The Sinner

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The Sinner Page 15

by K. Trap Jones

  While devouring the food rinds.

  The cold starvation that plagued their bodies

  Had made them monsters in my mind.

  The frighten images of their crystallized eyes

  Haunted me for the next few days

  As the weather turned even worse.

  The intolerable wind pounded the structures and

  Ripped roofs from buildings.

  An uneasy whistling echoed through the store

  Caused by wind that found its way through the crevices.

  The safety of the store shielded

  Us from the hail, snow and wind, but

  The cold could not be avoided.

  No matter how we blockaded the walls,

  The cold was relentless in its destiny to find a way inside.

  We ate to keep warm,

  Even when we were not hungry.

  We gorged ourselves to add more fat to our bodies.

  We needed the gluttony in order to survive as

  The cold was growing more intense with each day.

  I always kept the hole open

  To get an insight of the storm

  From an outside perspective.

  I saw more frozen dead corpses

  Lining the street every time I looked out.

  I did not stay near the hole for too long

  As I feared the sight of the savage human monsters.

  That night as the streets darkened and the wind blew harder,

  I could feel the front wall of the store begin to tremble.

  Small splinters of the wood shifted loose

  Caused by the storm beating from the outside.

  Beelzebub and I feared the worst so

  We sought shelter inside the storage area.

  We secured the door and sat amongst the pile of food.

  I was so cold that I was shaking uncontrollably.

  My lungs were contracting from the intake of the air.

  My wet nose solidified closed.

  I had to loosen the ice

  By rubbing it with my sleeve in order to gain air.

  Beelzebub seemed to be in better shape and

  Was able to handle the cold much more than I could as

  He was barely shivering.

  He used his energy to offer me more food

  So that I would stay warm.

  I was so cold that I began to see things

  That I could not explain.

  I saw Beelzebub grab an apple

  That instantly froze upon contact.

  I blamed my icy mind for presenting me

  With such ridiculous images,

  But what happened next was not so easily avoided.

  While he handed me a cut of meat,

  I mistakenly grabbed his wrist instead.

  His skin and flesh was ice to the touch,

  Yet he showed no signs of being cold.

  I looked up to his eyes as he began to smile.

  I noticed that when he exhaled,

  His breath could not be seen.

  Mine instantly battled with the frigid air,

  But his blended equally.

  How could that be?

  I looked deeper into his eyes and

  Saw the pain and suffering of the blizzard.

  I saw the snow, the hail and

  The frost circling around his pupils.

  He was not the same person I had met so long ago.

  Had he become a victim to the storm like those savage people?

  He could not have as he never left the shop.

  The wind pounded against the store with more force.

  We heard what seemed to be

  The front wall buckle under the pressure.

  The howling of the storm was extremely loud now

  Without the extra barricade.

  The wind swirled around the storage area

  As if it was an ice dragon trying to find a way inside.

  The cold combined with the increased pressure of the wind

  Wreaked havoc on my mind

  Forcing my eyesight to fade in and out.

  I felt like a prisoner of the storm

  With my arms and legs shackled to the frost.

  The wood construction of the storage area

  Began to warp and misshape

  From the freezing onslaught of the weather.

  The grey atmosphere spilled in

  Through any crack that would allow it.

  Beelzebub showed no signs of concern

  For the approaching weather.

  His eyes were fixated on me.

  His mannerisms were calm as the cold

  Continued to assault all of my internal organs.

  He had always worried about my wellbeing,

  But no more.

  He approached the door and unlatched it.

  My eyes squinted at the action

  Which was the only motion that did not cause me pain.

  He leaned down to me and placed an apple upon my chest.

  He said that I had done well.

  I had no idea what he was talking about.

  He informed me that he was the cold and the frost.

  He said that he was the prophets and the hail.

  He said that he was the blizzard.

  I tried to understand his words, but my mind was so cold.

  He stood from me and push opened the storage door wider

  Allowing the snow and wind to filter freely inside.

  Through the grey haze of the storm,

  I saw them enter into the store

  Where the front door used to be.

  Those savage humans

  Finally had the opportunity to creep in with the cold.

