands tightly around the cool metal of the bars, feeling their resistance, wondering what possible tool he could wield that might break them.

  Anxiety mounted inside him. Had they come all this way, finally found her, to be hindered by this one obstacle? Was it all for nothing? His serendipitous discovery of Jade—right when she needed him… running into her friends… Cam’s amazing ability, showing itself at the most urgent time. Somehow it all seemed like fate.

  Logan felt his control slipping, his fury at the helplessness of their situation rising beyond the brink of that deep place in his heart where his emotions were tightly bound. He gripped the bars so tightly that his hands stung, as if the cold metal might slice through his palms. There must be a way. We came all this way for nothing?

  Doubt turned to condemnation as all of his pent-up frustrations rose to the surface. The anger, confusion, hurt, and pain that had been stifled since childhood tore through his body, lighting every vein within him on fire. Jade believed in God, but Logan saw no sign of him now when they needed him most. How could a loving God leave us without hope of escape?

  Beyond that, why would the God she described create them in such a flawed manner? Why would he allow them to be this way? Why would he condemn Logan to this life? How could he allow a child to suffer as much as Logan had and do nothing about it?

  The rage poured from every fiber. He grasped the bars tighter and roared aloud. The fury took over him and he reveled in it.

  In the midst of his growl, the bars moved beneath his hands. He channeled the anger, sending it through every nerve, every muscle, willing his body to respond to his command. He gripped with all his might and forced the bars apart. For a moment, he stood staring into the darkness, unable to see, to speak, or wrap his mind around what he thought he’d just done.

  The rage was gone, and he found his voice. “Jade, come here. See if you can get out now.”

  Cam aimed his cell phone at the gate. The bars were bent outward, each forming a wide arc and allowing enough room for an escape. The faint indentations of his fingers were visible on the steel where he’d gripped each bar. Jade’s mouth hung open. He wondered which had stunned her more—his inhuman strength or his uncontained emotions.

  “Holy crap!” Cam eyed the bent metal. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier you could do that?”

  “I didn’t realize I could,” Logan said as Jade climbed through the opening. She stared up into his face without speaking. Almost afraid to touch her, he took her wrists and, with his free hand, used his pocket knife to cut the plastic tie. He flicked the knife shut and shoved it back into his pocket without meeting her gaze.

  She threw her arms around him. “Thank you.”

  He wanted to clutch her tightly but was afraid of hurting her. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her lightly for only a minute, breaking off the embrace quickly.

  Josh whistled. “Everybody’s got a talent.”

  Logan fought a flood of emotions, but he wouldn’t allow his feelings to give way again. Jade deserved his self-control. Cam’s sister was still in trouble. And at any moment they could be discovered by the kidnapper. For all they knew, he’d heard them and was coming for them.

  “She’s safe now,” Logan said. “Let’s find Chloe.”

  Cam nodded. With Jade between the two of them and Josh bringing up the rear, they pressed onward, making their way deeper into the tunnel.


  A soft click. A bright light. And then Cam entered an episode of déjà vu from his worst nightmare. Before him was a cell, much like the others they’d found in the cavern. But behind these metal bars was his sister, bound and helpless, held tightly by a man with a knife to her throat.

  A drop of blood hung from her chin and fell to the cave floor where it splattered. The sight of Chloe like this wrung his insides, simultaneously searing him with pain and flooding his veins with rage. There was blood on her face, her shirt, and her hands, but she didn’t seem to be in pain—a fact that did little to comfort him. Her mouth was covered with tape, but her eyes were filled with wild fury toward her captor. The man’s dark eyes stared Cam down, as if expecting him.

  The kidnapper appeared to be in his early thirties, average in height and build except for a well-defined, muscular upper body. His short, dark hair and chiseled jaw were not exactly the picture of a kidnapper Cam had envisioned. In another time and place, Chloe might have found the man attractive and brought him home to meet Mom and Dad. What really irked Cam was the slight grin frozen in place on the man’s lips.

  As his episode ended and his vision turned to blackness, Cam heard the others scurry up behind him.

  “What is it?” Josh asked, breathing heavily.

  “He’s got Chloe in there. And he has a knife.” Cam seethed through his teeth. Chloe gave a muffled protest. Behind him, the men held up their cell phones, illuminating the outline of two people behind the bars, one person in the other’s grasp. When the light hit him, the man ducked behind Chloe so they wouldn’t see his face. The point of his knife dug deeper into her throat.

  Jade’s heart plummeted. Four against one might normally be good odds, but Ethan’s ability and the fact that he had a hostage in his power changed the entire equation. Shaking from her mind the barrage of negative outcomes that were possible, she focused on the one thing she could know for sure: the feelings around her.

  She could sense the varied anxiety of her companions—Josh, Logan, and Cam—each with a distinct flavor she recognized. Instead of clinging to her friends, mentally she pushed herself outward, searching for what was beyond. She reached out until she felt Chloe’s anger and frustration. She pushed beyond it and found Ethan. His controlled mood was subtle in the mix of the others, most difficult to pinpoint because he was the farthest from her. But now she knew him, and she recognized his convoluted inner emotions.

  “Well, well, it’s the whole gang, is it?” Ethan’s voice was as cool as his demeanor. His confidence didn’t waver even seeing her free from her cell. He had the power here and he knew it.

  “The gate is unlocked,” Cam said, ignoring Ethan’s comment.

  “Don’t take a step closer,” Ethan said, his voice still calm. “If you want her to stay in one piece.”

/>   “He’s not bluffing,” Jade said. “There’s nothing but intent behind his words.”

  “Nobody move,” Cam said.

  “I’m going to tell you the one way to keep your friend alive. But all of you must follow my directions exactly. No tricks. Just listen and do what I tell you.” Ethan’s voice was still cool, almost detached, but there was no masking his volatile emotions within.

  “You are going to enter this cell one at a time as I tell you, and go directly to the far wall. Put your hands on the wall, straight out in front of your face. I want you a good five feet apart from each other. And since I can see you all perfectly, I’ll know if you don’t do exactly as I say. The girl is first.”

  “No.” Logan’s voice was calm, but Jade felt the frustration mounting beneath his words. “I’ll go first.”

  “If you want to get your friend back, we’ll do things my way,” Ethan said. “She’s first.”

  Logan started to protest, but Jade cut him off. “No, Logan. I’ll go first. It’s okay, I’ll be all right.”

  Logan looked like he was going to say something, but Cam spoke first, his relief tangible. “Thanks, Jade.”

  Jade walked to the metal door. It gave a loud creak as she pulled it open.

  “Slowly,” Ethan said. “And don’t try anything. I’m watching closely.”

  Jade obeyed his instructions, making her way carefully across the rough cave floor. The illumination from the cell phones didn’t reach the back wall, so she held her hands in front of her as she crossed into the darkness. She stopped when her hands touched rock.

  “Now, you.” Ethan spoke to one of the others. “Put the cell phone down first. And empty your pockets. There, on the ground, before you enter the cell.”

  Josh’s low voice accompanied the footsteps that grew nearer. “Don’t worry, Chloe. It’s all right. We’re going to get you out of here.” There was a muffled grunt in response. Out of the corner of her eye, Jade saw a shadow stop to her right, and she knew it was Josh.


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