  As they blended with the snow that swirled within the air,

  I could tell they were seeking food.

  Some had no clothes on,

  But they were completely adapted to the weather.

  Their skin had altered in a hardened shade of blue.

  The starvation had negative results

  As their rib cages protruded from their concaved chests.

  They used their primal instincts to sniff out my location.

  Their eyes widened at the sight of me lying upon a pile of food.

  They climbed upon me and rummaged

  Through the food trying to find something

  That was not frozen and somewhat edible.

  They soon turned to my warm fatty meat

  That I had built up on my body to keep me warm.

  As they tore through my shivering body,

  I felt no pain.

  The coldness had numbed me.

  I saw Beelzebub fade into the atmosphere

  While my limbs were being fought over.

  As I laid upon my frozen food supply

  Being eaten alive by those that I forced into starvation,

  I could hear the words of the prophets

  Being carried through the bitter wind.

  They spoke of an end to the blizzard

  And the prosperous return of vegetation.


  The air within the cave is quite dense now.

  For some unknown reason.

  I am unable to satisfy my lungs

  And provide the proper amount of air they desire.

  I find myself with brief moments

  Of shortness of breath.

  With no opening to the outside world,

  Is it possible that the air is fading?

  God would not allow me to suffocate.

  Another one of my shadowy friends has left,

  But I do not imagine that they consume any of the air.

  I must have completed some transcriptions

  As my hand is sore from gripping the quill.

  I do not try to read my recent work

  As I know I will not be able to understand it.

  I will abide by God’s wishes

  In hopes to accelerate the process

  And reach the end of my stay.
  I have received no punishment;

  No harsh treatment as a result of my writing.

  This leads me to believe that I am fulfilling his desires.

  The notion that God is possibly

  Reading my words is met

  With a mixture of emotions.

  The fact that I do not know

  What exactly I am writing

  Is somewhat disturbing.

  I only pray that my words

  Do not insult or anger God.

  I realize that I will never know this,

  But I continue to worry about the outcome regardless.

  I am beginning to think that the shadows

  Within the cave are somehow

  Associated with my work.

  It appears that when I complete

  A large amount that one will exit.

  I am not sure how the two are related,

  If they indeed are at all.

  Maybe it is my boredom providing me

  With puzzles to keep me preoccupied

  Or maybe I am trying to bridge

  Two separate items together that do not belong.

  Regardless, the amount of my shadow friends is decreasing

  And I am unsure as to why.



  I loved her.

  I loved her more than she would ever know.

  She was the source of my desires;

  The source of my dreams.

  My thoughts were overwhelmed

  With visions of her and

  My heart was filled with the passion

  That I saved for only her.

  She was everything to me, the backbone of my existence.

  However, she did not know me.

  She had never laid her eyes upon me

  Nor heard my voice in her ears.

  I did not exist in her world

  As she was royalty and

  I was a mere tailor

  Dwelling in the unforgiving streets.

  If she only knew how much I loved her,

  She would see into my soul.

  No woman could resist

  That amount of love and

  The possibility of everlasting desires.

  My days were spent weaving,

  Sewing, creating and repairing

  Cloth items outside of my store on the street.

  My stool was in a perfect position

  Directly across from the palace gates

  Where I could witness

  All the activities and commotion

  That took place each day.

  My life was consumed with her.

  I had even memorized her daily patterns.

  She exited the gates along with her guards

  Every morning to shop at the market.

  She was beyond beautiful,

  Which makes her difficult to describe in words.

  Her long, straight brown hair

  Was the color of bark from the finest trees.

  I imagined that if given the chance

  To get close to her

  I would lose myself in her eyes and

  Feel complete prosperity from the vision.

  I always battled with myself

  To halt my feelings as

  I know that I would never

  Get the opportunity,

  But my desires were so strong that

  They often clouded my judgment and rationale.

  My occupation gave me the ability

  To frequently observe the palace gates,

  Which only aided in my deception of love.

  I worried about her when

  She did not appear on time

  Or if she returned later than usual.

  I became depressed if I missed an encounter

  Due to customers or the weather.

  I needed her in my life

  For balance and became unstable

  If the usual moments were not consistent.

  She provided order in my life

  When I needed it the most.

  She offered me dreams

  Full of passion and unconditional love.

  She gifted me all of that

  Without realizing my existence.

  I was a master of my trade and

  Well-known throughout the city, but

  I kept my secret passion

  To myself as to not show weakness.

  My obsession was strong on the inside and

  Transparent on the outside.

  It never got in the way of my tasks,

  Except if customers demanded attention

  During my ritual visions of the palace.

  I was never rude to them,

  But I never missed an opportunity to view my beloved.

  During the slow peaks of business,

  I often tailored special outfits for her and

  Kept them in the back

  In case she ever ventured my way.

  My future thoughts always allowed me

  To be well prepared for that first encounter

  As I had run through the scenario many times in my head.

  The conversation was well scripted

  Although I had altered it quite a bit from the original version.

  I shared my secret with no one.

  I believed that they would have

  Looked upon me with judging eyes.

  I never dwelled in how people saw me

  In any other instance, but my secret was different.

  I had grown accustomed to people staring at me and

  Deciphering my clothes on any particular day,

  I was immune to their torments and rude gestures.

  I guess I prompted the looks and comments

  As I did sit outside the middle of the city turmoil.

  I did not consider myself strange,

  Only different than the others.

  Everyone tried to collect items and dress

  In order to draw attention their way.

  The fascination with wealth and relics

  Was a belief I did not share with them.

  I believed that a keen personality

  Was the key to a flourishing life.

  Some called it inner beauty,

  I liked to refer to it as inner reality.

  A person could be dressed in the finest of fabric and

  Give the persona of a high quality soul,

  But the inner reality of their being

  Would show a different vision.

  I grew to despise the citizens of the city.

  Mainly due to them always wanting more than they had.

  They were never satisfied with their present belongings

  And always judged others who had more

  Or less than them.

  I could not understand the concept as

  I never wanted something that someone else had.

  I was given items for a reason and

  I also did not receive items for a reason.

  It was not my right to distinguish between the two.

  There was no element of surprise

  If someone constantly wanted additional things.

  When will the want stop?

  I imagined that once people acquire the item they seek,

  That they would soon discard it

  In order to make room for their next desire.

  The endless loop disgusted me and kept me humble.

  For me, I had no desire for items

  Or treasures to increase my approachability.

  No, I only had one desire and

  It was my beautiful goddess

  Who resided behind the palace gates.

  For the most part, my secret desire

  Had remained invisible to all,

  Except for one of my frequent customers.

  On a particular day,

  She caught me staring at my beloved.

  She was an aged widowed woman

  Who was once married to a palace guard

ore he died in battle.

  Her name was Asmodeus and

  She was always kind to me,

  But on one day she startled me.

  While I was off on one of my daydreams,

  She whispered into my ear

  That the palace woman was beautiful.

  The small comment immediately

  Sacrificed any such dream I was having

  And replaced it with the heavy hammer of the present.

  I felt panic and stress

  As if my desire had been uncovered.

  I also experienced slight disappointment

  For allowing myself to dwell so deep

  In my dream that it was apparent

  To someone walking by.

  She placed a hand on my shoulder

  To calm my nerves and told me

  That she would not reveal my secret.

  That she once looked to her husband

  With the same emotional eyes.

  Her words soothed me slightly as

  I felt that we had something in common.

  I pulled a vacant stool and offered her a seat and

  She graciously accepted.

  She appeared tired and weak

  For a reason I did not know.

  I had never talked about my inner emotions

  To anyone before.

  I always thought that the sharing of emotions

  Was pointless due to my belief that others

  Cared nothing about who I was internally.

  When I was younger and more apt to share feelings,

  I could tell that the person

  I was talking to was not listening to my words.

  Instead, they were contemplating their own feelings.

  Once I established that,

  I was no longer the same and

  My conversation techniques changed dramatically.

  I found that most people

  Do not truly listen

  So why waste my words.

  My observation for distinguishing

  Between those who listened and

  Those who did not was quite simple.

  I often times would come up with fake topics


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